On May 19, Jiangsu Province released the "Service Guidelines on Relevant Business Relief Policies for the Film Industry in Jiangsu Province", which is the first implementable, executable and implementable service guideline for the film industry in the country.

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On May 19, Jiangsu Province released the

On May 19, Jiangsu Province released the "Service Guidelines on Relevant Business Relief Policies for the Film Industry in Jiangsu Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines"). This is the first implementable, executable and implementable service in the national film industry. guide.

Compared with other relief policies previously introduced, the "Service Guide", which contains five aspects and 25 specific policy service items, answers the most important questions for film companies such as "How to do it? Where to do it? Who to do it? How long will it take?" issues of concern, and further clarified the scope of policy application, service methods, and service procedures, greatly improving service efficiency. After the

"Guide" was released, the two "10 million" subsidy policies for film companies attracted widespread attention. Talking about the time for the subsidy to be implemented, the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau said in an interview with this newspaper that the subsidy will be allocated to the resumed theaters as soon as possible. Regarding the film financial product "Suyingbao 2.0", the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau has preliminary sorted out the information reported by the companies and submitted a "white list" to financial institutions, including 126 companies with a financing demand of 657 million. Yuan. The next step will be for the financial institution to review and release the payment as soon as possible.

In fact, long before the two "10 million" were introduced, in order to allow film companies to "survive", in March this year, the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau, together with the Provincial Department of Finance, allocated 28 million yuan in bonus funds in advance, directly to the entire province Eligible theaters.

Up to now, in addition to the provincial-level relief policies in Jiangsu, Wuxi , Suzhou , Changzhou and other districts and cities in Jiangsu Province have also introduced corresponding support policies. Provide film companies with various subsidies such as rent, resumption of business, anti-epidemic, and job stabilization.

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau said, " Only by allowing the film market entities to survive and become stronger can the film industry have a future." In the next step, Jiangsu will guide various localities to introduce more targeted assistance policies to effectively provide enterprises with Solve worries and problems, protect market entities, and store energy for the development of the film industry.

Jiangsu's "combination punch" of relief policies during the epidemic

"vote bank" Jiangsu has been ranked second in the country for many years in a row. During this year’s Spring Festival, Jiangsu became the country’s box office and movie-viewing champion, achieving a “good start” in the Year of the Tiger.

However, since February this year, the sudden epidemic has put the entire Jiangsu film industry chain in trouble. Data shows that in March and April this year alone, Jiangsu’s box office dropped by 370 million yuan year-on-year. During the

period, the filming of a number of major films in the Wuxi National Digital Film Industrial Park was suspended; all 1,155 theaters in Jiangsu Province were temporarily closed. The city's theaters in Suzhou, which had been closed for the longest time, were unable to operate for more than 3 months. Many theaters were unable to operate. Subsequently, he even fell into an existential crisis.

Faced with the impact of the epidemic, Jiangsu Province has successively introduced relief policies to help market entities since February.

html On December 26, the Jiangsu Provincial Government issued and implemented "Several Policies and Measures to Further Help Market Entities Relieve Difficulties and Stabilize Economic Growth" ("Su Zheng 40 Articles"), clearly proposing to implement the relevant national tax preferential policies, state-owned enterprise housing rents Many measures, such as reducing or delaying the payment of social insurance premiums, and improving inclusive financial service capabilities, have brought tangible benefits to the film industry;

html On March 9, the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau, together with the Provincial Department of Finance, based on the newly revised "Jiangsu Province Film Industry Development" "Special Fund Management Measures" issued a document, announcing the 2021 provincial-level reward fund allocation plan for theaters that meet the standards for screening domestic films, and 28 million in incentives will go directly to 1,012 eligible theaters in the province;

On April 17, Jiangsu Province once again issued and implemented the "On Effective "Policies and Measures to Further Relieve Enterprises in Response to New Changes and New Impacts of the Epidemic" ("22 Articles of the Jiangsu Government Office"), which for the first time made a breakthrough in explicitly including the film industry within the scope of provincial government support;

to May 19, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee publicized The "Service Guidelines on Relevant Relief Policies for Enterprises in the Film Industry of Our Province" issued by the Ministry of Finance and the Provincial Film Bureau were officially released. Jiangsu has already developed a set of relief policies to help the film industry resume work and overcome difficulties. Combination boxing".

“The epidemic has lasted for more than two years, and the film industry is one of the hardest-hit and most difficult industries. The impact of the Omicron virus this year has made the industry even worse."Talking about the introduction of a series of relief policies, the relevant person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau expressed a lot of emotion. He said that only by allowing the film market entities to survive and become stronger can the film industry have a future. must take targeted measures to help enterprises Relief, protect the company, retain the green hills, and stabilize the box office and the market .

Be open and transparent, efficient and convenient, and implement it in detail

On May 19, Jiangsu released the "Service Guidelines on Relevant Business Relief Policies for the Film Industry in Jiangsu Province", Regarding the "Guide" released this time, the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau positioned it as "policy navigation" to ensure that "when is announced, must be implemented."

According to reports, the "Guide" is to promote the "Su Zheng 40 "Articles" and "Suzhou Government Office 22 Articles" and other series of corporate bailout policies were formulated for the implementation of the film industry.

Reporters noticed that the "Guidelines" not only focus on the difficulty of resuming work for film companies, employee losses, cash flow shortages, etc. Difficult issues, focusing on resolving the "pain points" and "difficulties" of the industry, and insisting on combining helping companies to bail out and stimulate corporate vitality, while providing comprehensive convenient and fast services.

After reading through this "Guide", the reporter found that it not only includes "applicable "Scope", "Processing Type", "Processing Method", and even "Responsible Unit", "Responsible Office" and "Handling Unit" have been clearly stipulated. Many application items in the "Guide" can even be submitted without providing information. The Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau's official WeChat public account "Guangying Jiangsu" or other related online platforms can handle the process directly. It can be said to be a practical version of the "Policy Application Operation Manual", which greatly reduces the time cost and labor cost of market entities in the application process.

Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau According to the person in charge, the "Guide" is designed to serve market entities. The implementation of policies should reduce links, materials, and time limits as much as possible. Many services can be handled directly on the online platform, which is to ensure that the company's bailout policies can be directly accessed and enjoyed quickly. , to better serve market entities.

Two "10 million":

Focus on burden reduction and "afterburner"

The Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau introduced that Jiangsu's provincial subsidy of 10 million yuan for cinemas is to provide cinemas affected by the epidemic. To reduce the burden, it is expected to cover 1,065 theaters in the province. Subsidies are mainly used by theaters for epidemic prevention materials, disinfection services and other expenses to speed up the pace of theater resumption.

Loan discounts are provided for film companies that apply for "Su Film Protection 2.0" , guarantee fee subsidies and risk compensation of 10 million, the purpose is to give full play to the role of financial leverage , release more funds, and help companies bail out. Its coverage covers all film companies in Jiangsu Province, including film production companies, post-production companies Enterprises, distribution and screening units, film technology companies and film and television parks, etc.

reporters found that in order to speed up the application and implementation of subsidies, the "Guide" simplifies the handling procedures, procedures and materials when applying for resumption subsidies for cinemas that have been suspended due to epidemic control. The "Guide" shows that this subsidy There is no need to provide application materials for the loan application, and the processing type is "direct processing".

It is also very convenient for relevant film companies that have received credit from "Su Film Insurance 2.0" to apply for "loan interest discounts, guarantee fee subsidies and risk compensation". According to the "Guide", the application for this subsidy is also "no need to provide processing materials" "Direct processing".

Regarding the payment method of the two subsidies, the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau stated that the 10 million yuan subsidy for movie theaters will be allocated to theaters that have resumed operations as soon as possible. The calculation method for the amount of subsidies received by individual theaters will be based on the box office revenue in 2021, combined with the payment of special funds for the development of the national film industry this year, and calculated according to the principle of factor distribution. In addition to the 10 million yuan provided by at the provincial level in Jiangsu, Wuxi, Suzhou, Changzhou and other districts and cities in Jiangsu have also introduced corresponding support policies.

Enterprises applying for "Suyingbao 2.0" will be reviewed by financial institutions and the funds will be released as soon as possible. After the interest discount period expires, the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau will allocate the interest discount and guarantee fee subsidies to financial institutions in one lump sum, and the financial institutions will return them to the relevant film companies.

More support policies will be released soon

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, Jiangsu has always been at the forefront of the country in the speed of introducing relief policies. Talking about experience, the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau said that protecting market entities is to protect social productivity, "reducing the burden" on enterprises is to "store energy" for development, and stabilizing the real economy is to stabilize the economic fundamentals. This has become the consensus of the entire Jiangsu province. .

Taking the "Guide" as an example, during the policy formulation process, the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau will set up a special class to sort out and summarize national and provincial policies that benefit movies, and put forward targeted, pragmatic and effective policy suggestions. At the same time, through various methods such as convening symposiums with film company leaders, we listened to opinions from multiple parties, focused on the pain points and difficult issues of film companies, and implemented precise support measures. And strengthen contact with relevant policy departments. According to reports, before the release of the "Guidelines", the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau solicited written opinions from 11 relevant departments.

The "Guide" is not the end of Jiangsu's bailout policy. The Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau revealed that in the next step, it will guide various localities to introduce more targeted assistance policies to effectively solve problems for enterprises, protect market entities, and create savings for the development of the film industry. able.

As the epidemic situation in various places gradually becomes stable and controllable, the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau introduced that this year, Jiangsu Province’s film work will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on film work. Highlight the main line of work to welcome, publicize and implement the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully implement the Jiangsu Film "14th Five-Year Plan" action plan, adhere to the word "stability first", strive for progress while maintaining stability, strive to promote the high-quality development of films, and write "a pioneering area for building a culturally powerful country" "Strong, Rich, Beautiful and High" will contribute to the new chapter of Jiangsu's modernization construction.



The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau:

Only by allowing the film market entities to survive and become stronger can the

film industry have a future

In two months, the box office dropped by 370 million year-on-year

"China Film News": Jiangsu is the country's largest A major film province, it is also an important "ticket warehouse" in the country. For many years, the annual box office output of Jiangsu's film market has ranked among the top three in the country. Since this year, many places in Jiangsu have been affected by the epidemic. Under this situation, currently, theaters in Jiangsu Province, What is the overall situation of film companies?

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau: Jiangsu’s film market occupies a decisive position in the country. For many years, the film box office has been second only to Guangdong, ranking second in the country. During this year’s Spring Festival, Jiangsu ranked second in the box office and The number of moviegoers ranks first in the country. However, since February, Jiangsu has been hit by multiple rounds of epidemics.

According to the "Notice of the National Film Administration on Strictly Carrying Out Epidemic Prevention and Control in Cinemas" (National Film Administration [National Film Administration] 2022〕No. 2) requires that our province strictly implements zoning and hierarchical prevention and control. Various regions have closed cinemas after the outbreak. All 1,155 cinemas in the province were temporarily closed. At present, the number and duration of cinema closures in the province have exceeded 2021. Among them, Suzhou has been shut down for more than 3 months. The

epidemic has had a serious impact on the entire Jiangsu film industry chain. The filming of a number of major films in the Wuxi National Digital Film Industrial Park has been suspended; from March to April The box office in two months decreased by 370 million yuan compared with the same period last year, and the national share has declined seriously; many theaters are struggling to survive and even face a crisis of survival.

"Guide" provides "policy navigation" for film companies

"China Film News" : On May 19, Jiangsu Province issued the "Service Guidelines on Relevant Business Relief Policies for the Film Industry in Jiangsu Province." What is the background of the issuance of the "Service Guidelines"? The "Service Guidelines" are consistent with the previous "Su Zheng 40" policies issued by Jiangsu Province. What are the connections between a series of corporate relief policies such as "Articles" and "Suzhou Government Office 22 Articles"?

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau: The epidemic has lasted for more than two years, and the film industry is the industry that has been hardest hit and the most difficult. First, the impact of the Omicron virus this year has made the industry even worse. Only by allowing the film market entities to survive and become stronger can the film industry have a future.Taking targeted measures to help companies bail out is an important measure to effectively deal with the impact of the epidemic and promote the development of the film industry.

On February 26 this year, the Jiangsu Provincial Government issued and implemented "Several Policies and Measures to Further Help Market Entities Relieve Difficulties and Focus on Stabilizing Economic Growth" ("Su Zheng 40 Articles"); on April 17, our province again issued and implemented "Policies and Measures to Effectively Respond to New Changes and New Impacts of the Epidemic to Further Relieve Enterprises" ("Suzhou Government Office 22 Articles") further introduced 22 targeted assistance policies, paying special attention to the film industry, and made it clear for the first time in a breakthrough Bring the film industry into the scope of provincial government support. It fully reflects the firm confidence of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government in supporting the development of market entities and stabilizing market expectations, and also fully reflects the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government’s concern for film work.

In order to implement the requirements of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and promote the implementation of a series of policies to assist and benefit enterprises in the film industry, such as the "40 Policies of Jiangsu Province" and the 22 Policies of Jiangsu Government Offices, the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau has compiled the policies currently issued by various departments in Jiangsu. , the policies that film companies can enjoy have been refined and sorted out, forming 25 specific policy service items, and further clarifying the scope of policy application, service methods, and service procedures. Provide "policy navigation" for film companies that are gradually resuming work and business to help them overcome difficulties and recover overall.

"China Film News" : Compared with the many relief policies introduced by Jiangsu this year, what are the characteristics of the "Service Guide"?

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau: As the first relief policy service guide for the national film industry, it mainly has three characteristics .

First, focus on resolving the industry’s pain points and difficulties. Focusing on difficult issues such as difficulty in resuming work, employee loss, and insufficient cash flow for film companies, the service guide proposes a series of policies such as accelerating the resumption of work, increasing fiscal and tax support, optimizing film financial services, focusing on reducing corporate burdens, and effectively improving service quality. Combination boxing" to do practical things and solve difficult problems for enterprises in a down-to-earth manner.

The second is to adhere to the combination of helping enterprises to bail out and stimulate their vitality. not only focuses on current relief, providing cash subsidies for film companies to prevent and eliminate the epidemic and resume work; it also focuses on empowering companies, optimizing the business environment by further reducing costs and burdens, providing precise drip irrigation of financial water, inspiring the confidence of market entities, and stabilizing development expected.

The third is to provide comprehensive and convenient services. The service guide clarifies the applicable scope, enjoyment conditions, application process, processing method and processing time limit of various bailout policies, and actively promotes facilitation measures to ensure that the bailout policies for enterprises can be directly enjoyed, so that enterprises can have tangible and real benefits. sense of gain.

Wuxi, Changzhou, Suzhou and other places in Jiangsu have introduced support policies

"China Film News" : In the "Service Guide", two 10 million subsidies were proposed. The first is a subsidy for movie theaters, and the second is a subsidy for film companies that apply for "Suzhou Film Insurance 2.0". What factors are these two subsidy programs based on? Approximately how many film companies in Jiangsu can be covered by the two subsidies?

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau: In the "Service Guide", we proposed two subsidies of 10 million yuan.

Among them, 10 million in resumption subsidies are to reduce the burden on theaters affected by the epidemic, and are expected to cover 1,065 theaters in the province.

The other 10 million is to provide loan interest discounts, guarantee fee subsidies and risk compensation for film companies that apply for "Su Film Insurance 2.0". The purpose is to use financial leverage to release more funds and help companies bail out. "Suzhou Film Protection 2.0" is open to all film companies in the province, including film production companies, post-production companies, distribution and screening units, film technology companies, film and television parks, etc.

"China Film News" : We saw in the "Service Guide" that the subsidy for cinemas is 10 million yuan, and at the same time it is proposed to "support various regions to resume operations when the conditions are met for cinemas that have been suspended due to epidemic control. "Give a one-time resumption of work and business subsidies", what is the basis for setting the amount of this subsidy? What types of theaters can apply for this subsidy? After applying, how long does it take for the theater to receive the subsidy?

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau: Cinemas have no source of income during the shutdown period, but they still have to pay rent, property fees, employee wages, epidemic prevention and control and other expenses. The resumption of work and business subsidies we provide can help theaters spend on epidemic prevention materials, disinfection services, etc., allowing theaters to speed up the pace of resumption of work.

In addition, we also support and encourage qualified regions to provide resumption subsidies for theaters. At present, in addition to the 10 million yuan at the provincial level, Wuxi, Changzhou, Suzhou and other districts and cities in Jiangsu have also introduced corresponding support policies.

We will calculate the amount of subsidies based on the 2021 box office revenue for theaters that are in good operating condition and have resumed operations on time, combined with the payment of special funds for the development of the national film industry this year, and based on the principle of factor allocation. We will allocate this fund to theaters that have resumed operations as soon as possible.

"China Film News" : On March 9 this year, the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau, together with the Provincial Department of Finance, clearly stated in the newly revised "Management Measures for Special Funds for the Development of the Film Industry in Jiangsu Province" that 28 million in awards and subsidies will be directly distributed to the entire province. 1012 theaters in condition. What is the current implementation status of this subsidy?

Head of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau: On March 1, Comrade Zhang Aijun, member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, instructed on the 2021 provincial-level reward fund allocation plan for domestic film theaters, "Please strictly calculate according to regulations. We will not Withholding. In view of the current living conditions of theaters under the epidemic, it is necessary to spread the information to various places as soon as possible." The Provincial Film Bureau quickly implemented the spirit of the instructions from the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, and together with the Provincial Department of Finance, has allocated 28 million yuan in reward and subsidy funds in advance, directly to 1,012 qualified theaters in the province.

126 film companies have applied for loans of 657 million yuan

"China Film News" : In addition to financial subsidies, the "Service Guide" also mentioned rent exemptions, social security deferrals, halved collection of advertising industry, entertainment industry enterprises in 2022 cultural undertakings Construction fee and many other bailout policies. What issues are these bailout support items based on?

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau: This round of epidemic has affected all districts and cities in the province, which has had a great impact on market entities in the film industry. Most theaters are located in commercial complexes, with high rent costs and large equipment investments. During the shutdown period, there is no source of income and they have to pay rent, property fees, employee wages and other expenses. At the same time, non-ticket income such as sales and advertising are the bulk of profits. Also greatly affected.

The Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have considered the film industry as one of the industries that have been greatly affected by the epidemic. The series of relief policies introduced are problem-oriented, focusing on the "pain points" and concerns of film companies, ranging from tax and rent reductions to assistance Key assistance will be provided in many aspects such as stabilizing employment, increasing reimbursement fees, increasing direct subsidies for credit support, and promoting consumption.

"China Film News" : We have noticed that many of the 25 measures in the "Service Guide" can be handled directly on the "Light and Shadow Jiangsu" platform or other related online platforms, and many of them "do not need to provide information when handling" "Processing materials", what are the considerations behind the design of these processes?

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau: The "Service Guide" is designed to serve market entities. In order to make the business relief policies available directly and quickly, on the one hand, we are increasing the awareness of the policies. It was published in major provincial media such as Xinhua Daily and Jiangsu Radio and Television Station, and did a good job of policy interpretation.

on the other hand is to improve the convenience of services. When implementing policies, try to reduce links, materials, and time limits. Many services can even be handled directly on the online platform. This is to ensure that the corporate bailout policies reach Kuaixiang and better serve market entities.

"China Film News" : May 20 is the application deadline for "Su Yingbao 2.0". What is the current application status of "Su Yingbao 2.0"? How will the 10 million yuan loan interest discount, guarantee fee subsidy and risk compensation for "Suyingbao 2.0" be distributed?

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau: We received a total of 149 applications from film companies. After sorting out, the Provincial Film Bureau has submitted a "white list" to financial institutions. There are 126 qualified companies on the list, and the loan amount applied for is 657 million yuan. Next, it will be reviewed by the financial institution and the payment will be released as soon as possible. After the interest discount period expires, the Provincial Film Bureau will allocate the interest discount and guarantee fee subsidies to financial institutions in one lump sum, and the financial institutions will return them to the relevant film companies.

Fully implement the Jiangsu Film "14th Five-Year Plan" action plan

"China Film News" : Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020, Jiangsu has taken the lead in introducing supportive policies many times to help the film industry tide over the difficulties. How did Jiangsu respond quickly? Next, what plans and arrangements do the film authorities at all levels in Jiangsu Province have for the implementation of the bailout policy?

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau: Protecting market entities means protecting social productivity, "reducing the burden" on enterprises means "storing energy" for development, and stabilizing the real economy means stabilizing the fundamentals of the economy. This has become the consensus of the entire Jiangsu province. In order to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the Provincial Committee and Provincial Government, the Provincial Film Bureau has mainly done several aspects of work:

First, comprehensively sort out policies. set up a special class to sort out and summarize national and provincial policies that benefit movies, learn from the good practices of brother provinces and cities, repeatedly revise and improve them, and put forward targeted, pragmatic and effective policy suggestions for submission;

secondly, listen to opinions extensively. adheres to a problem-oriented approach, and listens to opinions from multiple parties through various methods such as holding symposiums with film company leaders, focusing on the pain points and difficult issues of film companies, and implementing precise support measures;

The third is to gather joint efforts. strengthened its contact with relevant policy departments, solicited opinions from 11 relevant departments in writing, and formed the "Service Guide" based on communication, consultation and careful study with relevant departments.

In the next step, regarding the implementation of the bailout policy, we must first strengthen the publicity and interpretation of the bailout policy for enterprises, and timely coordinate and solve the difficult and blocking problems in the policy implementation process. The second is to carry out supervision and inspection on the implementation of policies and promote the effective implementation of policies. The third is to guide various localities to introduce more targeted assistance policies to effectively solve problems for enterprises, protect market entities, and accumulate energy for the development of the film industry.

"China Film News" : Can you briefly talk about the future plans for the development of Jiangsu's film industry after the epidemic stabilizes?

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Film Bureau: 2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is also the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 14th Party Congress of Jiangsu Province. The province's film front will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on film work, highlight the main line of publicity and implementation of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and comprehensively implement Jiangsu Film's "Ten In the “Fourth Five-Year Plan” action plan, we insist on taking stability as the top priority and seeking progress while maintaining stability, strive to promote the high-quality development of films, and contribute film power to building a pioneer area of ​​cultural power and writing a new chapter in Jiangsu’s modernization construction of “Strong, Rich, Beautiful and High”.

First, we need to organize the creation and production of key films. has carefully created national key films such as "Battle of the Penghu", "Crazy", "Zheng He's Voyages to the West" and "War 1840".

The second is to improve the quality and efficiency of film enterprise development. guides and promotes Su Film Group to plan development strategies and participate in the creation and production of national key films. Make the happy blue ocean cinema chain better and stronger.

The third is to promote steady progress in the film market. optimizes the layout of urban theaters, scientifically promotes the construction of township theaters, and expands and optimizes key movie schedules.

The fourth is to improve the effectiveness of film public services. Focusing on the main theme, organized and carried out excellent film exhibitions "Praise for the New Era and Forge ahead on the New Journey", and promoted the implementation of the "Five Advances" project for films in the new era.

The fifth is to improve the innovation capabilities of the film industry. supports Wuxi National Digital Film Industrial Park in striving to become a national key film and television industry base. Accelerate the construction of Yangzhou Light Cinema World.

The sixth is to expand the brand influence of film festival exhibition. organized the African Film Festival and the screening of classic films on the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. Continue to successfully host brand events such as the Wuxi Taihu Film and Television Cultural Industry Investment Summit and the Suzhou International Restoration Film Exhibition.

Text | Du Simeng

Editor | Wan Xiaoqian

Editor | Du Simeng


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