Faced with increasingly loud calls for "unification" on the island, Tsai Ing-wen's authorities began to take action to arrest reunificationists on the island. In this regard, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council made it clear.

2024/06/2213:28:32 hotcomm 1410

In the face of the increasingly loud voices calling for "unification" on the island, Tsai Ing-wen's authorities began to take action to arrest the reunificationists on the island. In this regard, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council made it clear.

In recent years, the clamor for "unification" on the island has become louder and louder, and the DPP authorities have long been frightened. In order to suppress this voice, the DPP authorities have directly extended their black hands to the unification faction on the island. According to Taiwanese media, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities issued a wanted warrant for Zhang Xiuye, the head of the Chinese Patriotic United Party, and others on the grounds of so-called "violation of the security law," and some of the content also involved relevant mainland departments.

Faced with increasingly loud calls for

It is understood that the Chinese Patriotic United Party was established in 1993. It is an activist group in Taiwan that firmly supports cross-strait reunification. It has been attacked by the Democratic Progressive Party many times. In 2018, in the early stages of Taiwan's "nine-in-one" election, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities raided Zhang Xiuye's residence and accused Zhang Xiuye ​​of being sponsored by the mainland to run for election. Nowadays, the "nine-in-one" election on the island is approaching. At this point in time, the DPP authorities once again framed Zhang Xiuye. Its intention is self-evident, which is to suppress the forces supporting reunification on the island and eliminate the influence of public opinion. In response to this behavior of the DPP authorities, Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, responded clearly on July 6 that the relevant reports are purely false and malicious rumors. They are suppressed by the DPP authorities out of the nature of seeking "independence" and political self-interest. Another bad political manipulation by the forces supporting reunification and opposing "Taiwan independence" on the island.

Faced with increasingly loud calls for

It should be pointed out that this is not the first time that the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have extended their black hands to reunificationists on the island. For example, the New Party, as a political party in Taiwan, clearly supports cross-strait reunification and opposes "Taiwan independence." The Democratic Progressive Party authorities once accused the New Party Youth Army Hou Hanting , Wang Bingzhong, Lin Mingzheng and others on the grounds of suspected violation of the so-called "Taiwan Security Law". It can be said that the so-called "Taiwan Security Law" by the Democratic Progressive Party authorities is essentially a special bill to suppress political opponents and exclude dissidents.

Faced with increasingly loud calls for

It is worth noting that there are more and more voices about "unification" on the island, and the voice is getting louder and louder. In fact, this also reflects some changes in the direction of public opinion on the island, that is, the public opinion and public sentiment on the island are changing. With the changes, the people on the island have begun to realize that they have been deceived by the Taiwan authorities in the past, and the DPP authorities have gradually lost the ability to control the mainstream public opinion on the island. You must know that when the DPP authorities were powerful, they vigorously rectified public opinion on the island. For example, they established the "1450 Internet Army" and poisoned the entire Chinese Internet. Their purpose was to control the direction of public opinion on the island. Nowadays, the voice that the DPP authorities least want to hear has become the mainstream of public opinion on the island. While the DPP authorities are unwilling to do so, they are also worried and afraid. It is against this background that the DPP authorities So they began to use every possible means to suppress calls for "unification."

Faced with increasingly loud calls for

It is undeniable that in recent years, the atmosphere and enthusiasm for discussing cross-strait tensions on the island have increased. This phenomenon reflects the dangers and harms caused by the Taiwanese people and Taiwanese society to the DPP authorities' provocations for "independence" Deep concerns about sex. It needs to be emphasized that the current serious tensions in cross-Strait relations are rooted in the DPP authorities' continuous provocations for "independence" in collusion with external forces, as well as individual countries' attempts to "use Taiwan to contain China" and obstruct China's development and reunification. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has repeatedly emphasized that the mainland is willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and its greatest efforts, but will never allow Taiwan to be separated from China. If the DPP authorities continue to misjudge the situation, stubbornly adhere to the position of "Taiwan independence", indulge in the dream of "relying on foreign countries to seek independence" and "seeking independence with force", take desperate risks on the road of "Taiwan independence", and touch the red line, we must We will take drastic measures to crush it resolutely.

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