Because there is actually an important middle ground between sufficient and insufficient salary, which is "a person's financial management values." Sitting on a high salary, but

2024/05/1606:58:33 hotcomm 1662

Regarding salary income, what amount means sufficient income, and what amount means insufficient income?

In fact, there is no so-called sufficient or insufficient salary, because there is actually an important middle ground between sufficient and insufficient salary, which is "a person's financial management values"! Because for some people, even if they have a high salary, if their hearts expand endlessly, they will still feel that their income will never reach the standard; but on the other hand, for some people, in the use of a fixed monthly salary, But I can feel that my life is rich and stable. The difference is caused by each person's different distribution of money values ​​​​in salary income.

The issue of salary distribution is an important factor that can cause brainstorming among family members in every family. Some family members believe that salary distribution has a certain connection with "single-income families" or " double-income families." However, some family members believe that salary distribution is related to personal needs. Therefore, how to figure out a reasonable salary distribution plan and achieve the best interests of family financial management can avoid turmoil in financial management issues for every family.

Because there is actually an important middle ground between sufficient and insufficient salary, which is

However, each family member has a different order of salary distribution! Therefore, how to skillfully avoid family members' disputes over income distribution is also a kind of knowledge. At this time, we can only rationally emphasize the personal needs of family financial management. Sometimes it is difficult to gain recognition from other members of the family, so everyone has their own understanding of "needs." At this time, the "financial management emotional intelligence " expressed by family members in communication is far more important than the "financial management IQ" !

Because salary needs to be managed; at the same time, emotions also need to be managed in financial management. In the distribution of income resources, if the whole family gets into disputes because of one person's stubbornness, and then causes the family to be divided, then the gains will really outweigh the losses.

In the concept of resource allocation, everyone knows that in terms of food, clothing, housing, transportationeducation, we should try our best to cook by ourselves and reduce eating out. In terms of clothing, we must purchase high-quality and premium brands at discounts. When it comes to housing, everyone understands that when buying or renting a house, you should do what you can and don’t overspend. In addition, most people also know that in terms of transportation, if you need to buy a car for transportation, you should consider the price based on your family's needs, because vehicles are depreciating items. In terms of education, every family knows that they must give their children the best education within their own capabilities. As for leisure items, most people also know that luxury leisure needs to be reduced.

Unfortunately, many families know that salary distribution must be based on reason over emotion. Although many families know what to pay attention to when it comes to food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and entertainment, they connive at not doing a reasonable proportion of salary distribution. The consumption patterns of many families often deviate from reasonable salary distribution. In divorce cases, there are many examples of disputes over money. This is why financial management issues always play an important role in every family.

Because there is actually an important middle ground between sufficient and insufficient salary, which is

In fact, every family’s salary source, whether it is double salary or single salary, there are families that can do a good job in salary distribution, and there are also families that can’t do a good job in salary distribution. My first job in my professional career was working in the German import and export department. One day, while dining with colleagues in the employee cafeteria, a colleague from the R&D department was a white Canadian man. That day was Friday, and he mentioned that the next day was Saturday, which was the day he was looking forward to because he was going to take an aviation flight course with his son, who was studying in college.

I was very surprised after hearing this. As someone who has completed financial education, I couldn’t help but ask the other person, how do you manage money? Why can you afford aviation lessons with a salary similar to mine?I couldn't help but ask: Would you mind telling me whether you and your partner have a double salary or a single salary? Usually this topic, in the foreign company I was working in at the time, was 99% white, so the topic of salary had to be avoided. However, because we were colleagues in the same company, we discussed the salary of each department. It’s knowing. Therefore, I had the courage to ask whether the other party was a double-income family or a single-income family.

In fact, what I was more curious about at the time was: How did he distribute wages? Unexpectedly, this middle-aged male colleague enthusiastically shared his and his wife’s financial management strategies with us, who were just starting out at the time. He said that his wife was a housewife and they were a one-income family. He also took the initiative to mention that the money distribution between him and his wife changed after the child was born.

At that time, his wife quit her job and became a full-time housewife. Because his wife was a housewife, they did not need to hire a nanny when the children were young. And because his wife was a housewife, she also had time to specialize in cooking. , so they save a lot of money on eating out and only eat out on specific days. This colleague mentioned that although the company has a cheap and good employee restaurant, he only dines in the employee restaurant on Fridays because it is the day when he communicates with colleagues. From Monday to Thursday, he carries nutritious lunches prepared by his wife.

On the other hand, after I got married, among my colleagues in the medical field who knew my husband, there were doctors and couples with double salaries, who went to court because of financial reasons and ended up getting divorced. My husband and I often have regular dinners with these colleagues, so I know some of the factors that lead to divorce among physician couples. From my observation, the financial aspect of divorce can only be described as "it's too luxurious"!

Because there is actually an important middle ground between sufficient and insufficient salary, which is

Take one of the couples as an example. The couple both use luxury cars to travel. The luxury cars I refer to do not just refer to well-known car brands, but the two couples unanimously choose the highest-priced car among the luxury car brands. At the same time, the places where the two of them vacationed at that time included the most luxurious travel itineraries. Although some of the expenses could be reimbursed as expenses for meetings, the expenses for meetings were only a small part of the couple's travel expenses. Most of them are private expenses.

Another reason for the improper distribution of wages is that the couple overspent on housing. Although the most important thing when buying a house is a good location, if you buy a giant mansion in a good area, your neighbors will often be the bosses of big companies. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for these two medical couple to have the same consumption pattern as business tycoons. Therefore, the burden of housing finance has become a monthly nightmare for them. In addition, add in the expenses of live-in nanny and weekend meals, as well as the expenses of the children's prestigious schools and talent studies. The friction between the two caused by the financial expenses is of course unavoidable. With a high-standard family salary distribution like

, even if both parties have high-paying incomes, it is difficult to withstand financial pressure, which becomes a source of quarrels. Of course, this example is just one example of the imbalance in salary distribution in dual-income families. In fact, there are many dual-income families where both husband and wife can have good communication and create a win-win situation in salary distribution.

Therefore, whether it is a dual-income or single-income family, the success or failure of salary distribution depends on the "financial emotional intelligence" of both spouses..

has two brief opinions on the issue of "family salary distribution":

1: Don't compare:

The evolution of the times has deepened material desires. People often forget the true meaning of life and forget that life is all about feeling comfortable and stable! Modern people's excessive pursuit of material is sometimes due to a "comparative mentality" . They mistakenly believe that what others have, I must also have, otherwise I will lose. In fact, winning or losing in life does not depend on whether the material is good or not, but on whether you/you have good qualities, care about your/your own family and friends, and make other people's lives better because of you/you. Rather than letting yourself live in a state of material comparison in life.

I have seen skits performed on TV programs. Modern people have deteriorated filial piety due to their comparison mentality.As children, we compare ourselves with others on what items we should give to our parents and family during the holidays. What others have, we should also have. This approach is not wrong, because it is right to give your family good material comfort. But don't compare! Do your best and don’t let yourself become a marketing spokesperson for your product. Because, in salary distribution, filial piety and love for family members are necessary, but don't forget that in family life, the greatest asset is "company" !

2: Flexible allocation:

The most important thing about salary allocation is flexibility. What is elasticity? It is to make advance solutions to all conceivable unexpected events in salary and income. In other words, when it comes to salary distribution, there must be a situation where there is no warning. Taking real estate as an example, when purchasing a property, everyone knows that they have to deduct expenses such as real estate agents, home inspections, and lawyer fees. However, many people just forget that there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and misfortunes and misfortunes can happen overnight. Many people forget how to deal with the situation when their salary income changes and their salary decreases.

I am in Canada and have seen too many people who are eager to buy a house, but due to salary changes later, they are unable to pay the loan and need to sell the house. Therefore, emergency relief funds must be reserved in salary allocation. In a family, the salary allocation set aside for emergency relief is an important factor in maintaining family stability. A family that knows how to save an emergency amount on weekdays will feel that there is still hope in life because of the emergency relief funds in salary distribution when life encounters changes.


In life, whether the family has a double salary or a single salary, whether the salary is fixed or not, you must set up a good program in your mind, and allocate the salary to food, clothing, housing and transportation based on your family's expense records. The proportion of education and entertainment. Be sure to set aside emergency funds at the time of allocation. Because the quality of a person's life is not entirely measured by material things. Material life and taste are just accessories of life. Don't let greed leave room in your life.

The real life is to rely on "stability". Never show one's financial resources through waste. Really wealthy people do not necessarily have to show themselves in luxury houses and luxury cars. When the consequences of improper salary distribution will only reflect a person's immaturity. We hope that every family can become the biggest winner in terms of salary distribution.

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