A reporter from Taiwan in the Mainland found a micro-head report saying, "Zhu Lilun's remarks offended a certain number of people in the party. A member of the Kuomintang Central Standing Committee made serious remarks and questioned: This party chairman seems to be from the Demo

2024/05/2509:48:33 hotcomm 1442

A reporter from Taiwan in the Mainland found a micro-head report saying,

Zhu Lilun made pro-American remarks during his visit to the United States, and his views were very close to those of the Democratic Progressive Party.

A Taiwanese reporter in the mainland found a micro-head report saying, "Zhu Lilun's remarks offended a certain number of people in the party. A member of the Kuomintang Central Standing Committee made serious remarks and questioned: This party chairman seems to be from the Democratic Progressive Party."

The reporter said that the Chinese Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun's words and deeds during his visit to the United States have triggered controversy over the blue camp's cross-strait line, and there have been constant doubts within the party.
Kuomintang Central Standing Committee member You Jiafu harshly criticized Zhu Lilun’s trip has severely damaged his personal leadership authority. The dignified chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang actually talked nonsense on important cross-strait discussions just to please the United States. The positive blue area in the party cannot do anything. accept.

He revealed that has been brewing. As long as the nine-in-one election is not successful at the end of the year, Zhu will be forced to step down. It will be very ugly then.

You Jiafu said that Zhu Lilun’s relevant remarks have caused a stir within the party. In fact, including the Central Standing Committee and other decision-making levels within the party, many people are very dissatisfied. Because when Zhu visited the United States on behalf of the Kuomintang, he was unable to stand firm on the party's due stance and truthfully demonstrate the Kuomintang's core values ​​and propositions. Instead, he told people and ghosts just to please the United States and achieve his personal political interests. It’s really hard to watch!
You Jiafu criticized Zhu Lilun's remarks as trampling on the efforts of his predecessors. Without the -Wang-Koo Talks in 1993 and 1998, could the two sides of the Taiwan Strait move from confrontation to peace and stability, and then share economic prosperity? Is Zhu Lilun worthy of the party’s senior Gu Zhenfu?
He pointed out that Zhu Lilun’s statement was basically similar to that of the Democratic Progressive Party. It undoubtedly abandoned the KMT’s original cross-strait and KMT-CCP ​​advantages. In this case, Zhu Lilun had asked Ma Ying-jeou, Lien Chan , Hong Xiuzhu , Wu Boxiong and other former leaders. Chairman's opinion? They are simply making fun of the Kuomintang’s foreign policy! "This party chairman seems to be from the Democratic Progressive Party!"

You Jiafu believes that although the Party Central Committee has explained to the outside world that the purpose of visiting the United States is for the development of the party, it still makes people suspicious. In fact, Zhu Lilun is competing for the 2024 general election for himself. "", Zhu hopes to use this to win the trust of the United States and consolidate his power position internally.
But judging from the current reaction within the party, he said that Zhu’s approach has been self-defeating, because Zhu Lilun allowed the party’s county mayor nomination controversy to go to the United States to show off, completely ignoring the overall situation of the nine-in-one election at the end of the year, and almost The positive blue forces, local factions, and deep blue supporters within the party have all offended Guang. If the results of the election at the end of the year are dismal, there are already forces brewing to push Zhu Lilun out of office at any time.

author's comment:

is not surprised at all after reading this news.

We have clearly seen Zhu Lilun’s face for a long time. Whether he is running for the election of the party chairman, organizing the "four major referendums", or organizing the nine-in-one local elections this year, Zhu Lilun's low political IQ has become clear to the world.

The Kuomintang is not good at all if it has a number one person like Zhu Lilun.

First, Zhu Lilun is an extremely selfish person.

Putting personal political interests and future above the interests and future of the party is the most obvious trait of Zhu Lilun. He is a person who has no overall view and no big picture.

For example, when Hong Xiuzhu was the chairman, Zhu Lilun did not hesitate to stab him in the back in order to run for the top position, and started a column-changing scandal., he became the chairman, and the election was completely defeated.

In those few years when Han Guoyu was very popular, a very influential figure appeared in the Kuomintang. It should be a blessing for the Kuomintang. It should make good use of this resource to regain its ruling position . However, Zhu Lilun made small moves behind his back, dragging Han Guoyu from the peak to the bottom. The Kuomintang lost a good game again.

Second, Zhu Lilun lacks personality charm and cannot unite the party's hearts.

just became the party chairman last year. Under very favorable circumstances, he organized the "four major referendums". Zhu Lilun was unable to integrate the resources within the party and condense the power within the party. Hou Youyi and other local KMT bosses had nothing to do with the party central committee. This dispersed the energy of the Kuomintang, leading to the complete failure of the "four major referendums" of , which were guaranteed to win.

In this year’s nine-in-one local elections, Zhu Lilun decided on the party’s candidates entirely based on his personal preferences, and did not recommend electors according to normal procedures, which led to intra-party disputes. At this time of chaos, he completely ignored the interests of the party and ran to the United States, nominally for the Kuomintang, but actually to support his participation in the 2014 election.

Thirdly, Zhu Lilun is a person without true faith.

Why does the Kuomintang base itself on Taiwan? Based on the rules set by Sun Yat-sen: will unify China and revive China.

Although there are conflicts with the Communist Party on the method of unification and who should unify whom, they still support unification and recognize one China.

Once the Kuomintang loses this, it will no longer be called the Kuomintang. It will be exactly the same as the Democratic Progressive Party.

Zhu Lilun did not have a firm belief in unity at all, and he did not take Sun Yat-sen seriously. He only believed in his own interests. He talks about people when he sees people, talks about ghosts when he sees ghosts, and is erratic.

ran for party chairman. In order to win the support of the deep blue, he shouted the 1992 consensus very loudly. He became the party chairman and gave up immediately. Now in the United States, he actually says that the 1992 consensus is "a consensus without consensus." ".
From the above three aspects, Zhu Lilun is a political speculator and a gambler for political interests.

Under his leadership, the Kuomintang can only become more decadent and even more soulless.

He has acted as the "thug" of the DPP and is doing what the DPP really wants to do:

completely defeat the Kuomintang from within.

Fourth, Zhu Lilun is a person who lacks wisdom in political struggle.

Faced with the fierce attack of the DPP, Zhu Lilun was completely helpless. He had neither the means nor the wisdom to fight, and was completely bullied by the DPP. Under such an unintelligent and incompetent party chairman, it will not help to exhaust the entire army.

Finally, I would like to advise Zhu Lilun to get out as soon as possible, stop occupying the pit, and let talented people save the Kuomintang. The reason why the Kuomintang has become the "Adou Party" is because there are too many "Adou" like Zhu Lilun.

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