But what her mother Jiang Cuilan didn't expect was that in the past two months, she could no longer contact her daughter Zhou Heng. Zhou Heng, 28 years old, is from Qingshen County, Sichuan.

2024/07/0122:08:33 hotcomm 1295

Cover News Reporter Wang Yuexin Li Qing

"Mom, I have something to go out for. I'll talk to you later." After saying this, the daughter on the other side of the phone screen hung up the video call.

This was originally an ordinary video call. But what her mother Jiang Cuilan didn't expect was that in the past two months, she could no longer contact her daughter Zhou Heng.

But what her mother Jiang Cuilan didn't expect was that in the past two months, she could no longer contact her daughter Zhou Heng. Zhou Heng, 28 years old, is from Qingshen County, Sichuan. - DayDayNews

Photos of Zhou Heng

Zhou Heng, 28 years old, is from Qingshen County, Sichuan. Three years ago, she went to Manila, Philippines to work, and returned to China many times. The last time was on November 12, 2019. This time, after living at home for a while, Zhou Heng went to the Philippines again.

On the morning of May 25, 2020, after the video with his mother Jiang Cuilan ended, Zhou Heng has lost contact to this day. What is suspicious is that after Zhou Heng lost contact, three people claiming to be Zhou Heng's colleagues, roommates, and job recruiters contacted his mother, Jiang Cuilan, and asked Zhou Heng if he was home.

What makes Jiang Cuilan even more worried is that after her daughter lost contact, her phone was turned off, WeChat was blocked, her Alipay name and avatar were changed, and even the bank card used to pay off the car loan showed an insufficient balance.

html In an interview with a cover news reporter on August 6, Zhou Heng’s ex-husband Li Jie, who helped in the search, said that during the more than two months after Zhou Heng lost contact, he and Zhou Heng’s family inquired through various channels and reported the case. The case was closed, but no valid clues have been obtained so far.

But what her mother Jiang Cuilan didn't expect was that in the past two months, she could no longer contact her daughter Zhou Heng. Zhou Heng, 28 years old, is from Qingshen County, Sichuan. - DayDayNews

After the video

A Sichuan woman who worked in the Philippines has been missing ever since

Zhou Heng’s home is in Group 8, Baojing Village, Luobo Township, Qingshen County, Meishan City. In July 2017, Zhou Heng went to Manila, Philippines to work through labor dispatch through a local labor agency.

"In the beginning, she worked as a customer service officer in a company. She worked for about half a year, then resigned and worked in a travel agency." Li Jie said that the travel agency was called Yifan International Travel Company. In fact, Yifan International Travel Company is a company without offline entities, but an online platform.

After entering this online travel agency, Zhou Heng used some resources to help others handle overseas air tickets and passports. At the same time, Li Jie said that Zhou Heng did not use his real name in the Philippines, but used the two names "Yifan" or "Yifan", which happened to be consistent with the name of the travel agency.

From the perspective of Zhou Heng’s family, Zhou Heng has more resources, strong business capabilities and a good income.

Although he is in Manila, Zhou Heng returns home at least twice a year, staying there for half a month. "Every time she comes back, she brings big and small packages of gifts," Li Jie said.

Zhou Heng has two sons, one is 4 and a half years old, and the other is just over 10 months old. They are both very young. On November 12, 2019, after spending time with his parents and son at home, Zhou Heng went to work in the Philippines again. During this period, Zhou Heng would video chat with his mother almost every day. Through the video, he would take a look at his two sons and chat with his mother.

"She sends me money every month, ranging from three thousand to five thousand. It can be said that she has fully fulfilled her responsibility to the family." In the eyes of her mother Jiang Cuilan, her daughter is very filial and considerate of her help in raising her two children. Having two children is hard work, and she would often comfort herself and say, "You don't have to worry about the living expenses of the two children, I will take care of them."

Jiang Cuilan said that on the morning when her daughter lost contact, Zhou Heng told her in the video that he had only received a salary of 6,000 yuan and was going to convert it into RMB and send her the money. "I also asked her, during the epidemic, did your company still pay you so much salary? She said it was paid by the company."

According to Li Jie, at the beginning of 2020, affected by the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, Zhou Heng suspended his business, and then Got a job with this company located near the Manila Airport terminal.

"Later, she said she was busy and would see me later. But she never saw me again." What her mother Jiang Cuilan didn't expect was that after this video call, she would never be able to contact her daughter again.

"The phone was turned off, she didn't reply to messages, and she couldn't see her WeChat Moments." Jiang Cuilan was very anxious when she couldn't contact her daughter, but she still took a chance and hoped that her daughter would take the initiative to contact her.

At first, Jiang Cuilan didn't tell Li Jie that she couldn't contact Zhou Heng. "I thought it was very hard for him (Li Jie) to work in Taiyuan, so I didn't plan to tell him."

After losing contact with Zhou Heng for more than 10 days, Li Jie still learned the news. That day, Li Jie made a video with his mother-in-law Jiang Cuilan and wanted to see the child. "Originally I didn't plan to tell him, but he saw me Feeling depressed, he asked me what was wrong, and I told him what happened. Jiang Cuilan said.

Li Jie, who got the news, rushed back from Shanxi the next day and immediately reported the case. Since Zhou Heng lost contact in the Philippines, Li Jie asked his friends in the Philippines to also report the case.

But what her mother Jiang Cuilan didn't expect was that in the past two months, she could no longer contact her daughter Zhou Heng. Zhou Heng, 28 years old, is from Qingshen County, Sichuan. - DayDayNews

Zhou Heng The certificate of loss of contact provided by the family to the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines

But what her mother Jiang Cuilan didn't expect was that in the past two months, she could no longer contact her daughter Zhou Heng. Zhou Heng, 28 years old, is from Qingshen County, Sichuan. - DayDayNews

Li Jie asked a friend to report the crime in the Philippines and received the receipt

After the loss of contact

Three strangers asked "Have you gone home?"

Li Jie discovered that Zhou Heng had lost contact. Later, the phone was turned off, WeChat Moments could not be viewed, and the bank card linked to the car loan had insufficient balance. But what Li Jie found strange was that Zhou Heng’s Alipay name and avatar had also changed. “It used to be called Yifan International Travel. Now it has been replaced by Zhengda International Travel Service. "

What makes Li Jie even more strange is that more than ten days after Zhou Heng lost contact, three people, claiming to be Zhou Heng's colleagues, roommates and recruiters, added Jiang Cuilan's WeChat account at almost the same time. “These three people all asked my mother-in-law the same question via WeChat: Has Zhou Heng come home? "

According to Jiang Cuilan, the first person to add her on WeChat was a person who claimed to be the HR director of Zhou Heng's company. "He sent an invitation in my daughter's name, so I added her." "Jiang Cuilan said that the HR supervisor said that he wanted to issue a company card to Zhou Heng, but he never saw Zhou Heng, so he asked Jiang Cuilan if Zhou Heng had gone home. "He asked me, and I also asked him where my daughter was. . "Jiang Cuilan said that the other party replied that he didn't know and asked Zhou Heng's roommate.

In fact, this HR manager made Jiang Cuilan suspicious. Jiang Cuilan said, how did the other party know his WeChat account? "I asked him how he knew mine. On WeChat, he said that he knew about my daughter when she was working in the company. "

Not long after, a second stranger asked to be added as a friend through WeChat. This person claimed to be Zhou Heng's roommate. Similarly, what puzzled Jiang Cuilan was that this roommate was the first to express his dissatisfaction with Zhou Heng." She said, your daughter earns more than 10,000 yuan every month outside, but we can't even afford food. I told her not to go out but she insisted on going out. "

Regarding this point, Jiang Cuilan and Li Jie guessed that Zhou Heng probably did not work in the company behind him for long, but went out to run his own travel agency business during the epidemic.

Jiang Cuilan retorted, "Zhou Heng's salary is... She earned it herself. "When asked about Zhou Heng's whereabouts, the roommate said he didn't know, and said he would block Jiang Cuilan if he asked again. Then, the roommate really blocked Jiang Cuilan.

A third person who claimed to be a job recruiter contacted Jiang Cuilan to ask about Zhou. After Heng returned home, there was no further information, and they also claimed not to know Zhou Heng’s whereabouts.

The three strangers made Li Jie feel strange, "How did these people know my mother-in-law's WeChat account? Why didn't they call me?" contacting via phone. "

Li Jie reported these situations to the police. Since the real-name system is not required to purchase phone cards in the Philippines, it is impossible to find out the real identities of the three people by registering their WeChat phone numbers. "So are these three people Zhou Heng's colleagues and roommates? Or the recruiter, we're not entirely sure. "

But what her mother Jiang Cuilan didn't expect was that in the past two months, she could no longer contact her daughter Zhou Heng. Zhou Heng, 28 years old, is from Qingshen County, Sichuan. - DayDayNews

After Zhou Heng lost contact, Alipay's avatar and name changed.

Tracing bottlenecks

A suspected "boyfriend" showed up but denied their relationship.

When he was unable to do anything, Li Jie found out through his friends that Zhou Heng had a boyfriend in the Philippines. A boyfriend. This boyfriend often goes in and out of the local immigration office with Zhou Heng to handle business that Zhou Heng does. "Some of Zhou Heng's clients and friends often see them together, and Zhou Heng was also friendly with one of hers. My best friend said that she had a boyfriend in the Philippines. "

Then, through screenshots of chats between Zhou Heng and some customers, Li Jie discovered that the pickup address Zhou Heng sent to customers was located in the Green Apartment next to the Green Mall in the Malate District of Manila. Based on this, Li Jie deduced that Zhou Heng should live there here.Coincidentally, Li Jie asked someone to check the address of Zhou Heng's boyfriend, and it was this address.

"So I think Zhou Heng must be living with this boyfriend." Later, with the help of a friend, Li Jie contacted the suspected "boyfriend" through WeChat.

was suspected of being a "boyfriend" but told Li Jie that he was not Zhou Heng's boyfriend, but only had business dealings with Zhou Heng. As for why Zhou Heng sent the customer the same address as his, the suspected "boyfriend" explained, "She registered with me, but she doesn't live here. She used my address to collect her passport." At the same time, the suspected boyfriend explained He also mentioned, "(Zhou Heng) just doesn't want others to know where she lives."

In addition, the suspected boyfriend also told Li Jie that Zhou Heng went to Quezon City in the Philippines . After May 15, Zhou Heng returned I never came to Manila to look for him. When Li Jie asked if this information could be confirmed, the suspected boyfriend said that he was not sure, but Zhou Heng mentioned it casually.

Li Jie said that Zhou Heng’s friends said that it was impossible for Zhou Heng to go to Quezon City. In addition, the police investigated Zhou Heng's call records and found that on May 21, Zhou Heng also had contact with his suspected boyfriend.

"At present, there are no more clues. I don't know where Zhou Heng went or what happened to him." Li Jie said that he had previously contacted the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines through the relevant departments in Sichuan. The embassy staff responded that the relevant information has been fed back to the Philippine police and that no relevant progress has been received yet. If there is any news, they will be informed in time.

html On August 6, Li Jie went to the Luobo Township Police Station in Qingshen County again, hoping to coordinate with the police to get a replacement for Zhou Heng’s phone card so as to find Zhou Heng’s WeChat chat records.

"I hope to find more clues. I have tried every method I can think of and have helped everyone who can." Li Jie said that after Zhou Heng lost contact, Zhou Heng's parents were hit hard and were in a very low mood. , lying in bed every day, not eating, crying whenever she talks about her daughter. Now, Li Jie can only live in the home of Zhou Heng's parents, taking care of his ex-in-laws and two children while continuing to search for Zhou Heng. "The child is too young and pitiful. He says he misses his mother every day. Alas..." Li Jie sighed.

But what her mother Jiang Cuilan didn't expect was that in the past two months, she could no longer contact her daughter Zhou Heng. Zhou Heng, 28 years old, is from Qingshen County, Sichuan. - DayDayNewshtml From 0:00 to August 6, 73 days have passed since Zhou Heng lost contact in the Philippines. Where is she?

(Photos provided by family members)

If anyone has any information, please contact the family members: Li Jie 13890314858.

[If you have news clues, please report them to us. Once adopted, we will be compensated. Follow us on WeChat for reporting materials: ihxdsb, QQ for reporting materials: 3386405712】

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