It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened. "Forrest Gump", "The Elephant Man", "Apocalypse Now", "Cinema Paradiso"

2024/06/1706:07:34 hotcomm 1440
It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Main poster of the 10th Beijing Film Festival.

The 10th Beijing International Film Festival will be held in Beijing from August 22nd to August 29th. Over the years, the "Beijing Screening" section has attracted much attention from the media and movie fans. This year's film festival will achieve new breakthroughs in content and format. It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened. "Forrest Gump", "The Elephant Man", " Apocalypse Now ", "Cinema Paradiso", "The Matrix" trilogy and other great films are on the film list. The online screening has cooperated with iQiyi, the exclusive online screening platform, to build a special area for the Beijing Film Festival with 12 units and about 250 films online. For the first time, about 50 new domestic and foreign films will be online at once. This is an unprecedented move for domestic film festivals. . Faced with so many films with different themes, how should movie fans choose a film?

To this end, reporters from the Beijing News exclusively interviewed 20 Chinese filmmakers, including Li Shaohong, Zhang Yibai, Chen Zhengdao, Gao Zhisen, Chen Guohui, Guo Ke and other director representatives; there were also Huang Xiaoming, Actor representatives such as Li Chen, Qin Hailu, Shawn Yue, Li Ruotong, Hu Bing, Tan Yaowen and other actors asked them to recommend the films screened at the Beijing Film Festival that they most want to see. These film lists include classic old films such as "Forrest Gump", "Apocalypse Now", "Akira" and the "Matrix" series, as well as "春江水瓜", "Kim Ji-young Born in 1982" and "Silent Film Commentary" New films with high reputations such as "Member" can serve as a reference for confused movie fans.

Li Shaohong (director)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Li Shaohong

Representative work: "Silver Snake Murder"

Recommended movie: "Kim Ji Young Born in 1982"

Screening unit: Women's Voice

Director: Kim Do Young

Starring: Jung Youmi , Gong Yoo

Screening times: 5

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"Kim Ji-young, Born in 1982" poster


"Kim Ji-young, Born in 1982" is a movie that impressed me very much. It is adapted from the novel of the same name by the famous Korean female writer Cho Nam-joo. This film tells the story of the many shackles that a seemingly happy woman carries. A woman has multiple identities as she grows up, such as a well-behaved daughter, a docile wife, and an all-powerful mother. However, she neglects that besides these identities, there is another most important identity - herself! This movie raises a profound social topic for us to think about. Kim Ji-young’s story is not an isolated case but something that many women may experience. As the book's introduction says, "How many invisible ups and downs does a girl have to go through before she can stumble into adulthood?" The Beijing Film Festival has set up the "Female Voices" unit this year, and the film selection is excellent. "Kim Ji Young Born in 1982" is listed among them. If you have the opportunity, you can go to the big screen to watch this excellent movie. I hope all girls can be treated gently by the years!

Zhang Yibai (director)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Zhang Yibai

Representative work: "Love to the End"

Recommended movie: "From Miyamoto to You"

Screening unit: Global Vision

Director: Tetsuya Mariko

Starring: Souaki Ikematsu, Yu Aoi

Screening Screenings: 2

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"From Miyamoto to You" poster

Recommended words:

This is a cruel and romantic movie. I watched this movie during the epidemic, and I have a special feeling during this special period: It is difficult to be an enemy of life, and it is even harder to reconcile with life. From Miyamoto to everyone, life is worth beating and warming.

Shu Huan (screenwriter, director)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Shu Huan

Representative work: "Military Guy Erdan"

Recommended movie: "Memories of Murder"

Screening unit: Restoration of classics

Director: Bong Joon-ho

Starring: Song Kanghao , Kim Sang Kyung

Screening times: 5

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"Memories of Murder" poster

Recommended words:

The Korean film industry has faithfully studied Hollywood genre films for nearly thirty years, and finally carved out a world of its own. Another example is Indian films."Memories of Murder" can be said to be a god-like work. The film has exquisite texture. Both in terms of narrative and performance, it surpasses "Parasite".

Guo Ke (director)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Guo Ke

Representative works: " Twenty-two "

Recommended movie: "Silent Film Narrator"

Screening unit: Long live the movie

Director: Masayuki Zhou Fang

Starring: Narita Rei, Kuroshima Yuina

Screening times: 5

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Poster of "The Silent Film Narrator"

Recommended words:

If it weren't for this recommendation column, I wouldn't have had the chance to watch this Japanese movie. The film tells in a relaxed way a professional group that has almost disappeared now - the silent film commentator. The emotions and attitudes of him and the people around him tell us that the people and things of that era are long gone. But the beauty of the movie is that it can take us back to those beautiful memories and meet them at that time. After watching this movie, I really want to eat milk candies.

Dapeng (director, actor)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.


Representative works: "吉祥如意"

Recommended movies: "Auspicious Ruyi"

Screening unit: Mirror World

Director: Dapeng

Starring: Wang Jixiang, Dapeng

Screening times: 1

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"Auspicious Ruyi" poster

Recommended words:

Personally speaking, I may have the opportunity to make another movie in the future, but "Auspicious Ruyi" will always be the most different. Its narrative structure and image style will be very interesting to the audience. For my friends, it is also a special experience and challenge. This film was filmed at the China Film Archive. When it is screened at the Beijing Film Festival at the China Film Archive, the audience will enter this story at a certain moment and feel the most special "magic" that only belongs to this movie. time".

Dong Runnian (screenwriter, director)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Dong Runnian

Representative works: "The Man Caught by Light"

Recommended movie: "A Rainy Day in New York"

Screening unit: Global Vision

Director: Woody Allen

Starring: Timothée Chalamet, Selena Gomez

Screening times: 3

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Poster of "A Rainy Day in New York"

Recommended words:

html The 185-year-old Woody Allen is still unswervingly ironic Film Circle. Always talkative and always interesting, since he changed the starring roles in his movies from himself to young men and women, his movies have become even more "pleasing to watch". I have watched a lot of heavy films at film festivals, so a film like this that is light-hearted and has some insights into life is a good choice.

Yang Zi (director)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Yang Zi

Representative work: "Beloved"

Recommended movie: "Persian Lesson"

Screening unit: Official recommendation

Director: Vadim Perlman

Starring: Lars Eidinger , Leonie Benich

Screening times: 1

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"Persian Lesson" poster

Recommended words:

Against the background of cruel war and massacre, the story of the miracle created by the will to survive is jaw-dropping, and the seriousness full of absurdity is laughable. The sense of humor and crisis alternately rub the audience's nerves, and the two echo each other to infinitely amplify the tension and suspense.

Chen Zhengdao (director)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Chen Zhengdao

Representative works: "The Memory Master"

Recommended movies: "Portrait of a Lady on Fire" 4K

Screening unit: Women's Voice

Director: Céline Sciamma

Starring: Nomi May Lant, Adela Haenel

Screening times: 5

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"Portrait of a Lady on Fire" poster


I highly recommend "Portrait of a Lady on Fire". This movie is special. The story takes place on an island. A rare film that truly and completely talks about female love. The filming is also very delicate, capturing the feeling of love: how two people fall in love with each other.One thing that can be compared with "Call Me by Your Name" is that it is also a forbidden love, and women must marry as wives. This is a problem of image and construction, which is rare in this type of film. It balances emotion and lust very well, and the composition is very beautiful. This was a very outstanding work last year.

Gao Zhisen (director)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Gao Zhisen

Representative works: "Thirteen Langs of the South China Sea"

Recommended movies: "Apocalypse Now"

Screening unit: Restoration of Classics/IMAX Grand Presents

Director: Francis Ford Coppola

Starring: Martin Sheen, Marlon Brando

Number of screenings: 5 shows in each of 2 units

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"Apocalypse Now" poster

Recommended words:

I heard that there is an unspoken rule in Hollywood: if a director's work has the record of being the top box office champion in the United States for three weeks , the director can have an opportunity to create freely and "do whatever he wants" without interference. After the great director Francis Ford Coppola achieved unprecedented artistic and box office success with "The Godfather" and "The Godfather Sequel ", he got the opportunity to complete a film with a production cost of US$31.5 million (1979) that profoundly exposed the impact of war on human nature. A work of destruction. In the film, the footage of the army boarding helicopters and conducting aerial maneuvers was ingeniously matched by the director with the soundtrack of Wagner's opera "Ride of the Valkyries", which showed the majestic momentum of the military operation, but also set off the war on the screen. The cruel and bloody scene has become an unforgettable classic in the history of film.

Chen Guohui (director)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Chen Guohui

Representative works: "Heroes of Fire"

Recommended movies: "Akira"

Screening unit: IMAX Juxian

Director: Otomo Katsuhiro

Starring: Iwata Mitsuo, Sasaki Nozomi

Screening times: 5

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

" Akira" poster


I think this is one of the best animated movies ever. The dark themes, vivid characters, stunning animation, and fascinating plot undoubtedly make this cyberpunk science fiction The animation became a masterpiece.

Qin Hailu (actor)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Qin Hailu

Representative work: "Durian Piao Piao"

Recommended movie: "Cinema Paradiso"

Screening unit: Viva Cinema

Director: Giuseppe Tornatore

Starring: Antonella Arti Lee, Enzo Caraval

Screening times: 5

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"Cinema Paradiso" poster


No matter when you watch "Cinema Paradiso" you will still be touched. Movies are like life, but they are different from life. From here All tastes of life can be read in this film.

Li Chen (actor)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Li Chen

Representative work: "Eight Hundred"

Recommended: "My Motherland and Me"

Screening unit: Official recommendation

Director: Chen Kaige Zhang Yibai Guan Hu Xue Xiaolu Xu Zheng Ning Hao Wen Muye

Starring: Ge You, Huang Bo, Zhang Yi, Song Jia, etc.

Screening times: 2

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"My Motherland and Me" poster

Recommended words:

This is a film that can arouse the common understanding of Chinese people around the world In the movie of remembrance, on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, seven directors filmed seven short stories about ordinary people closely related to the motherland. They used a small way to show the outstanding qualities and strength of this nation. Different eras and different The stories of the place are combined into an empathetic and exciting work. Every time you watch these historic classic moments, you are moved and empowered. As a gift film, it has extraordinary significance and is worth watching again and again. Every time I think about it, I always feel more proud of the achievements of our motherland today.

Huang Xiaoming (actor)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Huang Xiaoming

Representative work: " Chinese Partner " Recommended: "Forrest Gump"

Screening unit: IMAX Juxian

Director: Robert Zemeckis

Starring: Tom Hanks , Robin White

Screening times: 5

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"Forrest Gump" poster

Recommended words:

"Forrest Gump" is my favorite movie, not only because this movie is well shot, but also Because of Forrest Gump's spirit, his unwillingness to admit defeat, persistence, bravery, and fearlessness, and his feelings for his family, friends, and brothers, I was very moved. Not only Forrest Gump is reflected in the film, but all kinds of people are vividly represented. It is a "god" movie in my heart.

Hu Bing (actor)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Hu Bing

Representative works: " Gutian Bugle "

Recommended movies: "The Matrix" series

Screening unit: Series Taotie

Director: Lily Wachowski, Lana Wachlaw Sky

Starring: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne

Number of screenings: 3 movies, 15 shows in total

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"The Matrix" poster

Recommended words:

Excellent subject matter, excellent settings, incisive shooting Techniques and special effects, the "Matrix" series will always be a science fiction masterpiece in the hearts of movie fans. I can still remember how I reminisced about this series of movies over and over again. Although it is a commercial science fiction film, it contains extremely rich philosophy and brings a double impact to people's vision and soul. Even if I watch it again today, it still won't feel outdated. I must go to the theater this time during the Beijing Film Festival to watch every classic in this series again.

Li Randi (actor)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Li Randi

Representative work: "Hello, Old Time"

Recommended movie: "War and Peace"

Director: Sergey Bondarchuk

Starring: Sergey Bondarchuk, Vyacheslav Tikhonov

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"War and Peace" poster


This film is not only the greatest literary work in history, but also the most expensive and greatest war movie in the history of film. It shows the most complex emotions among human beings and the most extreme image spectacle that could be presented at that time. Especially under the national system of the former Soviet Union, the investment in war scenes was basically unprecedented. After all, in the history of movies, there will never be such a war scene without digital special effects and with hundreds of thousands of real extras. . This also shows how great the director Sergei Bondarchuk is who made such arrangements. He is the real commander-in-chief.

Liu Shuailiang (actor)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Liu Shuiliang

Representative work: "Donkey Gets Water"

Recommended movie: " Tropical Rain"

Director: Chen Zheyi

Starring: Yang Yanyan, Li Mingshun

Screening unit: Women's Voice

Screening times :5

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"Tropical Rain" poster

Recommended words:

Director Chen Zheyi's new feature film did not disappoint. With solid foundation and thoughtful plot foreshadowing, the director uses the most sincere attitude to explore various problems of people we meet in real life. It tells the story of a woman's mid-life crisis. Many scenes are very life-like but extremely dramatic. During the movie viewing process, people feel like being pulled into the screen and feel the lives of the people in the movie. The delicate plot is also full of power, as if to say that the tropical rain will eventually clear up.

Shawn Yue (actor)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Shawn Yue

Representative work: "Zhiming and Chunjiao" Recommended movie: "Spring River Plumbing"

Screening unit: Official recommendation

Director: Gu Xiaogang

Starring: Du Hongjun, Qian Youfa

Screening times: 2

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"Spring River" "Spring River Plumbing" poster


As the opening film of this year's Beijing International Film Festival, "Spring River Plumbing" is worth looking forward to.The film is set on the banks of the Fuchun River in Hangzhou, and tells the story of the ups and downs of human relationships experienced by an ordinary three-generation family in their daily lives. This film is director Gu Xiaogang's debut, but it is full of stunning features. It not only has a broad, solemn tenderness and narrative structure, but also a vivid cinematic expression of the charm of traditional Chinese landscape paintings. Every frame is so beautiful that you will be fascinated by it, and every paragraph The plots are touching. This is the power of Chinese-language films and the unique charm of our Chinese films. I hope more and more such good works will appear on the screen.

Li Ruotong (actor)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Li Ruotong

Representative work: "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"

Recommended movie: "Broken Wind"

Screening unit: Open-air screening

Director: Lin Chaoxian

Starring: Eddie Peng, Dou Xiao

Screening times: Open-air screening

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"Broken Wind" poster

Recommended words:

This is a good inspirational film. As a sports enthusiast, exercise is an inevitable activity for me every day. My palms kept sweating while watching "Breaking Wind", and I felt the endless charm of sports. I admire actors like Peng Yuyan for their persistent and hard training for their roles. Everyone will face the ups and downs of life, and will encounter setbacks and difficulties. As long as you don't give up, you will always have the opportunity to fight, grow, and gain your dreams. While watching the movie, you can feel the hardships of the director, cinematographer, and all staff, in addition to the actors, because it is very difficult to achieve a realistic feel in a sports-themed movie like this. Director Lam Chiu-hsien has never disappointed me, and I know that from the time I participated in his first movie "G4 Agents".

Tan Yaowen (actor)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Tan Yaowen

Representative works: " Beast Detective "

Recommended movies: "The Elephant Man"

Screening unit: Restoration of classics

Director: David Lynch

Starring: Anthony Hopkins, John Hurt

Screening times: 5

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"The Elephant Man" poster

Recommended words:

For its time, "The Elephant Man" is a highly innovative classic feature film, with extremely exciting performances by the actors and unique shooting techniques. In particular, what makes people sigh the most is the film’s detailed description of the character’s heart. No matter how many times you watch it, it still feels meaningful. David Lynch used this film to demonstrate his unique talent. It is very delicate and deep, and it is worth watching again and again. Relive.

Yang Youning (actor)

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

Yang Youning

Representative work: "Everything is Good"

Recommended movie: "The Moon in the Hand"

Director: Chen Chuanxing

Starring: Ye Jiaying

Screening unit: Women's Voice

Screening times: 1

It is reported that the screening is divided into four parts: online screening, TV screening, cinema screening, and open-air screening, and more than 300 excellent Chinese and foreign films will be screened.

"掎"The Moon in My Hands" poster

Recommended words:

This year's Beijing Film Festival is showing many excellent films in the "Women's Voice" section. "The Moon in My Hands" will premiere at this Beijing Film Festival. As the finale of director Chen Chuanxing's "Poetry" trilogy, the film narrates the life of Mr. Ye Jiaying, the "daughter of poetry", which is full of poetic and picturesque flavor and is highly anticipated. 

Beijing News reporter Zhou Huixiaowan

editor Huang Jialing proofread Liu Jun Li Lijun

Source: Beijing News

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