At this time, Japanese media experts "seriously" came up with ideas for the DPP authorities, suggesting that they simply get rid of these "poor small countries" with "little geostrategic value", get rid of an unwinnable game, and concentrate on Build good relations with big count

2024/07/0123:39:32 hotcomm 1586

( Observer Network News) Nicaragua announced this month that it would "break off diplomatic relations" with Taiwan. The Taiwan authorities only have 14 so-called "diplomatic countries" left, and the decline is obvious. At this time, Japanese media experts "seriously" came up with ideas for the DPP authorities, suggesting that they simply get rid of these "poor small countries" with "little geostrategic value", get rid of an unwinnable game, and concentrate on Build good relations with big countries that “can really help”.

Not only did he indirectly reveal that the Taiwan authorities' "friendship" was not sincere, but he may also have forgotten that the White House , which Tsai Ing-wen and others have tried their best to please, had just cut off the Taiwan representative's "performance" at the so-called "Democracy Summit" picture.

At this time, Japanese media experts

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On December 23, the Nikkei Asian Review published a commentary article "Taiwan would be better off acting alone" and suggested that the Taiwan authorities cut off all "diplomatic relations." The author, Derek Grossman, served as an intelligence consultant at the Pentagon and is now a senior defense analyst at the RAND Corporation, a US think tank.

He noticed a strange phenomenon: Taiwan authorities sometimes preemptively "break off diplomatic relations" to "maintain dignity." The author of

praised this as a "wise decision" and then suggested in the "long term" that the mainland had poached the Taiwan authorities' "allies" and successfully dampened its "morale" and damaged its image. There are already reports that Honduras may be next. "Although it seems counterintuitive, the Taiwan authorities should further consider unilaterally getting rid of all remaining partners."

Then, Japanese media experts explained the reasons for such suggestions:

An "uncomfortable" fact is that, except for Vatican , Taiwan's remaining "friends" are small and poor countries such as Palau and Saint Lucia , which have little geostrategic value. Although the DPP authorities deny "gold-dollar diplomacy," this is what continues to happen when it tries to retain "friendly countries."

By unilaterally rejecting all "official diplomatic relations", the Taiwan authorities will have valuable time and resources to further diversify economic relations and reduce the mainland's influence on Taiwan. This will allow the foreign affairs department of the Taiwan authorities to focus on cooperation with important countries such as the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Australia, as well as "engage in diplomacy" in informal settings.

The Taiwan government seeks to maintain its regional and international space. Only large and medium-sized countries can help. So why not prioritize relationships with them?

But the author also admits that this approach has an obvious problem, that is, China seems to have won the diplomatic competition in international organizations.

However, he still boasted that he "will not rashly propose that Taiwan get rid of its 'diplomatic partners' unilaterally. The mainland will applaud this, and doing so also goes against the policy objectives of the US and Taiwan authorities."

"But the benefits are very significant. It will allow the Taiwan authorities to get rid of an unwinnable game and refocus on what is really important, which is to build good relations with major countries that can really help."

However, the Taiwan authorities have already spent a lot of effort In courting the U.S. government, the White House only treats Taiwan as a card.

According to Reuters reported on December 13, at the "Democracy Summit" video conference held by US President Biden , the map cited in the PPT speech of the invited representative of the Taiwan authorities blatantly marked the mainland and Taiwan as two colors. . This small move caused dissatisfaction with the White House. Later, her video was cut off and replaced by audio.

On December 20, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated in his speech that the crux of the new round of tensions in the Taiwan Strait lies in the Taiwan authorities' attempt to "rely on the United States and seek independence" and that the United States and certain countries intend to "use Taiwan to contain China." The connotation of China's principles is in danger of being blurred or even hollowed out. In response, we issued a stern warning and carried out forceful counterattacks, which deterred the arrogance of the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. Taiwan is a wanderer who will eventually go home and should not be a pawn to be used. China must be reunified and will inevitably be reunified.

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