Everyone, when watching animation, will you faithfully not miss the beginning and end of the animation? To be honest, even after I became an animation self-media and followed a considerable number of dramas every quarter, I would still skip it. Part of the opening and ending of t

2024/07/0118:05:32 hotcomm 1950

Everyone, when watching animation, will you faithfully not miss the beginning and end of the animation? To be honest, even after I became an animation self-media and followed a considerable number of dramas every quarter, I would still skip it. Part of the opening and ending of t - DayDayNews

Everyone, when watching animation, will you faithfully not miss the beginning and end of the animation? To be honest, even after I became an anime self-media and followed a considerable number of dramas (about 20) every quarter, I still skipped some of the animation titles and endings. Especially the ending theme, I usually skip it. As for the opening, it depends on the situation. If the song is particularly good, or the animation is very rhythmic and impressive, I will be willing to watch it to the end, but in most cases, I will skip it.

But in fact, there is often a lot of interesting news hidden in the opening and ending of animations.

The title animation of an animation will attach great importance to

Everyone, when watching animation, will you faithfully not miss the beginning and end of the animation? To be honest, even after I became an animation self-media and followed a considerable number of dramas every quarter, I would still skip it. Part of the opening and ending of t - DayDayNews

The title animation of an animation plays a very important role in an animation. The production team will often spend a lot of effort to produce it, and the director or the performer will often be responsible for the composition of the animation title. mirror to ensure the best results. The painting part will also be completed by some core painters, which shows the importance of the title animation.

In fact, for fan lovers, the storyboards of cartoon openings are often included in those fandoms' MAD or painting collections. It is precisely because the storyboards of cartoons focus on the visual effect, and the painting itself will It's very in place, such as the background painting with large displacement and the close-up from far to near. These are not lazy. They are done as painting instead of post-processing to achieve the best effect.

animated titles often follow the rhythm of the theme song. In this regard, I think the idea is the same as those of MAD players... except that MAD uses ready-made images, while animated titles create new images.

There is plot information hidden in the title page

Everyone, when watching animation, will you faithfully not miss the beginning and end of the animation? To be honest, even after I became an animation self-media and followed a considerable number of dramas every quarter, I would still skip it. Part of the opening and ending of t - DayDayNews

Previous articles have made a detailed distance. There are often many hints or even explicit statements about the main plot hidden in the title animation... For example, the picture above is the chapter of "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure " The opening credits of the third issue foreshadow the decisive battle between Kakyoin and Dio...

Everyone, when watching animation, will you faithfully not miss the beginning and end of the animation? To be honest, even after I became an animation self-media and followed a considerable number of dramas every quarter, I would still skip it. Part of the opening and ending of t - DayDayNews

For example, the opening credits of "Shoji no Soro" foreshadow the final battle between the three...

Everyone, when watching animation, will you faithfully not miss the beginning and end of the animation? To be honest, even after I became an animation self-media and followed a considerable number of dramas every quarter, I would still skip it. Part of the opening and ending of t - DayDayNews

Another example is "Re: Life in Another World from Zero" The white whale that flashes across the screen, and Crusch who fights with it... these can give the audience enough hints or even explicit instructions before seeing the plot. From the pictures in the title, we can guess the development of the plot, and also This allows more viewers to look forward to the reversal and development of the plot, which is somewhat similar to the titles of past TV series.

Title fraud

Everyone, when watching animation, will you faithfully not miss the beginning and end of the animation? To be honest, even after I became an animation self-media and followed a considerable number of dramas every quarter, I would still skip it. Part of the opening and ending of t - DayDayNews

The so-called "title fraud" means to use a title that is in great contrast with the content of the story to set off the style of the story. A typical title is the title of "School Island", a peaceful and cute animation title. , what is hidden is the true essence of the zombie crisis... " Magical Girl Madoka" is also a typical title fraud. The animation title depicts Madoka as a warm scene as a magical girl, but the content of the main film is relatively much more depressing... … Divine dramas naturally have their own bold techniques, and there are many surprises in similar works.

Easter eggs after the end of the credits

Everyone, when watching animation, will you faithfully not miss the beginning and end of the animation? To be honest, even after I became an animation self-media and followed a considerable number of dramas every quarter, I would still skip it. Part of the opening and ending of t - DayDayNews

The production of the ending theme is usually delayed a bit. Some animations do not even have endings when the first and second episodes are aired. If there is no time to do it, there are also some TV dramas that only have the endings in the following episodes. . In addition, some content will be changed in the ending to cater to the changes in the plot. For example, the ending of the second season of "Kaguya-sama Wants Me to Confess" has some subtle changes to cater to the development of the Ishigami plot in the main line. Careful My friends may have noticed.

has some ending songs, which are even different for each episode of Conscience. For example, dramas such as "Skyfall" and "Re:Life" will produce different ending songs according to the plot content. It can be said that It's quite conscientious.

The staff list at the end may not be the real one.

Everyone, when watching animation, will you faithfully not miss the beginning and end of the animation? To be honest, even after I became an animation self-media and followed a considerable number of dramas every quarter, I would still skip it. Part of the opening and ending of t - DayDayNews

There will be a staff list at the end of the animation. The theatrical version has the rules of the theatrical version, but in general, the staff list in serialized animations can be written with pseudonyms according to the requirements of the firm or the parties involved. .We will also see some painters, voice actors, and even directors appear in the form of vests because it is inconvenient to make them public.

Everyone, when watching animation, will you faithfully not miss the beginning and end of the animation? To be honest, even after I became an animation self-media and followed a considerable number of dramas every quarter, I would still skip it. Part of the opening and ending of t - DayDayNews

Therefore, don’t take the CAST or STAFF lists at face value. You can spot some common vests and even turn them into memes, but there are some artist’s vests that you may not be familiar with, so as long as you have seen this CAST or STAFF, you will be done.

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