In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu

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In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will usher in another round of opportunities and challenges.

The new year begins on January 11, with the Cancer lunar eclipse , reminding us to focus more on our family and our own emotional needs, and curb negative emotions. Every occurrence of a solar or lunar eclipse may shake up our lives and make necessary adjustments.

In 2020, there will be six solar and lunar eclipses , from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. It is not an exaggeration to say that 2020 is the year of "great changes". And both on the Cancer-Capricorn axis and the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, we get the opportunity to expand our horizons, learn new skills, improve our family and living environment, and harvest the fruits of success.

The advantage of solar and lunar eclipses is that every time you discover a disadvantage and feel panic, it will bring you opportunities for improvement to see if you can take a step forward.

2020 may make many people "stressed out". If you feel that 2019 is already difficult, 2020 will continue to challenge your limits .

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Jupiter , Saturn , and Pluto are all in Capricorn . The social structure is further disintegrated and reorganized, conflicts are becoming more intense , and the world has entered a junction of changing directions.

Although Saturn left Capricorn for half a year: from March 21 to July 1, and after December 17, it was effective in Aquarius , but it performed strongly in Capricorn in 2020, and the challenges are as great as the opportunities.

Thanks to the addition of Jupiter, the planet where luck and blindness coexist, we have a greater chance of turning defeat into victory .

The pressure of three major planets gathering in Capricorn will make many people unbearable. We have a lot of work to do, and it is not going smoothly. Capricorn always reminds us to be down-to-earth and realistic. We must rely on hard work to reshape and improve to give an account of our ambitions.

These will last until the end of 2020, until Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in Aquarius, and the dull atmosphere will gradually dissipate. The wisdom of the wind sign and the ideal of Aquarius will announce the beginning of a new era and establish a new order behind the sunset of the old.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Due to the influence of Capricorn energy, our health problems may occur in teeth, bones, joints, spine , etc. In addition, when facing difficult problems, be careful of symptoms such as inflammation and internal heat.

Except for the sun and the moon, every major planet will be retrograde in 2020, except for the three times Mercury retrograde that occurs in the water sign , including Venus, Mars, wood, earth, sky, sea and Pluto. Among them, Venus and Mars, as personal planets, will be more effective.

When Mercury goes retrograde, in addition to paying attention to delays and failures that usually occur, you also need to pay attention to the cleanup of negative emotions. Mercury retrograde in water signs often uncovers our old emotions and scars , resulting in strong emotional induction.

Venus and Mars are retrograde , adding instability factors to love , desire and energy are affected, allowing us to see clearly our true desires, what kind of partner we want, and life.

In addition, during the period when personal planets are retrograde, some people may have symptoms of insomnia.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Uranus still has a long way to go in Taurus. We will evaluate ourselves, evaluate wealth and value ; in wealth and other fields related to Taurus, the ideas generated have a chance to be realized, and may broaden the financial path , with Get value in a way that feels comfortable to you.

At the same time, Uranus will promote the changes of Wood, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, making the situation change more drastically.

Below, let us explore in detail, the overall celestial phenomenon in 2020 , how you may be affected, and 12 the key themes of life in 2020 .


Six Solar and Lunar Eclipses: Discovering Imbalances in Life

0 January 11, Cancer Lunar Eclipse

0 June 05, Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse

0 June 21, Cancer Solar Eclipse

0 July 5, Capricorn Lunar Eclipse

0 November 30 On December 14, there will be a lunar eclipse in Gemini

and a solar eclipse in Sagittarius

. There will be 6 solar and lunar eclipses in 2020, which will occur on the Cancer-Capricorn axis and the Gemini-Sagittarius axis .

Cancer represents family, security, and protection, while Capricorn represents achievement, rules, and power.

The solar and lunar eclipses on the Cancer-Capricorn axis may make us face the following themes in 2020:

  • Balancing life and career must not only satisfy the deep need for warmth in the heart, but also keep moving forward on the road to success.
  • Some family or parent-related issues need to be dealt with.
  • The relationship with bosses or elders has changed.
  • Talented or powerful people break into our lives and bring guidance and help.
  • are more responsible, and assumes more responsibility. More , especially in terms of money and power
  • hone skills, maintain a sense of value, and put one's own status to the test

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Gemini represents information dissemination, communication, and learning, and Sagittarius represents travel, law, ideals, and higher education.

Therefore, the solar and lunar eclipse on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis , we may face the following themes in the future:

  • Make new friends, be attracted by wise people
  • Go on a long trip with friends, or other outdoor activities
  • more Easy to communicate , helps to solve the problems in our relationship, and is conducive to work and study
  • Increased opportunities for business trips, making macro plans, acting for ideals and goals
  • Realizing wisdom, unfolding introspection , cleaning up the inner, discovering what is not Balance things, adjust real-life decisions
  • Participate in training and study

We can regard the solar eclipse as a powerful new moon, and the lunar eclipse as a powerful full moon. From the beginning to the end, the cycle of the solar and lunar eclipses, often brings a turning point in the life of , and it always comes unexpectedly, helping us to balance our lives and get on the right path. .

In addition, we must also control intense emotions and sudden anger.

Especially, when this solar and lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and Zenith are near the natal chart, it may bring major changes to life.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

The four constellations of Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, and Sagittarius will bear the brunt of the 2020 solar and lunar eclipse.

Cancer , in 2020, compared with the past, you will have a completely new look with and . In mid-2020, you will have the opportunity to completely resolve the troubles your partner has caused you. At the same time, pay attention to the health of your family and adjust your body and mind to meet challenges.

Capricorn , interpersonal relationships open up new opportunities and there are many novel changes. Whether it's a partner or a lover, the relationship that makes you uncomfortable may end, or you may have a fateful encounter. What's exciting is that you may almost not notice! In addition, solar and lunar eclipses will add highlights to what you are undertaking.

Gemini , love is one of the themes in 2020, allowing you to mature. Especially the solar eclipse at the end of the year brings some exciting things, may stir up some romance , and makes you anticipate what may happen next year. In addition, you may get an unexpected and fast-moving relationship around the lunar eclipse at the end of the year.

Sagittarius , 2020 is full of many challenges. If Sagittarius was too relaxed in 2019, he must work harder now to make up for the past. In the next two years, if Sagittarius wants to continue to make progress, they must develop their own talents, so that they can successfully survive the great changes in life.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Tips, the Cancer solar eclipse on June 21 is a beautiful annular solar eclipse, visible in China!


Water, metal and fire retrograde: life needs to regroup

Three times Mercury retrograde : Sweeping away negative emotions

February 18 Mercury retrograde in Pisces - March 10 ends retrograde in Aquarius

June 18 Mercury retrograde in Cancer - July 12 Ending retrograde in Cancer

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio on October 14th - Ending retrograde in Libra on November 3

Similar to 2019, water signs are still the hardest hit by Mercury retrograde , and it also involves Libra and Aquarius air sign , you should pay more attention to these constellations.

Be careful of things that may occur when Mercury is retrograde: delays or errors in electronic supplies, transportation, finance, business, writing, information transmission, communication, etc., as well as Mercury retrograde in water signs, which opens the emotional valve. .

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

In addition, we also need to pay attention to:

During the period of Mercury retrograde between Pisces and Aquarius, because Pisces is related to the subconscious, spirituality, art, and the power close to the universe, excessive water energy may cause disasters.

We may get a lot of inspiration and creativity . Excessive imagination may be broken during Mercury retrograde, making us feel even more depressed.

We can also use this to delve deeply into the trauma we have experienced. Thanks to the rational help of Aquarius, we will not blindly immerse ourselves in pain or bad emotions, but can see the wounds clearly and seriously find solutions.

At the same time, our artistic talents have room to develop, and we may also get some opportunities to come into contact with and art, which can help us improve our energy.

As your spirituality and intuition increase, you may discover some unknown things. See yourself or others' sadness clearly. . If you have the ability to heal, you can send comfort and become the noble person of the other party.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

During Mercury retrograde in Cancer, it is very different from Pisces. It is not suitable for developing intuition and focuses more on real-life relationship issues. If you are faced with an obstacle that cannot be solved by any means, you can try the answer that your first instinct gives you.

Bad events during Mercury retrograde may occur in the family: conflicts with relatives, or house problems, and household appliances malfunction; or something may happen directly to your safe zone, where you originally felt safe and comfortable. Change.

During the period of Mercury retrograde between Scorpio and Libra, it may have a greater impact on intimate relationships or the establishment of relationships.

Some major contracts have been postponed, and negotiations have not progressed; the person you met is not as good as you imagined, and it is difficult to start a relationship, especially if you want to deepen the relationship, you will often be blocked. You have clearly thought about your words and are very cautious, but it hurts and Unhappiness is always inevitable.

We must maintain fairness and justice, is more considerate of the other party, , sometimes paying first does not mean that you will definitely suffer a loss, but it can promote the progress of the situation. If we don't want to be controlled by others, then we shouldn't control others either.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Venus and Mars Retrograde: Complicating Love and Desire

0 From May 13th to June 24th, Venus goes retrograde in Gemini

0 From September 8th to November 13th, Mars goes retrograde in Aries

Venus goes retrograde every about a year and a half. Mars goes retrograde every about two years, and in 2020, the two planets of representation and love will go retrograde. Your love life may be exciting and exciting, but it may also bring you unpleasant things. People are indeed excluded.

Venus retrograde is undoubtedly related to love. Former friends and lovers reappear. If you still miss them, then seize the opportunity. If you don't want to be entangled with the past, then come to a complete end.

Moreover, since Venus is retrograde in the multiple constellation Gemini, it may not be just one lover, but multiple lovers , which will cause you a lot of trouble. You don’t want to fall into a triangle, oh no, if you are in polyamory, you should avoid it. Just order it.

Since Venus is also related to wealth and value, when Venus is retrograde, it is best to think more carefully when investing, shopping, or other things that require you to hand over money. You may be deceived by the superficial beauty, but in fact, it is not of much value. .

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Mars is retrograde in Aries, which makes it especially powerful. When Mars is about to stop, Aries still wants to move forward. Therefore, Mars retrograde in 2020 requires us to spend more time, re-evaluate our dreams, and make precise plans.

You may be more enthusiastic and energetic, or you may be irritable and irritable. This is a double-edged sword. It is important to find an outlet for venting energy and ensure that energy is used on the "edging edge".

At the same time, during the period of Mars retrograde, it is also a good opportunity for to recuperate and regroup for . If you are sick, unemployed or feeling difficult at this time, it may be a good thing. It just needs to be done after Mars returns to direct motion and you have regained your vitality. , can you show your good side: you will be on the right track of rapid development.


Wood, Saturn and Pluto gather in Capricorn: Focus on success

I heard people say that 2019 was the worst year he has ever experienced, ranking at the top of the list of the most hated years. If he had already gone through 2020, he might not necessarily say this.

Compared with next year, 2019 is like a few thunders before the storm. The purpose is to wake you up from your dream. 2020 is the final hurdle with many difficulties. is the end and the beginning, which may affect your next 20 years. .

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

2020 is the so-called year of Capricorn. , the three stars of wood, earth and Pluto gather in Capricorn , a constellation that symbolizes hardship and testing. Maybe you will experience more frustration and sadness; maybe, you will gain success, reach the top of the mountain, and enjoy the applause.

In the stage when Capricorn is fully exerting its energy, is very suitable for setting the goal and executing it with perseverance and concentration. You will discover where you are most valuable, and use this value to achieve your own with .

At the same time, pressure is inevitable. It seems that everything is piled on oneself, and one is driven to move forward. It is rare to have time to relax and rest peacefully.

If you are a gem, after being polished in 2020, you will have the opportunity to shine with the most dazzling light.

Facing the upcoming new journey, the time below is more critical. It may be a crisis , so you need to pay more attention. may also be a good opportunity , and you need to seize it.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Jupiter conjunct Pluto :

In 2020, there are three times that Jupiter is in Capricorn and conjunct Pluto’s node:

0April 04: The first Jupiter-Pluto conjunction

0June 30: The second Jupiter-Pluto conjunction

November 12 Sun: The third Jupiter-Pluto conjunction

Every 13 years or so, Jupiter will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter’s expansion is restrained by Saturn. We may focus on exploring value and adjusting the route, which represents all great luck or Bad luck, all possible .

You may discover a lot of "wealth" in and (tangible or intangible), or you may earn a lot of "wealth". Whether it is good or bad, just treat it with a normal mind, because these are what you must "get".

During this period, your power and ambition were stimulated , and you realized that some responsibilities must be shouldered. Usually, you will mobilize your deep consciousness and make decisions in a seemingly peaceful life.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

In the end, you will find that what drives you to achieve your ideals is not the things that attract you on the surface, but the more precious inner things - things you once looked down upon or could not imagine.

Saturn conjunct Pluto

0On January 12, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn

Although Saturn is always associated with diligence, in early 2020, we may slow down and feel restricted for a longer period of time. For example, projects are canceled. Going back to do it all over again, there are many difficulties in getting money, facing re-examination of studies, doing a lot of useless work, etc.

In addition, on January 13, , the sun will also join this conjunction. We must be more calm and pragmatic, and determine which things are more important and must be prioritized. We can no longer rely on others in , but make our own decisions, and the decision made in January may affect the future for a long time.

No matter what the story goes, Saturn will want to pay his karmic debt.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Looking back on the past, you will find that the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto has always meant the disintegration and reorganization of major structures. Whether in international relations or on a personal level, conflicts can be frequent, triggering traumatic events and opening wounds again and again. The world we live in is being driven by invisible forces to undergo profound changes.

Especially in 9, , retrograde Mars and Saturn will square off, which will further intensify the situation and make the conflicts more obvious. , people are fighting for their own interests, but no one will consider the needs of the other party. How to balance rights and responsibilities will be an important issue next year.

Sometimes, we must learn to surrender, even in the face of the most annoying object, in order to ultimately win.

Saturn can also open opportunities represented by Pluto in a steady manner. For example: you get a great opportunity to use to manage your money, body, study or work, etc., so that they can develop as you imagined. That's perfect.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Saturn changes sign in Aquarius

0On March 21st, Saturn enters Aquarius

0On May 11th, Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius

0On July 1st, Saturn returns to Capricorn

0On September 29th, Saturn returns to direct motion in Capricorn

On December 17th, Saturn moves forward again Entering Aquarius

Since Saturn came to Capricorn in 2017, a lot of time has passed after sweeping away the relaxed atmosphere of the past. In 2020, Saturn will leave Capricorn. After entering Aquarius for the first time, it will touch Jupiter and Pluto in early 4. You may move to a higher level, adjust the long-term goals you have set, and move beyond the past.

After entering Aquarius again in December, Saturn will stay there for about two and a half years. Saturn is still in the temple in Aquarius, but the wind sign Aquarius will bring breakthroughs and innovations, using rational wisdom to rebuild order, which will help get rid of the status quo, refuse to be constrained, and start new relationships or new careers.

Saturn's change of signs will touch many people in different fields. During these times, you may face new challenges and find that you are talented in unexpected places.

Moreover, the major Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in 2020 will also occur in Aquarius.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Jupiter conjunct Saturn

On December 21st, Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct in Aquarius

. At the end of the year, the wood and soil conjunct in the air sign finally allowed us to get help from to after many suppressions. The positive aspects are becoming more and more obvious.

The conjunction of wood and earth is known as the "great conjunction" and only occurs once every 20 years or so. The convergence of the two heralds the end of a 20-year cycle and the beginning of a new era.

From 1802 to 1980, the conjunction of wood and earth occurred in the earth sign. When the conjunction of wood and earth occurred in Libra in 1980, the world moved at a high speed under the wisdom of the wind sign. : Internet, computers, open thinking and Trends and information spread extremely quickly, and the distance between people continues to shrink.

This time, Wood and Earth join together in another air sign: Aquarius, which represents lofty ideals, spiritual world, weirdness, technology and change. This ended the material and asset trend brought about by the conjunction of Wood and Earth in Taurus in 2000.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

In the future, we may experience many subversions and changes in , resist tradition and break the rules. uses personal creativity to bring miracles , and the power of technology is more prominent.

The key to 2020 is to let us know what kind of miracle really wants to create ?

When cautious Saturn and lucky Jupiter combine, it is a rare opportunity and a good balance of things in many aspects of life. In 2020, the good fortune we encountered and the broad vision we had enabled to develop under the appropriate order and structure and see practical benefits.


Uranus: surprises one after another, waiting for you to take over

0On January 11, Uranus returned to direct motion in Taurus

0 From August 15 to January 14, Uranus went retrograde again in Taurus

Uranus still has more than 5 months to go in 2020 Retrograde. We will use retrograde to find things of real value. Remind us to cherish every second of the moment and do our best in everything. In order to pursue self-worth, stepped out of its comfort zone and constantly overturned and rebuilt .

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Due to the retrograde motion of the outer planets, they are not as effective as the stars of the personal planets. Therefore, we still focus on the meaning of Uranus in Taurus in 2020.

This is the second year of Uranus in Taurus, which will bring all kinds of interesting things to your life. It may be a friend, it may be a hobby, or it may be what you see during your travels.

Try to get used to geniuses and weirdos breaking into your life , or dig out those who seem to be ordinary people, because they may have full-of-personality aspects. Starting from 2020, Uranus will stay in Taurus for another six years.

Since Uranus and Neptune form a harmonious sextile in 2020, it is also a good year to launch actions on social networks and . Have you ever tried online dating? If you're single and have always been skeptical about online dating, you might have better luck with online dating this year.

And for some people, the popularity of on the Internet may soar compared to . Don't miss this great opportunity to make friends from all over the world and take your popularity and career to the next level.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Uranus brings awareness and courage, breaking rules and fears. This is the year you can take risks. Uranus and Jupiter are somewhat similar: they both like to travel and need freedom. You need to attract fresh change, and adventure, into your life.

In short, anything is possible, and you will be surprised again and again: you may get more income , change the way you make money, change your life to a life you have never experienced before, and break the constraints.

Uranus is the great seeker of truth, and something will come to seduce you, give you the motivation to fight for change, or help you get through it until you find a more exciting, authentic life.

Finally, let’s look at some important dates related to Uranus:

0 February 07, Ceres square Uranus

This is when pays off , people may develop new relationships; it is also a time when one must be careful, Easily deceived by , or lose property.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

0 February 21, Mars trine Uranus

If you allow yourself to step out of the rut, you have the opportunity to gain some great insights into and awaken to .

0On April 26th, the sun conjunct Uranus

0On July 1st, the sun sextiles Uranus

The individual's desire for freedom and change will be strengthened, and he will use different ways to speak, act, and contact people; he can use strange and strange things Weird creativity becomes reality.

0On May 25, Mars sextiles Uranus

You seem to have inexhaustible energy and use it in the areas you value.This will be an unforgettable time, suitable for activities and adventures, or things of spiritual or religious significance, or a heartbeat date with someone you like, or entertaining at home, which would also be great.

On October 31, the Sun opposes Uranus.

Your own intense opinions or ideas may be well concealed; undergoes uncomfortable changes ; suitable for contacting interesting people, reading books in unfamiliar fields, and expanding your horizons. and social circle.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews


12 Constellation 2020 Astrology Keywords


Break out of the shell and be reborn, find goals, work crazy, establish fame, embark on new platforms, improve wealth, balance family and career, help noble people, and relax at the right time.


Broaden your horizons, be keen on traveling, meet new friends, adapt to new changes, foreign cultures, good for studies, law, win lawsuits, promotions, rewards, find shortcuts, serve the society, and mysterious fields.


Realize dreams, get sudden windfalls, resist temptation, break conventions, dream, purify demons, explore the soul, communicate with the universe, stay confident, be financially cautious, and clean up your circle of friends.


Turning point in life, super cooperation, expansion of work, encountering villains in the workplace, good for entrepreneurship, charity and public welfare, beware of money worshippers, love transfer, romantic travel, adapting to partners.


Promotion and salary increase, changing jobs, dealing with shadows, physical burdens, exercise, many surprises, acting according to plan, like-minded partners, old friends, exerting creativity, exchange of identities between lovers and friends.


Office passion, romantic interludes, forbidden lovers, fertility, strong alliances, developing interests, clearing debts, financial losses, deceptive partnerships, defining professional missions, creative work.


Establishing a foundation, rebirth, purchasing assets, long-term investment, improving family, spiritual home, training and education, active competition, teenage lovers, marriage challenges, romantic travel, revisiting old places.


The door to opportunities, turbulent relationships, crazy work, ensuring physical and mental comfort, rapid promotion, making friends online, giving trust, taking on debts cautiously, expanding wealth channels, perfect encounters, and the appearance of your ex.


Stable savings, windfall, changing jobs, finding confidence, facing past pain, cooperation, guarding against villains, destiny, lots of happiness, inconsistent objects, second honeymoon, destiny fate.


Soul growth, new adventures, repairing relationships, family troubles, focusing on yourself, great popularity, freedom from constraints, extra security, making a lot of money, strong sense of belonging, reliable online dating, sudden Love, regain passion.


Healing the soul, emerging family problems, self-reflection, exercising intuition, engaging in work, uncovering enemies behind the scenes, bloody incidents, regaining a new life, authoritative status, getting involved in art, consolidating the spiritual world, and relationships are coming.


New social circle, improved cultivation, promotion in sight, a bright and brilliant year, sincere friendship, showing leadership skills, seeking creativity, examining career, analyzing oneself, new surprises and feelings, "happy events" for brothers and sisters.

2020 Fortune Ranking

In the blink of an eye, we have entered December, with snowflakes flying. 2019 is coming to an end, and a new chapter in 2020 is about to begin. We will face another round of opportunities and challenges. At the beginning of the year, on January 11, a lunar eclipse in Cancer occu - DayDayNews

Career: Cancer, Aries, Capricorn

Love: Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius

Wealth: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra

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