Only she knows that eight years of admiration cannot buy a lifetime: "I think you love me, and I guess you are reluctant to let me go, but no matter what, I always feel that there are too many blank spaces between us.

2024/05/1716:30:35 hotcomm 1221

Only she knows that eight years of admiration cannot buy a lifetime:

There are some songs that we have sung countless times.

But you have to experience something before you can understand the twists and turns.

My friend Xiaoxi has been in love with her boyfriend for 8 years, and her parents are urging them to get engaged before the Chinese New Year. However, just last week, they chose to break up.

Other people can't understand that the relationship of 8 years can be divided no matter how hard it is. Only she knows that 8 years of generalship cannot be exchanged for a lifetime :


I think you love me,

I guess you can't let go,

but no matter how you put it, I always feel that

there is too much blank space between us. Grid.

" Tanya -blank grid"

My colleague Deng Deng has been secretly in love with a girl for 3 years, but he is still willing to wait:


It doesn't matter, you don't have to give me a chance,

I still have a lifetime. It can be wasted,

I just have a little bit of stubbornness left,

can be said to be my advantage.

" Lin Youjia - Wasted"

The poets are all whistleblowers.

Effortlessly and without blushing, reveal what you are trying so hard to hide.

This also confirms a truth. Being trapped by love is a trait that humans cannot change no matter how they evolve.

People live a lifetime, and the answers to those questions that cannot be answered have already been written in the lyrics.

Only she knows that eight years of admiration cannot buy a lifetime:


knows that he is a spare tire, but he just can’t give up. What should he do?

Some people say, "Not wasting other people's time and not wasting other people's feelings are essential qualities for contemporary civilized people."

But the adult world is not black and white, and relationships are not limited to liking and letting go.

is more difficult to let go.

A few nights ago, my friend Xiaojing invited me to go to KTV. She sang,


liking you makes me sink,

liking you makes me cry,

can continue to be spoiled and satisfied.

" Joey Yung - love"

sang, and she cried.

She said that she accompanied her boyfriend through five years and three girlfriends.

She has had many suitors over the years, and she also wants to escape and try to date a few boys. But without exception, as long as the male god gives her a call, she can leave other men behind.

One Christmas, they went to an amusement park together. She had been preparing for this day for two months. When she walked to the door, the male idol happily told her that he and his ex in the United States got back together.

Throughout the whole day, Xiaojing didn't say a sincere word. Including when it came to picking out stuffed dinosaurs for his girlfriend.

Recently, they finally got together.

But this is not an all-or-nothing experience. This was the day she cried the most. Because she decided never to see him again.

Others always laugh at her for being silly and laughing at her for holding the number plate of love.

only has this song " Zhong Wuyan ", which makes me understand her stubbornness.


Without your permission

I will continue to love

Bless each other when the hearts are soft, or allow me to kiss

I hate to be mature

Don't want you to look at me in tears

But keep smiling

It's like drinking snow water in winter

" Xie Anqi-Zhong Wuyan"

Just unscrew the cap of soda and let the air out, and it will no longer be a bottle of soda.

The same goes for feelings.

Human beings are not grass and trees, they cannot be ruthless, and they cannot deceive themselves.

can't be indifferent, it's better to let yourself go and continue to indulge.

Why should people go to sleep awake, only to know that they have given up when their bodies are bruised and bruised.

Only she knows that eight years of admiration cannot buy a lifetime:


We were so sweet when we first got together, why didn’t we want to say anything when we were separated?

Breaking up may be the dirtiest ending in a relationship.

If the score is good, both parties can still feel grateful for this relationship and wish each other a bright future. If the separation is not done well, not only will they turn against each other, but they will also hate life.

I am good friends with a couple, Li Zhi and Lin Jing. They are probably the sweetest long-distance couple in my circle of friends. Was.

Li Zhi is in Shanghai and Lin Jing is in Beijing. Lin Jing said she wanted to drink milk tea. Without saying anything, Li Zhi ordered takeout and sent it to the company.

When the milk tea arrived, there were thirty cups.

Li Zhi said that she didn’t know which flavor she liked, so she ordered everything in the store. "You take what you like to drink, and the rest can be distributed to other colleagues."

has been in love for five years, and their world map is full of marks, and they have experienced the excitement, romance and dullness of all couples.

But this enviable relationship was still defeated by the same old reasons - it was too long in the same place, and one party finally said they were tired.

Lin Jing didn't accept it, crying and yelling that she didn't want to break up. I have to fly to Shanghai, block the boy's company, and ask him to explain clearly.

She sent him the WeChat records of the 1st, 10th, and 100th days together.

Why did we talk so much that we could stay up all night and talk on the phone for five hours? Now, I'm downstairs in your house. I'm so embarrassed that you don't even want to see me.

Li Zhi called me and said that he had guests at home and asked me to persuade Lin Jing to go home. His tone was calm, but I could hear the disgust.

It’s not that I haven’t loved before, but when the relationship wears off to the end, I’m just tired when I’m tired. The joy of the past should be a memory, not a kidnapping.

There are no scars that will not fade, and there are no wounds that will not heal. Let yourself go and let the other person go.

If the other person doesn't want to say goodbye, you can just turn around.

A clear goodbye is not that important.

This story has been sung by Jay Chou a long time ago;


I understand and I know that you are not reluctant to leave.

You said you would be sad, but I don't believe it.

You have left far away, and I will leave slowly. "Open. Why do I even tolerate you when I leave?

I really don't have the talent to be quiet. I will learn to give up on you because I love you so much"

"Jay Chou - An Jing"

Only she knows that eight years of admiration cannot buy a lifetime:


There are obviously so many choices in this world, why can someone say that he has to choose?

Sister-brother love is often the most severe test for girls, because time is always unilaterally full of malice towards women.

But recently my good sister Mandy decided to get married to a boy 4 years younger than herself.

I envy her status.

In the company, she is responsible for taking care of the customers. Hanging out with her husband's friends makes her crazier than any other young girl.

I asked her, how do you know he must be the right person? How can I get married?

She said that when I met him, he was only 20 years old and had not even finished college, but he actually said he wanted to marry me.

She remembers going to the mall one year. When she first started working, her salary was not high, so she only looked at discounted bags and shoes.

Passing the Hermès counter, he suddenly stopped and looked into her eyes and said seriously, I will work hard to make money in the future and buy you Hermès without discounts.

His childishness made her laugh.

It was just a small thing that made her decide to marry him.

They lived together. When Mandy heard the sound of mosquitoes in the middle of the night, he would get up in a daze and turn on the light of his mobile phone to look for mosquitoes.

He didn't turn on the headlights so that she could continue to sleep.

Sometimes he searched for an hour and couldn't find it, so he told her, wake me up if you hear it again. But usually, she would have fallen asleep while he was catching mosquitoes.

She said with emotion: At that time, I felt that must find a man who is willing to get up and help you fight mosquitoes no matter how hard he sleeps.

She played me a song, Chen Li sang:


I reject the better and rounder moon, the unknown madness, the arrogance of sound, and I will not reject you.

"Chen Li - Song of Miraculous Abilities"

Some people go around and around, always feeling that the next one is better. But for some people, I don’t want them no matter how good they are, this person is just fine.

Don't ask others the emotional questions that lyrics can answer.


How long does it take to forget someone?


There is no scar that will not fade

There is no wound that will not heal

There is no despair that will not stop

What are you hesitating about?

"Soda Green - What are you worried about"

Some people, when it comes to love, you can't say love. . Even if you want to say you don’t hate it, you can’t say that you don’t hate it either.

Thinking of a person is like a gust of wind, sometimes it blows very quickly, sometimes it blows slowly.

blew and left.


Does it make sense to get back together after a breakup?


I don't have to ask you to come back

I just want to open the memory again

Apart from you, there is a blank space

Who else can teach me to love

"Xu Jiaying - Lost Sandbank "

Eason Chan even sang, Even if we meet again and perform maturely, is not as good as not seeing .

It is enough that some people have loved it.


How deep is the mark left by loving someone?


I like you, it is my exclusive memory

No one can

Take you away from my body

In the blocked area of ​​​​my feelings

I will never mention you and there is no time limit

"Jordan Chan - Exclusive Memory"

There is one thing we will never tell the current generation.

I still have his coat in my closet,

I still have her habit of keeping a bottle of gum in my car.


Why is it the greatest courtesy to both parties to not interact with each other until they die?


I don't hate you anymore and even forgive your cruel reasons

When I understand that I don't love you anymore

Even memories are a load

"Tanya Tanya - Stranger"

Only by forgetting the past can we respect the future.


Is there really no result in meeting the right person at the wrong time?


so many ifs, maybe if I

but unfortunately no ifs, only the results

" JJ Lin -unfortunately no ifs"

Fewer ifs, in order to have more results.


How humble is it to have a crush on someone?


I can follow you

Like a shadow chasing the light and sleepwalking

I can wait at this intersection

No matter whether you will pass by

" Cen Ning'er - Light Chaser "

Secret love is like a shower of rain .

In the rain, you didn’t look at me, and I didn’t look at the rain.


What does a person who truly loves you look like?


Give me confidence, give me status

This is called happiness, not afraid of passing away

No matter how beautiful they are

Not as precious as you

"Sammi Cheng- Lifelong Beauty "

Love is, I don't need the unknown scenery,

I only want you .

In fact, love is not cheap, but you can only decide for yourself whether it is worth it.

You have to let go of what you once cherished. Only by saying goodbye to the wrong can you meet the right again.

Don't worry, don't think, don't wait, don't be unhappy, don't listen to slow songs when you are sad.

Don’t be too tired in 2019, just be a little braver than 2018.

I hope that in 2019,

you can listen to the songs you like and love the people you like.

David’s PS:

I believe that many people, like me, have many playlists.

I listen to it at work, after an injury, in the shower room, or just for a certain person.

But, I find that really good love songs are as light as water.

Because when a person is extremely sad, he will not write "I will love you even if I die".

is like Lin Xi, such as Huang Weiwen .

A friend of mine who writes lyrics told me that the reason why he can write so many heartbreaking love songs is because he has never experienced that kind of unforgettable love.

You know, a lot of these lyric writers will do anything to rhyme.

For more high-quality articles, please pay attention to the WeChat public platform: ONE Literary Life

Li Zhi is in Shanghai and Lin Jing is in Beijing. Lin Jing said she wanted to drink milk tea. Without saying anything, Li Zhi ordered takeout and sent it to the company.

When the milk tea arrived, there were thirty cups.

Li Zhi said that she didn’t know which flavor she liked, so she ordered everything in the store. "You take what you like to drink, and the rest can be distributed to other colleagues."

has been in love for five years, and their world map is full of marks, and they have experienced the excitement, romance and dullness of all couples.

But this enviable relationship was still defeated by the same old reasons - it was too long in the same place, and one party finally said they were tired.

Lin Jing didn't accept it, crying and yelling that she didn't want to break up. I have to fly to Shanghai, block the boy's company, and ask him to explain clearly.

She sent him the WeChat records of the 1st, 10th, and 100th days together.

Why did we talk so much that we could stay up all night and talk on the phone for five hours? Now, I'm downstairs in your house. I'm so embarrassed that you don't even want to see me.

Li Zhi called me and said that he had guests at home and asked me to persuade Lin Jing to go home. His tone was calm, but I could hear the disgust.

It’s not that I haven’t loved before, but when the relationship wears off to the end, I’m just tired when I’m tired. The joy of the past should be a memory, not a kidnapping.

There are no scars that will not fade, and there are no wounds that will not heal. Let yourself go and let the other person go.

If the other person doesn't want to say goodbye, you can just turn around.

A clear goodbye is not that important.

This story has been sung by Jay Chou a long time ago;


I understand and I know that you are not reluctant to leave.

You said you would be sad, but I don't believe it.

You have left far away, and I will leave slowly. "Open. Why do I even tolerate you when I leave?

I really don't have the talent to be quiet. I will learn to give up on you because I love you so much"

"Jay Chou - An Jing"

Only she knows that eight years of admiration cannot buy a lifetime:


There are obviously so many choices in this world, why can someone say that he has to choose?

Sister-brother love is often the most severe test for girls, because time is always unilaterally full of malice towards women.

But recently my good sister Mandy decided to get married to a boy 4 years younger than herself.

I envy her status.

In the company, she is responsible for taking care of the customers. Hanging out with her husband's friends makes her crazier than any other young girl.

I asked her, how do you know he must be the right person? How can I get married?

She said that when I met him, he was only 20 years old and had not even finished college, but he actually said he wanted to marry me.

She remembers going to the mall one year. When she first started working, her salary was not high, so she only looked at discounted bags and shoes.

Passing the Hermès counter, he suddenly stopped and looked into her eyes and said seriously, I will work hard to make money in the future and buy you Hermès without discounts.

His childishness made her laugh.

It was just a small thing that made her decide to marry him.

They lived together. When Mandy heard the sound of mosquitoes in the middle of the night, he would get up in a daze and turn on the light of his mobile phone to look for mosquitoes.

He didn't turn on the headlights so that she could continue to sleep.

Sometimes he searched for an hour and couldn't find it, so he told her, wake me up if you hear it again. But usually, she would have fallen asleep while he was catching mosquitoes.

She said with emotion: At that time, I felt that must find a man who is willing to get up and help you fight mosquitoes no matter how hard he sleeps.

She played me a song, Chen Li sang:


I reject the better and rounder moon, the unknown madness, the arrogance of sound, and I will not reject you.

"Chen Li - Song of Miraculous Abilities"

Some people go around and around, always feeling that the next one is better. But for some people, I don’t want them no matter how good they are, this person is just fine.

Don't ask others the emotional questions that lyrics can answer.


How long does it take to forget someone?


There is no scar that will not fade

There is no wound that will not heal

There is no despair that will not stop

What are you hesitating about?

"Soda Green - What are you worried about"

Some people, when it comes to love, you can't say love. . Even if you want to say you don’t hate it, you can’t say that you don’t hate it either.

Thinking of a person is like a gust of wind, sometimes it blows very quickly, sometimes it blows slowly.

blew and left.


Does it make sense to get back together after a breakup?


I don't have to ask you to come back

I just want to open the memory again

Apart from you, there is a blank space

Who else can teach me to love

"Xu Jiaying - Lost Sandbank "

Eason Chan even sang, Even if we meet again and perform maturely, is not as good as not seeing .

It is enough that some people have loved it.


How deep is the mark left by loving someone?


I like you, it is my exclusive memory

No one can

Take you away from my body

In the blocked area of ​​​​my feelings

I will never mention you and there is no time limit

"Jordan Chan - Exclusive Memory"

There is one thing we will never tell the current generation.

I still have his coat in my closet,

I still have her habit of keeping a bottle of gum in my car.


Why is it the greatest courtesy to both parties to not interact with each other until they die?


I don't hate you anymore and even forgive your cruel reasons

When I understand that I don't love you anymore

Even memories are a load

"Tanya Tanya - Stranger"

Only by forgetting the past can we respect the future.


Is there really no result in meeting the right person at the wrong time?


so many ifs, maybe if I

but unfortunately no ifs, only the results

" JJ Lin -unfortunately no ifs"

Fewer ifs, in order to have more results.


How humble is it to have a crush on someone?


I can follow you

Like a shadow chasing the light and sleepwalking

I can wait at this intersection

No matter whether you will pass by

" Cen Ning'er - Light Chaser "

Secret love is like a shower of rain .

In the rain, you didn’t look at me, and I didn’t look at the rain.


What does a person who truly loves you look like?


Give me confidence, give me status

This is called happiness, not afraid of passing away

No matter how beautiful they are

Not as precious as you

"Sammi Cheng- Lifelong Beauty "

Love is, I don't need the unknown scenery,

I only want you .

In fact, love is not cheap, but you can only decide for yourself whether it is worth it.

You have to let go of what you once cherished. Only by saying goodbye to the wrong can you meet the right again.

Don't worry, don't think, don't wait, don't be unhappy, don't listen to slow songs when you are sad.

Don’t be too tired in 2019, just be a little braver than 2018.

I hope that in 2019,

you can listen to the songs you like and love the people you like.

David’s PS:

I believe that many people, like me, have many playlists.

I listen to it at work, after an injury, in the shower room, or just for a certain person.

But, I find that really good love songs are as light as water.

Because when a person is extremely sad, he will not write "I will love you even if I die".

is like Lin Xi, such as Huang Weiwen .

A friend of mine who writes lyrics told me that the reason why he can write so many heartbreaking love songs is because he has never experienced that kind of unforgettable love.

You know, a lot of these lyric writers will do anything to rhyme.

For more high-quality articles, please pay attention to the WeChat public platform: ONE Literary Life

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