Issue subsidies, issue coupons, and send warmth... The Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger is approaching. In order to minimize the uncertainty of the epidemic caused by non-local employees returning home during the Spring Festival, Ruian recently launched ten heart-warming

2024/07/0110:00:33 hotcomm 1103

Issuing subsidies, issuing coupons, and sending warmth...The Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger is approaching. In order to minimize the uncertainty of the epidemic caused by the intensive return of non-local employees to their hometowns during the Spring Festival, Ruian recently launched ten heart-warming measures to encourage and support non-local employees. Employees stayed in Rui to celebrate the New Year. Hurry up and take a look at the benefits with the editor →

Issue subsidies, issue coupons, and send warmth... The Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger is approaching. In order to minimize the uncertainty of the epidemic caused by non-local employees returning home during the Spring Festival, Ruian recently launched ten heart-warming  - DayDayNews

Main measures

Encourage and guide non-local employees to stay in Switzerland for the New Year

1. Support enterprises in issuing job retention benefits. supports qualified companies to take appropriate measures such as providing job retention benefits and improving life security to attract non-local employees to stay in Switzerland for the New Year. For enterprises with more than 50, 100 or 200 employees staying in Switzerland for the New Year (and non-Wenzhou employees who have participated in the enterprise’s employee pension insurance from January to February 2022), the enterprise will be given 50,000 yuan respectively. , 100,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan subsidy.

2. Multiple benefits encourage employees to stay in Switzerland. launched the "Stay in Switzerland to Celebrate the Chinese New Year" cultural tourism activity to benefit the people. Various public cultural service venues in the city, such as municipal libraries, cultural centers, museums, gymnasiums, etc., are open to non-resident employees in Sweden by prior reservation. State-owned scenic spots are free for non-resident employees to visit, and private venues are encouraged and guided to enjoy discounted tours; the city's supermarkets are encouraged , accommodation and catering companies carry out promotional and preferential activities, and invest 10 million yuan in consumer vouchers from special financial funds in the city, so that employees from other places staying in Rui can enjoy a good consumption environment; during the statutory Spring Festival holiday, "shared bicycles are free to ride and buses are free to ride in Ruian City" "Free parking in state-owned parking lots (parking spaces)"; non-local employees who hold a valid "Zhejiang Provincial Residence Permit" issued by the Ruian Public Security Bureau and stay in Rui for the New Year will be rewarded with 5 new resident points.

3. Carry out a series of "sending warmth" activities. Trade unions, youth league committees, women's federations and other mass organizations at all levels should organize and carry out various "warmth-sending" activities, focusing on key projects and projects that do not stop work and production during the Spring Festival, key projects, front-line employees of key enterprises and migrant workers who are living in difficulties. "Warm Winter Gift Package"; give full play to the role of the Workers' Cultural Palace, the Staff Activity Center, the Staff Bookstore, the Youth Activity Center, etc., organize the "Seven Days of Staff Spring Festival Fun", launch the "Cloud Classroom" for tutoring, and formulate the menu of public welfare courses for young people and other special caring activities , constantly enriching the amateur cultural life of employees in Sweden; actively opening up employee rights protection service channels, opening a hotline for the protection of rights and interests of teenagers in Sweden, etc., to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees in Sweden and their children.

4. Strengthen employee skills training. carries out the "Skills Improvement Service Month" activity, encourages employees to participate in vocational skills training before and after the Spring Festival, integrates training resources, and launches "online + offline" training in a "menu-based" training + follow-up service" model In a series of activities, no less than 10 production and life skills training sessions were held, and employees were encouraged to participate in the national vocational skills training platform to comprehensively improve their skill level and professional quality. Support various training institutions to carry out skills training by sending training to enterprises and parks at the end of February. Enterprises are supported to carry out project-based training during the Spring Festival. Anyone who independently organizes employees to carry out project-based training will directly subsidize the enterprise at the standard of 25 yuan per person and up to 2,000 yuan per class hour.

effectively ensure the orderly production of enterprises

5. Guide enterprises to continue production. Enterprises with large orders and heavy production tasks are encouraged to postpone production shutdowns during the Lunar New Year and start work early after the Spring Festival. They also promote flexible leave and staggered leave for employees to actively seize opportunities and speed up production. Timely grasp the production shutdown and maintenance plans of key enterprises, and postpone non-urgent and non-essential production shutdown and maintenance plans to the second quarter. For industrial enterprises above designated size with an industrial output value of more than 10 million yuan and a positive growth rate in the first quarter of 2022 (excluding state-owned and state-controlled enterprises and newly upgraded enterprises). If the operating income in the first quarter of 2022 is 15% higher than the first quarter of the previous year, a one-time reward of 50,000 yuan will be given; if the industrial output value in the first quarter of 2022 is 15% higher than the first quarter of the previous year, a one-time reward of 50,000 yuan will be given RMB 5,000 will be awarded for every RMB 5 million increase in operating income exceeding 15% in the first quarter of 2022.The total maximum reward above shall not exceed 300,000 yuan. For sample database companies under regulations whose operating income is more than 300,000 yuan from January to February 2022 and whose year-on-year growth rate reaches 30% or more, a one-time reward of 5,000 yuan will be given. If the year-on-year growth rate reaches 50% or more, a one-time reward will be given. A bonus of 10,000 yuan (this item is not subject to local comprehensive contribution restrictions).

6. Accelerate the construction of major projects. Construction companies of major projects with tight construction schedules and heavy construction tasks are encouraged to reasonably arrange their construction plans during the Spring Festival to ensure that work does not stop before January 20, 2022, and that all construction resumes after February 10, 2022. Ruian municipal key construction general contracting units that insist on construction between January 20 and February 10 (excluding the statutory Spring Festival holiday) will subsidize the number of construction workers outside Wenzhou City in stages according to the project. The number of construction workers outside Wenzhou City is 30-59. A subsidy of 100,000 yuan is provided for 60-99 people; a subsidy of 200,000 yuan is provided for 60-99 people; a subsidy of 300,000 yuan is provided for more than 100 people. Relevant functional departments should strengthen communication and coordination with power supply, water supply, gas supply, heating and transportation units to ensure the stable supply of various production materials and the normal production of the upstream and downstream supply chains.

7. Strengthen enterprise employment security. supports enterprises to adopt the "shared employment" and "scheduled employment" models to strengthen the rational deployment of human resources and ensure the stability of enterprise production during the Spring Festival. As long as the epidemic is under control, "dual-line" job fairs will be held frequently before and after the Spring Festival, and no less than 10 "spring breeze" special recruitment and overseas labor cooperation will be carried out in a timely manner in connection with labor exporting places. For the company that successfully recruits old employees who come to Switzerland for employment for the first time, pay the company's employee pension insurance in accordance with the law, and work for more than 3 months, the old employees will be given a personal reward of 1,000 yuan based on the new employee's time on the job. The total reward for each old employee shall not exceed 2 Ten thousand yuan.

8. Protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees. standardizes enterprise employment, continues to promote the winter campaign against wage arrears and the Skynet 100+ special governance action, intensifies law enforcement and supervision of wage arrears, unblocks channels for labor security and rights protection, resolutely cracks down on all kinds of malicious wage arrears, and promptly resolves and handles all types of wage arrears. Hidden risks of wage arrears and illegal behaviors that damage the rights and interests of workers. If a large amount of wage arrears is indeed caused due to operating difficulties, the wage deposit or emergency working capital fund shall be used promptly to deal with it first, so as to ensure that the basic living problems of the employees whose wages are owed are not affected and they do not have to worry about "salary".

Strengthen epidemic prevention and control and safe production

9. Strengthen epidemic prevention and control in enterprises. guides companies to make emergency plans for epidemic prevention and control during the Spring Festival in accordance with the principles of reducing the flow of people, reducing travel risks, and reducing gatherings of people. Carry out health knowledge and epidemic prevention knowledge into the enterprise to promote publicity, guide employees to pay attention to personal hygiene, consciously conduct self-health monitoring, strengthen enterprise epidemic prevention material security, and do a good job in epidemic prevention in key areas such as production workshops and employee dormitories. For non-local employees who really need to return to their hometowns for the New Year, companies will be guided to have staggered holidays. Effectively give full play to the main role of enterprises in epidemic prevention and control, strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures for employees returning from other places to Switzerland, and do a good job in the registration of employees returning from other places to Switzerland to ensure full coverage and no omissions.

10. Strengthen enterprise production safety and fire safety. guides enterprises to strictly implement the main responsibilities of production safety and fire safety, enhance safety awareness, increase publicity efforts, strengthen on-duty inspections during the Spring Festival, eliminate hidden dangers and signs in a timely manner, eliminate illegal operations, and strictly prohibit illegal use of fire, electricity, and oil. , use of gas, it is strictly prohibited to use open flames for work or heating in factory areas, construction sites, and employee dormitories in violation of regulations. Clean up flammable debris in a timely manner, store production and processing flammable materials according to standards, and strengthen the safety management of employee dormitories and rental houses within the company. Make emergency plans in advance, assign emergency personnel, prepare emergency supplies, and do a good job in production safety and fire safety.

About the applicable objects of the policy

The applicable objects of this policy measure are enterprises within the scope of Ruian City. The non-local employees staying in Switzerland involved in the policy are non-Wenzhou registered employees who work for private enterprises within Ruian City and have not left Wenzhou City from January 20, 2022 to February 10, 2022.

Description of relevant policy provisions

In Article 1 "Supporting Enterprises to Issue Remaining Benefits", for the number of employees staying in Switzerland for the New Year, non-Wenzhou registered foreign employees who are required to pay basic pension insurance in Switzerland in January and February 2022; Article 1 Among Article 6 of "Accelerating the Construction of Major Projects", there is no requirement for social insurance of construction workers when calculating the number of construction workers outside Wenzhou City, and there are no restrictions on the nature of the construction enterprise or the place of registration of the enterprise.

Regarding the policy expiration date

This policy will be effective from the date of issuance until March 31, 2022. The application time is from April 1 to 30, 2022. Overdue applications will not be accepted. The application time for new resident point rewards is based on the city’s new The application time for new resident points in 2022 stipulated by the Resident Service Center shall prevail. If the details of relevant policies and measures have specified the implementation time or otherwise provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail. Relevant implementation details will be formulated and released separately by each responsible unit. If this policy is inconsistent with other existing policies in our city, the principle of non-duplication will apply. In addition to subsidies from original channels, new funds will be coordinated and arranged by the municipal finance.

Source: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Editor: Jin Dongdong

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