The "Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation" released the latest popularity poll of Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen in June on the 21st. 47% approved of Tsai Ing-wen's way of handling government affairs, while 42% disapproved. Those who approved were about 5% more than those who disagree

2024/05/0819:35:34 hotcomm 1031

Tsai Ing-wen's popularity continues to decline (Taiwan's "China Times" file photo)

"Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation" released the latest popularity poll of Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen in June on the 21st. 47% approved of Tsai Ing-wen's handling of government affairs. Regarding the method, 42% disagree, and those who agree are about 5% more than those who disagree. You Yinglong, chairman of the "Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation", said that overall, Tsai Ing-wen's popularity continues to decline. The most direct impact is that the Democratic Progressive Party lacks a strong protective shield in the "nine-in-one" county and city elections at the end of the year.

You Yinglong pointed out that compared with last month, Tsai Ing-wen’s polls have not significantly fluctuated. Due to the serious outbreak of the local Omicron epidemic, the DPP authorities’ epidemic prevention performance is no longer talked about by the people. Tsai Ing-wen’s Opinion polls have also begun to fall, and public support has been below 50% for three consecutive months. Tsai Ing-wen's continued decline in popularity will be an important variable affecting the process and results of county and city elections.

At the same time, this poll also investigated the overall governance performance of the administrative team led by Su Zhenchang, the head of the Taiwan authorities' administrative agency. The results found that 46% of the people were satisfied and 46% were dissatisfied. You Yinglong emphasized that although it was half and half, 24% of people are very dissatisfied, while only 11% of people are very satisfied. This is by no means good news for Su Zhenchang. (Source: Taiwan's "China News Network")

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