On June 29, the penultimate day of the first half of 2019, the 1879 review event was held as scheduled. This time it was still Professor Zeng Wenzhi and his Lego toys who presided over the review.

2024/05/1923:10:32 hotcomm 1583

html On June 29, the penultimate day of the first half of 2019, the 1879 review event was held as scheduled. This time it was still Professor Zeng Wenzhi and his Lego toys who presided over the review. The editor recorded the following two stories from the many reviewers, hoping to inspire you in front of the screen.

On June 29, the penultimate day of the first half of 2019, the 1879 review event was held as scheduled. This time it was still Professor Zeng Wenzhi and his Lego toys who presided over the review. - DayDayNews

Neither of these two people came from a professional background, but they both made their own choices at an important turning point in their lives. At this point, their lives will be different.

2019 is already halfway through. Have your plans for this year been realized?

Story 1: The 1879 Project fulfilled my college dream

She has been doing accounting-related work in a tertiary hospital for 10 years. Just two days ago, her stable and comfortable job made her doubt her self-worth. Do she really want to live like this forever? After thinking about it carefully, she felt that she wanted to learn psychological counseling.

This is a very active teacher. She made a plan for herself for 3-5 years and began to search for various psychological counseling training courses. However, most of them lacked a system and most of them were based on the purpose of quick evidence collection. . It wasn't until she contacted her college classmate and learned about 1879 through her that she finally realized that this was what she wanted. When

first started working, he had the opportunity to work as a midwife in the obstetrics and gynecology department of a hospital. In the first year, he participated in the delivery of more than 300 babies, and the delivery processes were all different. After working every day, she summarized the problems encountered during each delivery and how to deal with them. After a year passed, she found that she had become more mature. She had encountered most of the following situations before, and even if they were unclear, she basically knew how to deal with them.

faced intense study and the subsequent career change, and she was a little anxious. Professor Zeng Wenzhi reminded her that her previous work experience as a midwife could be transferred to psychological counseling. Consultants also record the situation and summarize their consultation process every time they receive a consultation. This is a good way to improve themselves. Through continuous learning, people will change and grow, and their professional confidence will become stronger and stronger. Even if we have never seen the situation of some visitors, it does not mean that we will not do it.

Professor Zeng also said that the Tsinghua University in Taiwan where he teaches has many midwives who come to learn psychological counseling. This is probably due to their unique understanding of human nature. The understanding, hope and acceptance they show towards people are all very valuable qualities for psychological counselors.

These are great encouragements to her. She said that her grades had not been good since she was a child, and she had not been admitted to a particularly good school. And 1879 just fulfilled her dream of going to college. She hopes that through 3-4 years of study, she can return to the feeling she had when she was a student, start from scratch, and become a solid and professional psychological counselor.

Don’t be anxious, adjust at any time, and believe in yourself. This was Professor Zeng Wenzhi’s last blessing to this reviewer.

Editor's note: The accompanying expert has gone through so many reviews, and this one is the most prepared. She learned about the review expert's introduction in advance and wrote it on a small piece of paper to familiarize herself with it in advance, just in case she needed it. She also recorded her questions about the 1879 Project and checked them one by one. After getting satisfactory answers, she said that this review was particularly fruitful.

has this tenacity and spirit, what else can't it do? Waiting for the day when she becomes a professional counselor, come on!

Story 2: Surgeons can use AI technology to control the length of incisions during surgery. Consultants can only rely on their own professional judgment. Shouldn't they be more cautious?

After graduating from college, she started working at Uniqlo. From a grassroots employee to a store manager and a middle-level backbone, she now wants to stop and asks herself what the meaning and value of life are.

is a good person in management, but she is also different from others. Many store managers simply pursue performance goals, but she is good at maximizing the abilities of everyone under her, so that everyone can happily engage in work. Other colleagues commented on her that no matter how "difficult" an employee is or what kind of team she is, she can put people in the most appropriate position to maximize the team's benefits. Professor Zeng Wenzhi calls this “a rearrangement of people and teams.”What is the secret of

? She said that she is good at observing everyone's behavior and the demands and stories behind it. For example, when she took over a new store, an employee who had performed very well before was very irritable and difficult to get along with. Most people would comfort, educate or even criticize, but she learned that the two promotion opportunities promised to this employee had not been fulfilled. Maybe the company would have organizational structure adjustments or some last resort reasons, but these were not accepted by this employee. When the employees learned about it, the reasons for her seemingly abnormal behavior became obvious. With such keen characteristics and humanistic spirit,

has done an outstanding job in team management and has cultivated a large number of reserve talents for the company.

As she approaches marriage and the birth of her two children, she plans to slowly shift her focus to the issue of work-life balance . At the same time, she also wants to truly think about her own meaning and value.

She summarized her own characteristics. She has strong empathy, is good at observing the motivations behind people's behaviors, and prefers to get along with others. And compared to success and wealth, she pursues the meaning and value of life more.

analyzed all of this and found that she wanted to be a professional psychological counselor. After searching a lot of training information, she finally chose to join 1879 because she valued its science, system and rigor.

She said that surgeons even use AI technology to control the precision of incisions when performing operations. The work of a psychological counselor is like performing surgery on a person's soul. The depth of handling of each problem and the choice of each sentence must completely rely on the professional judgment of the counselor, so he should be more cautious. It doesn’t mean that you can be competent after taking courses for a few days or months.

This is deeply true for the editor who has been engaged in consulting and training work for more than 10 years.

Before preparing to start studying in the 1879 Project, she also signed up for an MBA course and decided to officially leave her job next month. Professor Zeng lamented that it felt a pity to choose to leave at the peak of his career. She said no, if you think this road is not suitable and not what you want, you should stop in time.

Well, yes. If everyone had such awareness and determination, there would be fewer regrets in the world.

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