If you want to switch to a sales position, you can refer to this reference. It has been transferred from Huawei Voice Community/Youth is still forging ahead. It has been 3 months since I went from R&D to the front line, and I still haven’t found the feeling of doing sales.

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If you want to switch to a sales position, you can refer to

Reprinted from Huawei Voice Community/Youth is still forging ahead

It has been three months since R&D to the front line, but I still haven’t found the feeling of doing sales. This year’s sales revenue target of XXX million US dollars is under pressure It makes me breathless. After officially accepting this goal after the Spring Festival, I have been thinking about how to achieve this goal and how to do it. It is completely different from when I was doing research and development. I have been thinking about it for more than a month and I still have no good ideas. When I encounter similar goals in research and development, I can usually formulate a feasible strategy and action plan within a week.

In the past three months, I have studied, fought and lived with the brothers on the front line of the market, and gradually realized the way of thinking and working of the real front-line soldiers in the market. Although I had understood it before, the actual practice was different from what I thought. Similarly, after a fierce collision, I gradually gained some insights and achieved "knowledge". The most urgent thing now is how to transform "knowledge" into "action".

remembers that when I was a graduate student in school, I listened to a class similar to and successfully learned . The teacher in the class told a story, saying that there was a buddy in their dormitory. He was not very good-looking and didn’t have much money, but he got a lot of money. The girl was very beautiful, so he was very puzzled. One day he asked this expert for advice and asked him: How dare you pursue such a beautiful girl in the first place? It was so shameful to be laughed at and rejected. Unexpectedly, this expert People say that his thought at the time was: "What if I succeed?". Then the teacher said that in fact, this expert also chased many girls, but many of them failed and others didn't know it. The conclusion he gave was that ordinary people and experts have different ways of thinking from the beginning. Ordinary people think about what will happen if they fail, while experts think about what will happen to them if they succeed. , so the ability to act and execute are much higher than ordinary people, so some seemingly impossible things were finally accomplished.

triggered this memory in me. It happened in February. When an account manager and I were discussing the chances of a project, I advised him: "Brother, we basically have no chance of this project. It's too difficult. Let's not waste it." It’s time!” Unexpectedly, this brother asked me, “What if we succeed? If we can achieve our sales this year, won’t we have the opportunity to get a promotion and a salary increase?” I was shocked at that time. Success learning is sometimes useful. It is not as simple as chicken soup for the soul. If your way of thinking is really so positive, you can actually seize many opportunities. Let’s not talk about whether this project will be successful or not. According to my way of thinking, it will definitely not be successful. But according to this brother’s way of thinking, we still have a chance, because many things on the front line of the market are uncertain, and through our whole body With careful investment, some situations will change. Projects that had a small chance at the beginning may eventually be won by us. Salespeople are faced with uncertainty about many people and things. Unlike R&D, most of the things in R&D are certain. They are planned from the beginning, and various risks must be considered, so I have formed a habit of thinking. It is reasonable to think carefully before doing anything, evaluate how certain it is to be completed, and not do things with a small chance. But it's different when you get to the front line of the market. You have to go all out for projects with first-line opportunities, otherwise there won't be many projects that can be done.

In fact, the essential difference lies in certainty and uncertainty. When facing uncertain things, we must have an optimistic attitude so that we can go all out and make the impossible possible. This is not chicken soup for the soul, but a way of thinking. , you need to fundamentally change and upgrade your own understanding in order to gain a foothold in the market. From this, we can also draw some essential differences in thinking and working styles, as follows:

1. There may not be rewards for working hard, but there will definitely be no rewards if you don’t work hard: If you don’t meet customers or do marketing activities, you There will definitely be no orders, but on the other hand, even if you do it, sometimes you may not be able to win the order. It's just so cruel.Basically, my experience in R&D is that as long as you work hard, you will be rewarded. At least the supervisor will see that you are working hard, have a good impression, and give you a conclusion with a good attitude.

2. Be good at showing off yourself: Brothers on the front line of the market must have this ability. An account manager and I went to meet the customer, and he would tell the customer every time that our company coordinated the output of many experts for your plan. Yes, we really attach great importance to it, but in fact we basically do nothing. When this account manager does a little work, he will talk about it and show off on various occasions. As long as he works overtime, he must let everyone know. We have a project on hand, and we talk about the progress we have made and what it means to us every now and then. Another brother's project was delayed for more than three months. He still told the leader how successful the project was, how hard it was, how difficult it was, and how many people and things he had to deal with.

3. Fixing people is more important than fixing things: In this way, people may think that it means building relationships. In fact, it has this meaning, but in a positive sense, it is to establish trusting relationships with relevant people, thereby reducing the resistance to doing things and making it easier for them to do things. Things work out. When I was doing research and development, I consulted a cadre manager. After hearing my unsatisfactory experience, he pointedly pointed out that sometimes when things go wrong, it is not the matter itself, but maybe there is something wrong with the relationship with the person. I had some thoughts at that time. Feelings, but did not pay attention to it and did not take any action. After arriving at the front line, I ran several projects with the account manager, and watched him handle several leaders. I gradually understood what the cadre director at the time said: how mentally retarded I was in dealing with interpersonal relationships. I just want to do things, so in the end I can't do many things. If your supervisor doesn’t understand you, why should he trust you and entrust you with important tasks? If your customer doesn’t understand you and has not established a basic trust relationship with you, why should he buy your product?

4. Do things creatively instead of following rules: Facing various uncertain factors and different people and things, if you follow the R&D process, you will definitely die. I was reading a book about sales recently, and it clearly stated: Salespeople must ignore the rules. If you see a "No Sales" sign, just pretend you didn't see it, or you'll be kicked into the aisle. In the projects I have experienced, many things were done by the front line through unconventional means, completely ignoring the so-called process. Another meaning of doing things creatively is to think from all angles, to find ways to achieve the final deal from the aspects of business, solutions, customer company performance, customer decision-making chain, policies and regulations, etc.

5, every salesperson They should all be the engine: When I got to the front line, I discovered that my supervisor only set a goal for me, and then left me to fend for myself. He didn’t care whether I went to work or not, because he couldn’t control it at all. First, I was not in the same place; I often meet with customers and so on, and have a lot of freedom, so I need to think about how to do things, how to deal with customers, and how to coordinate the company's internal resources to serve customers. Everything must be done by myself, rather than waiting for the supervisor to arrange it. I don’t move until someone kicks my ass. In R&D, I was basically used to my supervisor arranging work, and then doing it according to the requirements. I also held regular meetings to discuss work ideas and other process incentives. But when I got to the front line, these were gone and I just accepted the work. Set a goal, use yourself as the engine to push things forward, and move towards the goal step by step.

6. Colleague relationships have become complicated: This may be wrong, but in my current team, I feel that the relationship between everyone is cooperative on the surface, but it is also a competitive relationship. I am afraid that others will steal my customers. The assessment standard is Whose customers are who, and there are very few potential customers. As long as there is an opportunity, everyone will hold on to it tightly. Once they win a customer, they will not take the initiative to share their experience, for fear of being copied by others. Even if I took the initiative to ask an experienced account manager for advice, he was hesitant and unwilling to say anything. This last one is what makes me uncomfortable the most. Since we are a team, we should give full play to the team's strengths. Otherwise, what else does the team have to do? Everyone can just do their own thing.

If you want to switch to a sales position, you can refer to this reference. It has been transferred from Huawei Voice Community/Youth is still forging ahead. It has been 3 months since I went from R&D to the front line, and I still haven’t found the feeling of doing sales. - DayDayNews

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