Source: Henan Radio and Television - Image Network Image Network News (Reporter Ruan Haifeng/Correspondent Cui Yanan) "Comrade, I'm sorry to delay your get off work..." "Uncle, it's okay, we serve the people, we will never close. ." On August 24, Uncle Wang felt extremely warm wh

2024/05/2512:24:33 hotcomm 1895

Source: Henan Radio and Television - Image Network

Image Network News (Reporter Ruan Haifeng/Correspondent Cui Yanan) "Comrade, I'm sorry to delay your get off work..." "Uncle, it's okay, we will always work for the people. Not closed." On August 24, Uncle Wang felt extremely warm while holding the Li Zheng Certificate in the Jingba Road Business Community in Zhengzhou City. Behind

’s affectionate dialogue, there is Jinshui District’s warmth of doing practical things for the masses.

Faced with the double test of the epidemic and flood conditions, Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City mobilized the efforts of the entire district to use flood prevention and relief, epidemic prevention and control, and post-disaster reconstruction as practical classes for party history study and education, focusing on "hot spots" and "blocking" to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. "point" issue, make every effort to resolve the "urgent, difficult and anxious" problems of the masses, and use practical actions to practice learning party history, understanding ideas, doing practical things, and opening up new situations.

"We must be 'reality'-oriented, find out the 'real' situation, do practical work, and see real results, do practical things for the masses wholeheartedly, do our best, and never close, so that the masses can truly feel the need to do practical things." Temperature' can truly bring practical things to the hearts of the people," said Zhang Hongwei, Secretary of the Jinshui District Party Committee.

Source: Henan Radio and Television - Image Network Image Network News (Reporter Ruan Haifeng/Correspondent Cui Yanan)

Be the "fixing star" of the epidemic prevention work and create the "talisman" of people's health

2656 medical staff and 15,226 volunteers are working around the clock; 1,482 district party members and cadres are stationed at the sinking points to ensure that people are not available 24 hours a day; 21 isolation hotels 21 special teams, more than 460 people including county-level leaders, department-level cadres, medical, public security, patrol, and volunteers are on duty 24 hours a day... This is a set of warm numbers.

will raise problems on site, dispatch them on site, and solve them on site. During the epidemic, the most important thing in Jinshui District is the daily video scheduling meeting. One end is the main leaders of Jinshui District, and the other end is connected to 17 services to ensure that the work deployment is connected in an orderly manner and implemented soundly. This is a picture with warmth in every frame.

All party members and cadres in Jinshui District are "fixed" on the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and the triple prevention and control wall creates a health "talisman" for the people.

- Create a "responsibility prevention and control wall": establish a "one office and nine departments command system", with one dedicated work team and one ledger to report daily, building a first-level red blockade chain for epidemic prevention and control; promoting community party building, Party building in co-located units and party building in industries are interconnected and interactive. Co-located units break administrative barriers and join the front line of prevention and control, building a second-level red blockade chain in the streets; 391 temporary party branches are established, and "vanguard posts" and "responsibility posts" are widely set up District", building a third-level red blockade chain in the community.

- Create a "temperature prevention and control wall": Set up 188 nucleic acid testing sampling points and 663 sampling stations throughout the district. Medical staff, street workers, district direct sinking personnel, public security police, patrol team members, and party member volunteers are all Afraid of the scorching sun, he skillfully scanned codes, measured temperatures, registered, and issued numbers. The loudspeaker played loops to remind people to implement the "one meter noodle". He stayed up all night monitoring, serving, and controlling.

- Create an "internal prevention and control wall": implement closed-loop management from circulation, transfer, isolation and monitoring, strictly implement the "three inspections, three clearings and three inspections" system, scientifically divide "three areas and two channels" to strictly prevent cross-infection; We carefully prepare "personalized" quarantine meals for quarantined personnel, distribute Chinese herbal decoctions to prevent COVID-19, and establish a WeChat group to relieve anxiety, so as to ensure that isolation is not separated from love, so that every quarantined person can feel the care and warmth of Jinshui.

Source: Henan Radio and Television - Image Network Image Network News (Reporter Ruan Haifeng/Correspondent Cui Yanan)

Be the "vanguard" on the front line of flood control and build a "protective wall" for people's lives and property

Conduct door-to-door visits to help people move from dangerous areas in an orderly manner; conduct safety inspections in key areas such as dilapidated buildings, low-lying areas, and demolition plots; Build sandbags in garages, residential areas and other areas that are prone to flooding to nip problems in the bud; carry out risk level reminders, use broadcasts, WeChat groups, etc. to strengthen publicity and improve residents' awareness of flood prevention and self-protection capabilities... Jinshui District regards flood prevention as a " "Study history and practice" is an important carrier of the practical activities, so that the actual results of party history study and education can be fully demonstrated on the front line of flood prevention. All personnel are on duty, all people are mobilized, go all out, fully implement, and all are in place. Command from the front, be prepared, and use responsibility and responsibility. A "copper wall" for flood control has been built -

has 24-hour command and dispatch, and 24-hour emergency duty. It has established a closed loop of "monitoring and early warning - analysis and judgment - command and deployment - supervision and implementation" to strengthen the overall coordination, dispatch and command of flood prevention work. According to their work responsibilities, departments such as civil air defense, housing construction, urban management, and security offices assign dedicated personnel to supervise and supervise responsible entities on-site one by one to strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers, implement dedicated personnel on duty, and urge property personnel to prepare sufficient sandbags, water shields, water pumps, generators, etc. for flood prevention and rescue operations Disaster relief supplies are strictly required to prevent underground space from being flooded. In the event of flood danger, personnel are evacuated in a timely manner. Fire rescue forces, militia reservists, and social rescue forces are on standby to ensure quick dispatch and quick response in the event of danger.

Be a good "caring person" around the masses and always do practical work "without closing time"

After receiving a subsidy of 180,000 yuan, Song Zheng, the person in charge of Kaka, described Jinshui District's "nine measures to assist enterprises" as "timely rain", which was provided at a difficult moment. Here comes the dawn.

Subsidy is practical, wide in scope, and the procedures are simple. The "Nine Articles to Help Enterprises" is another innovative measure of Jinshui District Committee and District Government to continue to carry out "ten thousand people to help ten thousand enterprises" and "I do practical things for the people" in light of disasters and epidemics. , is another extension and integration of the “1+N+X” industrial support policy. Since the release of the policy on August 15, Jinshui has carried out two live broadcasts of online policy interpretations, with more than 25,000 real-time viewers, 41,000 live broadcast views, and more than 5,600 consultation calls. At present, a total of 1.4833 million yuan has been announced and allocated to 36 companies in two batches for three special projects: employment stabilization subsidies, insurance subsidies, and production and efficiency gains.

Jinshui District regards the comprehensive restoration of post-disaster production and living order as an important part of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities, and has done a good job in "combination boxing" to gradually enter the normal track of economic and social development.

- The main leaders took the lead in supervising the resumption of work and production, vigorously promoted the "two clearings and one elimination", accelerated the complete clearing of the "four connections and one row" task, and made every effort to ensure the water and electricity security of the enterprise to create conditions for the resumption of work and production.

- Carry out the post-disaster reconstruction assistance work of "visiting thousands of households and gathering the hearts of the people", establishing subcontracting leaders of the streets, community "two committees" cadres, grid personnel, agency personnel, community police, and property management People are the main body, supplemented by the "6+N" home visiting team represented by volunteers and enthusiastic people in the jurisdiction, forming a "point-to-point" assistance and communication mechanism.

- A series of "hard-core" policies have been intensively introduced such as the "Jinshui District's post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work plan for the extremely heavy rainstorm" and "Jinshui District's "Ten Thousand People Help Thousands of Enterprises" Policies and Measures to Fully Promote the Resumption of Work and Production after the Disaster" to provide support for the resumption of work in the entire district. Guarantee for resumption of production.

Serving the masses is only in progress and not completed. Jinshui District handles the masses' affairs one after another.

Editor: Wang Jianglong hnr

This article comes from [Henan Radio and Television-Image Network] and represents only the author's views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information release and dissemination services.


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