This costume drama directed by Yang Yang and starring Liu Yifei, Chen Xiao and others, with its sophisticated production and gorgeous costumes, slowly unfolds the splendor of the Song Dynasty thousands of years ago like a scroll, making the audience feel like they are in the "Qin

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This costume drama directed by Yang Yang and starring Liu Yifei, Chen Xiao and others, with its sophisticated production and gorgeous costumes, slowly unfolds the splendor of the Song Dynasty thousands of years ago like a scroll, making the audience feel like they are in the

" Menghualu " is popular!

This costume drama series directed by Yang Yang and starring Liu Yifei , Chen Xiao and others, with its sophisticated production and gorgeous costumes, brings the glory of Song Dynasty thousands of years ago like a picture scroll. As it unfolds slowly, the audience seems to be in the "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", and everything they see is a picture of ancient people's life full of fireworks.

Different from the traditional ancient puppets adapted from the popular Internet IP, the prototype of "Menghualu" comes from the Yuan drama "Zhao Pan'er Fengyue Saves Fengchen" created by Guan Hanqing, a dramatist of the Yuan Dynasty. The "scripts" created by ancient celebrities give "Menghualu" a bit more cultural heritage. So, how many historical knowledge points are hidden in "Menghualu", and what real historical events are there?

01 Tianxi Party Struggle

As soon as "Meng Hua Lu" opens, there is a prophecy that "the heroine will prosper". In the next scene, the protagonist Gu Qianfan interrogates the rumor spreader, but the other party claims that the queen has lost her virginity long ago and has deceived the officials for more than ten years. He also said that the "Night Banquet Picture" is evidence.

This costume drama directed by Yang Yang and starring Liu Yifei, Chen Xiao and others, with its sophisticated production and gorgeous costumes, slowly unfolds the splendor of the Song Dynasty thousands of years ago like a scroll, making the audience feel like they are in the

It seems that the prophecy of "the heroine will prosper" was originally a means of creating public opinion in ancient times. As early as the Qin Dynasty , when Chen Sheng and Wu Guang led the Dazexiang uprising, they published the prophecy of "The great Chu will rise, Chen Sheng Wang ", the purpose of which was to win the support of public opinion and provide The legitimacy of one’s own actions creates momentum.

In the Song Dynasty era where "Menghua Lu" was set, the party struggle between North Korea and China became increasingly serious. At the beginning of the establishment of the Song Dynasty, the imperial court established Zhongshu, Privy Council and three departments to take charge of administration, military power, and finance respectively, which invisibly created the basic foundation for party struggle.

Since then, with the passage of history, there have been more and more officials in the imperial court. However, many of these officials were not admitted to the establishment based on their own abilities, but relied on favors or recommendations. This For the sake of their official career, the majority of new officials have to carefully stand in line and seriously form parties.

During the period of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, Wang Qinruo and Kou Zhun served as prime ministers successively, but one of these two prime ministers was a representative figure of the Jiangnan gentry group, and the other was a leader of the northern civil servants. The two men represented different parties and had different political views. They both held high and powerful positions and had old disciples all over the world. As a result, the two factions fought endlessly, which was known as the "North-South Party Struggle" in history.

This costume drama directed by Yang Yang and starring Liu Yifei, Chen Xiao and others, with its sophisticated production and gorgeous costumes, slowly unfolds the splendor of the Song Dynasty thousands of years ago like a scroll, making the audience feel like they are in the

This historical scene was adapted into the contradiction between "clear flow" and "turbid flow" in "Menghualu". Prime Minister Kou Zhun became Ke Zheng in the play, while Wang Qinruo was split into two people: "Xiao Qinyan" and "Zhu Peiruo".

Although the main players in the party struggle can change their names, the historical truth cannot be tampered with. In real history, the reasons involved in the party struggle in the Song Dynasty were very complicated, and the two parties involved in the party struggle were by no means black and white. One was loyal and the other was traitorous. Therefore, the "clear flow" advertised in "Menghualu" may not be clear, but "turbid current" is not necessarily turbid.

For example, Gao Observer, who claims to be a "clean stream", "catch a son-in-law under the list" may want to form a clique to win over new colleagues. However, Ouyang Xu, who also belongs to the "clean stream", when facing Gao Observer's daughter and Zhao Pan'er, He also said "I will live up to you" on his lips and thought about his own future in his heart. In modern times, he would be a scumbag.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side. While "Qingliu" and "turbidity" wore masks and fought in the court, the battle outside the court also quietly began. Song Zhenzong Tianxi Three years later, the sun appeared. The fortune teller said that this was a sign of "the heroine's prosperity". At this time, Queen Liu E controlled the government, and Song Zhenzong could not help but secretly worry that Liu E would endanger Zhao. Home country.

This costume drama directed by Yang Yang and starring Liu Yifei, Chen Xiao and others, with its sophisticated production and gorgeous costumes, slowly unfolds the splendor of the Song Dynasty thousands of years ago like a scroll, making the audience feel like they are in the

In order to prevent the queen from seizing power, Song Zhenzong revealed to his confidant Zhou Huaizheng that he intended to let the prince supervise the country. After Prime Minister Kou Zhun learned about it, he went to the palace behind the back of the queen to secretly discuss with Zhenzong the matter of "the prince supervising the country". After leaving the palace, he secretly drafted an edict on "the prince supervising the country" overnight.

Unexpectedly, Queen Liu E found out about this matter. When Zhenzong saw that the matter was exposed, he immediately threw the blame on Kou Zhun's head, shouting that he knew nothing, the injustice had its origin, and the debt had its owner. If you want to blame the queen, you can blame it. Kou is ready.

Therefore, under the pressure of Liu E, Ding Wei and others, Kou Zhun was dismissed as prime minister and moved to Leizhou, while Ding Wei replaced Kou Zhun and became the new prime minister of the Song Dynasty.

02Remote County System

While the officialdom of the Song Dynasty changed frequently, the officialdom in "Meng Hua Lu" repeatedly showed officials taking charge of "remote counties". So, what exactly is "Yaojun" and why do the officials in the play care so much about "Yaojun"?

If we look at the literal meaning, "Yaojun" means a remote prefecture and county. In the context of the Song Dynasty, it refers to the situation where low-level military attachés enjoy high-level economic treatment but no political treatment.

This costume drama directed by Yang Yang and starring Liu Yifei, Chen Xiao and others, with its sophisticated production and gorgeous costumes, slowly unfolds the splendor of the Song Dynasty thousands of years ago like a scroll, making the audience feel like they are in the

The transfer order of military attachés in the Song Dynasty was very complicated, including the "shepherd uncles" who served as local envoys, and the Song Dynasty's own military elected officials system. "Mubo" comes from local warlords and enjoys higher treatment, while the salary of military elected officers is very low, and they cannot be directly transferred to become Mubo. How big is the difference between


? In the words of the "Jiayoulu Ling", the lowest governor in Mubury has a basic salary of 100 guan, a Jiedu envoy has 400 guan, while the imperial envoy among the military elected officials only has 25 guan. Among the envoys in Hengban, the highest-ranking envoy to the guest province has only 37 guans.

The extremely unbalanced salary and benefits caused the great disparity between the rich and the poor among the military attachés in the Song Dynasty. In order to improve the salary structure of the military attaches, the imperial court added a shepherd from a remote county to the best in the military officer selection system, thus improving the salary of these military attaches.

However, although Yaojun can enjoy high-level salaries, he can still only transfer among the original horizontal classes and envoys. His official rank will not change because of Yaojun, nor can he break away from the original military selection system.

This costume drama directed by Yang Yang and starring Liu Yifei, Chen Xiao and others, with its sophisticated production and gorgeous costumes, slowly unfolds the splendor of the Song Dynasty thousands of years ago like a scroll, making the audience feel like they are in the

Even so, the generous treatment brought by Yaojun still made many military attachés flock to it. No wonder the warriors in "Meng Hua Lu" regard Yaojun as a good job. Anyone who gets a Yaojun will immediately think happily: A certain family is now a fifth-grade Yaojun.


After talking about Yaojun, which everyone admires in the play, let’s take a look at Leji, which everyone avoids in the play. In "Meng Hua Lu", the heroine Zhao Pan'er is a Le Ji, and she must encounter amnesty before she can have the chance to leave the country. Song Yinzhang in the play also wants to leave the Le Ji. So, what is this "Le Ji" and how? Do the characters in the play want to get rid of it?

In the cultural atmosphere of the Song Dynasty, Le Ji was indeed not very friendly to women, because most of the women who were included in Le Ji were guilty wives and daughters of officials. For example, the heroine Zhao Pan'er in the play was admitted to the music library at an early age due to her father's sins.

This costume drama directed by Yang Yang and starring Liu Yifei, Chen Xiao and others, with its sophisticated production and gorgeous costumes, slowly unfolds the splendor of the Song Dynasty thousands of years ago like a scroll, making the audience feel like they are in the

Once admitted to the music family, the woman and her descendants will enjoy the music for generations to come. During the Northern Song Dynasty period, the status of women with music status was very low. They had to receive high-intensity and difficult literary and artistic training from an early age. They had to be proficient in singing, dancing, music, acrobatics, etc. If they were slightly lacking in skills, they would not be able to win the prize. If the master is satisfied, he will be severely punished immediately, ranging from beatings to death.

It’s okay to have a harder life, but what makes these girls even more desperate is that even if they are lucky enough to leave their family, their status is still low and they can only marry as concubines. Just like Zhao Paner in the play, she has to endure the contempt of her fiancé all her life. In this life, I will never be able to be the wife of my sweetheart, let alone the queen of beauty.

Fortunately, although history is cold, Zhao Paner in "Menghualu" illuminates the world of girls like a warm sun. Just as Zhang Haohao, the oiran in the play, said, "Although women from the Le family are not good citizens, they all make money with their own abilities." I imagine that the women in the play can abandon the prejudices brought about by their status and strive to live their own wonderful lives. In this way, The beautiful and sassy look is probably the reason why "Menghualu" is so well received.

Author: Our specially invited author Zhu Yingyuejiang

Reference materials: "History of the Song Dynasty", "Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian Chang Bian", "Jia You Lu Ling"

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