How to grow vegetables on the balcony in a simple and high-yielding way? The small speaker of agriculture, rural areas and farmers will tell you about agricultural knowledge. Let’s take a look at it. You must pay attention to the following three aspects when growing vegetables on

How to grow vegetables on the balcony in a simple and high-yielding way? The rural agriculture speaker talks about agricultural knowledge. Let’s take a look at it below. You must pay attention to the following three aspects when growing vegetables on the balcony.

The first is the planting season. As for the closed balcony, you can generally grow vegetables all year round, especially spring and autumn. If there is no closed balcony, the temperature in winter is relatively low, so it may not be possible to grow vegetables in winter. suitable.

The second aspect is the types of vegetables grown. This includes several types of vegetables. One type is fast-growing vegetables, including cabbage, rape, coriander, water spinach.

The second category is vegetables such as garlic sprouts, leeks, green onions, and spring onions.

Then the third category is fruits and vegetables, which are some fruits and vegetables, all of which grow relatively tall. Vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes that need a tripod

are not very convenient to plant on the balcony, and they are not suitable for planting. .

The third aspect is the precautions for cultivation. One is that you can use soil to cultivate

or you can use substrate to cultivate

. So there are conditions. Of course, you can also use soilless cultivation of . When

is cultivated in this soil, because it is cultivated in a pot or a seedling pot, the soil layer is relatively shallow, so it is easy to harden during watering.

You can appropriately add some loose materials such as perlite

vermiculite. So when cultivating the substrate, you mainly use perlite, vermiculite, peat or some sawdust to form a cultivation substrate. .

As for the second aspect, you should pay attention to adjusting the growing environment. Especially for balcony cultivation, the soil is prone to drought, so you should pay attention to regular watering.

In addition, on the balcony, be careful not to plant vegetables too densely together to prevent them from pulling each other. Having said so much, why not go home and give it a try? Follow me and I will take you to learn more professional agricultural knowledge.