On January 6, 2021, the Yunnan dialect version of the Chinese classic satirical comedy "Catching the Young Man" jointly produced by Yunnan Youju Culture and Yunnan Provincial Theater held a premiere press conference at the Majia Courtyard in Kunming Old Street. It is reported tha

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On January 6, 2021, the Yunnan dialect version of the Chinese classic satirical comedy "Getting the Strong Man " jointly produced by Yunnan Youju Culture and Yunnan Provincial Theater held a premiere press conference at Kunming Old Street Majia Courtyard.

On January 6, 2021, the Yunnan dialect version of the Chinese classic satirical comedy

It is reported that this drama is a Sichuan dialect drama created in 1944. It is popular throughout the country because of its plot that pity the weak and poor and satirizes official corruption. In 1979, it was adapted into a Kunming dialect performance by the Yunnan Provincial Repertory Troupe and performed in Kunming for 62 consecutive times. The performances were sold out and the event was unprecedented, deeply affecting a generation. Today's production of the Yunnan dialect version of the satirical comedy "Catch the Young Man" is a vision of the inheritance of Yunnan's local folk culture. By using authentic Yunnan dialect performances, we can bring back those colloquialisms, slangs, and idioms that may have been away from us for a long time. These local languages ​​that carry the city life, are full of fun, and are full of wisdom are actually leaving us. These languages ​​​​are in the current society. You don’t necessarily have to speak or be able to speak it, but you should know it, because what is passed down in the words passed down from generation to generation is the life passed down from generation to generation.

On January 6, 2021, the Yunnan dialect version of the Chinese classic satirical comedy

In this Yunnan dialect version of the live-action satirical comedy "Catch the Young Man", director Li Peng made a lot of necessary modifications based on the original version to adapt to the needs of audiences in the new era.

On January 6, 2021, the Yunnan dialect version of the Chinese classic satirical comedy

The play will be staged at the Majia Courtyard on January 15th and 16th as a Lunar New Year comedy in 2021. Fans of the play can purchase tickets through Damai.com or follow the WeChat public account U Drama Factory.

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On January 6, 2021, the Yunnan dialect version of the Chinese classic satirical comedy

Story summary

In the late period of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang fought a civil war to expand its army and recruited young men in rural areas. Local snake Wang Baochang took the opportunity to make a fortune. Captain Lu of the Kuomintang army took the opportunity to extort money from the people and committed all kinds of evil. Tenant farmer Jiang Guofu used the money from selling off his property to ask landlord Li Laoshuan to intercede with Wang Baochang to prevent his only son from being arrested. However, in the end, he was arrested instead of Li Laoshuan's son, leaving him with nothing.

On January 6, 2021, the Yunnan dialect version of the Chinese classic satirical comedy

The greedy Wang Baochang did not show mercy to Li Laoshuan. He took the money sent by Li Laoshuan's eldest son from outside as his own and insulted his daughter-in-law, which triggered a dog-eat-dog fight. The people who couldn't bear it had no choice but to rise up and use armed struggle to protect their right to exist...


"strong man" - refers to a man in the prime of life or a person of military age.

"grabbing a young man" - refers to the war period A popular saying for forced military service

Interlude in the play

瘌瀢头[là lì tóu] Holding an umbrella, lawlessness;

A toad yawns and speaks loudly;

Dog teeth and bones, chewing and talking nonsense;

Chicken feet are worn by gods Glasses, pretending to be upright;

The turtle fell on the stone slab and was very strong, without any flaws;

The toad wore trousers and couldn't open them;

The dog sat on the sedan chair and didn't know how to lift;

One is one, two is two, don't Not three, not four, five to six, seven, seven, eight, seven, seven, eight, as time goes by...

On January 6, 2021, the Yunnan dialect version of the Chinese classic satirical comedy


He Jie (played as Wang Baochang)

Fu Xiaoyuan (played as Li Laoshuan)

Dai Lin (played as Li Laoshuan) Wife)

Li Lu (played as Captain Lu)

Chen Lu (played as the third sister-in-law)

Zhang Yuzhen (played as the old lady)

Miao Xigang (played as Pan Beiguo)

Bai Dongfang (played as Jiang Guofu)

Li Guotai (played as the boss)

Xue Zijian (Playing as the second child)

Tian Xiongyu (playing as the third child)

Project planning: Ma Jie, Luo Biao, Ren Bing, Liao Yugeng

Producer: Zhao Xiaocai

Chief director: Li Peng

Visual director: Liao Yugeng

Executive director: Liao Minjun

Producer : Jiang Wang, Zhang Zheng

Marketing Director: Wang Chuan

Graphic Design: Huang Kaibiao

Lighting Design: Li Jiaquan, Zhang Yunxue

Sound Design: Gao Dacheng, Li Jianxin

Makeup Design: Zhang Lifu, Liao Yudan, Li Minghui, Wang Wenhua, Li Mei, Li Qinghui

Design cooperation: Yin Yaming Studio

Co-organizer: Kunming Zhijiang Real Estate, Yunnan Grand Theater Co., Ltd.

On January 6, 2021, the Yunnan dialect version of the Chinese classic satirical comedy

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