Although Russia has expressed its attitude of easing the situation in Ukraine, this is actually extremely negative news for the US government. The famous American rumor-mongering media "CNN" once pointed out that Biden, who loves to hear about war, is actually exaggerating the th

2024/05/1608:23:33 hotcomm 1925

February 7, Russian President Putin met with the visiting French President Macron in Moscow and said that if " Ukraine joins NATO " and attempts to attack Crimea through "military means" , then European countries will automatically be dragged into a military conflict with "no winners". In this regard, the Russian government will do its best to find a compromise solution that satisfies all countries. Although Russia has expressed its attitude of easing the situation in Ukraine, this is actually extremely negative news for the US government.

Prior to this, the "telephone conversation" between US President Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky on the situation in eastern Ukraine did not present a "pleasant" atmosphere. The famous American rumor-mongering media "CNN" once pointed out that Biden, who loves to hear about war, is actually exaggerating the threat of the Russian military to Zelensky. For this reason, he even warned Ukraine, claiming that even if the eastern Ukraine region is in a frozen soil environment, Russia The military's armored forces can still quickly advance into Ukraine. And the Russian army is likely to launch a military offensive in February!

Although Russia has expressed its attitude of easing the situation in Ukraine, this is actually extremely negative news for the US government. The famous American rumor-mongering media

This made the already timid Ukrainian government feel that the situation was quite dangerous. Although Zelensky himself was very cautious and stated that he did not really want to annoy the Russian government, the Ukrainian armed forces were still gathering in eastern Ukraine. Military deployments have even been launched near the Russian-speaking areas of Donetsk and Lugansk. Many local residents have expressed uneasiness about the situation, and some young Ukrainians even expressed their wish to "immigrate to Western European countries for asylum" on international social media platforms.

According to comprehensive statistics from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe , the Ukrainian army currently deploys approximately 150,000 troops in the eastern region of the country. Although many European media are exaggerating the Russian army’s troop dispatch and military plans, they have The Uzbek army is never mentioned. It is conceivable whether the country behind it is the United States. From the perspective of military equipment, the main equipment of the Ukrainian army is provided by the United States and NATO. The Ukrainian army commanders at all levels are also guided by NATO military advisors. In other words, once a war breaks out between Ukraine and Russia, it is likely to actually turn into a confrontation between the two armies of NATO armed forces and Russian armed forces.

Although Russia has expressed its attitude of easing the situation in Ukraine, this is actually extremely negative news for the US government. The famous American rumor-mongering media

However, in addition to the simultaneous actions of the Russian army, the Ukrainian army, and the NATO armies, the mercenaries of "Blackwater Worldwide" are also carrying out various secret operations in the eastern Uzbek region. In order to support the Ukrainian army In response to the US government's anti-Russian call, Blackwater International invested approximately US$10 billion in financial support to Ukraine. It is worth noting that Blackwater International is an American private military, security consulting, and security services company, and is a product of the U.S. military-industrial complex. Judging from the current known intelligence, this company is still one of the important partners of the US State Department.

According to the previous plan of Eric Prince, the founder of the company, Blackwater International currently plans to establish an ammunition factory in Ukraine. It also wants to integrate Ukrainian domestic aviation and aerospace companies to achieve cooperation with Boeing and Air Force. Customer company competition in terms of technical level. According to further investigation and intelligence, Prince, as Trump's personal adviser, played an important role in sabotaging cooperation projects between Chinese companies and Ukrainian Motorsich during the administration of President Trump.

Although Russia has expressed its attitude of easing the situation in Ukraine, this is actually extremely negative news for the US government. The famous American rumor-mongering media

However, it is precisely because Blackwater International has a long-term cooperative relationship with Trump that Biden, Trump’s political enemy, is unlikely to support Blackwater International’s important military projects in Ukraine. However, even if Biden does not support it, the Russian government will not lower its guard against the arms company. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu condemned: "The U.S. private military company is preparing to use unknown chemical weapons to provoke tensions in the region, which is likely to become the trigger for a war in Europe."

Of course, according to the conventional script of the United States, these Blackwater mercenaries who have no moral ethics are likely to release biological and chemical weapons on the Ukrainian citizens in the Donbass area and frame the tragedy. The Russian residents of Donetsk and Luhansk subsequently induced the Ukrainian government forces to dispatch the main force to attack the Russians, forcing the Russian army to take radical countermeasures. If this is the case, then the large-scale local war is likely not to be limited to Ukraine and Russia, but will also affect the United States, Belarus , Poland , Turkey and other countries to a certain extent (of course, Britain, France, Germany, etc. It is unlikely that the country will participate in the war, and the main focus will be watching the theater).

Although Russia has expressed its attitude of easing the situation in Ukraine, this is actually extremely negative news for the US government. The famous American rumor-mongering media

What deserves our attention is that from Shaoyigu’s above-mentioned statement, we can see the real mastermind behind this confrontation between Wuhan and Dongfang—that is, the US military-industrial complex . Although the U.S. government has always been very interested in war, what can really bring them economic benefits is to increase their country's income through arms exports. The United States is the world's largest arms exporter, and Russia is second only to the United States. Therefore, the two countries have a very obvious competitive relationship in arms trade. It’s just that the Russian military’s equipment is high-quality and low-priced, while the U.S. military’s equipment is high-end and has different practicalities for countries with different national conditions.

Only in this confrontation between Ukraine and East China, once Ukraine and Russia go to war, the United States will help the Ukrainian army and other anti-Russian forces through arms sales, and at the same time make a lot of money for its own military-industrial complex. This seems to be beneficial and harmless to the United States, but because this war happened in Russia, it is difficult for Russian military equipment to be sold to other countries, and it will have a certain impact on its own economy. Therefore, Russia has been trying its best to avoid the possibility of large-scale war, but the United States is doing the opposite.

Although Russia has expressed its attitude of easing the situation in Ukraine, this is actually extremely negative news for the US government. The famous American rumor-mongering media

What deserves our attention is that there is an extreme armed force called the "Azov Battalion" that is ready to massacre civilians and kill Russian troops on the front line. Trained by the United States, they were notorious in Eastern Europe for their ruthless massacres of ethnic Russians. The Azov Battalion was founded and managed by Andriy Biletsky. Their flag imitated the Nazi SS flag and attracted many neo-Nazis across Europe to join the army.

What is most alarming is that Biletsky was promoted to the rank of colonel in the Ukrainian National Guard. This shows that the Azov Battalion is not just a simple military unit, but has been recognized by many high-level government officials in Ukraine and has formed an extreme ideological movement. Biletsky is very good at marketing his personal charm, and even organized many Ukrainian youths with Russian hatred to serve as the "death squads" he envisioned. In addition, he brainwashed a large number of young Ukrainians through his book "Quotes from the Head of the White Race", turning Ukraine into a place of fascism.

Although Russia has expressed its attitude of easing the situation in Ukraine, this is actually extremely negative news for the US government. The famous American rumor-mongering media

Judging from the current situation, the situation in Wudong will continue to change. Once American Blackwater mercenaries provoke a war between the two countries, a large-scale local war is likely to be imminent. We will continue to pay attention to the confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, and hope that Ukraine and Russia can maintain long-term peace. After all, we do not want to see Ukraine become the next Syria , and the United States has once again gained from this military confrontation. Very beneficial.

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