Recently, a large number of fruits are on the market. Many delicious fruits are sweet, but every time I see the discarded fruit cores after eating, I think why not make good use of them. They are all green plants anyway, so why not start with simple things around you? Maintenance

Recently, a large number of fruits have been put on the market. Many delicious fruits are sweet, but every time I see the discarded fruit cores after eating, I feel why not make good use of them. They are all green plants anyway, so why not use simple things around you? I started to maintain it, so I started the process of seed germination.

It is very simple to grow potted pineapples on the balcony. We usually keep the tops of the pineapples we buy at the vegetable market, cut them off when we get home, and grow the remaining pineapple heads in hydroponics. This pineapple head is the leaf crown at the top. New potted plants can be repotted. Potted pineapples are easy to maintain and can take root in about a week. They are basically free of diseases and insect pests and are easy to survive. After taking root in hydroponics, if you want to grow large ones in soil, they can still bear fruit after two years of maintenance if pollination is successful.

Dragon fruit is a plant of the Cactaceae family. They are fruits that grow in the tropics and subtropics and are cultivated in the southern region of my country. Dragon fruit has a sweet taste. Now there are red, yellow and white pitayas. They are rich in a variety of nutrients and have high edible value. They are loved by many friends.

Some friends will also grow pitaya as a potted plant. Take out some black seeds from the leftover pitaya skin, rinse the pulp with water, and plant these seeds into the soil, where they will soon take root and sprout. . The stems and leaves of dragon fruit are similar to those of cactus, and maintenance is also very simple.

Now is the season when lychees are on the market in large quantities. There are many varieties of lychees and the market demand is relatively large. The flesh is crystal clear and has a unique flavor. Many people like to eat it. Many people just throw away the lychees after eating them, but in fact, lychees can also be grown as potted plants. We can clean the lychee seeds with water, and then soak the seeds for 3-5 days until the shell cracks and the white buds are exposed. You can hang the lychees upside down on the water bottle for hydroponics.

Citric acid is sour, and most of them are soaked in water. However, lemon seeds can also be made into small potted plants. The method for germinating lychee seeds is similar. The seeds must be soaked in water to germinate first, and then taken out. If maintained properly, potted plants Maybe it will produce small lemons.

These small potted fruits can grow into green plants effortlessly. As ornamental plants are very special!