Tang Niu, the God of Cookery: "You can't scare me!" Zhou Xingxing: "I want to scare you, so I'll treat you to a big meal." Tang Niu: "I'm willing to eat it here!" What kind of delicacies make the God of Cookery so good? Who dares to challenge the top 10 delicacies in the world se

2024/05/1712:29:34 hotcomm 1812

The God of Cookery Tang Niu : "You can't scare me!" Zhou Xingxing: "I want to scare you, so I'll treat you to a big meal" Tang Niu: "I'm willing to eat you here!"

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

What kind of delicacies do the God of Cookery have? Eat till you collapse? Who dares to challenge the top 10 delicacies in the world selected by CNN?

is " Puyang ". My sister also came here to find delicious food.

"Battle of Puyang" during the Three Kingdoms period Everyone is familiar with it, right? Cao Cao faked his death to lure Lu Bu into the urn, and sent Xu Chu, Dian Wei , Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, Li Dian, Le Jin "Six generals fighting Lu Bu" (even worse than the three heroes fighting Lu Bu) Meng), finally drove away Lu Bu, and Cao Cao officially became the shepherd of Yanzhou (the above is historical fact, not the Romance of the Three Kingdoms).

After the First World War in Puyang, Cao Cao finally had a base and began to become the hegemon of one party. It can be said that the story of the Three Kingdoms began in Puyang. After more than 1,800 years, Puyang people still inherited the spirit of "dare to challenge and compete for supremacy" during the Three Kingdoms period. When faced with the top 10 delicacies in the world selected by CNN, they shouted: "Puyang delicacies are not inferior to the top 10 delicacies in the world!"

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Let's take a look What are CNN’s top 10 delicacies in the world?

Thai Massaman curry, Italian Napoli pizza, Japanese sushi, Peking duck, German burger, Penang assam laksa, Thai hot and sour soup... Which of these are the top 10 delicacies in the world? There are only two countries in Thailand on the list, and there are no beef noodles, salt crispy chicken, Shaxian snacks... I can't stand it. No wonder Puyang people also have opinions, right?

Puyang is in the center of the Central Plains. Because it is north of Pu River, it is called Puyang. As for why it is said that "the descendants of the dragon come from here" , because the world's earliest dragon totem "the best dragon in the world" was found here; There is a dragon-shaped pattern made of clam shells in the tomb. Puyang is also the capital of "Zhuan Xu" among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and the origin of the surname "Zhang". Friends named Zhang must come to Puyang once in their lives to pay homage to their ancestors.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Take a seat and get ready to eat. When you come to Puyang with a long history, you can eat the " Zhuangmo " which is an "intangible cultural heritage" (so delicious that you will cry), and the most delicious mutton " Pucheng Grilled "Sheep", people wouldn't expect that "Mahua" is also an intangible cultural heritage? In addition to tasting China's oldest rice dumplings, "yellow rice dumplings", there are also a truckload of must-eat delicacies in Puyang:

soy sauce bean cake, golden cicada dry stir-fry, fried enema, Qingfeng stewed rice dumplings, braised whole lamb platter, wild braised Yellow River, pork belly Shaozi cakes, pagoda meat, crispy ridge soup, traditional donkey meat, cold skin, sheep head, Puyang fish, eight bowls of the imperial capital, Yellow River fish soup, Liubaiju sausage, Yuancun dried tofu, Fanxian large steamed buns, Baihu spicy soup, bean juice, roasted pigeon, egg bag, glass balls, Liang-style skin jelly, Taiqian porridge, beef with chili, Shuangmiao jelly, high pile steamed bun, jujube cake, braised pig face, Hongtai Yang chicken feet , burnt meatballs, meatloaf, Shu's pork belly, braised chicken... just looking at this list will scare the God of Food Tang Niu to death: "Wow!"

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

The Eight Great Bowls of the Imperial Capital

When you come to Puyang for a banquet, you must see the "Eight Great Bowls of the Imperial Capital" :

From 626 BC to 531 BC (Warring States Period), the princes met in Weiguo (today's Puyang) to make alliances Tang Niu, the God of Cookery: 4 times. It is said that each time the princes met to make alliances, they would drink chicken blood wine and then have a big party. Bowls for meat and large bowls for drinking gradually evolved into "eight bowls". At weddings and funerals in Puyang, eight bowls must be placed to show grandeur.

(Chicken blood wine? Could this be the origin of "beating chicken blood"? It is said that when chicken blood is injected into the human body, chakra will explode immediately)

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Puyang mixed

According to legend, Li Zicheng, the king of Chuang in the late Ming Dynasty (forced Chongzhen to hang himself) Guy) led the troops to conquer Puzhou (now Pucheng, Fan County) at that time. In order to reward the soldiers, the local people took out the best food at home and sent it to the military camp. The army also took out the best military rations. The food was mixed together in a stew pot; after subsequent improvements, it became today's "Puyang Mixed Mix". The current ingredients are no longer a hodgepodge, but rather sophisticated. The main ingredients are large crispy pork, diced pork belly, burnt meatballs, etc., which have both hot and sour taste and rich taste.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Puyang Zhuang Mo

Zhuang Mo is a dish that can be found in Henan and Shandong, but its origin is Puyang. The taste is mainly mutton + green onion. It is shaped like a full moon, golden in color, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, fresh but not smelly, and fragrant. It's not greasy...it just means that the powder is delicious, and I heard that it's also vegetarian.

The dough is made of half-baked bread and meat filling, and the meat filling is supplemented with green onions. After wrapping, fry it in a frying pan (a large pan, as shown below) until the outside is brown and the inside is smooth.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

The origin of Zhuang Mo , according to legend, during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a scholar in Puyang (then known as Kaizhou) whose parents had died and his family was in decline. He was living in the family of his father-in-law. He was despised by his father-in-law, but his wife was indifferent to the scholar. The scholar was about to go to Beijing to take the exam and discussed the expenses with his father-in-law. My father-in-law was known as an iron rooster and only brought some pancakes along the way to satisfy his hunger. The wife couldn't bear it and secretly mixed meat fillings into the pancake. The appearance was no different from ordinary pancakes.

Later, when the scholar became the top scholar in high school, Zhu Yuanzhang asked him what he wished for. The number one scholar said: "I would like to taste Zhuojing's pancakes again." In fact, this meant asking the emperor to help pick up his wife to Beijing. Of course, the emperor understood (I thought you had been holding it in for a long time) and ordered that the wife of the number one scholar be picked up quickly. Come, he also said that he would offer this cake on a certain day. Zhu Yuanzhang was very happy after eating Longyan. Because it was brought by the number one scholar, he named it "the number one scholar steamed bun". Since then, the Zhuangyuan steamed bun has spread, and there is always a Guo Gong Xia Wu. Because eating it can strengthen the body, the Zhuangyuan steamed bun has become today's Zhuang steamed bun.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Let’s see how to make strong buns.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Just seeing the chef put so much meat on it makes me so hungry.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

The griddle looks like this, a big pan.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

There are two theories about the origin of Zhuangmo.

1. Puyang Zhuangmo began in the late Sui Dynasty. Because there were many wars in Puyang in ancient times, it was the food brought when going into battle to kill the enemy, so it was named "Zhuangmo" (probably to strengthen courage). .

2. Due to their huge shape, the diameter of the steamed buns is about 50 centimeters, and the thickness ranges from 5 to 7 centimeters. Each steamed bun weighs more than 10 kilograms. It is a giant in dry food and a giant in grilled meals. "General" comes from the majestic and mighty "Zhuang".

Zhuangmo is known as "Puyang's century-old famous food" and was included in the provincial intangible cultural heritage of Henan Province in 2009.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Huaji Soup

Pucheng Huaji Soup is one of the traditional famous dishes of Puyang . It is characterized by the delicious fragrance of the soup. Just out of the pot, the Huaji soup looks oily and smooth, and tastes soft and mellow, with a fragrant aroma.

According to legend, during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, one time, the Empress Dowager Cixi fell ill and was bedridden all day long without thinking about food or tea. So he issued an edict to the world that anyone who could help the Empress Dowager Lafayette regain her appetite and restore her health would be heavily rewarded! Although there were no sesame beef balls at that time, a cook from Puzhou (today's Puyang) came to the capital to present a carefully made delicacy to the Queen Mother, which was the fat but not greasy, tender and delicious Huaji soup. As soon as the Queen Mother put the meat in her mouth to taste it, the meat slipped into her belly and she ate several pieces in a row (wasn't it bad for her health if she didn't chew it thoroughly?). The aroma of the meat lingered in her mouth. The Queen Mother greatly appreciated it and ordered the dish to be called "Slippery Soup".

In today's Puyang, every household must cook a vat of Huachi soup during every wedding, funeral, and festival. Moreover, the men here have to hold a big bowl when drinking Huaji soup, hold a cake in their hand that is bigger than the bowl, and talk about the mountains while eating.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Crispy skin soup

Wash and cut the fresh tenderloin into strips, marinate it to taste, then scald it with thickening powder and make it into a pulp. Add the thickening powder piece by piece to the soup pot, simmer over low heat, then add ginger, shredded green onion and pepper. Wait, take out the pot and scoop out the delicious Slippery Ridge Soup. Just out of the pot, the Huaji soup looks oily and smooth, and tastes soft and mellow.

(Don’t ask me why the store uses an urn with Buddha jumping over the wall. Didn’t I know?)

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Yellow rice fragrant rice dumplings

Have you ever seen the oldest rice dumplings in China?

I know that we eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival, but neither you nor I know what the oldest rice dumplings look like. In ancient times, yellow rice was used to make rice dumplings. They tasted very soft and could promote digestion. They were suitable for the elderly and children. They were different from the glutinous rice rice dumplings today that are sticky and indigestible.

presents the method of making golden soft yellow rice fragrant rice dumplings;

Red bean fine sand and yellow rice fragrant rice dumplings

Main ingredients: fresh rice dumpling leaves, large yellow rice

Accessories: bean paste, red dates, etc.


1. Take out the large yellow rice and use Boil water once, put it into a basin, and soak it in water. You can also add red dates and soak it one night in advance;

2. Drain the water, fold the zong leaves into cup shapes, and add large yellow rice, red dates, or bean paste;

3 .Cover the mouth of the cup with the remaining rice dumpling leaves, wrap them into rice dumplings, and tie them with cotton string;

4. Put the wrapped rice dumplings into the pot, cook them and eat them while they are hot.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Puyang Sheep Head + Whole Sheep Platter

The one wearing red flowers in the middle is a sheep head, Puyang Sheep Head has a history of hundreds of years. It is made from little sheep over 6 months old, using ancestral recipes and 15 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine. , the sheep head is rich in aroma, the meat is rotten off the bones, salty and delicious, and has an endless aftertaste. It is said that mutton has the effect of strengthening the body and keeping fit, but I don’t need it.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Pucheng roasted mutton, sausages, offal, etc. are placed next to it, so you can eat all the delicious food together.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Puwei Roast Chicken

Puyang Roast Chicken became very popular during the Wanli Period of the Ming Dynasty. It is said that Puyang Roast Chicken was used as a tribute to Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty during the Ming Dynasty. The oil is tender but not burnt, and you won't get tired after eating it. Emperor Wanli was so happy after tasting it that he stretched out his thumb and said, "This is the first thing I've eaten."

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

I found that people in Puyang love to eat pancakes. Many dishes are eaten in pancakes, and there are various kinds of pancake crusts to match.

Pagoda meat with cake

Pagoda meat looks like a pyramid stacked one on top of another. It consists of pork belly, pickled vegetables, star anise, cinnamon, cornstarch, water, brown sugar, and braised secret sauce. After cooking, Stuffed, fried, steamed, four procedures, the flavor is burned into the heart of the meat.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Puyang bad fish

bad fish is a traditional local dish in Puyang. Almost every household along the Yellow River makes it. Puyang bad fish is mainly made of Yellow River carp or grass carp, added with onion, ginger and a little water to simmer until the fish body becomes translucent and can be eaten. The body of the cooked bad fish looks intact, but the bones are as rotten as mud, as if it has been broken into pieces. A bite of it is very nutritious and rich in calcium and protein.

According to folklore, the Eight Immortals' Tieguai Li was on the bank of the Yellow River. Seeing the fat Yellow River carps that the fishermen had just picked up, they took a few and put them in the gourd. They accidentally turned into bad fish (is it a gourd or a stove? ). When Tieguai Li tasted it, he found that the taste was so delicious that he almost chewed the gourd, so the method of spoiling the fish was spread among the fishermen.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Sauce Bean Cake

Sauce Bean Cake selects plump soybeans, steams them for fermentation, adds salt, pepper powder, fennel powder, sesame..., seasoning, pats them with hands to make a cake, and then dry them in the sun to mature. Puyang people like to eat it fried and mixed with polenta. My sister tried it and it was delicious.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Golden Cicada Dry Stir-fried

The Chinese invented the technology of extracting silk, and the remaining silkworm pupae were fried and eaten. After the delicious taste of insect pupae was discovered, other insects naturally could not escape. This dish is from the tree. Cicada pupa.

Cicada pupae are very nutritious and delicious. They taste a bit like fried chicken skin. Cicada pupae have been an advanced nutritional supplement for frail elderly people and women since ancient times. In recent years, Japanese people have also become popular in eating bug dinners, and they are imitating China again.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Fried sausage

is similar to blood sausage, but it is made of pig blood and flour. It is not the pig blood + pork of German blood sausage. It is also poured into the pig intestines, with onions, ginger, sesame oil and other condiments, and then used after filling. Bring to a simmer. The cooked sausage has a strange color and is red and white on the inside. It can be fried or steamed (put it into a bamboo sieve and boil it). The steamed enema tastes authentic, while the fried enema tastes oily and fragrant.

"Fried enema" can be eaten in many places, such as Hebei and Shandong..., but there is "no casing"? There isn’t even pig blood, it’s replaced with red pigment + starch. So before you leave Puyang, you have to ask the waiter before ordering this dish. If the cooking method is unreliable, don’t order it.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Qingfeng Stewed Zi

Stewed Zi is an indispensable farm dish for rural banquets, and is indispensable for all weddings and funerals, as well as dinners with friends.According to legend, this dish already existed during the reign of Renzong in the Northern Song Dynasty. Mix minced pork with mung bean flour and potato flour, add seasonings, mix well, then pour it into a plate and steam it until cooked. Finally, beat the eggs well and pour into the stew pot and steam for two minutes, so that there is a yellow layer on top. Cut into thin slices and dipped in mustard, it's a delicious delicacy with wine (unfortunately, I don't drink alcohol).

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Liu Family Traditional Donkey Meat

This dish is well-known throughout the country. The Liu Family Traditional Donkey Meat was created in the late Republic of China. It is soaked with more than 10 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine that strengthens the spleen and stomach for several days. The meat and ingredients are integrated into one and then stewed. I have eaten it many times in Henan, and the taste is a little different each time, but the meat of Pu'er is fresh and tender, and the salty fragrance is deep.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Peanut Pig Knuckles

Puyang Crazy Pig Knuckles (Taiwanese say "crazy" means everyone loves it) has a history of more than a hundred years. The braised soup packets are the exclusive recipes of each restaurant, usually containing more than 10 kinds of cinnamon, grass fruits, etc. Chinese medicine is grown, and the secret sweet noodle sauce is added to add color and fragrance. The color is bright, the meat and bones are separated by a gentle bite, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it becomes. There is no need to chew at all, just suck it. It is said that it takes 3 hours to cook. It reminds me of the braised pork soup in Busan, South Korea, and I also learned from us.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Liangpi rolls

The thick ones are called stuffed skin, and the thin ones are called Liangpi. Regardless of whether the soup is dry, the locals must eat it with chili sauce.

Liangpi stalls can be seen in the streets and alleys of Puyang, but they are not a local invention. Liangpi was introduced from the Qinghai area. A group of Puyang people working in Qinghai brought the Liangpi back, but it became one of the favorites of the locals and even became a Hometown food. The people of Puyang have localized the seasoning, and they eat it no matter whether they are breakfast, lunch or dinner, during festivals, weddings and funerals, or at gatherings for small talk...

The tour guide explained that Puyang people would say to foreign friends: "If you don't eat a bowl of Puyang Liangpi when you come to Puyang, you will be sorry for the road you have walked under your feet and the sky above your head."

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Peanut Buds

I heard that these are This dish became popular in 2017. It tastes like an "enlarged version of bean sprouts" and has a great texture.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Braised wild Yellow River fish

The ancients regarded Yellow River carp, Yiluo bream, Songjiang perch and Yangtze River shad as the four most delicious river fish in China. Unfortunately, most people can only eat carp now. Why eat wild ones? Purely wild carp with solid meat.

The word "wild" is very meaningful to Taiwanese friends, such as "wild Terry Gou ", "wild Zhang Zhongmou ", "wild Ma Ying-jeou"... but it has nothing to do with the real wild. If you have a chance, sister Let’s talk about it.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Appetizing Hawthorn cake

"Is this jelly?" It is sour and sweet, and it feels so refreshing when it slides into your mouth.

Hawthorn is a local specialty. Hawthorn cake is made from fresh hawthorn fruit. Taiwan can only eat dried hawthorn, which is very pitiful. Hawthorn cake is made by boiling hawthorn fruit and pressing it into mud, mixing with starch and sugar to make a hawthorn paste, and finally placing it in the refrigerator to solidify into a cake.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Hanging stove pancakes

I just said that people here love to eat pancakes. In fact, the pancakes here are also delicious, because Henan is a wheat producing area, and the local pancakes have the most aroma of wheat.

The hanging stove is an iron pot placed upside down on a charcoal square stove, which symbolizes the round sky and the square place. The sesame seed cakes are dipped in sesame seeds to symbolize the sky full of stars. When the crust is browned, it is quickly taken out of the oven. It is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and the aroma spreads to the neighborhood. You can stuff it with various fillings according to your personal preference, whether sweet or salty.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Rock Sugar Snow Pear

Another good thing produced locally is Sydney. Pear blossoms are planted in parks in Puyang. You can see pear blossoms in spring and harvest Sydney pears in autumn. You can pick pears back home just by going to the park and feed them to local residents. Oh, but they are smaller, not the same variety as the large and plump pear in the photo.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

The one in the picture above looks very much like a large incense burner...it is a "mutton soup stove". Is it easy to misunderstand it? It is said that mutton soup can be cooked for 200 people at the same time. Should we also introduce a mutton stove in Taiwan? Very cool.

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Tang Niu, the God of Cookery:

Sister, you are full and ready to continue your itinerary. There are many Puyang delicacies that I can introduce to you. However, no matter how detailed and well-described I am, it is not as good as if you go there yourself and experience it yourself.




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