For a long time, India has always appeared as a "victim" in disputes with neighboring countries, especially in front of Western countries. This image of Indians exactly caters to the tastes of Westerners, thereby satisfying their need to play the role of "savior". Frankly speakin

2024/05/1921:08:33 hotcomm 1765

For a long time, India has always appeared as a "victim" in disputes with neighboring countries, especially in front of Western countries. This image of Indians exactly caters to the tastes of Westerners, thereby satisfying their need to play the role of "savior". Frankly speaking, it is not only Western countries that do this. There are also countries like the Soviet Union that like to play "roles." But the Soviet Union later disappeared, so not many people still remember this.

Generally speaking, India has played the role of "victim" quite successfully. In most international disputes about India, Western countries usually side with India. Of course, Western countries do this not because they are confused by India. Many times they just pretend to be confused because they understand. As for whether India is really justified in those international disputes, or whether it is just taking the opportunity to bully others, that is not what they really care about.

For a long time, India has always appeared as a

Among all the international disputes related to India, the most eye-catching and the pinnacle of India's performance is the confrontation with China at the foot of the Himalayas. Because compared with China, India's other neighboring countries, such as Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and even Sikkim, do not look like they can bully Indians in any case.

On the contrary, it is China. Due to the inherent prejudice of Western countries and the huge size of China, in the eyes of those people, China has become the first choice to "bully" Indians. In this favorable environment, India also used this opportunity to successfully make a comeback and play itself as a victim in the border conflict. It not only slandered China for its continuous southward advancement on the line of actual control, but also shied away all responsibility for causing these disputes. Gave it to China.

For a long time, India has always appeared as a

Naturally, when Western countries and their media, which have always had prejudices against China, saw these accusations from India, they were like picking up treasures and did not hesitate to use them as evidence to accuse China. Faced with groundless accusations from India and Western countries, China naturally launched a vigorous argument and clearly stated to the outside world that the responsibility for the border dispute between China and India lies with India.

But since the other party looks at you with colored glasses, it doesn’t matter what evidence you present. Because the West doesn't look at these things at all. What they want is an excuse to launch a challenge or even intervene.

For a long time, India has always appeared as a

However, telling too many lies will inevitably expose the truth. No matter how cunning a fox is, he will show his tail sometimes. Naturally, Indians are no exception. On February 7, India’s current Minister of State V.K. Singh accepted an interview with the Indian media.

In the process of answering reporters' questions, in addition to continuing to make baseless accusations against China, Singh also claimed that because the border between China and India has never been officially demarcated, the armies of both sides have crossed the actual control line. . However, in order to curb the Chinese army 's southward attempts, the Indian army crossed the border more often. If Chinese troops have crossed the Line of Actual Control 10 times, India has done so at least 50 times, which is five times as many as China.

For a long time, India has always appeared as a

There is no doubt that most of Singer’s words are the same old tunes with nothing new. But the point is that this is the first time that a senior Indian official has publicly admitted that Indian troops crossed the actual line of control to provoke China first. Previously, the Indians had always regarded themselves as victims. Apart from accusing the Chinese army of crossing the border, they rarely admitted that their own troops had committed such acts.

They generally claim that the Indian troops stay within their own line of actual control. And this time, whether Singh was showing off or speaking unscrupulously, he admitted for the first time that the Indian army bore the main responsibility in the confrontation between China and India in the foothills of the Himalayas. This also exposes the biggest lie that India has promoted to the outside world for a long time.

For a long time, India has always appeared as a

In fact, a detailed analysis of Singh's remarks does not seem like he was talking unintentionally, but rather that he was showing off the achievements of the Indian army to the outside world. just didn't choose the example well, but it slapped my own people in the face. Of course, it is a good thing for us that the Indians expose their own lies, but there is no need for us to be too arrogant about this matter.

Because although this matter is beneficial to our propaganda work, how much do those Western politicians and media care about what we say? As expected, Singer's words would be automatically ignored by them, and then disappear without a trace. They will also continue to use the Indian "victim" trick to accuse us.

For a long time, India has always appeared as a

In fact, during this conflict between China and India, Western countries were not unaware of what the Indians were doing in the foothills of the Himalayas. It's just that those things did not infringe on their interests, and India's doing so can also affect China's energy, so they simply did it as a favor. On the contrary, we must realize that if we want to gain a foothold in the foothills of the Himalayas, we can only rely on ourselves.

Only when we are truly powerful can India and the West truly respect our interests. Those who try to rely on the justice given by the West to maintain our interests, as represented by certain movies and TV dramas in recent years, are nothing but self-deception.

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