Welcome to Ewha Music Station. This program is produced by Ewha Education. I am Lu Qian, the host of Ewha Sound Training Institute. Do you still remember the once-popular movie "Macau 2"? Shi Yijian, who has incredible poker skills; Mo Chou, who is cold and mysterious; Silly Qian

2024/05/1614:33:32 hotcomm 1391

Welcome to Ewha Music Station. This program is produced by Ewha Education. I am Lu Qian, the host of Ewha Sound Training Institute. Do you still remember the once-popular movie

Welcome to Ewha Music Station. This program is produced by Ewha Education. I am Lucy, the anchor of Ewha Sound Training Institute.

Do you still remember the once popular movie "Macau 2"? Shi Yijian, who has incredible poker skills; Mo Chou, who is cold and mysterious; Silly Qiang, a robot with a Sichuan accent; and the sad theme music "Stop" when the male and female protagonists say goodbye, are all memorable.

But what I want to share today is not this movie, but another beautiful song "Letting Go" by Tanya Tanya, the creator of the movie theme song. This song is produced by Tanya Tanya, the queen of quality. It must be a masterpiece and very good. Nice to hear.

's song "Letting Go" was written by Tanya herself from songwriting to singing. The song was included in the album "Speaking of Love" and was released by Yashen Music on November 18, 2011. Once the song was released, it was favored by fans and was quickly clicked and sung.

Tanya Chua's English name is Tanya Chua. She was born in Singapore on January 28, 1975, but her ancestral home is Jiangsu Province, China. She is currently a Chinese pop female singer and a talented woman who combines music production and songwriting. She has won the Taiwan Golden Melody Award for Best Mandarin Female Singer three times, and is the first Chinese singer to win this award three times. She once revealed in the talk show "Venus Show" that the reason for emotional failure was that there was too much blank space between them, and as time went by, they became suspicious of each other. Perhaps because of her emotional difficulties, her singing style is slightly melancholy and lazy, but this also makes her music style unique and distinctive.

Speaking of Tanya Tanya's voice, it is also very unique. Her voice is slightly hoarse, giving people a calm and restrained feeling. After incorporating the bubble sounds, her articulation is still very friendly, which makes her voice even more magnetic. At the same time, her innate mid-bass sound is like mechanical friction, patchwork but with a texture of vicissitudes of life. Tanya Tanya's unique singing characteristics make the song "Letting Go" even more enjoyable to listen to.

"The role I play in your life is too vague. You are often hot and cold towards me. Am I a lover or a friend? Should I not take my love for you too seriously? That's why, I'm letting go..." , vague love makes the other party uneasy, and in the end they can only let go and leave.

Perhaps as the song goes, love is like driving a train. Many people add charcoal to the train hard in the early stage, and the car runs very fast. Slowly, the enthusiasm fades, and less and less charcoal is added, and the train stops. , and finally had no choice but to get off the car. We must learn to keep adding fuel to the train of love, perhaps only in this way can we reach the station of happiness.

Thank you for listening to Ewha Music Station. This program is produced by Ewha Education. I am Lu Qian, the anchor of Ewha Sound Training Academy. The article for this issue is written by Yuma Qiuchan, a student of Ewha Writing Academy. Welcome to listen next time.

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