The general public is requested to check whether they ate at this chain store during the same period and within the next two hours. If there is any intersection with the announced case trajectory, please immediately report to the district epidemic command center's flow control te

2024/06/1507:32:33 hotcomm 1954

Source: Shaanxi Metropolis Express

Chang'an District, Xi'an is urgently searching for

people who are traveling at the same time. Please report immediately


confirmed case Wang, on April 11, 2022 (Monday) in Xinhua, Chang'an District from 17:27 to 18:20 50 meters west of the south entrance of Qiaojiacun Street, Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan.

The general public is requested to check whether they ate at this chain store during the same period and the following two hours (17:27 to 20:20) . If there is any intersection with the announced case trajectory, please immediately report to the district The Epidemic Command Headquarters epidemic prevention and control team report, cooperates with the implementation of epidemic prevention and control policies, and carries out prevention and control measures such as centralized isolation, home isolation, health monitoring, and nucleic acid testing. Anyone who conceals relevant information or fails to report automatically will be held legally responsible.

Contact number: 15877657826

Xi'an Chang'an District New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

April 15, 2022

Xi'an Yanta District

Epidemic Prevention and Control Report Reward Announcement

Yanta District Citizens and friends:

To effectively protect the people In order to ensure the safety and health of the people and consolidate the results of epidemic prevention and control in our district, the Office of the Yanta District Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters reminds:

Returning geese with a history of traveling to Shanghai, Jilin, Fujian and other medium- and high-risk areas since April 1 Personnel, please actively report to the community (village). Anyone who deliberately conceals or fails to report or hinders the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures will be seriously held accountable in accordance with the law.

At the same time, the Yanta District Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office solicited information from the entire district on people who have traveled to and returned from the above-mentioned medium- and high-risk areas and failed to truthfully report information. After verification, each person will be rewarded with RMB 200. People in the district are invited to Actively provide relevant clues to the Yanta District Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office in Xi'an.

Contact number: 029-89353633 or 029-89350628

Yanta District New Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office

April 14, 2022

The general public is requested to check whether they ate at this chain store during the same period and within the next two hours. If there is any intersection with the announced case trajectory, please immediately report to the district epidemic command center's flow control te - DayDayNews

Shaanxi Yulin City Joint Prevention and Control Office

issued an emergency reminder

Received or contacted since April 7

Please report Yunda Express packages immediately

html On April 14, the Yulin City Joint Prevention and Control Office issued an emergency reminder, In view of the recent detection of multiple positive cases among employees of Yunda Express Company in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, and Yuyang, Yulin City District, Wubao County , Jiaxian Yunda Express sorting site involves express shipments transiting through Yunda Express Logistics Park in Taiyuan, Shanxi. In order to investigate risks as soon as possible and strictly prevent the hidden spread and import of the epidemic, the general public is hereby reminded:

, Please Yuyang District , Wubao County, and Jiaxian County members of the public who have received or come into contact with Yunda Express packages since April 7 should immediately report to their communities (villages) and cooperate with nucleic acid testing. Anyone who intentionally conceals or fails to report truthfully and causes adverse consequences will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

2. The general public is requested to pay close attention to the epidemic situation. During the epidemic prevention and control period, be cautious when purchasing imported items from countries with severe epidemics, and do not order goods by mail from domestic medium- and high-risk areas unless necessary. If you have made a purchase recently, please take the initiative to take a nucleic acid test.

3. While the epidemic continues, the general public is requested to actively cooperate with the delivery and delivery personnel of postal companies and express delivery companies by using smart express boxes, designated receiving points, etc. to receive express mail in accordance with the control requirements of local governments, communities and other departments. When receiving express mail, you must take personal protection, wear a mask, keep a "one-meter distance" and avoid getting together to focus.

4. When disassembling, try to do it outdoors. The outer packaging should not be taken home and should be disposed of according to the classification of domestic waste. If the express delivery has been taken home, it must be thoroughly disinfected and stored for a period of time before unpacking. During the process of picking up and disassembling parts, avoid touching your mouth, eyes, nose and other parts with unclean hands. After handling mail (express mail), take off your gloves in time, use soap or hand sanitizer to wash your hands carefully according to the " seven-step hand washing method ", or use hand disinfectant or 75% alcohol to disinfect your hands.

5. When is abnormal, report to .After contacting or receiving express mail, you should monitor your own health. If you develop fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell (taste), diarrhea and other suspicious symptoms of COVID-19, you should take personal protection and go to the nearest fever clinic immediately. Go to outpatient clinics or designated medical institutions for medical treatment and investigation, and truthfully inform them of your travel and contact history. You are not allowed to take public transportation while seeking medical treatment.

Xi'an Municipal Public Security Bureau Announcement on the measures to restrict the movement of trucks on the expressway around the city

Xi'an Municipal Public Security Bureau

Notice on the measures to restrict the movement of trucks on the expressway around the city in the morning and evening peaks

According to the " Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China ", "Shaanxi Provincial Measures for the Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China", " Xi'an Road Traffic Safety Regulations " and other laws and regulations, in order to better balance the Xi'an Ring Expressway (hereinafter referred to as the Ring Expressway) transit traffic and urban traffic Function, scientific and precise management and control to ease traffic flow, facilitate and efficiently ensure the transportation of people's livelihood materials, and alleviate traffic congestion on the expressway around the city. Based on the actual traffic management of Xi'an City, and after submitting to the municipal government for approval, our bureau decided to implement Xi'an from April 20, 2022 The traffic restrictions for trucks on the Ring Expressway in the morning and evening peaks are now announced as follows:

1. Traffic restriction time

7:00 to 9:30, 17:30 to 20:00 daily 1

2. Traffic restriction area

The entire Xi'an Ring Expressway

3. Restricted truck types

Light and micro trucks (except light and micro enclosed trucks), medium and heavy trucks and special operation vehicles.

4. The following trucks are not subject to traffic restrictions

(1) New energy trucks with special new energy license plates (including those from other places).

(2) Military police vehicles, engineering rescue vehicles, administrative law enforcement vehicles with uniform logos sprayed on them, emergency vehicles, and special highway maintenance vehicles.

(3) "Green Channel" vehicles (i.e. vehicles transporting fresh agricultural products in their entirety, including Fresh vegetables and fruits, fresh aquatic products, live poultry and livestock, fresh meat, eggs, milk, etc.), grain and oil food distribution vehicles with unified logos.

(4) Emergency management, epidemic prevention and control, emergency and disaster relief vehicles that have been approved by the competent industry department, registered with the traffic management department of the municipal public security organ, and hold a pass issued by the competent department.

5. Other matters

(1) Trucks that transport materials necessary for production and daily life that really have transportation needs should go to the traffic management department of the municipal public security organ or apply for a "Temporary Truck Pass" through the "Xi'an Traffic Police" WeChat service account ".

(2) Trucks that need to transit Xi'an during the traffic restriction period can be detoured through Linxing Expressway, Beijing-Kunming Expressway, Baomao Expressway, Lianhuo Expressway, Yulan Expressway, Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway and other roads.

(3) Set April 20, 2022 to May 4, 2022 as the policy transition period for traffic restriction measures. The traffic management department of the municipal public security organ will remind, warn, publicize and correct vehicles found to have violated the provisions of this notice;

2022 Anyone who violates the provisions of this notice starting from May 5 will be dealt with by the traffic management department of the municipal public security organ in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

(4) While complying with this measure, relevant truck trucks should also comply with the "Notice on the Traffic Management of Diesel Trucks" issued by the Xi'an Municipal People's Government on November 3, 2018.

(5) If the traffic restriction measures need to be adjusted after the south ring section of the Xi'an Outer Ring Expressway is opened, the traffic management department of the municipal public security organ shall issue an announcement in advance in accordance with the law.

(6) If it is necessary to temporarily adjust traffic restrictions due to emergencies, major activities, statutory holidays, , severe weather and heavy pollution weather emergency response, the traffic management department of the municipal public security organ shall make a separate announcement.

(7) This notice is valid for 2 years, starting from April 20, 2022, and ending on April 19, 2024.

Hereby notify

Xi'an Municipal Public Security Bureau

April 15, 2022

Xi'an Fengdong New Town:

Notice on the implementation of temporary traffic control measures during the global static management period

In order to do our best to prevent and control the epidemic, we will strictly implement the "prevention of importation, The epidemic prevention and control strategy of "preventing spillover" effectively blocks the transmission of the epidemic and effectively protects the lives and health of the people. According to the notice of the Fengdong New City Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters on the implementation of temporary static management in the entire region, the entire area of ​​Fengdong New City in Xixian New District is on 2022 Temporary traffic control will be implemented from 22:00 on April 14, 2020, and the specific lifting time will be notified later.

In order to facilitate the passage of people and vehicles traveling for necessary reasons, the emergency passages and fully closed points during the temporary traffic control period for epidemic prevention and control are hereby announced as follows:

In and out of Fengdong New Town A total of 56 traffic control points are set up on urban roads . Among them, 8 is a semi-closed emergency channel , which allows special vehicles, medical treatment vehicles, people's livelihood protection vehicles, material distribution vehicles, emergency repair and rescue vehicles, emergency vehicles, funeral vehicles, military and police vehicles to perform tasks, and participate in epidemic prevention and control. Vehicles for work and emergency production can pass here. The conditions for passing are to hold a pass or relevant certificate issued by the Epidemic Headquarters. All other vehicles (including electric vehicles and non-motor vehicles) and pedestrians are prohibited from passing; 48 is a fully closed point. , all vehicles and pedestrians are prohibited from passing.

The general public is requested to check whether they ate at this chain store during the same period and within the next two hours. If there is any intersection with the announced case trajectory, please immediately report to the district epidemic command center's flow control te - DayDayNewsThe general public is requested to check whether they ate at this chain store during the same period and within the next two hours. If there is any intersection with the announced case trajectory, please immediately report to the district epidemic command center's flow control te - DayDayNewsThe general public is requested to check whether they ate at this chain store during the same period and within the next two hours. If there is any intersection with the announced case trajectory, please immediately report to the district epidemic command center's flow control te - DayDayNews

We hope that the general public will inform each other, actively cooperate in traffic control, refrain from traveling unless necessary, and jointly build a strong barrier for epidemic prevention and control. For vehicles driving on the road in violation of the provisions of this notice, the traffic management department of the public security organ will deal with them in accordance with the law and regulations, and relevant personnel who cause serious consequences will be held criminally responsible in accordance with the law.

Fengdong New Town Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Xixian New District, Xi'an City

April 14, 2022

Urgent reminder! Jingbian, Yulin, Shaanxi Province announced the activity trajectory of a case of asymptomatic infection

Drivers and passengers:

At 10 pm on April 13, 2022, the Pneumonia Prevention and Control Headquarters of Hainan District, Wuhai City issued the " The "Emergency Notice on Responding to the Epidemic" (No. 6) shows that on April 12, positive samples were found in the mixed nucleic acid test of 10 people in Ustai Town, Alxa Left Banner, and 2 of them are currently in Wuhai. Within Hainan District of the city. During the nucleic acid test, one person was found to be positive in the preliminary screening. After review by Wuhai CDC and consultation and judgment by an expert group, he was determined to be an asymptomatic COVID-19 infection on the evening of April 13.

According to the results of the epidemic investigation, the trajectory of the asymptomatic infected person Wu Moumou in Jingbian County is as follows:

At around 8:30 a.m. on April 12, Wu Moumou entered the Jingbian East parking area and got off the car at Samples were taken at the nucleic acid testing sampling point and he left the parking area at about 9 o'clock. During this period, he went to the bathroom. Around 13:30 p.m., Wu's nucleic acid test result was negative.

Wu Moumou’s activities in Jingbian County are clear. Drivers and passengers are reminded that if they have time and space intersection with Wu Moumou in the Jingbian East parking area, please report to the local epidemic prevention and control department immediately and obey the control of the local epidemic prevention and control department.

Contact number:

0912-4617882 (Jingbian County Joint Prevention Office)

0912-4621162 (Jingbian County Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

Jingbian County Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia Epidemic Joint Prevention and Control Leading Group Office

April 14, 2022

Tongguan County, Shaanxi Province

Tongguan County Emergency tracing

htmlOn April 14, the Office of the Leading Group for Responding to Novel Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia in Tongguan County, Weinan issued a message asking people who have time and space to intersect with confirmed cases to report quickly.

Dear citizens:

The movement trajectory of close contact Ma Moumou is now announced as follows: Ma Moumou's movement trajectory was on duty at the epidemic prevention and control gate of Qindong Toll Station from 1:20 to 02:00 on April 13, 01:35 Ma Moumou came into contact with a contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at the Qindong Toll Station epidemic prevention and control checkpoint. From 14:00 to 15:00, I am on duty at the epidemic prevention and control checkpoint at Qindong Toll Station, and come into contact with vehicle drivers passing through the station.

Please take the initiative to report to your community (village) the passing vehicles and people who have crossed time and space with Ma at the above time and place, and will cooperate with the implementation of relevant epidemic prevention measures. Anyone who conceals or makes false reports that results in serious consequences such as the spread of the epidemic will be held accountable in accordance with the law. The general public is requested to consciously abide by relevant laws and regulations, not to spread rumors, not to believe rumors, not to spread rumors, and to actively cooperate in epidemic prevention and control.

Tongguan County Leading Group Office for Response to New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia

April 14, 2022

Source: Chang'an Publicity Xixian Traffic Patrol Police Xi'an Traffic Police Yulin Release Tongguan County Leading Group Office for Response to New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Shaanxi Headlines

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