At 7:30 pm on December 2, as the G276 train slowly entered Qingdao Railway Station, Song, a fugitive murder fugitive who had fled to Guangdong, was escorted back to Qingdao by the police. A major murder case that had been sealed for 26 years was successfully solved.

2024/06/3016:01:33 hotcomm 1114

Text/Peninsula All-Media Reporter Yin Yanxin and Liu Yufan Photo/Peninsula All-Media Reporter Wang Bin (except signature)

The French Open is full of details and omissions. At 7:30 pm on December 2, as the G276 train slowly entered Qingdao Railway Station, Song, a fugitive murderer who had fled to Guangdong, was escorted back to Qingdao by the police. A major murder case that had been sealed for 26 years was successfully solved. . In 1995, a murder occurred in Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone. A couple was brutally murdered in a store. Over the past 26 years, several generations of criminal police officers from the development zone police have persevered. With the strong support of the criminal police detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, they chased the murderer thousands of miles away and successfully captured the suspect Song. What awaits him will be severe punishment by law.

At 7:30 pm on December 2, as the G276 train slowly entered Qingdao Railway Station, Song, a fugitive murder fugitive who had fled to Guangdong, was escorted back to Qingdao by the police. A major murder case that had been sealed for 26 years was successfully solved. - DayDayNews

On scene

Special police officers armed with live ammunition escorted

The suspect was wearing shackles and handcuffs

At about 7 pm on December 2, there was still half an hour before the train escorting the suspect Song arrived. The special vehicle of the Development Zone Police Special Police flashed its lights and drove in early. In the south square of Qingdao Railway Station, SWAT team members armed with live ammunition were lined up and ready to escort the passengers.

At 7:30 pm, the train from Guangzhou to Qingdao pulled into the station. After the door opened, the suspect was escorted by the police and got off the train. The reporter noticed that the suspect was wearing shackles and handcuffs, a gray shirt and a black hood. Although the suspect's appearance could not be clearly seen, the suspect was obviously old. Subsequently, he was transferred to the custody of a heavily armed SWAT team and escorted from the train station platform to a SWAT vehicle. During the whole process, the suspect Song did not say a word and kept his head lowered. From the moment he got off the bus, Song's footsteps were heavy and he could hardly walk independently.

reporters learned that after the suspect was captured and brought to justice, several police officers in Guangdong did not take time to rest and embarked on a journey day and night to escort the suspect back to Qingdao. After a 12-hour journey, the suspect was successfully escorted back to Qingdao. In order to express their gratitude and condolences to the police who successfully completed the arrest and escort tasks, the comrades presented flowers to the triumphant police officers.

The crime occurred

A couple was brutally murdered

The murderer "disappeared"

Time went back to May 21, 1995. Originally, this was just an extremely ordinary day. Suddenly, the Changjiang Road Police Station of the Development District of Qingdao Municipal Public Security Bureau suddenly After receiving the alarm, the shop owner Wang and his wife Zong were found killed in the Jin Baili Store in Wujiazhuang Village within the jurisdiction.

The case is serious! After receiving the report, the Criminal Police Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Development Zone Public Security Bureau immediately conducted on-site investigation and set up a task force to carry out investigation work.

Because the suspect was very cunning, he destroyed the scene after committing the crime. After repeated investigations, the task force only extracted a small amount of key evidence. After several months of hard work, the

task force has continued to increase its investigation efforts and not let go of any clues. The police persistently pursued the murderer and traveled to many provinces. However, due to the objective conditions at the time, although they exhausted all investigation methods at the time, they were still unable to find traces of the criminal suspect, and the investigation of the case reached a deadlock. The murderer seemed to have "evaporated" and there was never any news.

For more than 20 years, this case has been a stone in the heart of the development zone police. The detection of this case has become a difficult problem for successive teams of the Development Zone Public Security Bureau. Although they have experienced job adjustments and personnel changes, generations of criminal police officers in the Development Zone have always shouldered the responsibility of solving this case and have persevered and never given up. Giving up, no matter how the members of the task force change, the baton never falls.

As long as the case is not solved, the police force will not be withdrawn, and the determination and confidence in solving the case will not change for a moment. Over the past 26 years, the case has been sorted out in previous centralized operations such as cleaning up the Internet and tackling the backlog of murder cases, holding case supervision and promotion meetings, sparing no effort to promote the detection of the case, and arranging dedicated personnel to put the traces left at the scene into the database every month for comparison, and Compare rewards to peers across the country.


Thousand-mile pursuit and locked suspect

Confession in surprise interrogation

Spring and autumn, winter and summer, 26 years have passed in the blink of an eye. The rapid development of public security technology and informatization has opened up a vast sky for the investigation of cases. The unremitting efforts of the Development Zone Public Security Bureau finally paid off. Recently, the Development Zone Public Security Bureau received feedback from the Criminal Police Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau that the case information matched a Henan man named Song.After hearing the news, Song Anshun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Public Security Bureau of the Development Zone, asked the task force to quickly verify the evidence, research and determine the suspect's information, and make every effort to arrest and complete the case. After repeated verification by the task force, it was finally determined that the physical evidence extracted from the crime scene was left by Song. The case achieved a major breakthrough.

With the assistance of the Criminal Police Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and other relevant units, the task force quickly determined the identity of the criminal suspect Song and determined his activity location in Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong. On November 30, the task force leader and deputy director Zhang Rui led the task force to Foshan . On the night of arrival, the task force immediately held a meeting. Deputy Director Zhang Rui made detailed arrangements for the arrest work for the next day, and Emphasis was placed on the entry point for sudden interrogation of suspects on the spot after arrest.

On the morning of December 1, with the assistance of the local police, the task force located the suspect’s specific location at an electrical repair shop in Nanhai District, Foshan City. At around 11:15 a.m., the criminal suspect Song returned to the store after going out. The police officers who had been waiting for a long time swarmed him and successfully captured him. After a four-hour surprise interrogation, the suspect truthfully confessed all the criminal facts.

At 7:30 pm on December 2, as Song was escorted back to Qingdao by the police, the murder case that occurred 26 years ago was successfully solved.


On the run for 26 years

The suspect is married and has a child

The reporter learned that the arresting police came to Song’s electrical repair shop for investigation and found that Song was temporarily out. They waited until it was confirmed that Song had returned. In the store, the arresting police officers quickly stepped forward to control him. "We are the police of the Development Zone Branch of the Qingdao Municipal Public Security Bureau." Pan Longhai, deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Development Zone Public Security Bureau, controlled the criminal suspect Song and identified himself at the same time.

"Do you know what I want to do with you?" The arresting police officers' straightforward approach made Song's eyes obviously panicked. However, at this time, Song still had some illusions and his psychological defense had not yet been broken. "I don't know, I don't know." The stubbornness in Song's mouth could not hide the answer that had changed his tone due to nervousness.

"There is not enough evidence. Do you think we will come so far to find you? It's time to pay off the debt you owe in Qingdao!" Zhang Rui's words were like a bomb that dealt a fatal blow to Song. He was silent for a long time. of silence. Finally, he confessed the facts of his crime.

When the police of the task force arrested Song, a woman came out of the store. She was Song's wife. After committing a crime in Qingdao and incurring a blood debt, Song quickly fled and lived a life on the run. He is now married and has children. The reporter learned that over the years, he has learned to be a chef, worked in electrical appliance repair, and also driven a small truck. He never mentioned this big secret in his heart to anyone. He thought he could hide forever, but he didn’t expect that the Qingdao police’s pursuit would never end!


The police have been chasing the murderer for 26 years with gray hair

“Justice will never happen” "Absent"

"This is the first murder case I have encountered since I became a police officer. The occurrence of this murder caused a very bad social impact at the time and made the people's psychological safety feel a great threat." In the past 26 years, the development zone police. Zhang Rui has never let go of this case. Zhang Rui, who was a young man 26 years ago, now has gray hair on his temples. "This case has not been solved. It is like a thorn in the heart of every criminal policeman in the development zone. If it is not pulled out for a day, It was an uncomfortable day. The leadership team of our Development Zone Public Security Bureau and all the criminal policemen always took the responsibility of solving this case in their hearts, shouldered it, and grasped it in their hands. "

" Although the criminals escaped, we conducted on-site investigation at that time. The work was done in detail and some key evidence was obtained. "Zhang Rui said that the development zone police will put the relevant evidence of this murder case into various databases of the Ministry of Public Security for comparison. "Although our criminal police officers have changed. One after another, the file information of this case has always been remembered by every policeman involved in the case. "

Now, the criminal suspect Song was arrested, and the thorn in Zhang Rui's heart was finally pulled out. ."After 26 years, the criminal suspect has been arrested, and the two victims and their families have been given an explanation. The legal system has been restored and no omissions have been missed. Here we also warn those criminals that justice may be late, but it will certainly not be absent! "

Reporters noticed that when Zhang Rui mentioned that the police in the development zone had not given up solving the murder case for 26 years and finally arrested the suspect, tears flashed in the corners of his eyes. These were tears of consolation, and he was also an old man. The sense of honor of the criminal police!

Although some of the criminal police officers involved in the case had gone to other posts, they were still very excited when they learned the news that the criminal suspect was finally arrested, and they told their old comrades one after another about the news, "This The stone that was weighing on my heart was finally lifted, and some retired comrades were even more excited."

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