Overall fortune of Aries in 2020: Overall fortune: ★★★ In terms of the career fortune of the 3 stars, as Jupiter has entered the career house of Aries since December 2019 and has been affected by the solar and lunar eclipses, Aries, who have been bored in the workplace for a long

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Overall fortune of Aries in 2020: Overall fortune: ★★★ In terms of the career fortune of the 3 stars, as Jupiter has entered the career house of Aries since December 2019 and has been affected by the solar and lunar eclipses, Aries, who have been bored in the workplace for a long - DayDayNews

Overall fortune of Aries in 2020:

Overall fortune: ★★★ 3 stars

In terms of work fortune, with Jupiter entering the career house of Aries since December 2019, and being affected by the solar and lunar eclipses, you will be bored in the workplace. Aries who have been working for a long time will finally see the dawn of work in 2020 and have the opportunity to switch to a new field for development. Even Aries who have already had a stable job will take over a new position in 2020, be promoted to a supervisory position, or move to a more senior position. Working in a challenging unit will be a year of great breakthroughs in career and work fields, especially around December 2019 to January 2020, and July 2020, when your work will face major changes. Some people will face major changes in their work. Aries will move due to work, and may be assigned to work overseas, or be assigned to take over important positions in other places. These changes can wipe away the stagnation in the workplace in the past two years, and at least break away from the rigid system. , opening up new possibilities.

There is very good news for Aries who are looking for a new job. From April to early August, Venus will stay in the interview house. During this period, you will have excellent interview luck. Aries who want to change careers will be very happy in the first half of the year. smoothly. After Mars enters Aries in the second half of the year, it will retrograde in Aries. After staying for about 8 months, Mars will gradually form a quadruple aspect with Jupiter, Saturn , Pluto in the career house. Aries will fall into a trap in the second half of 2020. The crazy busy state is different from the previous state of fighting for no reason in the workplace. All the challenges in 2020 are definitely worth the investment of Aries. I would like to remind Aries that the first half of 2020 will be the key to changing jobs, while the second half of the year will require more effort to take root. By 2021, Saturn will officially leave the career house, and you will find all the hard work you have put in. It's all very worthwhile and you will be stable in your work field.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, the astrological changes in 2020 are relatively complicated. Saturn will enter the interpersonal relationship house of Aries from March to early July 2020. Even if Aries does not like struggle and change very much, Saturn will enter the interpersonal relationship house from March to early July. The relationship is at a bottleneck, and some things may cause some changes in the people around you. Saturn, which enters the interpersonal relationship house, will form a square angle with Uranus in the money house. From March to early July, you should pay attention to the fact that disputes may easily arise in your financial dealings with others, causing you to leave a certain social circle. It is also easy for some unpleasant events in the workplace to make you choose to leave your current working environment. Some Aries may face the birth, old age, illness and death of some of their friends, and feel the impermanence of the world. Aries who are interested in challenging overseas assignments will constantly need to travel as Venus moves forward and retrograde in the transportation house from March to early July. It is easy to feel uncomfortable with cross-cultural impact, but in the second half of the year, Saturn will retreat back to the house of career, and the unpleasantness of personnel will be slightly faded. Until 2021, Saturn will enter the house of interpersonal relationships again, and you will need to learn new interpersonal skills. Relationship homework.

The Travel Games will be the luckiest part of Aries in 2020. Venus will enter the travel palace in April 2020 and stay there until early August, and will retrograde in the travel palace in May. Many Aries will work or travel frequently to other places. If they are on a business trip, the travel treatment they will receive will be very generous. Even if they just go out for fun, they will also get good opportunities for promotion. However, Aries should be reminded that when Venus retrogrades in the travel sector, they will also encounter less than ideal service quality. Even if the hotel and transportation tickets are upgraded, certain events will make the trip less enjoyable. Aries are reminded that during Venus retrograde from May to June, it is easy to come back disappointed when you go out to play. Especially the lunar eclipse in June will occur in the house of distant travel. Unpredictable accidents may occur in other places, and it is easy to lose valuables, or encounter thieves, pickpockets, and unfriendly treatment. Travel fortune will be better from late July to August.

In terms of study fortune, Venus will enter the study house of Aries from April to August. During this period, Aries' exam fortune is also very good, which will be very beneficial to Aries who are preparing for the entrance examination. With the blessing and help of Venus, Aries will It’s very possible to get into a school that’s more ideal than you expected.If you are an Aries who needs to apply for a public office or take any qualification test, you will successfully pass the exam from April to August, enter your ideal unit, or pass the qualification certification. Aries who are studying, subjects that they could not grasp no matter how hard they study in the past, will suddenly become enlightened when they meet a very good instructor. However, it is also easy for teacher-student love to occur at this time. Aries should be specially reminded that Venus will leave the study house after August, and the fate forged in study will not last long.

In terms of emotional fortune, there will be some love blossoms in the first half of 2020. Especially from April to August, there may be heart-pounding encounters due to travel. However, it feels that they are not likely to develop for a long time. After Mars enters Aries in the second half of the year, The life of Aries will be busier, and they will be less interested in managing emotional relationships. If you want to have a small love affair, please seize the time from the first half of the year until August. Aries who already have a relationship, from April to early August, are affected by Venus moving forward and retrograde in the transportation house, and they are often separated from the people they like. The lunar eclipse in June will occur in the travel house. For some Aries, At this time, they are faced with the possibility of being far away from their partner for a long time, which makes the emotional relationship more difficult for the two of them. If you are a single Aries, it is easy to meet a new partner through the Internet and travel opportunities, but the distance between this partner and you is relatively far, and you even have to cross the ocean to meet the other person. Therefore, if Aries wants to talk in 2020, When you are in love, you will miss each other more than you spend time together, so you must be mentally prepared for long-distance love.

In terms of health, Mars will enter Aries after June 2020 and stay in the life palace for 8 months. Many Aries will be severely overworked in the second half of the year, feeling that their physical strength is exhausted relatively quickly and they are very tired. Pay attention to bloody disasters throughout the second half of the year. Accidental injuries are prone to occur, and it may even take more than half a year to recover. Some body organs are severely inflamed and require surgery. The impact of Mars on Aries in 2020 should not be underestimated. Some Aries even You will suddenly face life and death issues in the second half of the year. Aries are reminded to pay special attention to their health and personal safety in the second half of 2020. Even if they are not sick, they will be severely overworked due to work and feel tired every day.

In terms of home fortune, the 2020 solar and lunar eclipses will simultaneously affect the axis of the home and career palaces. Many Aries will leave home or move due to work reasons. Especially in January and June, there will be changes in the home, and for Aries, the entire life circle will have major fluctuations. You also need to pay more attention to the physical condition of your family members during the solar and lunar eclipses in January and June. At this time, your family members are prone to problems that make you more worried. In January and June, it is easy to quarrel and argue with family members, and some Aries may even leave home in anger because of this. The environmental conditions at home are also not ideal in January and June. Relations with neighbors are not good and disputes are prone to occur. In January and June, you should also be careful about the use of stoves and electrical appliances at home, and pay attention to door safety. January and June are prone to Suffered a thief. After July, the home situation will gradually stabilize.

Overall, Aries will have new breakthroughs in their careers in 2020. They will finally be freed from some constraints and can engage in the things they want to do. If you want to change the field of work, or hope to lay an important foundation in the workplace, you must grasp 2020 well. There will be some labor in the second half of the year, so please rest more if you have time.

Overall fortune for Taurus in 2020:

Overall fortune: ★★★ 3 stars

In terms of academic fortune, academic problems have troubled Taurus for a long time. Affected by the long-term placement of Saturn and Pluto in the academic house, many Taurus are trapped in the pursuit of knowledge. For all kinds of doubts, some Taurus go overseas to seek answers, or escape into the religious field to find answers to the truth. However, since Jupiter entered the academic house of Taurus in December 2019, I have begun to find a position in my professional field and specialize in the field I like. Taurus who lives and studies overseas are originally very uncomfortable with overseas life, but they will take root in a foreign place because of an important reason. Taurus who are interested in pursuing a higher degree and hoping to make achievements in the academic field will have a very brilliant year in 2020. Your research field will receive many additional research funds and your paper will be recognized.

The 2020 annual meeting will be a year when knowledge and practice can be combined for Taurus. There will be a solar eclipse in the examination house of Taurus in June. Summer will be a period of excellent exam luck for Taurus. In addition to being able to enter your ideal school, you will also get good energy help in qualification certification or civil service examinations. . However, since Saturn will regress back to the academic house in the second half of the year, after finally entering your ideal department, you will be more likely to get stuck in your pursuit of learning and knowledge, or you will encounter more strict instructors, and your frustration will increase. But overall, In other words, 2020 is the most beneficial year for Taurus to improve in the professional field.

In terms of work luck, there will be a major astrological change in 2020. Saturn will enter the career house of Taurus from March to early July. At the same time, affected by Jupiter entering the far travel house, Taurus will have short-term assignments in 2020. Opportunities to work, but this expatriate position will be very hard. Although you may learn many valuable experiences from it, many Taurus will want to leave their jobs during the period from March to early July in the face of the dangerous workplace environment. Taurus, who cannot find a niche in the professional field, will switch jobs or positions intensively from March to early July, and their physical condition may also lead to endocrine disorders due to extreme pressure.

In the second half of the year, Saturn will retreat back to the academic house. Many Taurus may want to go back to school to study for a while to lay a good foundation and take a short break. Taurus working overseas will be severely acclimatized throughout 2020 and suffer from various physical problems. I would like to remind Taurus that 2020 will be a very hard year for work fortune. If you want to survive in the workplace, improve your Expertise is necessary.

In terms of money fortune, after the luck given by Jupiter in the financial house of Taurus in 2019, Taurus will be relaxed in terms of money fortune. From April to early August 2020, Venus will stay in the money house of Taurus for more than 3 months. Many Taurus will spend money more extravagantly and pay special attention to the pursuit of material life. This also means that the financial fortune of Taurus in the first half of the year will still be poor. Not bad, there are many silver bullets that can be consumed, but it is also easy to buy things that are not suitable for you and waste a lot of money.

From April to early August, Taurus will have the opportunity to increase their salary, but this also means that you must take on heavier responsibilities, which also makes it easier for Taurus to vent their lives by spending money, shopping, and consuming. There is pressure, but during this period it is very likely that you will buy sub-quality things or receive less than comfortable service. The solar and lunar eclipses in June and December will affect the financial and money sectors. Your wallet will lose a lot of blood at this time, and you will have to pay a large amount of credit card payments. During the period when Venus goes direct and retrograde in the money house, it will be more positive for you if you can use money on matters related to further study.

In terms of emotional fortune, Taurus will be a little more bored, especially in the second half of the year, when Mars will enter Taurus's spiritual palace and stay retrograde for about 8 months. A certain relationship cannot be made public on the table, making Taurus feel irritable. This relationship can even cause depression and illness in Taurus. If you are a single Taurus, it is easy to fall in love with a certain person, but the other person may not know your feelings, and you have no intention of expressing your feelings. Mars entering the heart house of Taurus also means that many Taurus will have to face up to their inner trauma in the second half of the year. Some unhappy relationships, even though they have become a thing of the past, are still aching. Many Taurus will be exposed to spiritual growth or spirituality in the second half of the year. Regarding healing things, some Taurus will also start to contact religion, explore their own truths, and hope to transform their souls. At this time, special attention must be paid to avoid falling into a state of excessive superstition and madness.

In terms of health, since Uranus entered the life palace, Taurus has been in a state where the body needs to re-adapt to the environment or age changes.In 2020, Saturn in the career house and Pluto in the travel house continue to affect Uranus in the life house. In addition to feeling particularly tired and excessive physical exertion, many Taurus will also feel severe endocrine disorders. Some Taurus will If you have symptoms of pre-diabetes, you also need to pay special attention to thyroid function problems. In addition, Mars will enter the spiritual palace in the second half of 2020, and sleep conditions will be less than ideal, and you may even fall into anxiety, panic, bipolar... related mental states. The solar and lunar eclipses in June and December will occur in the house of illness, which can easily cause acute illness, which may require hospitalization or surgery. Therefore, Taurus is reminded to find ways to find outlets for stress in 2020, otherwise it is likely to cause imbalances in body, mind and spirit.

In terms of long-distance travel, the best fortune for Taurus in 2020 is long-distance travel. There will be many opportunities to travel abroad and business trips. If you can relax in a more relaxed mood, it will have a positive impact on Taurus. However, there are also many Taurus who are extremely unadapted to the overseas environment and are prone to falling ill when traveling far away. I would like to remind Taurus to remember to bring the daily medicines they need when traveling abroad in case of emergency.

Overall, 2020 will be a year of great physical and mental pressure for Taurus, but if you can establish a solid foundation in the professional field, this will make you more confident and stable in 2021. If you are depressed, , go abroad more and travel more, maybe you will discover new possibilities, and at the same time, you can release your spiritual level.

Overall fortune for Gemini in 2020:

Overall fortune: ★★★ 3 stars

In terms of money luck, Geminis who are constantly being chased by money will finally improve in 2020. Jupiter has entered the financial house since December 2019, and Geminis will miraculously pay off all their debts in 2020. For Geminis who have been trapped by money for many years, it feels so precious to be able to return to a life of financial freedom. Even Geminis who have never been short of money will receive an asset gift in 2020, giving you an extra fortune in your name. This is undoubtedly good news for Geminis who always live a tight life. However, although the treasury is rich, it also creates many complicated financial problems. Some Geminis even face judicial lawsuits. The process of obtaining these wealth is not very pleasant.

Solar and lunar eclipses from December 2019 to January 2020 and June to July 2020 will also occur in the financial sector. At this time, you will gain a large amount of property. However, the money may come from insurance claims, severance, severance, etc. Or succession. Geminis with investment habits will make good profits during the period of solar and lunar eclipses, and can choose a relatively favorable time to take profits. Saturn will leave the financial house from March to early July 2020. Geminis will be less worried about money problems during this period. However, in the second half of the year, Saturn will return to the financial house of Gemini. You will suffer the consequences of over-spending in half a year, and you will have to pay off a lot of bills and debts in installments. However, the good news is that due to the blessing of Jupiter, Gemini will not be as stretched as in the past throughout this year, at least life will be much easier.

In terms of emotional fortune, a miraculous encounter will occur from April to early August 2020. In April 2020, Venus will begin to move forward and retrograde in the house of Gemini, staying there for more than three months. Gemini will encounter a familiar person, which will make you fall into an irrational state of love. Even a lightning wedding. Or an old relationship may rekindle with someone you liked in the past, and there may be a chance to get back together at this time. During Venus retrograde, no matter how lazy or unbearable you are, this person will look at you through rose-colored glasses. At the same time, when you fall in love, you will also make many irrational actions.

would like to remind Geminis that when Venus retrogrades, it also means that your standards for choosing a mate are lowered, and the chance of meeting a bad romantic partner is also greatly increased. In addition to the appearance that is not what you liked in the past, you may also meet someone with a weird personality and inappropriate behavior. Even if you know that this person is not an ideal match, from April to early August, it is easy for your eyes to get blurry.In addition to the rotten romance with your love partner, try not to pursue high-end consumption from April to early August, as you are prone to receive inferior treatment and even consumer disputes. There is a high chance that you will buy a fake product and you cannot return it. You may come back feeling angry when you go out for fun. Therefore, Geminis are reminded to choose carefully whether in love or consumption from April to early August 2020, so as not to get into trouble.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Mars will enter the interpersonal relationship house of Gemini in June and stay there for about 8 months. What’s even more terrible is that Mars will always be 4 points with Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in the financial house for a long time. phase. The second half of the year will be a period when Gemini's interpersonal relationships are less than ideal, and they are prone to falling into many disputes. They need to pay special attention to financial and legal issues. Some Geminis may enter a direct sales or religious group, where they are constantly emotionally blackmailed by the people around them, and are You are forced to donate money or buy many useless things, but you cannot escape from these groups. They will entangle you in an organization through some contact networks. Some Geminis will have to go through litigation to obtain legal inheritance rights due to family asset issues. Even if you win a lot of money, you may have to break up with some people. This will be a more upsetting issue for Geminis in 2020.

In terms of health, since Jupiter has entered the illness palace since December 2019, the solar and lunar eclipses from December 2019 to January 2020, June to July 2020, and December 2020 will also occur in the illness palace. In the house of disaster and life, 2020 will be the most unsatisfactory period for Gemini's physical condition. Disasters and illnesses, big and small, will continue. Some diseases that have been treated will continue to recur, which will make Gemini feel very world-weary. Be especially careful about accidents or acute illness outbreaks from December 2019 to January 2020, June to July 2020, and December 2020. Venus will retrograde in the life palace from April to early August. If you accidentally catch a cold at this time, it will be difficult to recover for up to 3 months, and the infection will continue to occur again and again. April to early August is also the peak period for the recurrence of old diseases. Many Geminis will need long-term medical treatment and rehabilitation in the second half of the year. Therefore, Geminis are reminded to pay special attention to their health and personal safety in 2020.

In terms of work luck, villains in the workplace have always troubled you for a long time. In the first half of the year, Venus stayed back and forth in the life palace for 4 months, forming a square aspect with Neptune in the career palace. This year, you have a higher chance of choosing the wrong track, following the wrong supervisor, or entering an undesirable unit. Although Venus once made you feel smoother and made you willing to devote your efforts, it may be that in the second half of the year, Mars will move forward and retrograde in the house of interpersonal relationships. Under the influence, I gradually felt that I was being used and mistreated by the people around me.

In terms of academic fortune, Saturn will enter the academic house of Gemini from March to early July 2020. It is still a Gemini student, and you will encounter extremely strict instructors, making you lose interest in the subjects you choose. There are also some Geminis who have been unable to produce homework and reports academically, and the possibility of being cheated increases. Some Geminis will choose to take a break from school in the first half of the year and prepare to transfer or retake the exam in the summer. Or you can change your learning environment by going abroad as an exchange student or studying abroad. However, this is just a prelude to facing academic pressure. In December 2020, Saturn will officially enter the academic house of Gemini. You may feel that you have chosen the wrong department or followed the wrong instructor, which will always bother you. Some Geminis will be unable to complete their studies due to health reasons and must take a break from school to recuperate.

Overall, although 2020 will be a relatively prosperous year for Geminis, unpleasant things will happen one after another. Your physical condition is not ideal, and you have to give up some things you really want to do, and take care of yourself first. Money can buy a comfortable quality of life and even love, but it cannot buy healthy and happy relationships. In 2020, Gemini will begin to realize that although money is absolutely impossible, money is by no means omnipotent. Life lessons.

Overall fortune for Cancer in 2020:

Overall fortune: ★★★ 3 stars

In terms of emotional fortune, in the past, due to Saturn and Pluto ravaging the emotional relationship palace for a long time, many Cancers experienced very bitter relationships and wanted to get rid of their tragic fate in 2020. The annual meeting is the most important year for Cancer.After December 2019, Jupiter will enter the emotional house of Cancer. At the same time, affected by the solar eclipse also occurring in the emotional house, in the first half of 2020, Cancer will encounter an emotional object that is completely different from the past. This person always It makes you feel happy and makes you want to enter a stable and long-term marriage relationship. In the first half of 2020, Saturn will leave the emotional palace for a while. At the same time, Venus will stay in the secret palace of Cancer for a long time from April to early August. You will fall in love in a very short period of time, but the beginning of this relationship , there will be some doubts that make you just want to like it silently in your heart and dare not say it out loud. However, this person will gradually impress you and make you willing to enter into a marriage relationship.

Saturn will retrograde back to the emotional relationship house after June 2020. Some slow-moving Cancers will find it difficult to adapt to such a big emotional change for a while. Your hesitant personality may easily cause you to miss a good opportunity to get out of singles, or Constantly torn between the previous lover and the new relationship. There will be another solar and lunar eclipse in the emotional house of Cancer from June to July. At this time, you must learn to make decisions decisively in order for you to move towards happiness. Cancers whose relationships have been stable will decide to enter into marriage with the person they like in 2020, reaching a new milestone. If you are still in an unhealthy relationship, you will meet a very exciting love partner in the first half of 2020, giving you the courage to divorce or break up and end your unhappy life. Even if you are stigmatized and even if your new relationship may not be fruitful, at least you can stay away from unhappy relationships and find your own piece of pure land.

In terms of money luck, Saturn will enter the financial house of Cancer in the first half of 2020. Cancers should be particularly cautious in investment and finance in the first half of the year. At this time, you may face some large-scale losses of funds. Things happen quickly and urgently. You There is absolutely no time to stop losses. Some Cancers may enter a new stage of life and need a loan to spend on some important things, such as purchasing expensive assets or studying abroad. These decisions require you to grit your teeth and invest the cash you have. After using up your savings and tightening your quality of life, you will feel very insecure about money. Some Cancers have to cut back and go on a diet simply because their income has decreased in order to survive the economic winter.

In 2020, Saturn will be squaring Uranus in the house of interpersonal relationships for a long time. Even the closest people must be cautious about money transactions. Some Cancers will face some troubles in financial ownership because they have to leave an unhappy marriage. When they fall out with their past emotional partners, they will have to seek legal solutions. When Saturn enters the financial house, Cancer will also have to deal with problems in the distribution of family property, and may even have to break up with relatives or family members, otherwise they will be bullied. If you have no investment habits and your family does not have any asset problems, you should pay attention to the use of credit cards and be careful of credit information being stolen. You will have to spend a lot of time negotiating with the card-issuing bank. The cumbersome procedures will take three months to resolve.

In terms of work fortune, since Jupiter entered the work house of Cancer in 2019, the work situation has become much more stable. Due to the improvement of work fortune, your life will also become busier and busier. The work situation in the first half of 2020 will be relatively smooth. It won't affect your life. However, Mars will enter the career house of Cancer in June 2020 and stay in direct motion and retrograde for 8 months. At the same time, there will be a lunar eclipse in Cancer's work house in June 2020. In June, Cancer's job will undergo a major adjustment, which is a good opportunity for you to fight for a better position or salary, and you may even have to take over the position of supervisor. Many things in the workplace rely on you to make decisions.

However, there are many popular people. In the second half of the year, Mars will be in quadrangle with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in the partner house for a long time. Not only are there many villains in the workplace, but also pig teammates will make you nervous. Colleagues and supervisors around you are constantly You are asked to clean up the mess, and often need to work overtime, disrupting your peaceful life. Unhappiness in personnel affairs prevents you from focusing on work and distracts you from personnel struggles. This unpleasant working situation will continue until January 2021.In December 2020, you may be tired of this situation and want to leave your current workplace, or transfer to a more relaxed unit.

In terms of health, 2020 will be a critical year for Cancer's physical condition to change. Saturn will enter Cancer's disease house from March to early July 2020. Some chronic diseases will begin to show symptoms during this period. Please Don't underestimate the energy impact of this. There will be a lunar eclipse in the health sector of Cancer in June 2020. If you do not pay attention to the warning signals sent by your body, you may need major surgery or hospitalization in June. Even Cancers with good health may experience some pain and discomfort in their muscles and bones from March to early July, or their teeth may need some major corrective surgery or medical treatment. The skin may also be allergic for no apparent reason. Although it is not a major problem, it may affect your quality of life. Some Cancers will have more medical expenses due to poor physical condition, including some postoperative rehabilitation and maintenance. In December 2020, Saturn will enter the house of illness, and at the same time there will be a solar eclipse in the house of health. At the end of 2020, Cancers must start paying attention to health and exercise in order to survive the impact of a series of energy attacks on the house of illness starting in 2021.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, since Uranus entered the interpersonal relationship house of Cancer in 2019, the circle of friends around many Cancers will have some major changes. You will enter a new social circle. The values ​​of these people are very different from your life experience. You will find them interesting at first, but in 2020 you will start to feel that your interpersonal relationships are a little troublesome. Some friends or work partners keep giving you trouble. Although you want to help these people, you will find their lack of personality, and even put them into trouble. You are involved in many disputes. Pay special attention to money disputes in the first half of the year. Some money you lend may not be recovered. At the same time, you may fall out with some friends because of money and financial problems. 2020 will be a less pleasant year for interpersonal relationships. Perhaps it is more pleasant to remain in isolation. At the same time, you must pay attention to money transactions with others.

summarizes that the most important key in 2020 is "decisiveness". Only by getting rid of your hesitant personality can you get rid of a sloppy relationship and decide to take on new work challenges, so that you can reach a higher level. If you always stick to your comfort zone and refuse to step out, your life will decline. If you change your mind and try new possibilities, your unfortunate fate will stay away and you will move towards the bright future.

Leo's overall fortune in 2020

Overall fortune: ★★★ 3 stars

In terms of work fortune, the bad atmosphere in the workplace has been lingering, making many Leos feel discouraged in the work field. Some Leos constantly switch positions, seeking a niche. There are also some Leos who endure a lot of unreasonable treatment in the workplace. In December 2019, Jupiter will enter Leo's work house. At the same time, solar and lunar eclipses will affect Leo's work house in December 2019 and July 2020. Leo will get a very rare opportunity in 2020 to make drastic reforms. The entire workplace is unreasonable. Even Leos who have no worldly ambitions will have some adjustments to their work duties from December 2019 to January 2020 and July 2020. With the blessing of Jupiter in the work house, you are expected to work in a larger organization or a more perfect work field. Your position will be promoted and your salary will also increase.

The best period for your work fortune is from March to early July 2020. Saturn will temporarily leave the work house for a while. Everything you do in the workplace will be affirmed, and all the unhappiness you have endured can be wiped away. Uncheck. However, this does not mean that Leo will be very relaxed and free in 2020. On the contrary, due to the influence of Jupiter in the work house, Leo will be very busy at work, and many things will need to be executed by you. Your status in the workplace will Gaining prominence forces you to stand up and face it even if you want to escape.At the same time, because Uranus in the house of career will be in square angle with Saturn in the house of partners, even if many old habits in the workplace are reformed, the jealousy and jealousy of the villains in the workplace will still be unable to escape, and various small actions will continue, such as slander. , poach you, hold you back, make you take the blame... etc. These people are all partners by your side. In front of outsiders, although you have every advantage, in fact, the biggest influence on you is the partner you trust very much.

In terms of emotional fortune, 2019 is a year when Leos are in full bloom. Many Leos have left singles in 2019 and fallen into love. However, in 2019, Jupiter and Neptune have been in square aspect for a long time, and there are more bad luck. Maybe some Leos are still in love and can't feel it. From March to early July 2020, Saturn will be the first to enter your emotional palace. This is the first time point of stress test. Many Leos will be dumped inexplicably from March to early July, or they will start to find that they are not the right person, and the person they like has shortcomings that make you uncomfortable, and they are unwilling to change, and the relationship between the two parties will drop to a freezing point. There are also some Leos who play the world. From March to early July, they will suddenly feel sincere towards someone. However, the moment you find that you fall in love with the other person, you will fall into the pain of feeling bad about yourself. In the past, you You can be forthright with others, but from March to early July, you suddenly become weak. For the people you like, even if you just meet and say a word, you become extravagant.

html There will be a lunar eclipse in Leo's love sector in June. Someone will suddenly decide to leave you at this time, leaving you very stunned. Although Saturn will retrograde and leave the emotional sector after July, you may need a long period of recovery. However, Leo, don’t despair because of this. In December 2020, Saturn and Jupiter will enter your emotional palace, and at the same time there will be an important solar eclipse in your love palace. If you survive the last three months of March to early July 2020, The time is not conducive to you. From the end of 2020 to 2021, the emotional relationship is expected to stabilize, and there may even be signs of pregnancy at the end of the year. March to July will be the key to whether the relationship can last. Once you survive the most difficult period and face up to your own lack of personality, you will be able to see the moon in 2021. Leos who are married or have a stable relationship should also take good care of their partner from March to early July. Especially during this period of June, the physical condition or personal safety of the partner will be unfavorable, making you very worried. There will be a solar eclipse in the children's house in December. If the emotional relationship is stable, there is a high chance of pregnancy by the end of the year.

Leos should also be reminded of the part about pets. Many Leos will have to learn the life lessons of furry children in 2020. You may give away a beloved pet in June 2020. You may meet a new little life in December 2020, but the situation of this little life does not seem to be ideal. You must spend more patience to take care of it. The solar eclipse in December will be the key to whether you and this child are destined. . The same problem will also occur when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. In June 2020, Leos who already have children must be careful about their children's personal safety and health. There will also be signs of pregnancy in 2020, but special attention must be paid to child care, as miscarriage is likely to occur in June.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, as Leo gets busy at work, Leo will also have more interpersonal relationships. From April to early August 2020, Venus will go direct and retrograde in the house of interpersonal relationships. After staying for 4 months, many friends you have not contacted for a long time will contact you at this time, including people you once liked. You or the other person may be trying to reconcile. Although the two of you are not destined to be lovers, you hope to become good friends. However, Venus in Gemini will be affected by Neptune in the financial house. Some people who contact you back are actually not well-intentioned. They may have the intention to ask you to join a certain religious group or direct sales system, and constantly ask you to buy useless things. It makes you feel very unhappy if you don't see the money being used in the right way, or make some donations.

At the same time, some Leos may still be a little nostalgic for the people they once liked. Even if the two people reunited cannot stay together for a long time, they may be disconnected in the physical relationship.Venus is retrograde in the house of interpersonal relationships, which also means that the probability of receiving red bombs increases. In the first half of the year, many good friends will decide to get married at this time, and their wallets will lose a lot of blood. However, since Venus is the auspicious planet of pleasure, most of the many reunions from April to August 2020 will surprise and delight you.

In terms of health, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto will gather in the health sector in 2020. At the same time, they will be affected by the solar and lunar eclipses. Leos will have a tendency to be seriously overworked at work in 2020, and certain diseases are easy to worsen at this time, so special attention should be paid. In December 2019 and July 2020, my physical condition was the least ideal. Some diseases may require surgery or hospitalization. Jupiter entering the health house will also make you seriously gain weight. However, if you can use the period when Jupiter enters the health sector to lose weight, get in shape, and develop exercise habits, 2020 can also be a critical year for Leo to stay healthy and healthy.

In terms of long-distance travel, Mars will enter Leo's long-distance house in June, and stay in the long-distance house for eight months in direct and retrograde motion. Many Leos will continue to need to travel far in the second half of the year, whether for work or for work. If you want to travel abroad at this time, the chances of traveling far away in 2020 will be higher than usual. Some Leos will be assigned to work in other places in the second half of 2020, or often have to travel overseas. These tasks will be more tiring and tiring, and they will easily feel acclimatized and physically unwell in other places. Young Leos will go overseas to exchange students or go on a working holiday in the second half of 2020, which will make you think about your future work direction and even make you want to stay or study overseas for a long time.

In terms of academic fortune, Mars will enter the academic house of Leo in June. It will stay in the academic house of direct and retrograde for 8 months. It is still a student in Leo. The academic situation in the second half of the year will be very busy, and you may need to participate in some Academic seminars, exchanges with overseas students, or going to other places to communicate and compete with students from other schools. This period can be said to be a very active period academically. Leos who are already working in the workplace will suddenly want to study for a higher degree in the second half of the year, hoping to become more advanced in the professional field. Some Leos will be recruited by academic units because of their special skills and become exceptional leaders in a certain field. However, it won't be long before you take up a teaching position, because you are really busy. By 2021, you will start to think about whether to continue with degree and education matters.

Summary Leo will gain temporary pride in the workplace, but these glory will make you feel even more lonely. The emotional object you care about most or the partner you trust most will leave you at this time, and you will be ups and downs in the workplace. By struggling upward, you may be able to forget your temporary loneliness, but don’t forget to give some love to some cute little lives. Maybe you can feel the fulfillment of life more.

Overall fortune of Virgo in 2020

Overall fortune: ★★2 stars

In terms of emotional fortune, it has to be said that over the years, Virgo has been stumbling in emotional relationships, trusting others, and the love palace has long been affected by Saturn and Pluto. Raging, and at the same time being impacted by the energy of the solar and lunar eclipses, Neptune in the emotional house has been affected by Jupiter for a long time. Many Virgos have experienced drastic changes in emotional relationships, or have lost loved ones and children, and are left with scars. , someone miraculously appeared. Jupiter will enter Virgo's love house in December 2019. This person will bring joy to your life, and you won't even believe that love is so beautiful.

In the first half of 2020, Saturn will leave your love house. Many Virgos will fall into a sweet relationship or even get married in a flash in the first half of the year. However, the person who brings you joy in 2020 may not be a love interest, but may be a cute little life. Some Virgos will show signs of pregnancy in 2020, or may adopt a fur baby. Whether it is a child or a pet, this little life will definitely bring nourishment to your emotions.I would like to remind Virgos that since Saturn has not yet completely moved away from Virgo’s love and children’s houses, Virgos who are pregnant in the first half of 2020 need to pay special attention to their health. Saturn will enter your health house first. If you are pregnant, There are signs that you should pay attention to your own health and that of your fetus. Especially starting in June, Mars will also enter the house of illness and form a square aspect with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in the house of children.

Therefore, Virgos who are pregnant in 2020 should pay special attention to miscarriage or bleeding during delivery, which will seriously affect your life or the life of your child. Of course, there are also cases where life comes at the wrong time for you, and you may need an abortion. If you are a Virgo who has a pet, your furry child's physical condition will be less than ideal in the second half of the year and he will be in and out of the hospital constantly, which will make you feel very distressed. However, if Virgos can properly grasp the energy of Jupiter entering the house of love and children, 2020 will be a critical year for Virgos to escape singleness and sadness. The key is how do you give love? And what attitude should you use to face another life that is closely related to you.

In terms of work luck, many Virgos have been living an ordinary life in the workplace. However, in the first half of 2020, your abilities and professionalism will be seen by more people. Venus will stay in Virgo from April to early August. The career palace lasts for 4 months. During this period, Virgo can get a stage for performance, so that you can gain glory in the workplace. However, since Saturn also entered the work house of Virgo from March to June 2020, while enjoying the glory, the labor behind it is also very hard. Some people only see the glamorous surface. Behind the performance, there are actually hard aspects such as having to work overtime for a long time, giving up vacations, being overworked... etc. Although Venus is shining brightly in the career house, it will be retrograde from May to June, causing work to be constantly revised back and forth and progress to be stagnant. Even though

had many seemingly perfect performances in the first half of the year, no one may understand the bitterness behind it. Since you are the center of attention in the workplace, you will also attract a lot of jealousy. Venus in the career house will be in quadrangle with Neptune for a long time. Many Virgos are easily framed and deceived by villains from May to June. There are many pig teammates in the workplace, so you have to take care of your appearance in addition to In addition, we must constantly prevent villains from hindering us and causing damage. But overall, the work fortune of Virgos in the first half of 2020 is not bad. Although it is a lot of hard work behind the scenes, the rewards are equal. What needs to be noted is that after December 2020, the workplace environment will have major changes. Changes will affect Virgo’s work fortune in 2021.

In terms of money fortune, Virgo has finally stabilized its money fortune in recent years, but in the second half of 2020, Mars will enter Virgo's financial house and stay there for 8 months. Virgo must be reminded that there will be many unexpected expenses in the second half of the year, which will continue to burn money and even make you fall into debt hell. Some Virgos spend a lot of money on medical treatment. Although only some minor problems need to be corrected, the time and money required can last up to 8 months. Some Virgos will spend all their money on the health of their children and pets. In the second half of 2020, the children you love will make you more worried, and you will have to spend more money on their treatment.

If you are a Virgo with investment habits, your financial fortune in the second half of the year will not be ideal. Do not engage in speculative investments, which will cause you to be seriously in debt. Be especially careful when using credit cards. In the second half of 2020, it will be easier to be careless when having fun and accidentally max out your credit limit. At the same time, be careful that your credit information is easily stolen and fraudulently used. Generally speaking, the financial fortune of Virgos in 2020 is not very ideal, especially in the second half of the year, the financial situation will be tight, and you must be very careful in managing your finances.

In terms of health, starting in 2020, many Virgos must start to face health problems. From March to June, Saturn will be the first to enter the health palace. Although it only stays for 3 months, it may bring serious problems to Virgos. Many Virgos will find some more troublesome symptoms from March to June.Mars will enter the house of illness in Virgo in June and stay there for about 8 months. If Virgo does not face up to some physical discomfort in the first half of the year, it may evolve into serious problems in the second half of the year and even require action. Surgical treatment, long-term rehabilitation and convalescence in the hospital.

Virgos who are relatively healthy will be affected by the direct and retrograde motion of Mars in the house of illness in the second half of 2020. You should be especially careful about blood and light disasters. Some accidental injuries may bother you for a long time. After December 2020, Saturn will officially enter the health sector. Virgos will begin to need a long period of physical rehabilitation, and may also have to fight against certain diseases for a long time. Therefore, Virgos are particularly reminded to start paying attention to their health in 2020. If you allow yourself to be overworked and uncomfortable for a long time, your health will become increasingly unsatisfactory in the future. However, if you start maintenance in the first half of 2020, you can avoid your physical fitness from declining rapidly in the next two to three years.

In terms of family fortune, in 2019, due to the influence of Jupiter's transit through the family house, many Virgos have just experienced changes in their family and home. Most of these changes are in a good direction. Starting in 2020, solar and lunar eclipses will begin to affect Virgos. As for the axis between home and work, many Virgos’ homes will undergo some changes in June and December due to the shift in the workplace. Pay attention to the health of your family members in June and December. It is very likely that something will happen to your family members at this time that worries you. It is also easy to have serious disputes with family members in June and December. Therefore, during the solar and lunar eclipses, you must be particularly patient with your family members so that nothing regrettable happens to you.

summarizes this year, whether it is work, love, or health, it will be a very critical year for Virgos. Every project is very important. You must "work hard" every day to maintain good habits in all aspects, which requires a lot of patience. To cultivate. Although your financial fortune is not good, there are many things that money cannot buy, including good health or the little life you love. For Virgos, how to maintain a balanced state of body, mind and soul is a very important topic in 2020.

Libra's overall fortune in 2020

Overall fortune: ★★ 2 stars

In terms of family and home fortune, many Libras have had family situations that have always made you nervous in recent years. In addition to some family members who need your care, the problem of instability in the home is also Deeply troubles Libra. In 2020, Libras will tend to be more stable in life, seek a world of their own, and find a more ideal environment to take root. Jupiter will enter Libra's home sector after December 2019. Libras who need to move or buy a house will find more ideal objects and move to a residence where they can settle down for a long time. Some Libras may leave home to live in other places due to work demands, or even need to travel across the ocean to live in other places. Some Libras may also go to other places to be exchange students. This time will fall between April and August 2020. , especially from June to July, Libras will have the opportunity to migrate to other places.

Faced with such changes in life, Libras will instead seek a city of their own, and you will start living in a place that was unexpected in the past. Since the solar and lunar eclipses will affect the home palace from December 2019 to January 2020 and July 2020, during these two periods, there will be changes in the home house, which will have more energy to move you to a more ideal place. Some Libra families will have happy events in 2020. Brothers and sisters will get married at this time, new members will join the family, or they will receive a lot of extra funds from buying or selling a house. However, some Libras will have some changes in their families between December and January 2019, or in July 2020. Some relatives will stay away from your life during these two times, or the relationship with these family members will change. Change. Although under the auspiciousness of Jupiter, you are mentally prepared for such a result and are not too worried, you will still be a little uncomfortable with the changes in family relationships.

In terms of love luck, many Libras will face an unforgettable relationship in 2020. Saturn will take the lead in entering Libra's love palace from March to early July 2020, and you will be attracted to someone you could never imagine in the past. You are attracted and quickly fall in love. However, Saturn is by no means an easy planet to deal with. This relationship will be complicated by many complicated issues, but you can easily be tempted by it because it is too exciting. When you begin to taste the sweetness of love for the first time, you will also discover the bitterness that love brings. Mars will enter the emotional house of Libra starting in June and stay there for 8 months. In the second half of the year, this love relationship will continue to be noisy due to the unequal relationship between them. Some Libras will even encounter a horrible lover. Not only will they be emotionally blackmailed for a long time, the other person will even embarrass you in a more dramatic way. However, often after a dispute, the other person will comfort you with intimacy and make you succumb to physical satisfaction. superior. For a while, they may feel that such love is very strong, but over time, many Libras will find it difficult to balance their souls and desires, and feel exhausted.

Some Libras will have several emotional relationships develop one after another in 2020, but they may fall into complicated relationships because some relationships are not broken cleanly enough. Venus will stay in the distant house of Libra from April to early August for up to 4 months. Some Libras may fall into foreign love, or fall in love with the person they like from a distance. Under the beauty of distance, you may I think love is more beautiful. However, in 2020, many Libras will easily plunge into such a distant relationship regardless of their own safety. Once you get along together, you will find that life is not as easy as you imagined. In December 2020, Saturn and Jupiter will enter the love palace of Libra together. This will be a critical period for whether Libra's love relationship will become healthier. If you want to have a long-term and happy love relationship, you should carefully examine your emotional homework in 2020. Liking and suitability are two different things. Maybe falling in love requires some rationality, so that you will understand that the so-called happiness may not be what you thought in the past. So simple.

Libras whose emotional relationships have been stable have a higher chance of getting pregnant in the first half of 2020, but the health of the fetus is not ideal, or the little life may not arrive as you expected, and it may lead to miscarriage. For Libras who have pets, in the first half of 2020, the health of the furry children at home will not be ideal, and you will need to spend a lot of medical expenses on the children, or you will have to go through a very serious life lesson. The subjects brought to you by Saturn will definitely not be easy. It will ask you to examine how you give love and whether these contributions are a little morbid. In 2020, you will be asked to correct your past deviations in emotional giving so that you can learn to Very important and valuable lesson.

In terms of money luck, since Uranus officially entered the financial house in 2019, Libras will have some extra money coming in from time to time, which will increase your pocket money a lot. However, Libras should pay attention in 2020. Uranus will be in square angle with Saturn for a long time, which will increase your unexpected expenses. Among them, the expenses on love, entertainment, pets, children, and physical health will increase sharply. Libras should also be careful about encountering love scammers who spend a lot of money to please the person they like, but may get nothing in the end. You will be more willing to spend money on entertainment activities such as eating, drinking, chasing stars, watching concerts, and participating in art festivals. Although you will still get some extra income from time to time, the expenses are more than the income. From April to early August 2020, Venus will stay in Libra's travel house for a long time, and traveling will cost more. Overall, there is no shortage of income, but more is spent on enjoyment, making it more difficult to save money.

In terms of work luck, Libras have been affected by the solar and lunar eclipses in the house of career in the past two years. They will face changes in their positions and workplaces every six months, but these changes are not necessarily unpleasant. Some Libras are constantly promoted at work. , however, there are also some Libras who face the fate of being displaced and constantly changing work units.In 2020, Libra will also face the test of two solar and lunar eclipses in the house of career. There will be large-scale changes in work in January and June, and they may even need to move and work in other places. However, the work fortune is not too bad. If the situation is poor, developing outside may lead to unexpected results.

Overall, the issues Libra will face in 2020 come from the handling of various emotional relationships, whether it is family, love, parent-child relationships, or relationships with pets. You must learn how to give care and love, and at the same time Achieve an equal and balanced relationship in these lessons. If you can learn these topics quickly, you can officially enter a more stable relationship in 2021. If you are still too stubborn in emotional relationships, starting in 2021, there will be a long period of emotional lessons to learn.

Overall fortune of Scorpio in 2020

Overall fortune: ★★ 2 stars

In terms of learning fortune, many Scorpios have always hit a wall in learning new things in recent years, and they seem to have no way to learn anything. This is for students who are still students. Scorpios feel very troubled. They are often on the verge of being taken for granted in exams, and they are constantly trying to figure out which major is suitable for them. The good news is that starting from December 2019, Jupiter will enter the study house of Scorpio, and the most troublesome Saturn will also temporarily leave the study house of Scorpio from March to early July 2020. If you are about to enter higher education If you are an exam-oriented Scorpio, if you cram in the first half of 2020, you are expected to perform well in the entrance examination and enter your ideal school and department.

If you are a student in school, you will suddenly become familiar with the subject you are studying in, and your grades will improve by leaps and bounds. Even Scorpios who have left school will have excellent exam luck in 2020. Whether it is national exams, civil service exams, various certification qualifications, and licenses, even if there is not enough preparation time, they can still cross the threshold and enter the ideal unit. However, Scorpios should be reminded that Saturn will retrograde back to the study house in the second half of the year. In the first half of the year, you will feel much more relaxed in academics and exams, but you will face new pressure in the second half of the year. Some peers in school will compete with each other, and your competitiveness may make you again Feeling frustrated or having an instructor who is too harsh on you can also make you shy away from certain subjects. However, the knowledge and skills you learn are what you need. Don't be fooled by the scores given by others. 2020 will allow Scorpios to lay an important foundation in learning.

In terms of communication luck, due to the long-term influence of Saturn and Pluto in the communication house, many Scorpios will feel like marginalized people in the past two or three years, and have poor communication with many people. They often end up fighting with others because of some misunderstandings, and poor communication problems This can make you feel uncomfortable when looking for a new job. In December 2019, Jupiter will enter the communication house of Scorpio. Many Scorpios will feel that they are more lovable in speaking, and many people are willing to listen to what you want to express. However, at this time, you also begin to have more patience to understand other people's situations, and can express the answers they need more clearly. For a while, Scorpios will be sharp in their words. In 2019, they will start to know how to express their words in a more interesting way, so that many people can feel your humor and accept you more, and interpersonal relationships will feel more lovable.

In terms of work luck, starting from June 2020, Mars will enter the work palace, stay direct and retrograde for 8 months, and Mars will form a square aspect with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in the transportation palace. This means that starting from the second half of the year, Scorpios will be busier than usual at work, often needing to work overtime, and frequently travel to other places. There are many tasks that require going out to obtain materials. Many Scorpios will feel that their physical strength is exhausted very quickly in the second half of the year, and they may be overworked. tendency. Mars will be retrograde from September to November, and Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio from October. Therefore, from September to November, many tasks will need to be revised back and forth. The work will be less smooth, and the health will also be affected by long-term hard work. , you get sick from exhaustion, so I remind Scorpios that you might as well adjust your body, mind and soul during the first half of the year when work is relatively easy, because the work in the second half of the year will be very hard and you need to have enough physical strength to cope with it.

In terms of money luck, most of Scorpio's income in the past year came from hard work, and the income has improved much compared to before, at least in terms of material life. There will be good news about wealth in 2020. Venus will stay in the financial house for about 4 months from April to early August 2020. In the first half of the year, there will be a lot of income from investment or outside income. If you have good financial luck, you will be lucky enough to receive more rewards even when shopping and consuming. However, Venus in the financial house will also be squaring Neptune for a long time. At this time, be careful to fall into the myth of consumption, which will easily make you spend more money on some meaningless gifts, and it will also be easy for you to be fooled by some. If you cheat for small profits, you will find out in the end that the gains outweigh the losses. Therefore, I would like to remind Scorpios that if you want to engage in investment and financial management in 2020, remember to stop when you are good and do not do risky transactions. Once you have a gambler's mentality, it may be you. It's time to lose money.

In terms of emotional fortune, in fact, the emotional fortune of Scorpios in recent years is not bad. However, because Neptune has been tortured by some outer planets for a long time, some Scorpios are more unrealistic in emotional relationships and often linger in various ambiguous relationships. But no matter what, I can't really give my heart to anyone. In 2020, Scorpios will be even more confused in terms of emotional relationships. Since Neptune in the love house is in quadrangle with Venus in the desire house in the first half of the year, they have a high demand for sexual desire and will want to try the stimulation of one-night stands. Physical relationships seek a stable relationship, only to plunge themselves into a more chaotic emotional state. Even the more conservative Scorpios should be careful of falling into the trap of emotional fraud in the first half of 2020. They can easily be deceived by certain temptations, causing huge financial losses, and in serious cases, even going into debt.

Of course, there are also many calm and smart Scorpios who are more dismissive of emotions. They will live a life of extravagance in the first half of 2020, indulging in things like chasing stars and idols, and they will not hesitate to spend a lot of money on peripheral products, attending concerts, and entertainment expenses. Very amazing. Scorpios who have pets will spend more money on pets, and the health of their furry children will make you worried. However, some Scorpios will be deceived by some unscrupulous medical professionals and spend all kinds of strange expenses on their pets, but in fact, the furry children may not need or like to go in and out of the hospital frequently.

In terms of health fortune, Scorpios must be reminded that the health fortune in 2020 is not ideal. From April to early August, Venus will stay back and forth in the house of illness for 4 months. In the first half of the year, Scorpios should be especially careful about catching colds. Because of repeated infections, the disease could not be cured for 3 to 4 months. Starting in June, Mars will enter the health house of Scorpio. Due to frequent overwork at work, certain organs will be severely inflamed, leading to acute diseases. In severe cases, surgery may even be required. At the same time, since Mars will be in squaring with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in the traffic house for a long time in the second half of the year, special attention must be paid to traffic safety, as blood and light disasters can easily occur. If you are not careful, it may take more than half a year to recover and recover. Recuperation. There are also many accidental injuries, so don’t try dangerous activities. The entire year of 2020 will be a year that Scorpios need to pay special attention to their physical health.

In terms of family fortune, Scorpios should be reminded that in 2020, Saturn will enter Scorpio's home sector from March to early July. The physical condition of your family members will make you feel worried. Your family members will very much need your attention and care. Some family members may even Suddenly leave you at this time. Some Scorpios have some unpleasant problems in getting along with their family members, which will make you less fond of going home. At the same time, family or home-related problems will continue one after another, making you feel upset. Some Scorpios will need to stay away from home for a while from March to July, or even have to be hospitalized for recuperation due to their physical condition, making them prone to homesickness.

Overall, Scorpios will have many opportunities to broaden their knowledge in 2020. Although the work is hard, the hard work will definitely make it worthwhile for you in terms of money and technical ability. However, emotional relationships will appear more uneasy and empty. You must learn to build good communication channels with others and understand the situations of many people around you, so that you can truly improve your perception and stop wasting your time.

Overall fortune of Sagittarius in 2020

Overall fortune: ★★★★ 4 stars

In terms of money fortune, in the past year, Jupiter has entered Sagittarius, which has caused Sagittarius' fortune in all aspects to begin to change. These changes are actually more significant. Things are getting better, and Jupiter brings many unprecedented new opportunities. However, due to the increase in opportunities, it makes Sagittarius find it difficult to choose career planning. Jupiter will enter the money house of Sagittarius in December 2019. Some side jobs or part-time jobs developed by Sagittarius will become popular industries in 2020. This trend will begin to be felt at the end of 2019. In 2020, new industries will skyrocket your worth and your income will increase a lot. The better news is that Saturn, which has always affected Sagittarius's economic situation, will temporarily leave the money palace for a while from March to early July 2020. During this period, Sagittarius's economic situation will improve significantly, and the money on hand will become more abundant. Yu Yu, you are more certain about the development of your new job. There will be opportunities for salary increases in the first half of the year. You can have some leverage to ask your boss for better treatment. However, because Jupiter enters the money house, Sagittarius will also be wasteful in material enjoyment.

Saturn will retrograde back to the money house again in the second half of 2020. Although it will not affect your income and financial situation, it may cause you to feel that you don't have enough money in the second half of the year due to the increase in expenses. From June to July 2020, the financial palace was affected by the energy of the solar and lunar eclipses, and the financial situation faced rectification. Sagittarius, whose financial situation was not ideal in the past year, will pay off all debts from June to July. However, some Sagittarius are easily tempted by some financial management and speculative products and will invest a large amount of money in them. At this time, there will also be some expenses spent on travel, fun, or expanding your career. Whether these investments will make you feel rich depends on your attitude towards money in the first half of the year. Therefore, Sagittarius is reminded to save a lot of income in the first half of the year so as not to fall into the hell of poverty again in the second half of the year. 2020 is a critical year for Sagittarius to transform from poverty to wealth. With a good income, you must also learn to manage your finances prudently and steadily save the benefits gained from hard work.

In terms of emotional fortune, in fact, in 2019, Sagittarius will feel that the peach blossoms around them are much more prosperous than in the past. However, whether they have met the right person is another matter. If there is no single Sagittarius in 2019, in fact, in 2020 There will be more special opportunities waiting for you. From April to August 2020, Venus will stay direct and retrograde in the emotional house of Sagittarius for 4 months. Such opportunities will rarely happen. Some Sagittarius will suddenly fall into an incredible state of love from April to August, and even get married in a flash. In 2020, the God of Love will pay special attention to Sagittarius. In addition to Venus going direct and retrograde in the love palace, Mars will also enter the love palace of Sagittarius in June 2020, which will not only heat up the love relationship of Sagittarius. Many of them are more likely to increase the chance of pregnancy in the second half of the year, and some Sagittarius even get married because of this.

During the period of Venus retrograde , there may also be someone you liked in the past who reunites with you at this time, and you may have the opportunity to get back together with an ex-lover. Some Sagittarius will encounter someone who is very similar to the object of their affection in the past, making you feel as if you have returned to a certain youthful memory in the past. However, during the period when Venus is retrograde, it is easy to be confused by rotten love blossoms. When Venus ends retrograde, you will begin to find that the other person has many conditions that are not ideal, causing this love to end in vain. In June, Mars entering the love house will be affected by Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in the money house for a long time. Many Sagittarius will be frustrated and spend a lot of money to please the person they like, but they may find that the other person is a serious person. Princess (child) patients, the more money they spend, the more they will pamper the other person and become more unruly. Therefore,

would advise Sagittarius that when choosing a partner in 2020, do not show off your wealth excessively, as it is easy to attract rotten couples who covet your money. If you are a Sagittarius who is not very keen on love, you may adopt a pet in 2020. Furry babies will bring you joy, but also make you worry. You will spend a lot of money on pets, and some money may be an unnecessary waste. However, You will be more willing to spend the money.No matter what kind of love state Sagittarius is in, it will give Sagittarius a different color in 2020. They will try a lifestyle that they have never experienced in the past because of a certain partner. If you are a Sagittarius who wants to be single, please Make good use of 2020, it will be the year of love that is completely favored by the God of Love.

In terms of travel fortune, in 2020, Saturn will enter the travel and transportation house of Sagittarius from March to early July. At the same time, this period will overlap with the period of Venus retrograde. If you are a Sagittarius who loves traveling very much, please try to avoid going out from March to early July. It is easy to spend a lot of money but buy more unpleasant treatment. At the same time, the transportation fortune is not very ideal. If Sagittarius wants to drive a vehicle to travel by himself, he should be more careful. It is easy to be trapped in an inconvenient area due to vehicle failure. Some Sagittarius people often travel to other places due to official business needs, but the travel treatment is not so ideal, and you will feel that you don't know who is working hard and who is busy. If you are a Sagittarius who has travel plans, try to choose to go far away after August. At the same time, special attention should be paid to traffic safety from March to July. If you accidentally get into a traffic accident, you may be involved in a traffic accident dispute even if there is no skin injury. In addition, from March to July, it is easy to get ticketed by the police, so try to avoid traveling far away frequently during this period.

In terms of learning luck, Sagittarius will begin to feel heavy pressure on "learning" in 2020. Saturn will enter Sagittarius's learning and communication house from March to July. Many Sagittarius will fall into a bottleneck in learning and struggle with learning. There may appear to be poor communication between the instructors or professors, and they may even be challenged in terms of grades or important certifications due to some verbal displeasure. Some Sagittarians may excel in special talents and are even sent to compete in important competitions, but this may bring severe pressure and make you feel disgusted with the study subject. If you are a Sagittarius who wants to take important entrance exams and qualification certifications, your exam luck will not be ideal from March to early July, and your results will be lower than your expectations. However, Saturn will leave the study house for a while in the second half of the year. Your learning status will return to the previous level. If you have important learning plans, you might as well put them into practice in the second half of the year.

In terms of work fortune, the work fortune of Sagittarius in 2020 is good. Uranus in the work house will have a good connection with Jupiter in the money house. Especially in the first half of the year, work income will increase significantly, and there will even be many Extra money can be earned. Many Sagittarius wear multiple hats and must use several talents at the same time in the workplace. There are many flexible tasks at the same time, which will bring you more profit opportunities. The more willing you are to accept challenges, the more likely it will be to bring new benefits. Some Sagittarius don't like to sit in an office for a long time, so they can bring benefits by taking on cases, but they may be busier than ordinary office workers, with so many work cases that you can't handle them. However, this will be the normal life of Sagittarius in the next few years. Sagittarius must allow himself to become an all-round slash youth and face many new and weird challenges.

In terms of health, the 2020 solar and lunar eclipses will continue to affect Sagittarius’s illness house. Starting in June 2020, the solar and lunar eclipses will begin to affect the life palace of Sagittarius. This means that Sagittarius's physical condition will undergo a major test every six months. Pay special attention to cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal and digestive systems. Too ideal. From March to early July, Saturn will enter the transportation house of Sagittarius. Therefore, you must pay special attention to traffic safety from March to early July. Especially in June, your health fortune is the least ideal. Do not engage in too dangerous activities and drive with special caution. . The health fortune in January, June and December of 2020 is relatively poor. Even if it is just a minor problem, it may become larger. Therefore, you should pay special attention to any symptoms and pay attention to personal safety.

Overall, Sagittarius will have a very colorful love life in 2020, and their work will begin to be anchored in a certain industry. The key lies in where you will get stable income, but many Sagittarius will choose to live a more casual life. Sexual life is more playful. Whether in love or work, you will choose interesting experiences to try, but you may not have the patience to manage. If you want to continue your good luck, be sure to choose some important options in 2020. Only when you are more careful can your life become more stable.

Capricorn's overall fortune in 2020

Overall fortune: ★★★★★ 5 stars or ★1 star

In terms of emotional fortune, Capricorn's fortune has been sluggish for a while, and he has been trapped in unhealthy emotional relationships and life for a long time, unable to find anything. Where is the exit to happiness. 2020 will be a critical year for whether Capricorn can turn from decline to recovery. Jupiter officially entered Capricorn in December 2019, gathering here with Saturn and Pluto. At the same time, solar and lunar eclipses will also occur from December 2019 to 2020. January of 2020 and June to July of 2020 will affect the axis of Capricorn's life palace and emotional palace. Many resources will miraculously come into place in life and work, and even become the focus of attention due to certain events. Saturn, the planet that has made you suffer so much, will leave your life palace for a while from March to early July 2020. In the first half of the year, you will face great changes and turmoil in your life, and a major emotional event will occur.

In December 2019 or June 2020, an important person will appear in your life. You suddenly feel that life has a new color. This person always makes you feel interesting and makes you start to think about new things. lifestyle. However, change is not so easy for Capricorns to get used to. You can endure an unhappy life for a long time, but you may not be able to accept changes. The departure of some people will also make you feel overwhelmed. These people may It has always been a burden in your life and you cannot fly freely because of it. In 2020, after you suddenly no longer need to bear these heavy burdens, it is easy to fall into a life without focus. However, the key to your happiness is to change your mentality to face a new life, but you may be indulged in sadness. Such Capricorns will be unable to change their destiny in 2020.

Therefore, the emotional relationships of Capricorns will face reorganization in 2020. Someone will leave in your life, and someone will come in after that, or they will be stuck in between, so that you must "stop at the origin" and Think calmly and make decisions between the two extremes of "changing your life". Saturn will retrograde back to the house of life in the second half of the year. If you cannot make new decisions quickly in the first half of the year, you will fall into more complicated emotional entanglements in the second half of the year. Even if Capricorn misses the person who can change your current life, he will eventually affect you in some way. Maybe that little regret will be very special. At least it will make you know that in fact, a lot of hard work is unnecessary, and you should learn to let go. It's time.

In terms of work luck, Capricorns have always stuck to their posts in the workplace and can handle no matter how difficult the drudgery is. In the past two years, the guardian planet Saturn has returned to Capricorn. Although life is hard, it has also allowed you to take root at work. Foundation, starting from December 2019, the lucky planet Jupiter will enter your life palace, Capricorn's status in the workplace will be highlighted, you will begin to take over a more important position, and at the same time realize your dreams for many years. However, not all Capricorns are workaholics. For Capricorns who want to take a good rest, from April to early August 2020, Venus will stay direct and retrograde in the work house for about 4 months. Some Capricorns I will take a long vacation from April to August due to some events. However, it is also possible that the work is stuck at some levels and cannot be executed, leaving you idle in the office with nothing to do. This time will give you a lot of time to think about things other than work.

In terms of money luck, from March to early July 2020, Saturn will enter the money house of Capricorn, which means that Capricorns will have to cut back on their material life due to some events. Some Capricorns will take unpaid leave from April to August 2020. Although they can give themselves a temporary break, they may fall into financial anxiety.From March to July, it is also easy to lose your mind because of falling in love, lose everything for the person you like, or constantly need to burn money for your children or pets. There are also some Capricorns who have been losing money from March to July because they are obsessed with idols. These factors will cause Capricorns to become tight on money in the first half of the year. However, in the second half of 2020, Saturn will retrograde back to the life palace. In the second half of the year, Capricorn's money fortune will stabilize, and they will have some reflections on the use of money. Since the money fortune in the first half of the year is not so ideal, Capricorns should also be careful of losing their wallets or valuables, or being defrauded, resulting in a large loss of money. During the period from March to early July, Saturn will use various methods to teach you to live a minimalist life and face life with a new attitude. In 2021, Saturn will officially enter the money palace, and you must use a new mentality. Facing material life.

In terms of home fortune, Mars will enter the home house of Capricorn in June, stay in direct motion and retrograde motion for 8 months, and will successively form quadrilateral aspects with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in the life palace. If you are younger, Capricorns will leave home and live in other places in the second half of 2020, and their homes will often change. If you are an older Capricorn, you will want to buy a new home in the second half of the year, and you will be constantly looking for a new home. During the process of buying a house, you will feel that you do not have enough silver bullets, and sometimes you will feel like giving up on yourself. Some Capricorns will be troubled by their family situation in the second half of 2020, and their physical condition will require you to spend more time taking care of them. June 2020 will be a period when the family situation is not ideal. A certain family member will have sudden problems in June, or there will be a fierce dispute with the family at this time. Even for Capricorns whose families and homes are stable, their home environment will become less peaceful in the second half of the year, and they are prone to being disturbed by noise from neighbors for a long time. Therefore, in the second half of the year, you should pay attention to the fire and electricity at home, and pay attention to door security, as the chance of being broken into by thieves is relatively high.

In terms of health, due to the influence of the four energies of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and solar and lunar eclipses in the life palace, in 2020, Capricorns will have to bear much heavier energy in life than others, which will affect your health for a long time. Chronic diseases are more serious, liver function is less than ideal, metabolism becomes poor, and severe weight gain occurs. The urinary system is also prone to inflammation, and cardiovascular and digestive organs are less than ideal. From December 2019 to January 2020 and June to July 2020, the health status was not ideal and it was easy to suffer from sudden diseases. Venus will stay direct and retrograde in the health sector for 4 months from April to August. During this period, it is especially easy to catch colds, throat inflammation, and repeated infections. You must avoid overwork and imbalance of the immune system. In 2020, diseases of all sizes will continue to bother you, reminding you to start treating yourself kindly.

Overall, although Capricorns have more resources in 2020, they must also withstand more energy impacts. Some burdens must be learned to let go, some ambitions must be tried to downplay, and emotions are no longer bitter. Yes, if you can simplify your life, you will find more fun. However, if you still keep yourself busy and worried, there will be some events that require you to stop and rest. Learning to be happy is not difficult, the key lies in the choices you make.

2020 Aquarius overall fortune

overall fortune: ★★ 2 stars

In terms of emotional fortune, Aquarius's emotional fortune in 2019 is a bit lackluster. Since Saturn has been affecting the spiritual palace, there are many Aquarius who have experienced emotions. After the ups and downs, I have finally been able to live a peaceful life. It has been a long time since I wanted to be flirted with by any love. However, 2020 will be a very special year. Venus will be in the love palace from April to early August 2020. Moving and retrograde, stay for 4 months. Someone special will appear next to you and you will fall in love instantly. This love is a bit unusual. He will not be the candidate and conditions you have considered in the past. You will feel that many things are incredibly coincidental, as if they are destiny. During the period of Venus retrograde, some Aquarius people will reunite with the people they liked in the past, and they may have the opportunity to reunite with their regretful love at this time.

If you are an Aquarius who wants to get back together with an ex-lover, you may wish to have a talk with the other person from April to early August, which will revive you from defeat. Aquarius who already have a stable relationship will have good news of pregnancy from April to early August 2020. However, because Venus will be affected by Neptune for a long time, the phenomenon of joy during pregnancy will be particularly serious. At the same time, the condition of the fetus will be relatively unfavorable. Stable, please take good care of your baby. Some Aquarius have been in an awkward emotional relationship for a long time, their identity is not recognized by the other party, or their love affair cannot be made public. In 2020, affected by Jupiter entering the secret house, secrets that cannot be told will be discovered, and underground love affairs will be forced to be made public. Even if you die because of it, some old things that you don't want to admit will be dug up and whipped to death. However, no matter how bad your past was, you will have the opportunity to change your destiny from April to August. You will no longer need to hide in a submissive underground love relationship. A person who saves your life will appear at this time and give you something to do. Opportunities to jump ship from broken relationships.

Aquarius no longer needs love and childbirth. During the period from April to August 2020, you will adopt a cute fur baby. This cute little life will nourish your long-cold heart. However, due to Venus, If you are an Aquarius who keeps pets, you will be affected by Neptune in your financial house for a long time. From April to early August, you will be more worried about your furry child's health, and you will spend a lot of money on your pet's medical expenses. However, there are also some stupid parents who worry too much about their furry babies, always thinking that their pets need unnecessary services, causing a lot of waste of money, and even being deceived by unscrupulous businessmen. Therefore, if Aquarius wants to adopt a pet in 2020, please do your homework and don't follow others' opinions, which will cause trouble to your children.

In terms of work luck, in recent years, Aquarius’ work conditions have been adjusted from time to time, and their positions often change. The lunar eclipse in January 2020 and the solar eclipse in June 2020 will occur in the work palace. There will be some changes in work in January and June. Some Aquarius will change jobs in January or June, leave their current jobs, or face company or organizational reorganization and switch to other work units. Starting from June 2020, Mars will enter the travel house and stay there for 8 months. In the second half of the year, you will often need to travel to other places for business, or you will be assigned to a different place for a while, and you will have to leave your hometown to live in another place. Some Aquarius will be bored with the current workplace ecology. They will leave the workplace in June and often need to travel. In addition to relaxing their mood, they will also try to seek new opportunities in other places. Since Mars will stay direct and retrograde in the interview house for 8 months starting from June 2020, this will be troublesome for Aquarius who are still looking for a new job. Although there will be many interview invitations, the conditions offered by the other party Or the work environment is not suitable for you. Therefore, if you are an Aquarius who needs to change jobs, it is best to settle the matter before June 2020. The entire environment in the second half of the year will be even more unfavorable to you.

In terms of study luck, starting from June 2020, Mars will stay in the study house of Aquarius for 8 months. If you are still a student in Aquarius, you will have greater academic pressure in the second half of the year, and your life at school will be very busy. In addition to having more reports and assignments to hand in than in the past, you may have to participate in important competitions due to some special performance, making you even more distracted. In the second half of the year, some Aquarius' homework plummets and they are on the verge of being dismissed. This may be because they have taken too many elective courses and cannot take them all into consideration. You must choose to give up some subjects in order to upgrade yourself smoothly.

Regarding transportation, I would like to remind Aquarius in particular that the second half of the year will be a period when driving disputes are more frequent. Mars will enter the transportation house of Aquarius in June and stay there for 8 months. Opportunities to go out are more frequent, and there will be many opportunities for long-distance commuting. It is easy to have driving disputes with others when driving a vehicle, and the probability of being issued a ticket is higher. The vehicle may be in frequent condition in the second half of the year. You also realize that the current means of transportation needs to be replaced. However, due to being busy for a long time, I can only put it off temporarily. Pay special attention to traffic safety throughout the second half of the year. If you are accidentally injured, you will need to spend most of the year recovering or resolving disputes.

In terms of communication luck, Mars will enter the communication house in June 2020 and stay there for 8 months. At the same time, Mars will be gradually affected by Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in the secret house, plus there will be a month in June. The eclipse occurs in the house of interpersonal relationships. In the second half of the year, Aquarius will be careful to get involved in some disputes. They will be attacked by unknown people on the Internet, or some things they don’t want others to know will be publicly scrutinized and discussed. They will often feel that they are in conflict with others. It makes sense and can’t be explained. Therefore, Aquarius are reminded that they need to be particularly cautious in their words and deeds in the second half of 2020, even when speaking on communication software and social networking sites, as people who can easily get into trouble. There are many villains who will secretly spread information that is not good for you. Although many things are false and slanderous, there is still a grievance that the Yellow River cannot wash away. It will not be until January 2021, after Mars leaves the communication house, that the problem of verbal abuse will be resolved.

In terms of health, starting from 2020, Aquarius will begin to feel the signs of chronic diseases. Saturn will enter the life house of Aquarius from March to early July. Many Aquarius will feel that their health status has declined, and they may even find that Suffering from certain diseases. Saturn entering the life house will square Uranus in the home house. In addition to your unsatisfactory physical condition, some family members will also make you feel very worried and make you feel mentally and physically exhausted. In the second half of 2020, you must pay attention to traffic safety. Some physical effects may require more than half a year to recover. The solar and lunar eclipses in January and June will occur in the health sector, which will be the period when the physical condition is the most unsatisfactory. Some diseases require surgical treatment, or there will be some minor problems that keep recurring and cannot be treated well. . Therefore, starting from 2020, Aquarius should start to pay attention to their health. If they are too careless about their health, they will feel even weaker in 2021.

Overall, Aquarius will gain new emotional support, but will feel very unstable in work, life, studies and interpersonal relationships. The travel fortune in the second half of the year is good. Go out more to relax and stay away from right and wrong, so that you can be slightly more balanced in body, mind and soul.

Overall fortune for Pisces in 2020

Overall fortune: ★★★ 3 stars

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Pisces has been affected by Saturn entering the interpersonal relationship house in the past two years. They deeply feel that it is easy to do things but difficult to be a person, no matter what role they are in. , the care given was taken for granted, and some were even accused of being too nosy. When it comes to dealing with people, Saturn has given Pisces a lot of lessons, learning how to step back behind the scenes when appropriate, and there is no need to do everything personally. At the same time, at the spiritual level, we also learn to be independent and strong. Even if we are wronged, we are not eager to jump out and confront others tit for tat. If Pisces has learned these abilities in the past two years, you will become very lovable in 2020. What you have been working hard for will suddenly be noticed by many people, and you will even be promoted to become a leader on the table.

Jupiter will enter the interpersonal relationship house of Pisces in December 2019. The interpersonal network you have built in the past has gradually been connected. With the help of many noble people, you will begin to feel your presence in society. . Throughout 2020, Pisces will feel that noble people are everywhere. No matter what job you do, everyone who comes into contact with you will connect you and bring you new interpersonal relationships. These connections will help you in your career or whenever you need it. Become your most important asset. The 2020 solar and lunar eclipses will continue to affect the interpersonal relationship sector. From December 2019 to January 2020 and June to July 2020, you will decide to quit a certain group or organization, or even change the field of work. There will be major changes in your social circle. Some Pisces will lose important friends, or drift away from someone with whom they have a good relationship.

Saturn will leave the interpersonal relationship house of Pisces from March to early July. Pisces will be particularly active in the first half of the year. However, Saturn will retrograde back to the interpersonal relationship house in the second half of the year and will be seriously affected by Mars in the money house. Pisces is reminded not to get too carried away in interpersonal relationships in the first half of the year. There are some pitfalls that you should pay special attention to. When interpersonal relationships become complicated, money flow will become troublesome. In the second half of the year, be careful of getting involved in money disputes.Jupiter brings complex interpersonal relationships, and also makes you constantly need to socialize and entertain, and constantly need to exchange benefits with certain people. However, the moral character of some friends is not very good. Be careful that these people who take advantage of your popularity will ruin your reputation. Therefore, Pisces should take special care of their feathers in 2020, and don’t forget the lessons taught by Saturn in the past. Maintain a low profile and elegance, and your life will be as free as ever.

In terms of family fortune, from April to August 2020, Venus will be stationary and retrograde in the home house of Pisces for 4 months. Many Pisces families will have happy events, and there may be new members in the family suddenly, or There are family members getting married and having children. Some Pisces will have the opportunity to buy a house in 2020 and move to an area with a more ideal environment. However, because Neptune in the life palace has been in square aspect with Venus for a long time, some Pisces will be more "homey" from April to August. Even if there are any invitations or opportunities to go out, they don't want to do anything. I just want to stay at home and play around, and during this period I am particularly eager to have some free time.

During the period when Venus is retrograde, I feel particularly lethargic and unable to muster the energy to solve and face many things. If you are a Pisces who wants to buy a house, do not view or purchase a house during the Venus retrograde period from May to June. It is easy to choose an item with unsatisfactory conditions. It will be more ideal to view the house after July. During the Venus retrograde period from May to June, there will be some problems in the home that need to be repaired, the home will be in chaos, or the relationship with the neighbors will not be ideal, and there will be some troublesome problems that need to be solved by you. Family members may also make you more worried during this time. Therefore, home life and family relationships will be the focus of Pisces in the first half of 2020.

In terms of emotional fortune, in the past two years, under the influence of solar and lunar eclipses in the love sector, emotional relationships will feel unstable. The lunar eclipse in January 2020 and the solar eclipse in June will occur in the love sector, 1 Pisces will face changes in their emotional relationships in January and June. Pisces with unstable emotional status will have a third party intervene in January and June, leading to a breakup. This does not necessarily mean that others are deliberately trying to break you up. It may also be that you are a little half-hearted emotionally and have difficulty choosing between the two objects, resulting in a state of failure on both sides.

If you are a Pisces who wants to get out of single status, the solar eclipse in June 2020 will be the most important key point. Pisces, who has been in an ambiguous state, will confirm the relationship with the other party in June 2020. If you are a Pisces who doesn't even have a partner, you will have a very special encounter in June and fall in love with someone very quickly. However, the solar eclipse in June may also make you suddenly fall in love with an idol star, or adopt a pet in June. If you are a Pisces who is already married and wants to get pregnant, the probability of pregnancy in June is higher, and there will be a new member in the family. For Pisces who already have pets or children, the children will make you particularly worried between January and June, or the parent-child relationship will be less than ideal.

In terms of work fortune, strictly speaking, the work fortune of Pisces in the past two years is pretty good. Although they are very busy, they can make money, have a successful career, and have many good opportunities to expand their business. In June and December 2020, the solar and lunar eclipses will begin to affect the career palace. Pisces will face major changes in their work positions. Each transfer will be a crisis or a turning point. This will be very pleasant for Pisces who are willing to challenge any possibility. You will meet new noble people with every transfer. However, Pisces, who are more conservative and don't like changes, will be troubled because every time they make adjustments, they may lose some capable partners.

In June, some Pisces will be tired of their work field and want to resign and go home for a while. In addition, you may have to return to your hometown to take care of your family or take over the family business, shifting the focus of your life back to your family. Pisces, who pay more attention to their career, will have to move or leave home due to work adjustments in June, and move to a different place with their work. There will be a solar eclipse in the house of career in December. Some Pisces will take a break for half a year after leaving the work field in June, and then enter a new work field in December.Therefore, for Pisces, work changes will be more drastic in 2020. However, if you can be prepared to meet any challenges, these changes are actually not that terrible, and may even bring you new opportunities.

In terms of money luck, Pisces should be specially reminded that starting from June 2020, Mars will enter the money house of Pisces and stay there for 8 months. Expenses will increase much more than in the past. Money earned always goes in with the left hand and goes out with the right hand. , there is no spare money to save. In addition, Mars will be squaring Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in the house of interpersonal relationships for a long time, so you will spend more on social entertainment. In the second half of the year, you may receive red bombs from several friends, and your wallet will continue to lose blood. Since the financial flow will become more and more complicated as the interpersonal relationship expands, there will be more money disputes, and it will be difficult to get back some loaned money. When investing, group buying, or purchasing anything on behalf of others, you may be defrauded. The amount may not be very large, but it is enough to make you feel cautious and fearful. Therefore, Pisces are reminded to manage their money well in the second half of 2020, and avoid financial dealings with others if possible. There will be more fair-weather friends, and some people will love to take advantage of you. Before making friends, also Pay close attention to the character of these people.

Overall, Pisces will start to come into contact with people in various fields in 2020. There will be more invitations for socializing and entertainment, your social life will be busy, and your career opportunities will also be extended to another due to various connections. However, relationships and careers will fluctuate depending on the field. For Pisces who are accustomed to changes, although it is a normal state, being unable to take root will also make Pisces feel exhausted inside and want to take a long vacation to rest. It is recommended that Pisces, take more care of your own heart in 2020. When your soul feels stable, no matter how chaotic the situation is, it cannot affect you.

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