But I don’t know if you have noticed that my country’s traditional “Book of Changes” and “Bagua” seem to have faded out of people’s sight. So is this method of prophecy really out of date?

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talks about prophecy, and there are many ways of prediction, such as the ancient Indian astrology , which is Veto astrology, as well as the more mysterious "psychic" prophecy, " remote viewing " prophecy and so on! These are relatively common prediction methods used by modern prophets.

But I don’t know if you have noticed that my country’s traditional “Book of Changes” and “Bagua” seem to have faded out of people’s sight. So is this method of prophecy really out of date? - DayDayNews

But I don’t know if you have noticed that my country’s traditional “Book of Changes” and “Bagua” seem to have faded out of people’s sight. So is this method of prophecy really out of date?

Of course not. You must know that the "Book of Changes" is one of the three great books in my country. It is a classic in Chinese studies. Confucianism regards it as the first of the Six Classics, and Taoism respects it as the crown of the Three Mysteries. , just sixty-four hexagrams, but all-encompassing, how could it be left behind? There are still people studying it.

When it comes to the study of the "Book of Changes" in our country, the most famous Professor Zeng Shiqiang is, so today we will talk about Professor Zeng Shiqiang and his predictions for 2022.

But I don’t know if you have noticed that my country’s traditional “Book of Changes” and “Bagua” seem to have faded out of people’s sight. So is this method of prophecy really out of date? - DayDayNews

Professor Zeng Shiqiang was born in Fujian in 1935. Due to family reasons, he received a good education since he was a child. Later, with his own efforts, he went to study at the University of Leicester in the UK. Logically speaking, a person with a modern education , I should not believe in the "Book of Changes" and "Bagua".

It is indeed the case! We mentioned earlier that he was born in Fujian, and the social environment at that time was very superstitious. His father had an in-depth study of the "Book of Changes", but even so, Zeng Shiqiang scorned these things since he was a child.

Until he was in his thirties, Zeng Shiqiang suffered from a serious illness and was bedridden. No matter how he treated it, there was no improvement. Until his father gave him a copy of the "Book of Changes" and asked him to read it more when he was fine. Look, I don’t know what he went through. After that, his condition improved and he became obsessed with the "Book of Changes".

This research lasted for decades, and what made him really famous was not the prediction, but in 2008, when Professor Zeng Shiqiang was invited by CCTV to teach the "Book of Changes" and "Tao Te Ching" at the "Hundred Schools Forum" , because what he said was simple and clear, he immediately won praise from many people.

But I don’t know if you have noticed that my country’s traditional “Book of Changes” and “Bagua” seem to have faded out of people’s sight. So is this method of prophecy really out of date? - DayDayNews

Many people became his fans and began to look for videos of some of his original lectures. It was then that people discovered that Professor Zeng Shiqiang had made many predictions, but at first people did not pay attention. After all, the "Book of Changes" was written in Putting the prophecies together, they are not inconsistent.

It wasn’t until the outbreak of the epidemic in 2019 that people suddenly realized that Professor Zeng Shiqiang had made predictions as early as 2015. Let’s take a look at his original words. The original words are as follows: “There have been a lot of human deaths in the past five years. At one stage of the epidemic, the first thing God used was called the plague. There is no medicine to cure this plague and it will spread very quickly. I am not saying this to scare you, but to remind you."

It is this sentence that gave Professor Zeng Shiqiang a new nickname, that is, "Master of Prophecy", among other things! Professor Zeng Shiqiang has also made predictions about 2022, so let’s take a look.

But I don’t know if you have noticed that my country’s traditional “Book of Changes” and “Bagua” seem to have faded out of people’s sight. So is this method of prophecy really out of date? - DayDayNews

The first is the economic issue. He said that the global economy will see great fluctuations in 2022, but our country’s economy will double and will double by 2044.

Second: Famine, he said that famine will occur around the world this year, and many places will be short of water and food. Third: Extreme weather. He said that in the future, there will be more and more extreme weather, such as drought, heavy rain, hurricanes and so on! These will have an impact on people's lives.

The above is Professor Zeng Shiqiang’s prediction for 2022. Is his prediction true?

But I don’t know if you have noticed that my country’s traditional “Book of Changes” and “Bagua” seem to have faded out of people’s sight. So is this method of prophecy really out of date? - DayDayNews

 This! I personally don't believe it, and there is a reason why I say this. The main problem is that his predictions cannot be said to be prophecies, but speculations.

The reason why I say this is that, in my opinion, it does not mean that if you say exactly what will happen in the future, it can be called a prophecy. A true prophecy must have three prerequisites. The first is the accurate time, and the second is the accuracy. The location, the third and what is going to happen, or the details of something that can be accurately predicted.

But take a look at the predictions above, does any one of them meet the requirements? no? The above prophecies all say what is going to happen, and they must mention the time, place, or details of what is going to happen, so they cannot be called prophecies, they can only be called inferences.

Because things like famine and extreme weather have been predicted for a long time. If you watch the news, you will find that famine occurs every year around the world, and many people are hungry, especially in some poor and backward areas. , there are also extreme weather, and there are also detailed reports that there are more extreme weathers on the earth every year than in the previous year.

So don’t believe in the so-called prophecies, they are all lies, and I have never thought that Professor Zeng Shiqiang is a prophet. In my opinion, he is a master of Chinese studies, not Indian supernatural powers, Judy Heiliman, etc. What a prophet can compare to is true knowledge and the existence of deceiving people.

But I don’t know if you have noticed that my country’s traditional “Book of Changes” and “Bagua” seem to have faded out of people’s sight. So is this method of prophecy really out of date? - DayDayNews

  Okay, that’s it for today. I’ll stop here. Friends who like it can like, follow, and leave messages to support it. Let’s see you in the next issue.

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