In recent years, the Trump administration has regarded China as its biggest strategic competitor and implemented containment policies in many fields such as science and technology, trade, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges, causing China-US relations to face the most sev

2024/05/2304:23:34 hotcomm 1417

The world today is facing major changes unseen in a century. Brexit, and the financial crisis have had a major impact on the Western liberal order, while the sudden COVID-19 epidemic has had a major impact on the world's political and economic landscape. In recent years, the Trump administration has regarded China as its largest strategic competitor and implemented containment policies in many fields such as science and technology, trade, and cultural exchanges, causing China-US relations to face the most severe test in the 40 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. As the earliest Asian ethnic group to immigrate to the United States, Chinese Americans have a greater impact on their living conditions by Sino-US relations. Especially under the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic that continues to spread around the world, racism in the United States has rebounded and racial discrimination has intensified. In this context, the actual situation and future direction of Chinese Americans are undoubtedly theoretical and practical issues worthy of attention and research.

There are numerous academic results at home and abroad that focus on Chinese Americans, but there are only a few documents that focus on the discrimination faced by Chinese Americans in contemporary America and how to deal with it. In her new work "The Creation of Asian America—A ​​History," Li Yilian details the development process of Asian Americans and believes that mainstream society's remarks about the rise of contemporary Asian Americans are based on divisive racism. In terms of discourse, this behavior of comparing Asians with other ethnic minorities (such as African Americans) is regarded as a new form of racism, which is highly destructive and divisive; Ji Hong in "New America" The book "Immigration Studies (1965 to Present)" elaborates on the image of Chinese Americans in the American media and believes that the mainstream media's understanding of Chinese Americans is still biased to a large extent. "Racial profiling" is the result of discrimination and discrimination against Chinese Americans. One of the important reasons for prejudice is the deep-rooted prejudice against Chinese Americans in mainstream society, which has had a major adverse impact on the survival and development of Chinese Americans in the United States. Some scholars may focus on the elaboration of individual cases of Chinese rights protection. For example, Li Aihui, in the article ""The Chen Guoren Case" and the Asian American Civil Rights Movement", conducted an analysis of the Chinese and Asian groups' efforts to strive for judicial justice in the Chen Guoren case and its impact. In-depth elaboration and discussion; some scholars also conducted discussions from the perspective of the Asian-American civil rights movement. For example, Zhu Zhenxing took two Chinese civil rights activists, Wang Lingzhi and Mak Liqian, as examples to explain how the Chinese community in the United States carried out rights protection in the 1960s. sports. Chen Yiping combines the development of Chinese Americans with the ups and downs of Sino-US relations over the past 70 years, showing the significant impact of inter-state relations on the living conditions of the Chinese; Deng Yuzhu and Chao Longqi analyzed the "Chinese spy threat theory" in the United States in recent years The content, causes and impact point out that due to the stereotype of mainstream American society, Chinese Americans are discriminated against and subjected to groundless accusations in the high-tech industry. This article attempts to explore the plight of racial discrimination faced by Chinese Americans and their responses under the impact of the epidemic by analyzing the latest data from official U.S. reports and surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center and major ethnic coalition organizations, hoping to help people understand this issue. know.

1. Background analysis of the backlash against racial discrimination in the United States

As a multi-ethnic country of immigrants, racial discrimination and cultural conflict have been closely linked to the fate of the United States since its founding. Regarding the nation-building and ethnic integration in the United States, scholars have proposed ethnic relations theories such as melting pot theory, assimilation theory, and multicultural theory. From the perspective of American history, the trend of ethnic relations in the United States has not been as predicted by the melting pot theory, with each ethnic group abandoning its own customs and habits and fully accepting a new unified American way; nor is it as expected by the multicultural theory. Each ethnic group maintains and develops its own cultural characteristics, and different cultures coexist peacefully and let a hundred flowers bloom. Instead, it has embarked on the path of the return of white supremacy in the context of the decline of economic globalization. Especially under the impact of the epidemic, ethnic divisions and racial discrimination have become more serious, and domestic divisions have intensified.

(1) From Assimilation Theory to The Rise of Multiculturalism

The United States is a typical multiracial society. This heterogeneous population and racial composition determines the diversity of the ethnic composition of the United States. The early settlers gave birth to the "American Creed" with English, Christianity, religious obligations, and British legal concepts as its main contents.It is this cultural symbol that makes Americans have a national identity that is different from the people of other countries, and also makes defending Anglo-Protestant culture a kind of political correctness. Technological innovation and the rise of the westward expansion movement led to a surge in demand for labor in the United States. At the same time, the decline of the European agricultural order and the emergence of the factory system led to social unrest. This push and pull effect jointly promoted In the mid-19th century, non-British groups began to enter the United States, forming the first wave of immigrants. Unlike the immigrants from Northwestern Europe who entered the United States in the early 19th century, the immigrants in this wave of immigrants were quite different from American creeds in terms of language, religious beliefs, and cultural backgrounds. Their arrival changed the racial characteristics of the United States and the structure of American society. The ethnic hierarchical structure began to emerge: Anglo-Saxons were the dominant group in the ethnic group, white Catholics, Jews, and some Asians formed the second rung of the ethnic group hierarchy. American Indians and black slaves, due to physical and cultural differences, , placed at the bottom of the ethnic stratification. Since the core Anglo group controlled major resources in the economic and political fields and set the cultural tone of American society, subsequent groups had to adapt to the Anglo-Protestant culture. This requirement for immigrants to give up their ancestral culture and accept the values ​​and behaviors of the core group of Anglo-Saxons in the United States has been the guiding ideology for the social adaptation of immigrants in the United States for a long time. Assimilation theory emerged from this and had an important impact on the development of ethnic theory in the United States.

Robert Parker and Burgess earlier proposed the concept of "assimilation": Assimilation is a process of mutual penetration and integration. A single individual acquires the memories, emotions and attitudes of other individuals or groups, and interacts with them. Together they were integrated into a common cultural life. In order to answer the question of whether immigrants can be assimilated into mainstream American society, Parker pioneered the "cycle theory of race relations", dividing the process of ethnic interaction into four stages: contact, competition, adaptation and assimilation, and believed that this It is a slow, gradual and inevitable linear process. Parker's "cycle theory of race relations" created a new way of studying ethnic theory and led the development of American immigration theory for a long time. However, this theory also lacked specific analysis of the time limit required for assimilation and lacked details of the assimilation process. The interpretation has been criticized. Half a century after Parker proposed the assimilation theory, the famous sociologist Milton Gordon proposed seven dimensions to measure assimilation, from shallower to deeper: cultural or behavioral assimilation, structural assimilation, marital assimilation, identity consciousness assimilation, Attitudinal acceptance assimilation, behavioral acceptance assimilation, and civic assimilation. The seven variables proposed by Gordon can be used as quantitative units to examine the process of assimilation in different target systems, and intuitively analyze and summarize the assimilation process of ethnic minorities. However, with the further development of the multi-ethnic society in the United States, the assimilation policy has not allowed immigrants to integrate into an American society without racial discrimination and division. Instead, it has given immigrants of different ethnic groups a strong ethnic consciousness and formed a kind of coexistence of all ethnic groups. new social forms.

The immigration wave in the 1960s had a significant impact on the ethnic structure of the United States and directly led to changes in ethnic theory. The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965 passed by the U.S. Congress in 1965 abolished the quota system based on race and replaced it with a nationality quota system. Therefore, a large number of African Americans, Hispanics, Asians and other non-European immigrants entered the United States, further complicating the ethnic composition of the United States and threatening the dominance of Anglo-Protestant culture. Almost at the same time, the rise of the civil rights movement had a huge impact on the racist system of the United States. Some ethnic minorities began to re-examine their identities and questioned the assimilation theory that they had previously worshiped as gods. They questioned whether they should achieve "Americanization" "This goal and abandoning one's own ethnic characteristics raise questions. By the 1970s, some scholars had a deeper understanding of the reality of multiracialism, and a number of works emerged that reflected on assimilation theory. The concept of multiculturalism came into being in this context. In the multiculturalist model, the process of integration is seen as a two-way process, involving both groups and individuals.Unlike the Anglo-American theory and the assimilation theory, multiculturalism allows heterogeneous immigrants to maintain their cultural identity and seek a form of social unity that is compatible with it and based on the concept of equality. As Glazer emphasized in "Beyond the Melting Pot": "Racial groups in American society are not a form of survival in the era of mass immigration, but a new social form." The proposal of this new social form is both This powerful response to the assimilation theory also puts different ethnic groups and different cultures on an equal footing for consideration for the first time, completing the expression of the value of multiculturalism.

Assimilation theory aims to maintain the dominance of white Americans, while multiculturalism emphasizes the equal coexistence of all ethnic groups. It seems to be better able to find a path for harmonious coexistence of all ethnic groups in the increasingly divided United States. However, multiculturalism also has inherent disadvantages. It emphasizes the coexistence and connection between ethnic groups, but fails to find the correlation between them. Therefore, multiculturalism is not so much a reality as it is an ideal that maintains a local diversity and residue outside of the powerful assimilationist trend in the United States to reflect the diversity of American culture.

(2) The Resurgence of White Supremacy

White supremacy advocates that white people are superior to other people of color. As a political ideology it reinforces and maintains white dominance over society, history, or institutions. The belief in white supremacy in American society has a long history. It can be traced back to when European immigrants set foot in North America. It was further developed during the plundering of Indian indigenous people and the rule and exploitation of black slaves, and gradually became a kind of belief. The self-evident concept of privilege has a profound impact on ethnic relations in the United States. With the rise of the affirmative action movement in the 1960s, white supremacy suffered a heavy blow, and openly calling out racial differences became a "political mistake." The differences between ethnic groups continued to shrink, and the social status of non-Anglo-Saxons gradually improved.

But the superficial harmony cannot conceal the undercurrent of inter-ethnic conflicts. With the coming of the Trump administration, white supremacy is on the rise in the United States. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows: First, the demographic structure of the United States has undergone major changes. According to U.S. Census Bureau census data released in 2020, from 2010 to 2020, the white population decreased for the first time in U.S. history. The proportion of white people in the United States dropped from 69.1% in 2000 to 60.1% in 2020; The population of Hispanics and Asians has increased significantly. The proportion of Hispanics has increased from 12.6% in 2000 to 18.5% in 2020, and the proportion of Asians has increased from 3.8% to 5.9%. The total number of people in the country has shown unprecedented diversity. . According to the "United States: Population Projections 2020-2060" report revised in February 2020 by the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2060, the minority population in the United States will continue to surge: the number of two or more races will increase by about 200% , the number of Asians will double, the number of Hispanics will nearly double, and the only group that will decrease is the non-Hispanic white population, which will drop from 198 million to 179 million, which is expected to decrease by about 19 million people. The era of "majority of minorities" is coming. The expansion of the minority population and the gradual rise in political and economic status will directly lead to the redistribution of domestic resources in the United States. At the same time, the huge differences between the new immigrants and the white people in terms of race, color, religious beliefs, living habits, etc. will seriously threaten the dominance of Anglo-Protestant culture and profoundly shake the national identity of American citizens.

Second, the socioeconomic status of the lower class whites has further declined. Sweeping under the wave of economic globalization, the hollowing out of the U.S. manufacturing industry has led to the loss of a large number of job opportunities overseas. The anxiety and worry about the future of lower-class whites with sharply reduced incomes and hopeless prospects have manifested themselves in the form of opposition to ethnic minorities and immigrants. It was precisely by holding high the banner of white supremacy and taking opposition to "political correctness" and illegal immigration as the core proposition of his campaign that Trump defeated Hillary and became president in 2016. His election also made white people Extremists find ideal political agents, culminating in the populist rebellion against the establishment elites.As Huntington said, the national identity of the United States has suffered multiple challenges such as the decline in the importance of national identity, the prevalence of multiculturalism, and the large number of non-European immigrants. In this context, one of the possible development prospects of the national identity of the United States is , that is, in the face of challenges to the core American culture from various forces, white Americans will pick up the abandoned concepts of race and national attributes to exclude, expel or suppress other races, nationalities and cultures. This is confirmed by the series of white racist movements represented by the Charlottesville riots in 2017, and the growing number of racial crimes in the United States in recent years.

Third, excessive political correctness has further deepened the gaps between ethnic groups. White people believe that the government's racially conscious and seemingly race-neutral policies are mainly intended to help ethnic minorities, thereby objectively harming the interests of white people. A 2017 poll titled "Discrimination in America: The Experiences and Perspectives of White Americans" released by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health showed that 55% of respondents (white) Said that they believe that there is discrimination against white people in American society today, which is specifically reflected in aspects such as job hunting, education and equal pay. It is against this background that the United States under Trump has comprehensively expanded protection for traditionalists and white Christians, conveying a strong vision of white protectionism and further deepening the already existing tensions between whites and ethnic minorities. The existing gap.

The resurgence of white supremacy and the setback of multiculturalism are essentially the resurgence of racist ideas in the United States and a reaction to the decline of Anglo-Saxonism. The Trump administration has relied on inciting ultra-nationalist sentiments to increase its political leverage and gain voter support. However, it has also further aggravated racial and class divisions in American society, deviated from traditional American values ​​such as democracy and equality, and greatly undermined the The American creed has caused many existing American values ​​to face challenges one after another.

The United States is a country of immigrants that was founded only more than two hundred years ago. The people lack common national ties such as culture, history, and living habits. Therefore, whenever a domestic crisis occurs, an external "enemy" is always needed to The American people are “united.” Whether it is the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union in the mid-to-late 20th century, the war on terrorism in the early 21st century, or the current containment of China, these are all manifestations of the US government's search for new targets to maintain the "unity of the American people." The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 will have a major impact on the global political and economic order. Faced with the combination of the epidemic and the election situation, both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have chosen a tough attitude towards China in order to win the support of the people. In particular, the Trump administration has turned public attention to China in order to deflect conflicts amid poor epidemic prevention and control. Some politicians and media in the United States have politicized the epidemic and stigmatized China, which has greatly inflamed the fear and xenophobia of the American people. Anti-China public opinion in the United States, from official to private sectors, has been unprecedentedly strong, and public opinion violence and personal violence against Chinese and Asian Americans have Attack cases occur frequently, and the living environment of Chinese people in the United States faces huge challenges.

2. Manifestations of racial discrimination in American society

Throughout the history of the United States, once there is an economic crisis or social unrest, immigrants, especially the Chinese, often become the scapegoat used by American politicians to divert domestic conflicts, whether it was caused by the 19th century in order to attract labor votes. Whether it is the anti-Chinese movement or whether Trump relied on the support of the white people at the bottom to win the 2016 presidential election, or whether the current US government is inciting racist sentiments to shirk responsibility for poor epidemic prevention, they all essentially reflect this pattern.

Under the impact of the epidemic, another mental virus that discriminates against Chinese people has quietly arrived, and spread rapidly through social platforms and news media, affecting the United States, fueling the xenophobia of the American people, and racist incidents against Asian Americans. Violent crime has increased significantly. The FBI released a report saying, “Due to the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, hate crimes against Asians may surge across the United States... threatening the Asian community.The "2020-2021 National Security Report" released by "Stop AAPI Hate" counted 9,081 cases of discrimination and harassment against Asian Americans received from March 2020 to June 2021. Incidents. Since the investigation is conducted through self-reporting online, the recorded incidents of discrimination and harassment may be just the tip of the iceberg, and more bad behavior has not entered the public eye. According to the report, forms of discrimination include verbal harassment, physical attacks, and online harassment. verbal attacks, among which verbal harassment accounted for the highest proportion. 64% of applicants said they had been treated with insulting words such as "go back to China" and "virus Chinese"; more than 13% had been subjected to varying degrees of physical abuse. Attacks, such as being thrown glass bottles in the street, being hit maliciously in public places, etc. (see Figure 1). For a time, Asian Americans became in danger.

In recent years, the Trump administration has regarded China as its biggest strategic competitor and implemented containment policies in many fields such as science and technology, trade, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges, causing China-US relations to face the most sev - DayDayNews

Just like the Chinese historian Li Yilian at the congressional hearing. As mentioned in the speech, “The racial discrimination and atrocities faced by Asian Americans today are a systemic national tragedy and reflect the systemic racial discrimination against Asians in the United States. "Populism and white supremacy, which are deeply embedded in the founding concepts of the United States, are the fundamental reasons why Chinese Americans currently face discrimination and persecution.

By analyzing the ethnic identities of those who reported cases in the "2020-2021 National Security Report", we can know , Chinese accounted for 43.5% of the people who were discriminated against, and were the most severely affected ethnic group. Koreans, Filipinos, Japanese and Vietnamese accounted for nearly 90% of the reporters. They believe that their Chinese or Asian identity is the primary reason for being attacked. Although many of them were born in the United States, or have been in the United States for many years, and have been completely "Americanized" in terms of language and living habits, they have yellow skin and Black eyes make them "eternal foreigners" and have become the most obvious sign when being attacked (see Figure 2). In addition to the discrimination and insults they may face, the number of racial crimes faced by Chinese Americans under the impact of the epidemic has also skyrocketed. Rising. The U.S. Congressional Committee on Asian and Pacific Islanders issued a warning in February 2021 that the surge in violence against Asian Americans in the United States since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic has caused Asian Americans to face a "crisis that cannot be ignored." From Manhattan . , Washington, Seattle to Los Angeles, Asians have been attacked in major cities across the United States. Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, there have been a large number of reports that Asian Americans have suffered discrimination and violence, and 32% of Asian adults said they were worried. Someone may threaten their personal safety, and 80% of Asian Americans believe that violence against Asians is increasing Hate crimes released by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino in June 2021. Research data shows that in the first quarter of 2021, anti-Asian hate crimes increased by 189% compared to the same period in 2020. The three cities with the highest growth rates of hate crimes were New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. Among them, the number of hate crimes reported in New York The number of incidents soared from 13 in the first quarter of 2020 to 47 in 2021, with a growth rate of 262%. Some scholars believe that although Biden did not continue to stigmatize China after taking office, most Americans still have a negative attitude toward Chinese Americans. The stereotype of Asians has been deeply rooted, and this negative image has made the living environment of Chinese Americans even worse. On March 16, 2021, the mass serial shootings in Atlanta, Georgia, shocked the world. Guns were fired at three hot spring baths, killing eight people, six of whom were Asians. The incident has attracted great attention from Asian Americans, from Washington, New York, San Francisco to Chicago, Portland, and Portland. In Los Angeles, demonstrations and rallies have been held in many places across the United States to protest against atrocities against Asian Americans. The new coronavirus epidemic, economic crisis and xenophobia are intertwined. This shooting has made Asian Americans even more panic.

3. Chinese Americans are facing racial discrimination. Coping with

As the largest immigrant country in the world, the United States needs a large number of population imports to maintain its economic growth. However, immigrants also bring diverse languages, cultures and lifestyles, which is very important to the United States, which regards Anglo-Saxon culture as its mainstream values. constituted a huge impact.The swing between demand and impact determines the swing of U.S. immigration policy, and Chinese Americans have been victims of this swing many times. Today, when the wheel of history is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, how do the Chinese respond to the resurgence of racial discrimination? What new characteristics does the way of coping present compared with the past? The following is a summary analysis.

(1) Dedicated to fighting the epidemic and giving back to the local

Deeply influenced by traditional national culture, the Chinese in the United States are diligent and enterprising, down-to-earth, and have achieved outstanding results. However, at the same time, they keep a low profile, protect themselves, and are unwilling to participate too much in public affairs. Adopting a relatively closed lifestyle limits oneself to the Chinese circle. To a certain extent, it is precisely because of this national characteristic that the Chinese have been marginalized for more than a hundred years and had little place to stay in the once overwhelming anti-China wave.

Historical experience shows that isolation and retreat in the face of discrimination are ineffective. Chinese people should care about and integrate into the life of the place where they live. After the COVID-19 outbreak broke out across the United States, many Chinese Americans and their groups quickly jumped into the fight against the virus. They donated money to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other institutions, and purchased and donated personal protective equipment to hospitals and caregivers. Different from the lengthy process that large organizations need to go through when responding to crisis events, during this epidemic, Chinese Americans have made full use of their greater flexibility and mobility, as well as their advantages in resource exchange with their home countries, to build a huge network on WeChat. information and resource network to purchase urgently needed medical supplies for American hospitals and communities. When the local community was in short supply of protective equipment, the Minnesota Chinese Physicians Association guided Chinese community volunteers to raise more than US$80,000 and 12,000 pieces of personal protective equipment in two weeks through media mobilization and personal resources. . In order to collect as many masks as possible, the local Chinese community even mobilized its domestic network and asked family and friends in China to send masks to help the local epidemic area tide over the difficulties. The Washington Chinese Community Alliance launched a community action to raise funds and donate PPE during the epidemic. 65 community organizations participated in the joint action and raised a total of US$140,000, all of which was used to provide hospitals, medical centers, nursing homes, and first responders in the greater Seattle area. Procurement of anti-epidemic materials for relief agencies, school districts and other institutions. In April 2021, the Chinese Community Alliance won the 2021 "Evergreen Donation Spirit Award" for its outstanding performance during the epidemic.

In addition to raising funds and donating materials, Chinese Americans also promote epidemic prevention knowledge through various online and offline methods, share their accumulated anti-epidemic knowledge and experience with local communities, and strive to maximize their role in this fight against the epidemic. . Since January 2020, many Chinese groups have begun to carry out epidemic prevention publicity and rescue efforts to the public through their early observation and analysis of the epidemic in China. On March 11, the College of New Jersey and the Federation of Chinese Americans jointly held an online epidemic prevention publicity for the public in American universities and communities, sharing China's anti-epidemic experience. Difficulties and setbacks are the catalysts for growth. In the face of the raging epidemic, Chinese Americans did not cower or retreat, but actively participated in the anti-epidemic action, allowing mainstream society in the United States to see the responsibility and responsibility of the Chinese, and reversing the stereotype of the Chinese.

(2) Courage to speak out and express demands

In the face of racial discrimination under the new coronavirus epidemic, many Chinese dignitaries, overseas Chinese leaders and overseas Chinese have taken action to break the traditional impression of "dumb Americans", speak out bravely in the face of discrimination and violence, and address racial discrimination. Doctrine says no. Zhang Sujiu, honorary chairman of the Federation of Chinese Associations of Southern California, said in an interview that the stigmatization of China by certain politicians has caused people to vent their dissatisfaction on Asians, which has made the already fragile racial issues in American society more prominent. Asians need to take action to spread positive energy. For compatriots who are discriminated against, they should immediately call the police and use legal means to protect their rights and interests. Seventeen Asian American organizations, including the National Chinese Youth Federation and the Association for the Advancement of Chinese Public Diplomacy in the United States, jointly signed an open letter to the American public, pointing out the important role Asian Americans play in the fight against the epidemic and calling on all ethnic groups in the United States to We must unite to fight against the epidemic and reject the political tactics of hyping up racial division and segregation.The Federation of Asian American Societies held a press conference in Brooklyn, New York, with representatives of several Asian community groups, elected officials, overseas Chinese leaders, etc. to condemn the staff of the New York State Representative’s office for forwarding articles that exclude Chinese people on their online social media. , believes that the discrimination and prejudice in the Chinese community is worrying, and the Chinese should unite and deal with it together.

In April 2021, in the face of the increasing number of hate crime cases under the new crown epidemic, the Chinese-American House of Representatives member Meng Zhaowen and the Japanese-American senator Hirono Keiko jointly proposed the "Anti-COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act" (Covid-19 Hate Crimes Act), requiring the U.S. judicial department to expedite the trial of hate crime cases related to the epidemic. In May 2021, President Biden signed the bill with overwhelming support from both houses of Congress. The Anti-COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act will help the U.S. Department of Justice accelerate the review of registered COVID-19-related hate crimes, help establish a better online reporting system and help system, and allow the U.S. Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Resources to issue relevant guidance programs , to standardize terms related to the new crown epidemic and curb racial discrimination. The passage of this bill marks the progress of Asians in their fight for equal ethnic rights and is a milestone in the history of Asian rights protection.

(3) Use the law to safeguard rights and interests

The United States is a typical country with case law. The results of litigation have the same effect as the law. Therefore, litigation has become one of the important means for ethnic minorities to safeguard their rights. However, participating in litigation cases usually requires a huge investment of time and money. Throughout the history of Chinese Americans, there are few successful cases of rights protection through litigation. The absolute victory of the "American WeChat Users Association v. Trump Administration" has left a classic successful case for the legal rights protection of Chinese Americans. .

On August 6, 2020, then US President Trump issued a ban on WeChat. As soon as the news came out, it shocked the Chinese community in the United States. Some Chinese people immediately took action and devoted themselves to the struggle for rights protection. On August 8, 2020, Zhu Keliang and five other Chinese lawyers launched the U.S. WeChat Users Alliance ("U.S. WeChat Users Alliance") in New Jersey . The organization accused the Trump administration of depriving them of their freedom of choice and formally sued the Trump administration to the Federal Court of the Northern District of California on August 21. Subsequently, the U.S. WeChat Association intensively carried out a series of case preparations, including hiring a top team of lawyers, issuing a "Donation Proposal on Launching an Action to Protect the Rights and Interests of U.S. WeChat Users", identifying 5 individual plaintiffs and 2 entity plaintiffs, Identified 5 expert witnesses for the initial injunction motion, among others. On September 20, the district court approved the US-WeChat Association’s initial motion for an injunction and announced the suspension of the ban on WeChat. Judge Laurel Beeler, who heard the case, believed that this presidential order may harm the freedom of speech guaranteed by Article 1 of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and will impose restrictions on the use of the app as the primary means of communication. Means bring hardship to minority communities. On June 9, 2021, US President Biden signed a presidential order withdrawing the order to block WeChat signed by former President Trump on August 6, 2020. This means that the battle against the WeChat ban led by the US Micro Federation has been successful. win.

The American WeChat User Association was able to complete measures such as raising funds and hiring a top team of lawyers within a very limited time, and ultimately won a complete victory. This action will leave a mark in the history of Chinese Americans. It represents the first time that Chinese Americans have united to challenge a presidential decree through judicial channels and succeeded. It has set a precedent for grassroots Chinese organizations to use legal weapons to protect their own rights and interests. It has influenced and inspired a large number of Chinese and ethnic minority groups, and has contributed to their efforts in safeguarding their rights. Momentum is injected into moving forward.

(IV) publishes a report to demonstrate contributions

In the face of systemic racial discrimination and inherent stereotypes, the Chinese American community actively speaks out and jointly publishes academic research results with authoritative institutions to deepen the Chinese people's sense of identity in the United States and enhance the Chinese community in the United States. The right to speak in the United States has changed the past situation in which Chinese people remained silent and suffered in silence in the face of injustice.For example, on February 8, 2021, the American Committee of 100 released a comprehensive research report titled "From Basics to Frontier: The Contribution of Chinese to the United States". The report is divided into eight parts, which comprehensively summarizes the contribution of Chinese to the United States. Contributions in politics, economy, military, science and technology, art, infrastructure and other aspects. Taking the business sector as an example, there are more than 160,000 Chinese-American-owned businesses in the United States, accounting for nearly 3% of all businesses that pay jobs and wages, generating $238 billion in revenue in 2017 and supporting 1.3 million jobs. . In terms of technology, as of 2018, 15% of Chinese Americans worked in fields such as life, physical and social sciences, computing and mathematics, architecture and engineering, almost three times the proportion of Americans working in these fields. At a time when Chinese Americans are facing a resurgence of racism and a sharp rise in hate crimes, the release of this report fully demonstrates the contributions of Chinese Americans to American society over the past 170 years, and is also a powerful response to anti-China elements and anti-Chinese elements. . This report fully demonstrates that Chinese Americans are an important force in the development of the U.S. economy and science and technology, unlike what some anti-Chinese elements say, that the Chinese are "eternal foreigners" who only play a certain role in China's development.

(5) Unite other ethnic groups to fight together

Chinese Americans, as a minority ethnic group accounting for 1.5% of the total population of the United States, are very weak and must rely on alliances with other ethnic groups to gain a certain right to speak. The first is to actively win support from Asians. Asians such as Koreans and Japanese are natural allies of the Chinese. Whenever the Chinese have been excluded in history, Asians have been affected to varying degrees. The wave of discrimination against Chinese and Asians that has been triggered by the epidemic has created a situation where everyone is in danger. In this context, the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans, composed of a total of 37 Asian and Pacific American organizations, including the Asian Pacific American Congressional Research Institute, the Asian Pacific Association of Community Health Organizations, and the United Chinese Americans, drafted a signing letter in March 2020 to Speaker of the House Pelosi and Senate Leader McCarthy urged unity and condemned the resurgence of racism brought about by the coronavirus. On March 19, 2020, the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council, Chinese American Initiatives, and the Department of Asian Studies at San Francisco State University jointly formed the national alliance "Stop Asian Hate". This organization collects and tracks a large number of anti-Asian hate crimes in the United States. Incidents of hatred and discrimination in the United States have made great contributions to Asian Americans in collecting evidence of discrimination and responding to racist attacks.

The second category of allies is people of color. People of color in the United States have very rich experience in racial struggles. Learning from their struggles and uniting them to speak out can often yield good results. Since the outbreak, discriminatory behaviors against Asians, especially Chinese, have surged. Chinese American groups have joined forces with other ethnic minority groups to resist and protest against racial discrimination. In response to Trump's blatant calling of the new coronavirus as the "Chinese virus" and repeated use of this slur on multiple occasions, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Chairman Judy Chu, Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Bass, Congressional Indian Deb Haaland, co-chair of the Human Caucus, and others issued a joint statement, strongly condemning the Trump administration and Republican lawmakers for racializing and politicizing the new coronavirus and promoting xenophobia, and called on Republicans to put aside disputes and will contain the new coronavirus. as the current primary goal. The Overseas Chinese Federation of the United States issued an initiative for Chinese Americans across the United States, calling on Chinese across the United States to understand the situation of African Americans, eliminate racial discrimination, help disadvantaged groups, and join hands with residents of other ethnic groups to overcome the difficulties.

On February 25, 2020, more than 70 Jewish organizations across the United States signed and released the "Letter of Support for Chinese Americans and Chinese Communities". The letter fully expressed its cordial condolences and firm support for Chinese Americans and encouraged the Jewish community Members actively participate in Chinese business activities. In order to reciprocate the solidarity of the Jewish community, Chinese American groups donated thousands of protective equipment to Jewish social service agencies in Washington, Boston and New York. Such actions undoubtedly brought the two communities closer together.David Bernstein, President and CEO of the Jewish Committee for Public Affairs (JCPA), and Xue Haipei, head of the Chinese Federation of America, held an online meeting and live interview on February 28, and exchanged views on the current challenges facing the Chinese American community. opinions, further strengthening mutual understanding and cooperation between Jewish organizations and Chinese organizations.

The shooting in Atlanta on March 16, 2021 triggered strong protests among the Asian community. On March 20, the Chinese Federation of America joined hands with more than 100 Chinese and Asian organizations across the United States to launch a nationwide candlelight vigil, covering more than 30 cities including Washington, Boston, New York, and Seattle, with 100,000 participants. Public. This nationwide Asian protest movement is another large-scale cross-ethnic protest movement in the Asian community since the nationwide protest movement triggered by the murder of Chinese-American young man Chen Guoren in 1982. Against the background of the raging COVID-19 epidemic, hate crimes against Asians have surged in the United States. The shooting in Atlanta has become the last straw for Asians, inspiring Asians' belief in rights protection and strengthening the construction of a community of Asians with a shared future.

4. Conclusion

As a multi-racial immigrant society, the United States has tried to use a variety of theories to explain and eliminate the conflicts between various ethnic groups: some hope that all ethnic groups will form a new common culture in the melting pot of the United States; Cultural theory to promote the harmonious coexistence of various ethnic groups, but these expectations have ended in failure. Throughout history, the development of Chinese Americans is closely related to the direction of Sino-US relations. Currently, racist forces are on the rise again in the United States, hate crimes occur frequently, and the living conditions of Chinese Americans are once again in trouble.

The immigration history of Chinese Americans is both a history of struggle and a history of humiliation. It has been 70 years since the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed in 1943. Chinese Americans are no longer the "inferior race" that huddled in Chinatown and were exploited by others. Chinese can be seen in the middle and upper classes in various fields. They have contributed to the socio-economic development of the United States. Make an indelible contribution. Under the attack of the epidemic, Chinese Americans have shown a new image: they have devoted themselves to anti-epidemic work and actively given back to the community; they have the courage to speak out and break the stereotype of "dumb Americans"; they use the law to protect their own rights and interests; they publish a collection of achievements to showcase the contributions of Chinese Americans. ;Unite with other ethnic groups to fight against discrimination and prejudice. It should be said that in terms of rights struggle, Chinese Americans have made certain progress. In the future, the Chinese will still need to continue to fight hard and break the stereotypes of Chinese in American society through legal, public opinion and other channels. But at the same time, we must also realize that racial discrimination in American society is systemic and deep-rooted, and the Chinese people are destined to have a long way to go in fighting racial discrimination.

(Excerpted from: Chen Huiyang and Chao Longqi: "Racial Discrimination in the United States and Chinese Responses under the Impact of the Epidemic", "Research on Overseas Chinese History", Issue 4, 2021. Annotations are omitted, please refer to the original text if necessary.)

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