The United States has a set of very skilled methods: such as training key personnel, unifying labels, creating soft violence tools, demonizing the police or other law enforcement agencies, and creating an escalation of violence.

2024/06/2102:54:34 hotcomm 1050

Text/Liu Yang

Behind the violence and turmoil around the world, we can often see the shadow of the United States, with almost no exceptions.

this time too.

The United States has a set of very skilled methods: such as training key personnel, unifying labels, creating soft tools of violence, demonizing police or other law enforcement agencies, and creating an escalation of violence. Does it sound familiar?

These are no longer secrets. We can compare it with the reality that is happening now.

What Washington is doing is actually what people often call a "color revolution." It is roughly divided into the following levels.

The first step is to train key personnel in the target country. training can be conducted within the target country or region, or the key personnel can be transported abroad for training. The content of the training, in addition to instilling the so-called "liberal democracy" concept into the trainees, is to teach "means of resistance." The purpose of

training is that once the "color revolution" is launched, top-down unified command can be implemented. This kind of training can be found in all the “color revolutions” that have taken place in the world in recent years. The training teachers include both the U.S. special operations and intelligence agencies, as well as those with experience in areas where the "color revolution" was successful.

In extraordinary times, these "teachers" even directly give instructions on how to destroy the security monitoring system and how to avoid leaving evidence. Goggles are to protect against tear gas, and masks, eyes and helmets are to protect against being recognized.

The United States has a set of very skilled methods: such as training key personnel, unifying labels, creating soft violence tools, demonizing the police or other law enforcement agencies, and creating an escalation of violence. - DayDayNews

Snowden (data map)

The second is to design a unified logo for the "color revolution". For example, orange, colors, fists, umbrellas, etc., like Georgia Saakashvili always holds a rose in his hand, Ukraine Yushchenko’s supporters all wear orange clothes, etc., putting the "color revolution" It's like performance art.

Third, it is to design slogans for the "Color Revolution". Slogans like not only appear in the media they control, but also appear on banners, placards, and graffiti on the streets.

Fourth, sufficient funding must be guaranteed. training backbone requires money, and the production of all logos, symbols, banners, etc. requires funds. The backbone of the people who take to the streets and the people who follow them also need to receive wages, daily meals and medical care just like working.

The United States is sometimes directly involved in the provision of funds, the storage and distribution of materials, and sometimes it is carried out with the help of "civilian" organizations such as NGOs or churches. In fact, it is what ancient wars call "food and grass" and modern wars call ammunition and logistics. . For the United States, this is not a difficult task. It can be said that it has extremely rich experience. It is estimated that no one in the world is more familiar with it than the United States.

The United States has a set of very skilled methods: such as training key personnel, unifying labels, creating soft violence tools, demonizing the police or other law enforcement agencies, and creating an escalation of violence. - DayDayNews

Fifth, we must create soft tools of violence, such as using umbrellas to hurt people, and using street tiles and stones to hurt people. also uses Molotov cocktails, and professionals teach the techniques for making Molotov cocktails.

Sixth, a large number of young women or old women should be organized. The purpose is that once the police want to enforce the law and arrest men who use violence, young women or old women will rush forward to stop the police. The backbone of the violence can be found in non-violence Women in are protected behind the scenes. In the "color revolutions" that have occurred around the world, we have found that many such young and elderly women are devout Christians. After being brainwashed, they stubbornly believe in the slogans and ideas of the promoters of the "color revolutions". Thinking that they are dedicating themselves to "justice".

Seventh, demonize the police or other law enforcement agencies. Because the "color revolution" directly faces the police, demonizing the police can on the one hand inspire people's disgust and hatred towards law enforcement agencies, and on the other hand can shake the confidence of law enforcement officers. For this reason, the damaging effects of the "color revolution" also threaten the family members of the police, especially the family members of high-ranking police officers with command functions, which makes the police restrain themselves and dare not strictly enforce the law because of worries about the future.

The United States has a set of very skilled methods: such as training key personnel, unifying labels, creating soft violence tools, demonizing the police or other law enforcement agencies, and creating an escalation of violence. - DayDayNews

Eighth, if the goal cannot be easily achieved, violent escalation will occur. violent escalation sometimes damages the property of specific objects, and more importantly, it is specifically targeted at the police. The purpose is to anger law enforcement officers and stimulate law enforcement officers to fight back, thereby causing bloodshed and preferably death. The facts are then distorted and amplified through the media they control. If there are "martyrs", carrying coffins in processions is what they would be most happy to do.

In the history of the "color revolutions" planned in the United States, there were cases where police were framed for killing people, and corpses that were not killed by police were paraded in parades as if they were the result of police brutality. During the "color revolution" in Ukraine, unknown persons shot at both police and demonstrators at the same time, deliberately causing bloodshed and stimulating the escalation of violence on both sides.

In addition to the above methods, the most important thing is to control the media, deprive the government and law enforcement agencies of their right to speak, use their media to distort facts, demagogue people, stimulate more people to blindly follow, and constantly create pressure on government departments and law enforcement agencies, and ultimately They gave up because they did not dare to take tough measures, allowing the promoters of the "color revolution" to achieve their goals.

Empire is an ancient phenomenon, and country is a modern concept.

The difference between the two is that all rights of the country have clear boundaries, while the empire has no boundaries. If the empire has boundaries, it is because its capabilities have reached their limits, not because their imperial will has set limits on itself.

Although the empire is old, it never disappears. The world system constructed by the West in modern times is theoretically a system in which sovereign states are equal to each other. In fact, empires still dominate countries. The most typical example is the global system established from the Spanish Empire to the "sun never sets" British Empire. colonial system. In modern times, the most commonly used method of colonialism in Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands , France, the United Kingdom, Germany, etc., including Japan, which "left Asia and joined Europe", was the timeless method of ancient empires - conquest by force.

When the world is big enough, in the early stages of establishing their own colonial empires by force, every sovereign country in Europe may not cross paths and live in peace for the time being. But the world is only so big after all. When every small European empire wants to become a big empire, crossover, overlap, and collision are inevitable. As a result, the small empires in Europe and Japan used a nationwide mobilization method to use their last bit of energy and maximize their respective capabilities. Two world wars broke out, bringing endless disasters to the world and themselves. and suffering.

After the two world wars, the original colonies were liberated one after another, which seemed to mark the decline of imperialism. In fact, it just changed its appearance and continued the cause of imperialism without changing the medicine. The United States is the origin of this new imperialism. Earth and Patriarch.

The United States has a set of very skilled methods: such as training key personnel, unifying labels, creating soft violence tools, demonizing the police or other law enforcement agencies, and creating an escalation of violence. - DayDayNews

Scenes of European recovery after World War II (data map)

The United States turned the Philippines into a colony and "abandoned" it, which is an important historical node. It is the historical coordinate of the transformation from old imperialism to new imperialism. The old imperialism put military force first, direct conquest taking a back seat, and ideological conquest jumped to the forefront.

The crude physical slavery of the old imperialism has turned into the exquisite ideological slavery of the new imperialism. In the history of human empires, the latest upgraded version of the “empire on which the sun never sets” was born—U.S. imperialism. Its imperial magic weapon is the "color revolution".

"Color revolution" means changing a regime without conquering it by external force. It even drew on Gandhi’s idea of ​​“non-violence”. This borrowing requires a conversion. The object of Gandhi's nonviolent resistance was imperialism. Today, neo-imperialism uses it to oppose and subvert all disobedient "thorns" or "evil" countries that neo-imperialism dislikes or claims to be threatened by.

Therefore, the first condition for this transformation is to portray new imperialism as the model, flag, and beacon of all goodness and happiness; to portray all countries or objects that US imperialism does not like or that hinder US imperialism as dictatorships and despotisms. , brutal, barbaric.

It requires a huge public opinion project to whitewash oneself and discredit others."We are democratic and free, and they are dictatorial." This is the basic concept of the "color revolution" and it is also a lie that has been instilled in the whole world.

The United States has a set of very skilled methods: such as training key personnel, unifying labels, creating soft violence tools, demonizing the police or other law enforcement agencies, and creating an escalation of violence. - DayDayNews

The largest public opinion tool in the world controlled by US imperialism provides sufficient and necessary means for this public opinion building and long-term brainwashing. and the so-called "non-violence" of the "color revolutions" are actually a cloak of violence. However, under the control of new imperialist public opinion, blatant double standards can use violence and create violence while painting themselves as "peaceful". "protest.

The whole set of theories and methods of "color revolution" did not form suddenly, but went through a process.

It was first of all because of the Cold War. When the confrontation of nuclear deterrence makes it difficult to conduct a hot war of direct military conquest, non-violent ideological conquest becomes the first choice. When we say that the characteristic of imperialism is that it has no borders, the culture war and ideological war of U.S. imperialism fully reflect this: it is unwilling to accept ideologies that are different from its own, and it is unwilling to allow those with different opinions to coexist peacefully. To completely eliminate those with different ideologies, one must impose one's own ideology on everyone.

"Color revolutions" have strong economic motivations under the banner of ideology. This is especially obvious in the backyard of the United States, and in Latin America. Shortly after the founding of the United States, the United States regarded Latin America as its own taboo, and others were not allowed to interfere. Many countries in Latin America have also accepted the principles of American democracy and freedom.

However, democracy and freedom in Latin America may not be in the interests of the United States. For example, some Latin American countries have turned a large number of American assets into state-owned assets in the name of democracy. Therefore, the United States has adopted a multi-pronged approach in Latin America for a long time: if a democratic country does not listen to the United States and hinders its interests, it will use democratic means to subvert it. This was the green stage of the "color revolution" launched by the United States during the Cold War, and it was not always successful.

The United States has a set of very skilled methods: such as training key personnel, unifying labels, creating soft violence tools, demonizing the police or other law enforcement agencies, and creating an escalation of violence. - DayDayNews

Panama City (data map)

If the "color revolution" method of democratic subversion is ineffective, the United States will use a military coup to subvert it. Please note that behind all military dictatorships in Latin America, there is US imperialism. This shows that the theory and methods of "color revolution" are not yet completely mature, and must be hardened from time to time. To a certain extent, Latin America has become a training ground and testing ground for the United States’ “color revolutions”.

If democratic subversion and military coup do not work, then direct military occupation and change of government, such as Panama, Grenada. From this, we can clearly see the complete process of transition and upgrading of US imperialism from the old empire to the new empire in Latin America.

In fact, the United States' "color revolution" methods are not fully mature yet. For example, in the early years, the United States supported the Afghan jihadist organization to resist the Soviet invasion. However, as a result, this organization "transformed" and transformed into a serious threat to the national security of the United States—— Al Qaeda and the Taliban regime.

Another example is the "color revolution" in Egypt a few years ago. At first, the United States was full of expectations, but in the end, it was pagan forces that Americans did not like that came to power. As a result, the United States had to use the method often used in Latin America to use military coups to replace the results of the "color revolutions". In the end, it is all in line with the interests of the United States.

But in any case, after the demise of the Soviet Union, most countries in the world are unable to compete with the United States in terms of strength. The United States' "color revolution" methods have indeed become increasingly mature. Even if they still have flaws, in the face of many small and disobedient countries, He is basically invincible and succeeds every time. Therefore, since the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, "color revolutions" have become a tried and tested magic weapon for US imperialism to achieve new colonialism.

The United States has never been shy about its hegemonic methods. The Joint Special Operations University under the U.S. Special Operations Command has released a latest report, discreetly disclosing the multiple "color revolution" activities that the Pentagon has secretly carried out around the world for decades.

In this report, ridiculed by American netizens as a "quick guide to terrorists," the United States' intrusions on other regimes are divided into three categories based on different operational goals, namely "interference," "coercion," and "regime change." ". Among the three intrusion modes, the success rate of "coercion" is as high as 75%, the success rate of "interference" is more than 50%, and the "regime change" type of operations is the most difficult and has the lowest success rate.

The United States has a set of very skilled methods: such as training key personnel, unifying labels, creating soft violence tools, demonizing the police or other law enforcement agencies, and creating an escalation of violence. - DayDayNews

Furthermore, these tactics have a higher success rate for countries targeted during wartime, nearly twice as successful as those targeted during times of peace and stability. Among the 47 cases listed, 23 were successfully implemented, 20 failed, two "partially achieved the goals" and two "have no conclusion yet". The study also found that it is easier for the United States to support nonviolent civil resistance movements than to support armed resistance movements.

Compared with the old imperialist force of conquest, the cost of "color revolution" is much lower, which can make up for the financial constraints of US imperialism when "the landlords have no more food left", allowing US imperialism to reach the limit of its capabilities with the help of target countries. The deluded people and the people who do not know the truth can be magnified to the maximum extent. It can also avoid the ugly image of directly sending troops or manipulating a military coup. The United States hides behind the scenes with the help of the "color revolution" and pretends that it is just a bystander or a third party that upholds justice and justice.

"Color revolution" has become a common method used by the new imperialism of the United States to use small things to make a big impact. This shows that US imperialism is very calculating in terms of inputs and outputs. The final outbreak of the

"color revolution" may not last long, a few days or a few months. However, the foreshadowing of the "color revolution" is long and secretive. It penetrates into the other party pervasively through various means such as culture, education, news, public opinion, art, entertainment, advertising, religion, lifestyle, and consumption concepts. Creation of anthills and ulcers is done subtly and piecemeal, accumulating over time and patiently waiting for the best opportunity.

The United States has a set of very skilled methods: such as training key personnel, unifying labels, creating soft violence tools, demonizing the police or other law enforcement agencies, and creating an escalation of violence. - DayDayNews

Demonstrations in Venezuela (data map)

As for the effects of the "color revolutions", from the youthful stage of Latin America, to the most successful evolution of the Soviet Union and East Asia, and then to the implementation of a series of "color revolutions" since then, what we have seen As a result, none of the consequences of the success of the "color revolutions" are beneficial to the people in the countries where the "color revolutions" took place. The vast majority of the people in the countries where the "color revolutions" took place are increasingly falling into dire straits. Only U.S. imperialism can use the "color revolutions" to revolution” to advance their ideologies and realize their interests.

Therefore, kind-hearted people all over the world should remember a few old sayings: You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others. We are not afraid of thieves coming in, but we are afraid that thieves will miss us. A little laxity and paralysis may allow the "color revolution" to succeed.

Strictly speaking, the method of the "color revolution" of American neo-imperialism is not much new. It is just a modern replica of the European history of religion fighting heresy or provoking trouble. The United States is primarily a Protestant country. An important ideological resource of Protestant Christianity is Calvinism10.

At that time, Calvin opened a school in Switzerland to train the backbone of Protestantism in various countries. When these Protestant backbones returned to their own countries, they all became the source of unrest in the host countries. Although Catholic rule did have various drawbacks, after Calvinist Protestantism came to power in Switzerland, it carried out the burning of heretics just like Catholicism. Zweig's book "The Rights of Heretics" vividly expresses this history.

The United States has a set of very skilled methods: such as training key personnel, unifying labels, creating soft violence tools, demonizing the police or other law enforcement agencies, and creating an escalation of violence. - DayDayNews

Today, the United States still adheres to the ideology of self-centeredness that has remained unchanged from Catholicism and Protestantism. It uses its own principles as the yardstick for the world, trying to cut the feet of the world to fit the footsteps of the empire. The so-called "universal principles" of democracy and freedom are nothing but secular versions of religious ideologies. Democracy has become the secular religion of the United States. All countries and regions that are not in line with US imperial democracy and the interests of the US empire are all heretics of the "democratic religion", and they must be eliminated quickly and quickly, and they must be changed before they are satisfied.

In fact, the countries around the world today that do not meet the political standards of the United States are not the authoritarian countries that the United States calls authoritarian countries. They are more likely to be countries that conflict with the interests of American neo-imperialism. The principle of imperialism having no borders and expanding as much as possible is manifested in American neo-imperialism as follows: using strong force as the backing, using ideology as the standard, and using "color revolutions" as the means to incorporate all countries or regions in the world into the economy of the US empire. The circle of interests forces the world to become a vassal of the United States according to the standards of American neo-imperialism.

As a means of American new imperialism, the essence of the "color revolution" has become increasingly clear to people: it is nothing more than a tool to achieve "America First" and a new trick for American imperialism to realize its old imperial dream.

The pictures in the article are from the Internet

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