These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken?

2024/05/1712:51:33 hotcomm 1266

The spiritual home of 200,000 foodies

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t skip the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. However, this time in addition to talking about the drama, I also want to talk about the food in the drama. Today is Friday. I haven’t posted a recipe for a long time. Today’s recipe is from Yigua.

She also made a small public account, which is small but exquisite, called Youkua Tian (id: guatian19). Everyone is welcome to search, follow and encourage Yigua.

- Late Night King

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"Quartet", which has attracted much attention since its launch, ended a few days ago. Sakamoto Yuji's script, Matsu Takako , Mitsushima Hikari , Matsuda Ryuhei and Issey Takahashi with the blessing of four big names, Karuizawa's Shirayuki , classical music, love, friendship and dreams , satisfying all people’s fantasies about this winter.

Of course, in addition to the love, inspiration, suspense and other elements that make people unable to extricate themselves, the poisonous eating scenes and close-ups of food in every episode also whet everyone's appetite.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

It goes without saying whether you need to squeeze lemon for fried chicken, fish soup from Provence, Naples pasta, oden, soba noodles , pork chop rice , fried horse mackerel, rabbit strawberry cake...

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNewsThese days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNewsThese days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNewsThese days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

I believe I have seen it People will be familiar with it. Yuji Sakamoto unfolds the love and life of the characters one by one through the little food, and accidentally makes the problems of life and the problem of the dining table collide together.

Naples Pasta

- I like it so much that I forget what I like -

Jiasen said, "Love between two people is a reality, unrequited love is a dream." "Quartet" is a story about the unrequited love of all members of for . Jiasen likes birds, Que likes Beifu, Beifu likes Juan, Juan is unrequitedly in love with her ex-husband and no longer loves her. The way Katamori loves Sparrow is to keep silent, the way Beppu loves Maki is to confess his love over and over again, and the way Sparrow loves Beppu, in Sparrow's own words, is like loving chocolate triangle milk, "loving it until it's forgotten" My own liking."

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

Early in the morning, Que had a sweet dream in her favorite bed. In the dream, Beppu and Sparrow were sitting on opposite sides of the table eating Neapolitan pasta. Beppu was afraid that the tomato sauce would stain Sparrow's white clothes, so he thoughtfully tied Sparrow an apron. He could feel Sparrow banging through the screen. girlish heart and enthusiasm.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNewsThese days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

However, after waking up from the dream, the reality is that the Neapolitan pasta has turned into soba noodles, the toilet on the second floor is out of order, and Beppu still loves rolling. But liking Xiaoque is quiet. Even if there is a tsunami in your heart, you can wait patiently for it to calm down. Just like Xiaoque said in the conversation with her grandfather, "What I like is probably to stay aside."

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

Neapolitan pasta is a very popular dish in Japanese Western cuisine and often appears in various gourmet Japanese dramas. The first story in the movie version of " Late Night Diner " is about Naples pasta.

During the Meiji period, various Western delicacies entered Japan, including neapolitan sauce. In the beginning, only high-end restaurants could rely on imported ingredients to perfectly replicate the original pasta taste. After World War II, Japan's import of foreign materials was restricted, and ingredients such as bacon and canned tomatoes used in pure Western food naturally became scarce and difficult to obtain. Therefore, versions with sausages instead of bacon and ketchup instead of canned tomatoes appeared. Due to its cheap ingredients and simple preparation, Neapolitan pasta has become a classic home-cooked dish in Japan.


pasta tomatoes green peppers mushrooms sausages

ketchup butter salt black pepper cheese powder


▼ Prepare the ingredients (the mushrooms are gone and replaced with straw mushrooms).

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼Cut the green peppers and onions into shreds, slice the sausages and mushrooms, cut the tomatoes into cross patterns, put them in boiling water, peel and cut into pieces.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ Add tomato cubes with a small amount of water and use a food processor to make juice, about 250ml. Pour the tomato juice into the pot, cook over medium-low heat while stirring for about 3-5 minutes, then add 3 tablespoons of tomato paste and turn off the heat.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ Boil the pasta in boiling water, cook the pasta according to the time on the package, rinse with cold water, drain and set aside.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ Heat butter in a pan, add green pepper, onion, and sausage and stir-fry until slightly soft.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ Add pasta and tomato sauce.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ Add salt and black pepper and serve.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ If you like, you can also add cheese powder like Xiaoque.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNewsThese days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

Pork Chop Don

-Those who have eaten and cried can continue to walk-

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

Because everyone found out what happened in her childhood, Que left without saying goodbye. She chased her out and kept looking for her. Finally, she found her next to the station, and she grabbed her. Que, who was trying to escape, ordered two pork chop bowls in a small restaurant.

Que became her father's deception tool when she was very young. When she grew up, she was burdened with this shadow and could not blend into the crowd. When her father was dying, her family found Que and wanted her to see her father for the last time, but Que did not want to. Que cried into the pork chop bowl, not hoarse, but released all the years of repression and restraint, and Juan began to understand a little bit.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

"When you think about it, there are very few things you can choose in life, and reaching a relationship with like-minded people is really the happiest part of being an adult." When everyone uses the traditional "filial piety" to criticize When he was pregnant, only Juan said to him: It doesn't matter if he doesn't go to the hospital. Let's go back after eating the pork chop rice. The understanding from others is so limited, but it is enough to comfort people.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

Pork Chop Don (Tamako とじカツ丼) is the most basic Japanese home-cooked dish. The fried pork chop is wrapped in half-cooked egg liquid and spread on rice. You can eat both crispy and dense textures at the same time. It is very delicious. satisfy.


Pork tenderloin Onions Eggs Ginger Garlic

Flour Bread crumbs Light soy sauce Mirin Cooking wine Sugar Chicken essence


▼ 1. Cut the tenderloin into slices and use a meat mallet to hammer the meat until it is doubled in size.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ Marinate with minced garlic, light soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, and ginger slices for one hour.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ Remove excess marinade from the pork chops, and coat in flour, egg wash and bread crumbs in sequence.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ Heat oil in a pan, add pork chops, set over high heat, and fry over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ Beat an egg, cut half an onion into shreds, then add 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of mirin (if you don’t have it, use cooking wine), 6 tablespoons of water and chicken essence, and mix it into a sauce.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ Heat the pan, heat the sauce, add the onions and bring to a boil, then add the cut pork chops, add the eggs until solid.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

▼ Put rice in a bowl, top with onions, eggs and pork chops.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

The four owners of "Quartet" are all unsuccessful people in the eyes of ordinary people (Aju's husband has run away, Beppu lives under the huge halo of his family, Jia Mori is still working in his 30s, Que cannot get rid of the shadow of childhood ), the distance between dreams and reality and those unspeakable difficulties allow us to find some "distant similarities" in it. Douban even defines this drama as a "little sad" drama.

However, each of us is unique. In Juan's words, "We come together because of our flaws." A little sadness, a little helplessness, and a little sense of powerlessness are the real themes of this drama.

These days, when it comes to good dramas, you can’t beat the quartet. There is so much love and hate in one drama, and it is full of drama when sitting under the same roof to eat. Do you want fried chicken? - DayDayNews

"The real loser is the kind of person who is so afraid of not succeeding, so scared that he doesn't even try." There is no such thing as easy in the adult world. So, after eating this bowl of pork chop rice, no matter how difficult it is, you have to stand up and keep going!

text / Yigua

picture / Yigua

BGM / おとなの掟-Doughnuts Hole

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