It is very common in modern society for couples to "sleep in separate beds". This does not mean that the relationship between the couple is not good. On the contrary, many couples who sleep in separate beds get along more harmoniously and have a long and happy married life. Some

2024/05/2500:29:33 hotcomm 1141

It is very common in modern society for couples to "sleep in separate beds". This does not mean that the relationship between the couple is not good. On the contrary, many couples who sleep in separate beds get along more harmoniously and have a long and happy married life. Some people say that couples separate beds to keep both parties "fresh" and avoid the "seven-year itch" in marriage. In the entertainment industry, there are also many celebrity couples who sleep in separate beds. Some celebrity couples even maintain a certain distance from each other from dating to marriage. Today, the editor will take stock of five couples who slept in separate beds after marriage and take a look at their love stories.

1, Tony Leung VS Carina Lau

It is very common in modern society for couples to

Tony Leung and Carina Lau both met after being hurt in a relationship. When their relationship was first announced, many people questioned it, but they have gone through more than 30 years together and are still together today. And very loving. It is not a secret that Tony Leung and his wife sleep in separate beds. In order not to bore each other, this old couple has long started sleeping in separate beds on and off, sometimes for as long as half a year. Now those who doubted them have turned into blessings, and the couple still holds each other's hands. At last year's fashion conference for Carina Lau's clothing brand, Tony Leung, who seldom showed affection to Carina Lau, even landed on the scene to support his wife.

2. Ni ZhenVS Zhou Huimin

It is very common in modern society for couples to

Zhou Huimin is called the "ageless goddess" by netizens. The news that she and Ni Zhen got married also caused an uproar in the entertainment industry. After their marriage, their lives were not peaceful. Ni Zhen continued to have scandals with many women and was denounced as a beast. Millions of netizens were still arguing over this. When the public opinion storm reached its peak, Ni Zhen once cried in front of the media and complained that he was worse than Edison Chen. But only after being shaken can you learn to be firm, and only after losing can you learn to cherish. Even if they sleep in separate beds now, the relationship between the couple is even better than before. When Ni Zhen was questioned, Zhou Huimin still stood up to support her.

三, Nick Cheung VS Guan Yonghe

It is very common in modern society for couples to

Nick Cheung is a late-blooming movie king. He has very strict requirements on himself. He once over-eated, which caused the depression he had suffered in his early years to relapse. Guan Yonghe often asked Zhang Jiahui to see a doctor, but he said that western medicine would reduce the effect of self-cultivation and kept putting it off. In order to maintain the relationship between the two, Guan Yonghe had to sleep in separate beds with Zhang Jiahui. Zhang Jiahui would also listen to his wife and go to the guest room to sleep. Although the two couples quarreled many times, in the end they still cared about each other. Even after sleeping in separate rooms, the love between the two of them as husband and wife has not diminished. People can always see Guan Yonghe silently standing behind Zhang Jiahui, supporting him.

Four, Michelle Reis VS Xu Jinheng

It is very common in modern society for couples to

Michelle Reis and Xu Jinheng are a well-known "conjoined couple" in the entertainment industry. No matter where they go, their fingers are always intertwined. Their relationship can remain "fresh" for a long time by "sleeping in separate beds". In an exclusive interview, Michelle Reis revealed that she and Xu Jinheng spent a long time getting along with each other after getting married. After understanding and respecting each other's living habits, all problems were solved. The couple's daily life is very romantic and full of fun. Xu Jinheng is a very thoughtful person and often places small gifts in Li Jiaxin's room to surprise his wife.

5, Brigitte Lin VS Xing Liyuan

It is very common in modern society for couples to

The way Brigitte gets along with her wealthy husband Xing Liyuan is very novel. Although there have been rumors that the relationship between the two is on the verge of collapse, in fact, the couple, who have given each other private space, have always been very harmonious. When Brigitte Lin got eczema, Xing Liyuan bought special medicine from other places to wipe it out for Brigitte Lin. They started sleeping in separate rooms in 2001 when their daughter Xing Yanai was born, and they haven't shared a bed together in 17 years. The two said that it would not affect their relationship, and Brigitte Lin had publicly expressed her love for her husband many times.

Sleeping in separate beds not only maintains the "freshness" of the couple, but also gives each other a good private space, which is of great help to married life. The five celebrity couples listed above have all slept in separate beds, but their relationship has always been very good. Tony Leung and his wife have slept in separate beds for more than half a year, and Brigitte Lin and Xing Liyuan have not slept together in seventeen years, which is shocking. After seeing so many celebrity couples sleeping in separate beds, what do you want to say?

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