Last Wednesday, four departments including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly released the "Implementation Plan for Implementing the Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Target and Promoting the Green and High-Quality Development of New Infrastructure such as Dat

2024/07/0110:10:32 hotcomm 1411

Last Wednesday, the National Development and Reform Commission and four other departments jointly released the "Implementation Plan for Implementing the Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Target and Promoting the Green and High-Quality Development of New Infrastructure such as Data Centers and 5G." The Plan proposes that by 2025, new large-scale projects will be built across the country. , the average power utilization efficiency of ultra-large data centers has dropped below 1.3, the national hub nodes have further dropped below 1.25, and the green and low-carbon level has reached above level 4A. Gradually carry out energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformations for data centers with power utilization efficiency exceeding 1.5.

In terms of innovative energy-saving technology, the "Plan" encourages the use of efficient and environmentally friendly refrigeration technology to reduce energy consumption. Support the construction of data centers using new computer room precision air conditioning, liquid cooling, cabinet-type modularization, and comprehensive utilization of waste heat. Promote refrigeration system energy-saving technology, optimize air flow organization, and gradually improve the dynamic adaptability to the operating status of IT equipment through intelligent means.

Last Wednesday, four departments including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly released the

From the information released by the above-mentioned countries, it is not difficult to see that those "electric tigers" in the refrigeration industry are the key targets for transformation. Today Gonglenghui will talk to you about the current situation and opportunities of "electric tigers" in the refrigeration industry, as well as the impact of third-generation refrigerants on production operations and refrigeration users.

1. "Electric tigers" in the refrigeration industry

Last Wednesday, four departments including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly released the

What are the electric tigers in the refrigeration industry? The answer is industrial refrigeration equipment!

Take the York RWBll 177 refrigeration unit with remarkable energy-saving effect in the industrial refrigeration industry as an example. Its high-pressure stage -10/35℃ refrigeration capacity is 945.5KW, the low-pressure stage -40/-10℃ refrigeration capacity is 290.3KW, and the unit exhaust volume is 1475m/hr, the annual power consumption is 2.383608Kwh.

Calculated at 1 yuan/Kwh, the annual electricity bill is 2.38 million, and 100Kwh will produce 78.5kg of carbon emissions, which will take a fir tree nearly 30 years to absorb. By analogy, how many tens of thousands of fir trees will absorb 2.38 million Kwh? Such an astonishing energy consumption is a manifestation of the remarkable energy-saving effect of units in the industrial refrigeration industry. It is conceivable that those old and poor refrigeration units will produce astonishing energy consumption and expenses, and tens of thousands of fir trees will be needed to absorb carbon dioxide. More than that, this is just the energy consumption performance of one refrigeration unit. Usually in some large chemical plants, multiple refrigeration units are often used to refrigerate the compressed gas. The energy consumption of refrigeration equipment is so amazing that it is not called an electric tiger. Pass.

2. Dilemma and Opportunities of "Electric Tiger"

How to solve the high energy consumption of refrigeration equipment? In terms of innovative energy-saving technologies, efficient and environmentally friendly refrigeration technology should be used in accordance with the "Implementation Plan for Implementing the Carbon Peak Carbon Neutrality Target and Promoting the Green and High-Quality Development of New Infrastructure such as Data Centers and 5G" jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and other four departments. Reduce energy consumption. Local governments such as Shenzhen have implemented a negative list plan for industry access that exceeds carbon emission intensity standards starting from September 1 this year.

Such stringent behavior is to urge enterprises to reduce carbon emissions and promote enterprise equipment innovation and energy conservation. In this regard, the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee issued "Several Measures on Implementing New Development Concepts to Accelerate the High-Quality Development of Yizhuang New Town (Version 3.0)" , the document clearly states that enterprises and parks are encouraged to implement carbon peaking and carbon neutrality actions, and industrial enterprises or parks above designated size that achieve zero carbon emissions in 2021 will be given a reward of 500,000 yuan. From this we can see that it is imperative to save energy and reduce emissions of industrial equipment, especially the "electric tigers" in the industrial industry.

Last Wednesday, four departments including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly released the

So how to effectively achieve energy conservation and emission reduction? Let’s still take the industrial refrigeration unit as an example. You must know that as the evaporation temperature of the unit decreases during operation, the compression ratio of the compressor will increase, and the energy consumption per unit of cooling capacity will also increase. When the evaporation temperature decreases by 1°C, the unit consumes 3%-4% more power.

Therefore, on the one hand, the factory should reduce the evaporation temperature difference as much as possible, increase the evaporation temperature, and achieve energy saving. On the other hand, it should implement standardized operations on operating conditions and operation management to reduce energy consumption. In the end, the most effective way to save energy and reduce emissions is to treat old and poor products. The equipment has been upgraded and renovated. For example, Gonglenghui’s past experience in energy conservation and emission reduction of refrigeration units shows that aging motors, rotor and bearing wear, oil leakage from shaft seals, aging control cabinet circuits, and corrosion of control panels and other components will increase energy consumption and reduce efficiency. After upgrading the above components, the factory can save hundreds of thousands in electricity bills and reduce millions in carbon emissions every year. As for the specific energy saving and emission reduction plan, you can get it from Du Nianggong Lenghui.

The impact of third- and third-generation refrigerants on production, operations and refrigeration users

Last Wednesday, four departments including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly released the

Starting from September 15 this year, the "Kigali Amendment" will officially come into effect in our country, which means that my country's third-generation refrigerants will officially begin to be affected by the "Kigali Amendment" Constrained by the Amendment, except for projects that have been approved, there will no longer be new production capacity for third-generation refrigerants, and by the end of 2022, the production and sales of third-generation refrigerants will also be strictly controlled and tightened. This has a wide impact on business owners who use third-generation R134a and R410a refrigerants for production, operation and refrigeration. This is mainly reflected in two aspects. On the one hand, the refrigerant production capacity, on the other hand, the refrigeration unit needs to find suitable substitutes, otherwise it will affect Refrigeration and compression. However, in the long term, the Kigali Amendment will promote structural reform of the refrigerant industry and accelerate product iteration and update.

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