Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The "Notice on Arrangements for Certain Holidays in 2022" clarifies the Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangements: June 3rd to

2024/05/2623:31:34 hotcomm 1838

Recently, the topic

#龙五节香蕉来了# has become a hot search topic on Weibo.

According to the

"Notice on Some Holiday Arrangements in 2022" previously issued by the State Council,

clarified the Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangements: June 3 to 5 holiday, a total of 3 days


how do you plan to spend the 3 days of Dragon Boat Festival holiday?

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed in 2022.

During this period,

Do you also want to go out for a walk?

Want to be among mountains and rivers and return to nature.

Guangxi’s “healing” scenery will satisfy you!

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

"After being in a cage for a long time, you can return to nature" . People who have lived in the city for a long time always have an irresistible yearning for nature.

"The world is too big, I want to go for a walk" or "One of my body and soul must be on the road", it has to be said that travel itself is full of healing , as long as this word is mentioned , the soul seems to have absorbed new nutrients.

Especially when you swim in those beautiful mountains and lakes, when your body and mind are completely integrated with the mountains and rivers, it is like breaking through all the restrictions and getting complete relaxation here.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Utopia Yuanbaoshan Picture/Yu Liangquan Photography

If the hustle and bustle of daily life is our "A-side life", then traveling among the lakes and mountains is the unfolding of our "B-side life".

We are there to find the same rhythm as nature.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Quiet Phoenix Lake Picture/Li Xiaochang Photography

In Guangxi, from the Lingnan mountains in the east of Guangxi to the longevity town in the west of Guangxi, there are mountains and rivers, and life is complicated.

We were amazed by the beautiful scenery. Of course, we also breathed in the breath of healing souls in the beautiful scenery.

Now, come with us to visit the mountains and lakes of Guangxi, and take a healing journey among the scenery of the lakes and mountains.


Guangxi’s “Little Switzerland”, perfect cure

People who have been to Darong Mountain , the impression that stays in their memory for the longest time should be “Alpine grassland, European scenery, windmills and sea of ​​clouds, everywhere. "Green" are these fascinating and yearning descriptions.

If the fast pace of life has made people more and more tired, and the mind that discovers surprises is gradually being clouded, why not come to Darong Mountain for a healing journey?

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Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

European scenery of Darong Mountain Xiaolianchi/Photography by Li Xiaochang

This is the first peak in the southeastern part of Guangxi. The main peak with an altitude of 1275.6 meters rises straight into the sky. It is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, making it difficult to see clearly. It is tall and majestic. The mountain ranges extend to Yulin, Rongxian, Beiliu, Guiping, and dominate the southeast of Guangxi.

The mountain is green all year round and is a huge natural oxygen bar.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Darong Mountain Windmill Cloud Sea Picture/Li Xiaochang Photography

In the Nine Waterfall Valley scenic area at the foot of the mountain, the flowing springs are tinkling, and the aroma of vegetation is floating in the air. Every breath in and out is a lung-cleansing journey. In the Jiupu Valley Scenic Area, the content of negative oxygen ions in the air is as high as 118,000/m³. After walking around, I just feel refreshed and drifting away.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Picture of winding paths leading to the bamboo forest in Jiu Waterfall Valley/Photography by Li Xiaochang

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

All the way up the mountain, although the mountain road is winding and winding, it is not rugged. The climate in the mountain is changeable. Sometimes when you round a bend, you will find yourself suddenly surrounded by clouds and mist. When I got up, it was as if I had traveled through a mysterious area of ​​space and arrived at the Penglai Fairy Mountain in an instant.

The sea of ​​mountains and fog is a unique natural meteorological landscape of Darong Mountain. In ancient times, "Rongshan Xiaozhang" was known as one of the "Eight Ancient Scenic Spots of Beiliu" , and literati did not hesitate to write poems to praise it. Here is also an idea The best choice for those who want to watch the sunrise over the sea of ​​clouds.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Darong Mountain shrouded in clouds Picture/Li Xiaochang Photography

The Lotus Scenic Spot on the top of the mountain is where Darong Mountain is famous for its European scenery.

The vast green lawn, the red steeple church, the surrounding clusters of "Christmas woods", the surrounding green mountains rolling ... The sense of sight of the European scenery is instantly overwhelming.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

The lawn and Christmas forest in the Lotus Scenic Area are excellent camping spots. Photo/Photography by Li Xiaochang

Going deeper, you will find another Guangxi "Little Switzerland". You don’t have to go abroad to take pictures of romantic blockbusters here.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Darongshan Church, full of exotic pictures/Darongshan Scenic Area

Darongshan Travel Tips

Scenic Area Tickets: Adults 60 yuan/person (reference price)

Opening hours: 8:00--17: 00 (Rafting time: 14:00--16:00)

Play Guide : Darongshan Forest Park The scenic spots are relatively scattered. The whole walking tour takes 5-6 hours to go back and forth. It is recommended to start early.


Meet the wonderland on earth here

The beauty of Yuanbaoshan cannot be fully described in words. It is the sky and greenery that you see when you reach the top of the mountain, and the birdsong and wind that you hear in your ears. felt in.

This place is not as precipitous and steep as Maoer Mountain , the "highest peak in South China", nor is it as delicate and beautiful as Daming Mountain. Instead, it only has the most primitive mountain rhythm of Yuanbaoshan.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Yuanbaoshan, a fairyland on earth. Picture/Yu Liangquan Photography

The clear Beijiang River meanders through the peaks and mountains, with winding peaks and waterfalls. On both sides of the peaks, fir forests and green bamboos grow densely, and the scenery is beautiful. In the movie "Sparkling Red Star", the famous sentence "Small bamboo rafts in the middle reaches of the river, walking on both sides of the towering green mountains" was shot here. Even if you have never been to Yuanbaoshan, you can still imagine its elegance and beauty in this lyrics.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Couple's picture of pine trees by the stream/Yu Liangquan Photography

In the upper reaches of Shimentan, Dulang River, Sanfang River, and Xiangfen River rush out from three green canyons, like three white dragons slamming into one place, forming The famous Sanjiang Gate on Beijiang River.

hereThe sound of water is like thunder, the white waves are rolling, and the smoke is blinding. It is as if nature has placed its proud masterpieces in this mysterious place. The first sight of it leaves people shocked.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Flying Stone Pictures/Yu Liangquan Photography (Please pay attention to safety when shooting)

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Flying Stones in Yuanbaoshan (Please pay attention to safety when shooting)

Many peaks in the Yuanbaoshan area are above 1,500 meters above sea level. In addition, the vegetation grows well, creating a Here the instantaneous changing clouds and fog, the strange rain and snow, the spectacular and wonderful sunrise, as well as the rainbow after the rain and the "Buddha's light" and other landscapes, rare meteorological landscapes, attract major photographers to come to Yuanbao Mountain to take pictures. Just take a photo and it will be a blockbuster.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Rhododendron Sea of ​​Clouds and Yuanbao Sunset Picture/Yu Liangquan Photography

Rongshui is a place where the Miao people live. There are many Miao people living around Yuanbaoshan. In the green mountains, you can vaguely see the Miao villages looming. , instantly reminds people of Tao Yuanming 's "Peach Blossom Spring".

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Pictures of Yuanbao Miao Village shrouded in fairy mist/Photography by Yu Liangquan

Every year Antai Lusheng Festival in the first month of the lunar calendar , Xiangfen Cologne Pohui, Anjie Mangge Festival and Yuanbao New Harvest Festival on the sixth day of June, Yuan The area around Baoshan is very lively. The Miao people hold games, reed pipes, drums, horse racing, horse fighting, bird fighting and other activities to celebrate the festival. The sound of singing and laughter on Yuanbaoshan Mountain is very spectacular.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Yuanbaoshan Golden Autumn Rice Field Pictures/Yu Liangquan Photography

Yuanbaoshan Travel Tips

Scenic Area Tickets: Free Tickets

Opening Hours: Open All Day

Tour Guide: Yuanbaoshan has unique geology and landforms, rich forest landscapes, and azaleas bloom in May. ,very impressive. It takes about an hour to drive from Rongshui County to the Flower Sea for flower viewing.


An irresistible decompression treasure

Those who cannot resist cute and fluffy monkeys must go to Longhu Mountain.

Longhu Mountain is not far away, 980 kilometers away from Nanning html, and can be easily reached in 1.5 hours by car.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Picture/Xiaohongshu blogger @Caicai

This is one of China's "Four Monkey Mountains" (the other three are Hainan Monkey Island, Sichuan Emei Mountain, and Heilongjiang Daxinganling). The mountains are densely forested and lush with vegetation, and the monkeys are there. He became the "King of the Mountain" here.

Monkeys occasionally appear on the mountain road. Once you actually enter Longhu Mountain, you will think that you have entered a "monkey exclusive zoo".

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Monkeys in Longhu Mountain (top picture)/Nanning Tourism (bottom picture)/Xiaohongshu@美女强士嘣

The monkeys here are not afraid of strangers. They hang on trees, in groups, and play in the water. When they see tourists, Some will even take the initiative to approach you and become your "leg pendant", like a naughty child looking for friends to play with.

The monkeys in Longhu Mountain are all spiritual and generally do not attack people. They are so cute that people cannot bear to reject their behavior of "acting coquettishly and secretly begging for food".

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Longhu Mountain Nature Reserve Photo by He Hongsheng

Nowadays, monkey watching has become a popular tourist attraction in Longhu Mountain, in addition to the wonders of caves, vine world, stone forest bonsai, river rafting and other landscapes and entertainment methods.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Picture of fishing for leaves in the water/Long'an Longhu Mountain Scenic Area

Imagine coming here after a long period of fast-paced life, playing with a group of cute monkeys, moving your furry little heads, watching their unrestrained play, and your mood Naturally, you will relax and spend a wild and fun weekend.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Lively and cute monkeys Above picture/Southwestern Guangxi Tourism Below picture/Longhu Mountain Scenic Area in Longan

In the mountains of Longhu Mountain, a green water river winds through. Green Water River lives up to its name. The turquoise river is like a green belt, reflecting the green mountains and green forests on both sides. is like another "Little Guilin".

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

"Little Guilin" reflected in the Lushui River Above/Nanning Tourism Below/Long'an Rong Media

Taking a bamboo raft to visit the Lushui River is an ultimate experience. The blue sky, white clouds and green mountains and trees are all reflected in the green river. The gentle water surface of is a huge landscape painting, and the cruise ship of is a scene in the painting.

After seeing monkeys and swimming in mountains and rivers, you can also have a natural and healthy ecological food near Longhu Mountain. The natural food from the mountains and the ecological ingredients nourished by the Green Water River are authentic and you can experience a delicious meal on the tip of your tongue. enjoy.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Picture of the middle reaches of the small bamboo raft river/Xiaohongshu@一草草

Tips for visiting Longhu Mountain

Scenic spot tickets : 60 yuan/person for adults (reference price)

Opening hours : 8:30-17:30

Tour Guide : Wild macaques are the largest scenery in Longhu Mountain. Please regulate feeding and pay attention to safety when playing.


Sky Wonderland, C-position debut

is walking on a bamboo raft in the Shimen Fairy Lake Scenic Area in Rong'an. If you are not careful, you will think you have strayed into the karst peaks of another Guilin landscape .

When the bamboo raft was wandering in the cave in the mountains, watching the sunlight slanting from the cave entrance onto the turquoise water, and the fine dust and water vapor floating in the air reflecting the golden light, I mistakenly thought that I had entered another Italy Capri Blue Grotto.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Overlooking the Immortal Lake Cave Picture/Tan Kaixing Photography

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Cruise Ship Picture/Rong'an Shimen Immortal Lake Scenic Area

The beauty of Shimen Immortal Lake is diverse. From different angles, you can find different surprises. Here you can see the idyllic beauty of the high gorge out of the Pinghu Lake, and the beautiful deep water of the dark river. You can not only see the natural and interesting tiankeng, but also feel the still shadows in the flowing water of the cave. …

Shimen Fairy Lake seems very small, so small that you can visit it in a few hours, but it also seems very big, so big that you can see the different scenery of Guangxi’s mountains and rivers here.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Shimen Cave Picture/Rong'an Shimen Fairy Lake Scenic Area

Entering the scenic spot, the vast reservoir scenery will make people feel open. The reservoir is surrounded by green mountains. The most amazing place is the karst caves connected between the mountains. From the bottom At the water flow point, you can wind up along the stone path and reach the cave on the top of the mountain.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Quiet Picture of the Karst Cave/Tan Kaixing Photography

When you come out of the karst cave, there is a 366-meter-long 3D glass overpass suspended between the two mountains. When people step on it, there will be a display of broken glass and a sound effect of breaking, which is extremely thrilling and exciting. Stimulate.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Thrilling glass trestle Picture/Tan Kaixing Photography

There is an underground cave at the bottom of the canyon below the glass trestle that is connected to an underground river, and the gurgling clear water of the underground river flows out of the cave.

Stand on the glass plank road and watch the beautiful scenery of Shimen Fairy Lake. The scenery is extremely majestic and dangerous. It is worth your time to go here.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Walking on the cliff photo/Tan Kaixing Photography

There is also a "mirror of the sky" . The huge mirror reflects the green mountains on both sides and the white clouds in the sky. Walking in the sky, layers of illusions, ethereal, the romantic effect here is second to none. The photo-taking scene will instantly turn you into a C player in your circle of friends.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Shimen Fairy Lake "The Realm of the Sky" Picture/Mafengwo

Shimen Fairy Lake Tour Tips

Scenic Spot Tickets : Adults 128 yuan/person (reference price)

Opening Hours : 9:00--17:00

Play Guide: Enter the scenic spot from the Yingbin Stone Gate, walk along the glass plank road on the cliffs, and admire the caves of different shapes and the underground river that runs through three gates. You can take a cruise on the underground river.


A spiritual treasure that cannot be missed in Changshou Township

When you come to Changshou Township Bama, You have been to Changshou Village, walked through Baimo Cave, and swam through Bainiao Rock. You should also go there Take a look at in Cifu Lake, and this "longevity journey" will be considered complete.

Cifu Lake is not far away, only 4 kilometers away from the county seat. This is an artificial lake naturally formed after the Hongshui River Yantan Hydropower Station closed the dam. On the long and narrow lake, there are more than 100 unsubmerged mountains standing like islands. They are dotted all over the place, so it is also known as the "Hundred Islands and Long Lake".

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Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

"Lingbo is intoxicating with the countryside, and the green mountains on both sides of the bank are vertical galleries" , walking on the edge of Cifu Lake, looking at the sparkling green waves, the rippling water, the flat and vast lake, and the mountains lying in various shapes. On the water, you can truly feel the emotions of tourists who praise it after visiting Cifu Lake and being impressed by the scenery of the lake and mountains.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Sparkling green waves and vast mist Picture/Feima Image

Visiting Cifu Lake is a wonderful experience. Although it is not far from the county seat and is even located in Changshou Township where there are not many tourists, it is not noisy and lively. Instead, there is a kind of extreme tranquility. The quietly flowing lake makes people feel strangely calm. The sound of birds in the wind When the sound reaches the ears, it becomes the music of the soul.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Quiet lake surface picture/Let the stars fly for a while photography

Local people told us that midsummer is a good time to visit Cifu Lake. At this time, under the direct sunlight, the water reflects the little bits of light, and is surrounded by mountains and hundreds of birds. A cappella, the lake is crystal clear, and you can see fish swimming in the water.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Pictures of picturesque mountains and rivers in Cifu Lake Scenic Area/Photo provided by the Propaganda Department of Bama County Party Committee

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Photo of Changshou Island in Bama Cifu Lake/ Weibo@ Pegasus Image

If you go boating on the lake, you can also see the scene of wild ducks playing in the water on the lake , and occasionally there are fishermen's songs and answers . The pictures are both fresh and wild, and full of intimacy, as if you have returned to the small lake in your hometown, full of childlike fun, and instantly heal you and me who have been bound by life for a long time.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

The sunset is like a dream woven into the picture/Nanning Play Tour

The air in Cifu Lake is extremely fresh. The content of negative oxygen ions in the air is extremely high. You can feel it when walking around the lake. This is probably why people living here can live longer. Mystery.

There are resorts around Cifu Lake. When staying in the resorts, you can overlook the scenery of Cifu Lake and watch the scenery of the lake and mountains. Even the passage of time slows down.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Picture/Bama Cifu Lake Narada Resort Hotel

Tips for visiting Cifu Lake

Scenic spot tickets : Adult cruise 80 yuan/person (reference price)

Opening hours : 9:00--18:00

Tour guide : Up You need to take a cruise ship to Changshou Island, which leaves every hour. Recommended food: Bama grilled pork and river shrimp.


The ultimate experience of landscape viewing

People who have been to Dalong Lake in San Lam will usually give a very appropriate description when they come back - The Chinese version of Halong BayThat's right.

There are mountains in the water here, water in the mountains, water, sky and stone colors, in various shapes. The landscape artistic conception created by the same color of the mountains and rivers is also a strong traditional Chinese painting style. It is exactly the landscape style of Guilin that we are familiar with. It is worthy of being praised as " Guilin on the Water” .

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Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Dalong Lake Scenery Lan Shangbao/photo

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Dalong Lake Scenery Picture/Pan Yong Photography

When taking a cruise on Dalong Lake, you feel the joy of being close to the water. The lake here is clear and clean. The lake water shines dazzlingly in the sunlight.

What caught our eyes was not only this clear water, but also the strange and beautiful peaks and 14 natural islands in and around the lake.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Scenery pictures of Dalong Lake/Pan Yong Photography

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Pictures of Huang Yunqing/Photography

The lakes and mountains of Dalong Lake are as steep, strange, dangerous and beautiful as the scenery of Guilin; are quiet, clear, green and secluded as good as Lijiang River water; the splendor of the cave is comparable to Seven Star Rock and Reed Flute Cave.

The mountains are endless, layer upon layer, the mountains are blue and the clouds are pale, and there is a trace of aura outside the vastness.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Hazy and full of spirit. Picture/Li Xiaochang Photography

The lake is like a jade belt, surrounding the peaks, and the mountains and rivers are graceful and graceful. Dalong Lake is an elegant landscape painting painted by nature's wonderful brush on this quiet town.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Dalong Lake sunset photo/Qin Yongzhuan photography

There are some villages around Dalong Lake. At sunset, the setting sun shines on the lake, reflecting a gorgeous orange-red color. The fireworks and smoke of the villagers and the distant mountains, The fog by the water, creates an ethereal picture.

On the relatively flat grassland by the lake, you can occasionally see cattle drinking water. The leisurely scene of the natural countryside also has a bit of a classical European scenery.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Pictures of villages between mountains and lakes/Senbao Photography

Tips for visiting Dalong Lake

Scenic spot tickets : Free admission, extra fee for cruise

Opening hours : 8:00--17:00 (recommended to visit 3-4 hours)

Play Guide : You can take a cruise to enjoy the natural landscapes such as White Dragon Flying Sky, Sleeping Beauty Mountain, Carp Mountain, Penguin Mountain, etc. You can also enter the Dalong Cave to explore the secret realm of the cave.

#phoenix lake#

This place carries the happy time of Yongcheng

For Nanning people, when it comes to Phoenix Lake, they may not react so quickly, but when it comes to Dawangtan, they will probably recall it immediately in their minds. Some small joys in time are like old videos collected at the bottom of a box. Once the memories come back, there are endless stories to tell.

Ten years ago, someone looked at the waves of the lake here and talked about everything from poetry to life philosophy, starting a beautiful youth story. Ten years later, people are still picnicking and camping here, and happy times are jumping on the wide grassland by the lake, which is the beginning of another memory.

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Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Phoenix Lake is the childhood memory of many Nanning people. Picture/Photography by Li Xiaochang.

Phoenix Lake belongs to the middle reaches of the Bachijiang River in the Pearl River waters. The river passes through Phoenix Ridge and Maotoushan to form a canyon and dangerous shoal.

In the past, people built a Dawang Temple next to the canyon in order to pray for good weather and the safety of passing ships. Therefore, this place is also called Dawang Beach.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Winter and summer each have their own beautiful pictures/Li Xiaochang Photography

This is "The back garden of Nanning people" , the lake surface is as clear as a mirror, there are islands in the lake, water and sky are reflected, Wetland, water light, lake color , Green Forest , a natural and friendly "little paradise" is enough to afford a leisurely and comfortable evening time after get off work, and is also enough to afford daily leisure activities.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Picture of a cruise ship gliding across the tranquil lake/Photography by Li Xiaochang

Here, we can float on the lake with a small boat, chasing the sunset, or find a quiet area away from the hustle and bustle with friends and relatives, Looking for something unique to you 's happy time, parent-child time, hands-on barbecue, spring picnic, and leisurely fishing.

Noisy and quiet are perfectly combined in Dawangtan. This is a fashionable version of "Xanadu" .

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Tranquil picture far away from the hustle and bustle/Photography by Li Xiaochang

The small island in the lake is a very suitable place for camping. Taking a boat to the lake, you can not only enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains, but also experience the novel feeling of going camping on a cruise ship. Crossing the lake, It seems that we have traveled through a world. On the other side of the lake is the rush of life. On the other side of the lake is the "utopia" we created ourselves.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Another side of busy life / Li Xiaochang Photography

The sunset over Phoenix Lake is extremely beautiful in the evening, There are rolling mountains beside the lake, the golden sunset is reflected on the river, and there are layers of clouds. It is simply good news for photography lovers. You don’t have to go to distant mountains, rivers, lakes and seas to enjoy a gorgeous sunset here.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Pictures of Phoenix Lake in the sunset and morning light/Photography by Li Xiaochang

Tips for visiting Phoenix Lake

Scenic area tickets : Free admission, other consumption items in the scenic area need to be purchased

Opening hours : Open all day (recommended time is 3 hours)

Tour Guide : Phoenix Lake is more than 30 kilometers away from Nanning. You can go back and forth on the same day or stay for one night. There is a garden villa-style resort in the scenic area, which is suitable for group building or family vacation.

The journey among the lakes and mountains will never end.

Healing scenery can be found everywhere, but the scenery of lakes and mountains in Guangxi is an ultimate experience for the soul.

The overlapping mountains are an extension of our sight, and the colorful lake light is another world in our souls.

Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

Dalong Lake Scenic Area in Shanglin County, Nanning

Here we feel the sea of ​​clouds and breeze that are different from other places. We see the more amazing colors besides the mountains and greenery, and are also surrounded by bursts of laughter. feels the other side of parallel life .

If you also want to take a healing journey in the mountains and lakes, you may wish to accept this travel guide and check out the beautiful lakes and mountains of Guangxi together!

Let’s take another look at

information source | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Culture and Tourism Department

editing and design | Huang Yiying Luo Lin

proofreading | Gan Weiliang Ling Xueli

editor | Lei Xinying

chief editor | Cai Wei Li Zhixiong

operation | Guangxi Culture and Tourism Innovation and Development Center The copyright of the images in

belongs to the original author and is only shared for public benefit. If

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Recently, the #Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement is coming# has become a hot topic on Weibo, according to a previous release by the State Council. The

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