Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed rice dumplings, black stinky tofu... some dishes do not seek "appearance", but rather "blackness". Dark, jet black, so black, do you dare to eat it? Black Ramen & Black Oden Exploration Store: Dachuisuke Address: No. 179 Maotai

2024/06/2019:06:34 hotcomm 1690

Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed buns, black stinky tofu...

There are some dishes that do not seek "appearance" but rather "blackness". Dark, jet black, so black, do you dare to eat it?

Black ramen, black oden

Explore the store: Daichuizhu

Address: No. 179, Maotai Road LG2010

Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed rice dumplings, black stinky tofu... some dishes do not seek

Ramen is white, but other restaurants don’t!

Dachuisuke's ramen is known as the "Four Diamonds": Yusuke with pork bone white soup, black soup with gold leaf black, red soup with spicy red soup, and green soup with secret green soup. As soon as you look at the menu, you will know that there are different colors and different tastes. Red, green, peppers and vegetables, nothing unusual. If you want to eat, just eat that dark bowl, something so mysterious.

Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed rice dumplings, black stinky tofu... some dishes do not seek

After asking the waiter at the store, it turned out that squid ink and black garlic oil were used. The base was still pork bone soup, pig trotters, pork bones, chicken feet, etc. It was boiled over high heat, then reduced to low heat and simmered for 24 hours. The standard configuration of this model is ultra-thin ramen, you can change it if you don’t like it. This is his specialty. The thickness of the noodles and the salty taste can all be "customized".

In addition to the "essence soup" and "customized noodles", the ingredients are also special. The special ink-based meat balls are dotted with shiny gold foil, which is absolutely "high-end". Have you watched "The Little Master of China"? The bowl of "Galaxy Noodles" is as black and shiny as the Milky Way. If you look at it for a few more times, you feel like you are about to inhale it. Black ramen is this kind of "rush"!

Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed rice dumplings, black stinky tofu... some dishes do not seek

His oden is also a "black beauty". That is the famous Shizuoka Oden. It is so black that it makes people really uneasy and they don’t know how it tastes. Let’s start with the fish cakes, which are so dark and look like shiitake mushrooms but have a firm texture; then there’s a bunch of large radish, which has a “smoky look” and still tastes fresh; there are also konjac cubes, fish rolls, fried tofu, etc. It tastes salty and fresh, and is an absolute must-have for eating! The secret is the rich black sauce with seaweed powder in it, which is quite delicious.

In "The Lonely Gourmet", this is the thing that makes Inokashira Goro's mouth water. This is the only place in the huge magic city that has such delicious food.

Black pasta, black pizza

Shop visit: Cin Cin

Address: Shopping Mall No. 9, Jinan Road 1F

Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed rice dumplings, black stinky tofu... some dishes do not seek

This store is definitely a "black store".

Don’t get me wrong, it’s just a “black-based Italian restaurant”. The proprietress Zhi Zhi is a die-hard fan of black gourmet food. Open the menu and take a look. His dishes are not "black belly", but the real "Bao Gonghei".

First served the cuttlefish ink seafood noodles, cuttlefish rings, prawns and pasta, soaked in the dark soup. I snickered in my heart: Is this poison made by Snow White's stepmother? Although the appearance is a bit scary and does not meet the standards of the "Appearance Association", after tasting it for a few times, I found that she is "beautiful on the inside". The noodles are smooth, the seafood is delicious, the soup is rich, with a slight sea flavor, authentic Mediterranean food. What’s more special is that despite its humble appearance, it is said that if girls eat it, it can clear away heat and remove acne, and has great beautifying effects.

Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed rice dumplings, black stinky tofu... some dishes do not seek

Then, the cuttlefish pizza was served. The thin-bottom black pizza is crispy and soft, and has a very special taste. It has a strong seafood flavor and is not fishy at all. The top is covered with small octopuses, which are super elastic. When you take a bite, they actually "hide and seek" with the tip of your tongue, which is very fun. It is said that this original black pizza is the most clicked dish in his family. Customers come here every day, but unfortunately it is limited to 10 servings.

According to the plan, black sandwiches, black burgers, black sushi, etc. will be launched one after another. It seems that this is going to be dark all the way to the end.

Let’s gossip: Opening a restaurant is just a side job. Her main job is to be the assistant to the president of a multinational group. She is studying for an MBA. She is a beautiful woman born in the 1980s. She is single. She comes to the store every day to help. All handsome guys know this "inside information". Maybe, it’s a “double harvest” for gourmet beauties.

is more dark. . .

Black Stinky Tofu

Shop visit: Changsha Black Stinky Tofu

Address: Inside Qibao Old Street

Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed rice dumplings, black stinky tofu... some dishes do not seek

It is dark and smelly, but some people actually like it. The stinky tofu in

's memory is the golden "little gold nugget" on the wire rack.Unexpectedly, I met "Black Square" on the streets of the ancient town, black stinky tofu from Changsha, Hunan.

According to the shop owner, this stinky tofu is shipped fresh from Hunan every morning and is fermented with black beans and black sesame seeds, so it looks "very dark". Although the color is a bit scary, when the stinky tofu is fried until it's charred on the outside and tender on the inside, the aroma hits your nose straight, and you can't hold it in while standing next to it. I took out 5 yuan and got a portion: it was pitch black on the outside and as white as jade on the inside; it smelled full of stench and tasted extremely delicious. Moreover, the way to eat it is also special. Other stinky tofu is eaten with dipping sauce, but his is different. The stinky tofu is dipped in soup and then coated with homemade sweet and spicy sauce. When you take a bite, it's black and white, crispy and tender, sweet and salty, what a "contradiction".

This black stinky tofu is not necessarily delicious, it is just a fresh picture. However, these days, I just like to "show up" and immediately gather together when I encounter something delicious and fun. If you go to this food stall on weekends, you'll definitely have to queue up. If you want to try something new, I suggest you make time to go there during the week.

Speaking of which, "A Bite of China" introduced Huizhou stinky tofu, which is even weirder, with three colors of gray, blue and black. It looks scarier and tastes more domineering. It has gained countless fans. Moreover, it is said that they are all female fans. Even though they are usually pretty, when the mention of stinky tofu is mentioned, all of them turn pale and go berserk, their moral integrity shattered to pieces!

Think about it: stinky tofu, fried dumplings, and crispy chicken are all the favorites of girls. No matter what waste oil or additives, there is nothing to stop the greedy insects from coming.

Black dumplings

Produced by: The TERRACE

Address: No. 23, Anfu Road

Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed rice dumplings, black stinky tofu... some dishes do not seek

Have eaten mackerel dumplings and cheese dumplings, what are black dumplings? At first glance, it looked like a mess and not very appetizing. But when you open the dumplings and look at them, you can see that they are the real thing. The thick and dark cuttlefish juice is wrapped in the elastic and smooth cuttlefish meat, paired with rich tomato sauce. What about the effect of the intestines?

Black Xiaolong

Produced by: Lexin Dynasty

Address: No. 999 Huaihai Middle Road, L6-608

Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed rice dumplings, black stinky tofu... some dishes do not seek

His eight-color Xiaolong is very popular in Shanghai. Look at that cage, red, yellow, orange, and gray, completely subverting Xiaolong's "good girl" image. The most eye-catching thing is the black truffle dumplings, which are colored with squid ink and are so dark and shiny that they look like they are wearing a sable coat. Don't worry, eat it, it's all natural colorings, such as green spinach juice, yellow corn juice, orange carrot juice, etc., paired with ginseng, foie gras, cheese, crab powder fillings, it will be satisfying to the eyes and comfortable to the mouth.

Black Eyed Peas

Produced by: Fat Master Hand Baked

Address: No. 353, Fujian Middle Road

Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed rice dumplings, black stinky tofu... some dishes do not seek

Black Eyed Peas, Little S’s favorite. In fact, they are small meal bags, 5 in a pack, round and dark. The appearance is really ordinary, but when you open it with your hands, there are actually chocolate beans hidden inside! If you are too lazy to make breakfast in winter, put it in the microwave for 10 seconds and the chocolate inside will melt. Take a bite and guess what it feels like? Like chocolate lava bread. Let's have a cup of clear coffee, a "black energy breakfast", and let the small universe explode.

Black paella

Produced by: Las Tapas

Address: Floor 1-2, Building 32, No. 45, Sinan Road

Black ramen, black pasta, black pizza, black steamed rice dumplings, black stinky tofu... some dishes do not seek

Black rice is not unusual, the rice is originally black. What is recommended here is the famous paella, the "top brand" of Spanish cuisine, but it is the "black version". The rice needs to be "tanned" first, and the secret is squid ink, plus prawns, mussels, cuttlefish, and dragon fish, and the plate is full, which is super exciting. The seafood in his paella is fresh and the rice is not stuffed with raw material. Take a big spoonful and stuff it into your mouth. Your happiness index will immediately go up.

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