From 00:00 to 24:00 on July 1, Jiangsu reported 1 new local confirmed case and 29 new local asymptomatic infections. There were 2 new imported confirmed cases and 3 new imported asymptomatic infections.

2024/05/2011:17:17 hotcomm 1562

Health Jiangsu WeChat public account

html From 0-24:00 on July 1, there was 1 new local confirmed case in Jiangsu ( Wuxi City report, isolated and treated in a designated hospital), and 329 new local asymptomatic infections (Nanjing City) 1 case, 27 cases in Wuxi City, and 31 cases in Suzhou City, all of which are under isolation medical management in designated hospitals).

There were 2 new confirmed cases imported from abroad ( imported from Iraq , both of which were isolated and treated in designated hospitals in Nanjing), and 3 new cases of asymptomatic infections imported from abroad.

Details of newly confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections will be released by the relevant districts and cities.

Currently, there are 17 confirmed cases (9 local cases, 8 imported cases) being treated in isolation in designated hospitals, and 85 asymptomatic infections (67 local cases, 18 imported cases) receiving isolation medical management.

Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced

to facilitate the travel of users

The "asterisk" mark on communication itinerary cards will be cancelled. In order to support the efficient coordination of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and to facilitate the travel of users, the "star" mark on communication itinerary cards will be canceled from now on.

The itinerary is "reaching for the stars", and it is currently summer vacation.

Many friends are very concerned about

this holiday. What are the policies for going out?

What are the latest regulations in various places?

Don't worry

All you care about is here

The latest policies for epidemic prevention and control in many places are here

Collect it! it works!


Shanghai released a WeChat public account to announce "Starting from 0:00 on July 1, our city will adjust the control measures for people leaving and returning to Shanghai":

Starting from 0:00 on July 1, there will be low-risk areas within 7 days [ That is, those who have a history of traveling to Shanghai and return to Shanghai from other areas in the counties (cities, districts, banners) where medium- and high-risk areas are located must complete 2 nucleic acid tests within 3 days after arriving in Shanghai, and do a good job of health monitoring.

For those who have returned to Shanghai with a history of staying in high, medium and low-risk areas within 7 days, they should report to the village committee and unit (or hotel where they live) as soon as possible and within no more than 12 hours after arriving in Shanghai.

Persons entering public places with clear epidemic prevention requirements and taking public transportation must have a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours.

The original content is as follows, please scroll up and down to view the specific content:

The Office of the Shanghai New Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control Leading Group issued a message: In order to further improve the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic in our city, according to the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council "New Type According to the relevant requirements of the "Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)", starting from 0:00 on July 1, the control measures for people leaving and returning to Shanghai will be adjusted as follows:

1. Take "inadequate measures" for high-risk areas in our city Closure and control measures such as leaving home and door-to-door services.

For those who have returned to Shanghai with a history of traveling to high-risk areas within 7 days, "7-day centralized isolation medical observation measures" will be implemented after arriving in Shanghai, and corresponding frequency of new coronavirus nucleic acid tests will be implemented.

2. Adopt control measures such as "no people leaving the area and picking up items at staggered peak times" in the city's medium-risk areas.

For those who have returned to Shanghai with a history of traveling to medium-risk areas within the past 7 days, they will be subject to a "7-day home isolation medical observation" after arriving in Shanghai, and a corresponding frequency of new coronavirus nucleic acid tests will be carried out. If the conditions for home isolation and medical observation are not met, centralized isolation and medical observation will be adopted.

3. People leaving Shanghai from low-risk areas in our city [that is, streets (towns) with medium- and high-risk areas within their jurisdiction] must present a negative 48-hour nucleic acid test certificate.

For those who have lived in low-risk areas [that is, other areas in the counties (cities, districts, banners) where medium- and high-risk areas are located] within 7 days, those who have come to Shanghai and returned to Shanghai will complete 2 nucleic acid tests within 3 days after arriving in Shanghai, and do a good job in health monitoring .

4. People who have returned to Shanghai with a history of staying in high, medium or low-risk areas within 7 days should report to the village committee and unit (or hotel where they live) as soon as possible and within no more than 12 hours after arriving in Shanghai.

5. Persons entering public places with clear epidemic prevention requirements and taking public transportation must have a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours.


Nanjing released the WeChat public account to publish the "Notice on Orderly Doing the Current Epidemic Prevention and Control Work (No. 17)":

7 There will be medium or high-risk areas or counties (cities, districts, banners) where local epidemics are located within 7 days. Persons coming (returning) to Ningxia with a history of residence must register their information through the "Information Declaration System for Persons Coming (Returning) to Ningbo", report to the city's destination unit, community (village) or hotel, and undergo inspection at the inspection point when entering Ningbo. Provide relevant information truthfully and cooperate with health management measures such as centralized isolation, home isolation, and nucleic acid testing.

The original content is as follows, please scroll up and down to view the specific content:

Recently, an imported epidemic related to other provinces has occurred in our city. In order to quickly and effectively block the spread of the epidemic, the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. There will be medium and high risks within 7 days. Persons who come to (return to) Ning from the district or have a history of residence in the county (city, district, banner) where the local epidemic is located must register information through the "Information Declaration System for Persons Coming to (Return to) Ning" and submit it to the city's destination unit, community (village) or hotel, and undergo inspection at the inspection point in Ning, provide relevant information truthfully, and cooperate with health management measures such as centralized isolation, home isolation, and nucleic acid testing.

2. The general public is requested to pay close attention to the relevant notices in this region, follow the unified arrangements of the streets and towns, and go to the nearest sampling point in an orderly manner for nucleic acid testing at different times.

3. Public places such as farmers’ markets, shopping malls, supermarkets, restaurants, cultural museums, leisure and entertainment venues, etc. must standardize prevention and control measures such as scanning “place codes”, ventilation, and environmental disinfection, and guide the public to maintain a safe distance and do safety precautions. protection.

4. Strictly implement personal protective measures such as washing hands frequently, wearing masks, and ventilating frequently. If symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, etc. occur, you should go to the fever clinic of a medical institution for medical treatment in a timely manner. You should avoid taking public transportation and take personal protection during the journey.

5. The general public, especially those over 60 years old who are eligible for vaccination, should complete the full course of new crown vaccine and receive a booster shot as soon as possible to build a population immunity barrier.

Relevant policies for coming (returning) to Ningbo can be queried through the "State Council Client" WeChat applet, or you can consult the district epidemic prevention and control headquarters. Due to the dynamic changes of the epidemic, the specific implementation will be subject to the community where you are located.

Personnel coming (returning) to Ningxia should strictly abide by the epidemic prevention regulations and actively cooperate with the implementation of epidemic prevention requirements. Anyone who fails to implement prevention and control measures, is not strict in implementing prevention and control requirements, conceals reports, or lies about his itinerary, etc. and causes the spread of the epidemic will be held legally responsible in accordance with laws and regulations.

This notice will be implemented from the date of issuance.


Suzhou released the WeChat public account and released the "Suzhou City Epidemic Prevention and Control Announcement No. 143 of 2022":

People who have recently lived in medium or high-risk areas or counties (cities, districts, banners) where local epidemics are located ( Persons returning to Suzhou should make independent declarations in advance through the "Information Registration Platform for Persons Coming (Returning) to Suzhou" or report to the destination community (village), hotel, or unit, actively participate in nucleic acid testing, and actively cooperate with the implementation of various health management prevention measures. control measures.

The original text is as follows, please scroll up and down to view the specific content:

html From 0:00 to 24:00 on July 1, there were no new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Suzhou, and there was one new local asymptomatic infection.

The situation of local asymptomatic infections:

Asymptomatic infection1

The address is Zhiji Village, Wangting Town, Xiangcheng District. He is a close contact of a positive infection in another city and is a staff member of a company in another city. Found during screening of commuters in out-of-town areas. He has been transferred to a designated medical institution in the city for isolation and medical observation, and his condition is stable.

The general public is requested to continue to enhance their awareness of prevention, avoid traveling to medium- and high-risk areas unless necessary, and keep in mind the "three-piece set" of epidemic prevention and the "six musts" of protection. If symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, conjunctivitis , myalgia and diarrhea occur, under the premise of taking personal protection, go to the nearest medical treatment in time and follow standard procedures. , and proactively inform them of their 14-day activity trajectory and contact history. Wear a mask all the way to medical treatment and avoid taking public transportation.


Yangzhou released a WeChat public account to release the "Latest Reminder for Epidemic Prevention and Control (July 2, 2022)":

If there are recent incidents in the main urban area of ​​Wuxi City, Liuhe District of Nanjing City, Suining County of Xuzhou City and Si County of Suzhou City, Anhui Province , Huaibei City Suixi County, Hefei City Xinzhan District, Shushan District , Feixi County or medium and high-risk areas and counties (cities, districts) with a travel history, or those who have crossed paths with positive infections Persons who are reporting to the public must report their reporting information in advance through the "Yangcheng E-Hike" applet, and immediately report to the community (village) and unit (or hotel where they live), and cooperate with the community and relevant units to implement various nucleic acid tests as soon as possible. Health management and other prevention and control work.

The original content is as follows, please scroll up and down to view the specific content:

Recently, local clusters of new coronavirus pneumonia have occurred in Suzhou, Huaibei, , Anhui, and some cities in the province. The situation of epidemic prevention and control is severe and complex. In order to carry out scientific and accurate epidemic prevention and control work and strictly prevent the risk of imported epidemics, the Yangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention once again urgently reminds the general public: if there are any recent cases in the main urban area of ​​Wuxi City, Liuhe District of Nanjing City, Suining County of Xuzhou City and Si County of Suzhou City, Anhui Province , Suixi County, Huaibei City, Xinzhan District, Shushan District, Feixi County, Hefei City, or medium and high-risk areas and counties (cities, districts) with a travel history, or those who have crossed paths with positive infections, must Self-report the information in advance through the "Yangcheng E-Hiking" applet, and immediately report it to the community (village) and unit (or hotel where you live), and cooperate with the community and relevant units to implement various nucleic acid tests, health management and other prevention measures as soon as possible. control work. Anyone who intentionally conceals or fails to report in time, leading to the spread of the epidemic, will bear legal responsibility.

Some epidemic-related areas inside and outside the province:

1. People who have a history of residence in Si County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province since June 13, and Suixi County, Huaibei City, Anhui Province since June 20, please immediately report to your community (village, hotel, Units, etc.) to report and cooperate with the territory to implement control measures.

2. For those who have lived in Yanhe Garden Community (medium risk area), Longchi Street, Liuhe District, Nanjing City since June 24, a 7-day home isolation medical observation will be implemented (a nucleic acid test will be conducted on the 1st, 4th, and 7th day) ). For those who have a history of living in other areas of the Liuhe District, we will conduct two nucleic acid tests within 3 days (24 hours apart), and check the negative nucleic acid test certificate 48 hours later.

3. For those who have lived in Suining County, Xuzhou City since June 20, 7-day tracking health monitoring will be implemented. A nucleic acid test will be conducted on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th day, and once on the day of tracking. Nucleic acid amplification testing.

4. For Xinwu District, Wuxi City since June 23: Wuxi Weifu High-tech Co., Ltd. (auto parts branch), Jiangxi Street (China Overseas Haiya Jinyuan Phase II, First International, Qianjin Garden , Wanyu Garden District 1), Shuofang Street (Jixiang Garden, Nanxingyuan District 6, Xiangnan Home), Xin'an Street (Xin'an Huayuan District 1), Meicun Street (Meijing Phase 5, Meiyuan New Village); Liangxi District : Huishan Street (Huisheng Road Community, Sheng'an Second Village), Guangyi Street (Xuri Huating, Guangyi Xingyuan), Jinxing Street (Cuiyuan New Village), Wuxi East China Trade City; Xishan District : Yunlin Street Leather City North Gate Timber Market, Yunlin Street Leather City (Fumanyuan Canteen, Textile Pharmacy); Huishan District : Tianyi Er Primary School, Yanqiao Street (Sunshine 100 Arles) and other people with a history of residence in Arles will be subject to a 7-day centralized isolation medical observation, and a nucleic acid test will be conducted on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th days. Persons with a history of staying in Wuxi Leather City will be subject to home isolation medical observation for 7 days, and nucleic acid tests will be conducted on the 1st, 4th and 7th days. For those who come from the main urban area of ​​Wuxi City but have not been to the above-mentioned risk areas, nucleic acid testing will be conducted twice within 3 days (with an interval of 24 hours), and nucleic acid testing will be conducted immediately upon arrival (or upon arrival).

5. For people coming from Lingbi County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province since June 24, nucleic acid testing will be carried out twice within 3 days (24 hours apart), and nucleic acid testing will be conducted immediately upon arrival (or upon arrival).


Changzhou released a WeChat public account to release "Changzhou City Epidemic Prevention and Control Notice No. 59 of 2022 (Important Reminder)":

Within 7 days, people with a history of residence in the following areas and those with confirmed cases (including asymptomatic infections) will cross paths Personnel should report to the destination community (village), hotel (hotel), or unit in advance or make a self-declaration through "My Changzhou - Direct Reporting for Frequent Arrivals and Returns", and actively cooperate with the implementation of nucleic acid testing, health management and other prevention measures. control measures.

Wuxi City Xinwu District, Liangxi District, Xishan District, Huishan District, Binhu District; Si County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province; Suixi County, Huaibei City, Anhui Province; Liuhe District, Nanjing City; Suining County, Xuzhou City; Jin, Huai'an City Hu County; Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province.

The original content is as follows, please scroll up and down to view the specific content:

Recently, the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has occurred in some cities in China and surrounding our city. In order to implement the prevention and control strategy of "preventing external input and domestic rebound", we will further strengthen the epidemic prevention and control strategy. Control the Internet, strictly prevent the import of epidemics, and efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. The relevant matters are hereby reminded as follows:

Within 7 days, people with a history of traveling to the following areas and those who have crossed paths with confirmed cases (including asymptomatic infections) Personnel should report to the destination community (village), hotel (hotel), or unit in advance or make a self-declaration through "My Changzhou - Direct Reporting for Frequent Arrivals and Returns", and actively cooperate with the implementation of nucleic acid testing, health management and other prevention measures. control measures.

2. All streets (towns), communities (villages), "two stations, one site and one dock", enterprises and institutions, construction sites, building materials home decoration markets, hotels, etc. must implement their main responsibilities and increase the number of epidemic-related areas. Actively arrange, register and report information for incoming (returning) personnel, and urge relevant personnel to proactively report and perform health management.

3. The city’s scenic spots, supermarkets, farmers’ markets, hotels and restaurants and other crowded public places must guard entrance gates, implement Sukang code , itinerary card and other inspection measures, and supervise and encourage people entering the venue to wear masks in a standardized manner. All fever clinics, grassroots medical institutions, pharmacies and other units should give full play to their role as frontline sentinels, detect hidden dangers and reduce risks, and achieve early detection and reporting.

4. The general public is requested to earnestly fulfill their personal epidemic prevention responsibilities, enhance their awareness of self-protection, insist on wearing masks, maintain social distance, and pay attention to personal hygiene. If symptoms such as fever, dry cough, diarrhea, etc. occur, on the premise of taking good personal protection, immediately go to the nearest fever clinic for examination, and proactively inform the travel history and contact history in the past 14 days.

5. Vaccination is an effective means to block the spread of the new coronavirus and prevent hospitalization, severe illness and death after infection. The general public, especially the elderly without contraindications to vaccination, should complete the full course of vaccination as soon as possible to build a population immunity barrier.


Taizhou released a WeChat public account to issue the "Notice on Further Improving the Current Epidemic Prevention and Control Work":

Those who have a history of traveling to (or returning from) a medium or high-risk area or a county (city, district, banner) where the local epidemic is located within 7 days ) Thai personnel must register their information through "Entai Pass" and other channels, report to the city's destination units, communities (villages) or hotels, truthfully provide relevant information, and cooperate with corresponding measures such as centralized isolation, home isolation, and nucleic acid testing. Health management measures.

The original content is as follows, please scroll up and down to view the specific content:

Recently, local clusters of new coronavirus pneumonia have occurred in Suzhou City, Huaibei City,, Anhui Province, and neighboring cities in our city. In order to build a tight epidemic prevention and control network, strictly prevent the risk of imported epidemics, strictly implement the ninth version of the new coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control plan and the "nine don'ts" requirements for epidemic prevention and control, and do a good job in the current epidemic prevention and control work, we are hereby announcing relevant matters As follows:

1. Persons coming (returning) to Thailand who have lived in medium or high-risk areas or counties (cities, districts, banners) where local epidemics are located within 7 days must register their information through "Enter Thailand Pass" and other channels, and submit to our city The destination unit, community (village) or hotel should report, truthfully provide relevant information, and cooperate with corresponding health management measures such as centralized isolation, home isolation, and nucleic acid testing.Personnel coming (or returning) to Thailand are invited to proactively cooperate with the implementation of epidemic prevention requirements. Anyone who fails to implement prevention and control measures in place, implements prevention and control requirements laxly, conceals or lies about their itinerary, and causes the spread of the epidemic will be held legally responsible in accordance with laws and regulations.

2. Fully implement the requirements of the ninth version of the prevention and control plan, and implement "7-day centralized isolation medical observation" (nucleic acid testing on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th days) for those who have traveled to high-risk areas in the past 7 days. For those who have a history of traveling to medium-risk areas in the past 7 days, "7-day home isolation medical observation" (nucleic acid testing on the 1st, 4th, and 7th days) will be implemented. For those who have a history of traveling to other areas in low-risk areas and counties (cities, districts, banners) where medium- and high-risk areas are located in the past 7 days, the "2 tests in 3 days (with an interval of more than 24 hours)" measure will be implemented after arriving in Thailand. For immigrants and close contacts, "7 days of centralized isolation medical observation + 3 days of home health monitoring" (nucleic acid testing on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th days, and nucleic acid testing on the 3rd day at home) will be implemented. Close contacts will be subject to "7-day home isolation medical observation" (nucleic acid testing on days 1, 4, and 7).

3. It is recommended to postpone travel plans to risk areas. Citizens are requested to pay close attention to the domestic epidemic situation and changes in medium- and high-risk areas, and avoid unnecessary travel to medium- and high-risk areas and counties (cities, districts, banners) where local epidemics are located. If you really need to go, you must strictly protect yourself and abide by local epidemic prevention and control regulations. Those who have traveled, studied or worked in medium- and high-risk areas and counties (cities, districts, banners) with local epidemics should not leave their current place of residence unless necessary. If they really need to return to Thailand, please take the initiative to report and implement health measures as required. management measures.

4. Public places such as hotels, guesthouses, shopping malls, supermarkets, farmers’ markets, cultural museums, leisure and entertainment venues must standardize prevention and control measures such as scanning “place codes”, ventilation, and environmental disinfection to guide the public to maintain a safe distance and strengthen Security.

5. Citizens are requested to continue to protect their health and strictly implement protective measures such as washing hands frequently, wearing masks, ventilating frequently, and using one-meter noodles. If symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, etc. occur, you should take the initiative to seek medical treatment in a fever clinic in a timely manner and avoid taking public transportation. Transportation and personal protection.

6. All citizens, especially those over 60 years old who are eligible for vaccination, should complete the full course of COVID-19 vaccination and receive a booster shot as soon as possible to jointly build a population immunity barrier.

This notice will be implemented from the date of issuance.


Xuzhou released a WeChat public account to publish the "Notice on Effectively Doing a Good Job in the Current Epidemic Prevention and Control Work (No. 66, 2022)":

People coming (returning) to Xuzhou, if there are medium and high risk areas or local epidemic areas within 7 days If you have a history of living in a county (city, district), please report it to your community (village) and unit as soon as possible, and strictly implement corresponding health management measures.

The original content is as follows, please scroll up and down to view the specific content:

On the morning of July 2, an abnormality was found in the nucleic acid testing screening of key groups in the Quanshan District of our city. After receiving the report, the city and district levels immediately activated the emergency response mechanism for epidemic prevention and control, simultaneously carried out sample review, flow control and investigation, and quickly implemented control of relevant places. As of 5 p.m., 13 people were confirmed to be positive after being reviewed by the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and all of them had been transferred to the city’s designated hospitals for diagnosis and treatment. 912 close contacts were identified, and control measures have been implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.

In order to effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic, effectively protect the health of the people, and achieve the goal of clearing up social movements as soon as possible, the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. All residents are encouraged not to leave Xu unless necessary, and those who really need to do so must do so within 48 hours. Proof of negative nucleic acid test. Persons coming (returning) to Xu, if they have been in a medium-high risk area or have a history of residence in counties (cities, districts) where local epidemics are located within 7 days, please report to their communities (villages) and units as soon as possible, and strictly implement corresponding health management measures.

2. People who have time and space intersection with the found positive infected persons will be assigned a yellow code from health code to . Yellow code personnel are requested to immediately contact their community (village) to register, go to the yellow code sampling point for nucleic acid testing as required, and take personal protection throughout the entire trip.

3. During the period of responding to the epidemic, the city's government agencies, enterprises, institutions, public places, residential areas, public transportation station vehicles, etc., conscientiously implemented the main responsibilities and various prevention and control measures for epidemic prevention and control, and strictly inspected the "health code" and "itinerary card". ", 48-hour nucleic acid negative certificate or 24-hour sampling certificate.

4. The whole city must tighten its responsibilities for epidemic prevention. Party committees and governments at all levels must strictly implement local responsibilities and strengthen overall guidance for epidemic prevention; industry authorities must strictly fulfill their regulatory responsibilities and increase supervision and inspection; enterprises and institutions must strictly implement their main responsibilities. , implement various epidemic prevention measures.

5. The general public should be the first person responsible for personal health, enhance their awareness of prevention, wear masks, wash hands frequently, ventilate more, avoid gatherings, standardize disinfection, maintain social distance and other daily protection, and actively cooperate with the implementation of various prevention and control measures. measure. If symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, etc. occur, you should go to the fever clinic of a medical institution for medical treatment in a timely manner and avoid taking public transportation on the way.

and above prevention and control measures will be implemented from the date of this announcement, and will be dynamically adjusted according to the epidemic situation. The general public must abide by relevant laws and regulations and refrain from spreading, believing, or spreading rumors. Those who refuse to cooperate with epidemic prevention efforts and conceal or lie about their personal circumstances will be held legally responsible in accordance with laws and regulations.


Yancheng released a WeChat public account to release the "Yancheng City Epidemic Prevention and Control Announcement No. 38 of 2022":

Those who have a history of residence in Si County, Anhui Province since June 21 and Wuxi City since June 24 must be Take the initiative to report to the local community (village), unit, and hotel, and cooperate with the implementation of health management measures such as isolation observation, nucleic acid testing, and health monitoring.

The original content is as follows, please scroll up and down to view the specific content:

html On July 1, Binhai County of our city found a case of a person who had a history of living in Wuxi City and returned to Salt City and tested positive for nucleic acid.

The activity track of positive people is as follows:

June 27-29: Sunshine 100 Arles Community, Huishan District, Wuxi City, Qinxinyuan Community, Binhu District, Wuxi City;

June 30: Take Wuxi to Binhai at 4:40 The bus (Su J10348) returns to Binhai and transfers to the Jiangyin bus (Su J05515) at the Qinhu Service Area (former Xingtai Service Area). On the way, it takes the Xinxing gas station and Jianhu on the 204 National Highway in the north of Tinghu District, Yancheng City. Stop at the Chengbei Bridge in Shanggang Town and Funing County), get off at Binhai Dongming Square at 9:40, and go home (south of the Sanliqiao Party School in Dongkan Town). 15:36-15:41 Bicycle alone to the health hut of Renai Hospital to take samples (result negative). 15:41-16:55 Ride to mobile company opposite Kangda Hospital to handle business.

html July 1st: Nucleic acid sampling at the Health House of Binhai Renai Hospital at 8:07, at home from 8:12-17:00, and the nucleic acid test result was abnormal at 17:00.

reminds the general public that those who have the above-mentioned activity tracks at the same time and at the same location, or who have recently come into contact with the above-mentioned areas, should immediately report to the street (township) where they are located and cooperate with the implementation of traffic control and other measures. Those who have lived in Si County, Anhui Province since June 21 and Wuxi City since June 24, and who have been in Yan must proactively report to their local communities (villages), units, and hotels, and cooperate with the implementation of isolation observation, nucleic acid testing, health monitoring, etc. Health management measures.

The general public is requested not to believe, spread or spread rumors, further improve their awareness of prevention, do daily personal protection, work together to resolutely block the chains and channels of epidemic transmission, cooperate with various prevention and control tasks, and jointly build a strong city Epidemic prevention and control barrier. Those who violate relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control and cause serious consequences will be severely dealt with in accordance with the law and held accountable.


Kunshan issued an "Important Reminder for Epidemic Prevention and Control" on its WeChat public account:

Persons who have traveled to (or returned from) Kunshan within the past 7 days in medium or high-risk areas or in counties (cities, districts, banners) where local epidemics are located must pass the " Use the "Lulutong" APP "Smooth Travel Kunshan" to declare registration information, report it to the destination community (village), hotel, and unit, truthfully provide relevant information, and actively cooperate with the implementation of various prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid testing and health management.

1. Persons coming (returning) to Kunshan who have lived in medium or high-risk areas or counties (cities, districts, banners) where local epidemics are located within 7 days must report registration information through the "Lulutong" APP "Smooth Travel to Kunshan" and report to The destination community (village), hotel, and unit shall report, truthfully provide relevant information, and actively cooperate with the implementation of various prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid testing and health management.

2. Pay close attention to the epidemic dynamics released by official media, and do not travel to areas with reported cases or other medium- and high-risk areas in the near future unless necessary. If you must go, be sure to take personal protection and cooperate with the territory to implement relevant epidemic prevention policies to ensure travel convenience and safety. After returning to Kunming, take the initiative to report relevant information to your community (village) and work unit, and cooperate with the implementation of relevant epidemic prevention and control measures.

3. Citizens are requested to earnestly fulfill their personal epidemic prevention responsibilities, enhance their awareness of self-protection, and wear them according to regulations when taking public transportation and entering public places such as scenic spots, supermarkets, farmers' markets, hotels, theaters, gyms, transportation stations, and airports. Masks, proactively showing Sukang code, cooperating with temperature measurement, scanning the "place code", etc. If symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, etc. occur, you should go to the fever clinic of a medical institution for medical treatment in a timely manner. You should avoid taking public transportation and take personal protection during the journey.

4. Vaccination against COVID-19 is the most cost-effective and cost-effective measure to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19. Citizens who meet the vaccination requirements, especially those over 60 years old, are requested to complete the full course of COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible to build a population immunity barrier.

Epidemic prevention and control is everyone’s responsibility. Those who refuse to cooperate with epidemic prevention efforts and conceal or lie about their personal circumstances will be seriously investigated for corresponding legal responsibilities.

I need to remind everyone that

prevention and control measures will be dynamically adjusted according to the epidemic situation.

Friends who really need to travel

Before traveling,

you can also check the latest epidemic risk level and departure place through the State Council client applet

, Destination

The latest epidemic prevention and control policies and measures

Get the latest situation

From 00:00 to 24:00 on July 1, Jiangsu reported 1 new local confirmed case and 29 new local asymptomatic infections. There were 2 new imported confirmed cases and 3 new imported asymptomatic infections. - DayDayNewsFrom 00:00 to 24:00 on July 1, Jiangsu reported 1 new local confirmed case and 29 new local asymptomatic infections. There were 2 new imported confirmed cases and 3 new imported asymptomatic infections. - DayDayNewsFrom 00:00 to 24:00 on July 1, Jiangsu reported 1 new local confirmed case and 29 new local asymptomatic infections. There were 2 new imported confirmed cases and 3 new imported asymptomatic infections. - DayDayNewsFrom 00:00 to 24:00 on July 1, Jiangsu reported 1 new local confirmed case and 29 new local asymptomatic infections. There were 2 new imported confirmed cases and 3 new imported asymptomatic infections. - DayDayNewsFrom 00:00 to 24:00 on July 1, Jiangsu reported 1 new local confirmed case and 29 new local asymptomatic infections. There were 2 new imported confirmed cases and 3 new imported asymptomatic infections. - DayDayNewsFrom 00:00 to 24:00 on July 1, Jiangsu reported 1 new local confirmed case and 29 new local asymptomatic infections. There were 2 new imported confirmed cases and 3 new imported asymptomatic infections. - DayDayNews

Summer is coming, and the movement of people is increasing.

reminds the general public: Do not travel far unless necessary.

If you really need to go out, take protective measures during the journey and

pay attention to official information in a timely manner.

Let’s spend the holidays healthily together!

Comprehensive: Healthy Jiangsu, People's Daily , China Government Network, Shanghai Release, Nanjing Release, Suzhou Release, Yangzhou Release, Changzhou Release, Taizhou Release, Xuzhou Release, Yancheng Release, Kunshan Release


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