Because the weather is hot now, the vegetables, fruits and food at home are more likely to rot, which will attract a lot of flies. There are many green plants that release a certain aroma, and flies hate these smells. When flies smell the aroma emitted by these plants, they will

If there are flies at home, don’t rush to spray pesticides. Learn 4 tips to prevent you from being bothered by flies anymore!

In addition to mosquitoes, the only thing that worries us in the hot summer is flies.

Because the weather is hot now, the vegetables, fruits and food at home are relatively easy to rot, which will attract a lot of flies.

Flies carry a lot of bacteria on their bodies. If flies bite our food, the food will be contaminated with bacteria. If we accidentally eat these bacteria into our stomach, it will also have a certain impact on our health.

When it comes to getting rid of flies, the first thing many friends think of is spraying.

Pesticides can indeed help us get rid of flies in our homes, but if too much pesticides are used, it may also have an impact on our own health.

So today will teach you 4 tips so that you will no longer be bothered by flies!

Grow some green plants

Many green plants will release a certain aroma, and flies hate these smells. When flies smell the aroma emitted by these plants, they will stay away, so you can choose to plant them on the balcony at home. Or plant some green plants in windows and other locations.

It is recommended that you choose mint, basil or lavender . These plants are relatively easy to raise and do not have many requirements for the growing environment, so they are more suitable for keeping at home.

Flies will stay away from when they smell the smell of these plants, but for humans, the smell emitted by these plants is relatively fresh and can also purify the air.

Placing some green plants at home will make the indoors more lively and make us more happy.

Watermelon rind + honey + dish soap

Watermelon is the most common fruit in our summer. The leftover watermelon rind can actually be used to help us eliminate flies in our home. The method is also very simple.

Flies prefer sweet food. We can choose add a little honey to the leftover watermelon rind, and then pour a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Use used toothpaste or toothpicks at home to remove the dishwashing liquid. Mix well with honey.

After that, put the watermelon rind on the packing box or paper shell, and place it in the kitchen or restaurant where flies often appear at home.

(If you don’t have honey at home, you can also choose to use white sugar .)

Because flies prefer to eat sweet food, and the leftover watermelon rind and honey are very sweet, and flies will eat it after smelling it. are attracted, and the detergent is alkaline, which can kill flies.

This method is very simple, you can try it.

Brown sugar/white sugar + dishwashing liquid

This method is actually similar to the previous method. They both take advantage of the characteristic that flies like to eat sweet food, so use sweeter brown sugar or white sugar plus alkali. Dishwashing liquid with sexual properties to eliminate indoor flies.

The method is actually very simple. You can use old lunch boxes or rice bowls at home.

In the lunch box add brown sugar or white sugar with dish soap and a little water, stir evenly and place it in a place where flies often hang out.

You can also choose to add a little cooking oil to it, then cover the mouth of the lunch box or bowl with plastic wrap, and then cut out a gap that allows flies to enter and exit.

Because cooking oil is relatively sticky, it is difficult for flies to fly out after entering the ring, and the effect will be better.

(You need to be careful not to use too much dishwashing liquid. If you use too much dishwashing liquid, the smell will be pungent and it will be difficult to attract flies.)

Sweets + waste plastic bottles

You can also use it at home Use used drinks bottles or other empty bottles with some sweet food to kill flies.

First of all, you need to drill some small holes in the bottom of the waste plastic bottle that flies can get in, and then put some sweet food inside the beverage bottle. It is best to choose food that can emit a strong smell. This will attract flies into the bottle.

You can also apply some relatively sticky cooking oil or other syrup inside the bottle, so that it will be difficult for flies to get out after entering the bottle.

Using this method can also help us eliminate flies in our home.

is written at the end:

Flies fly very fast and can reach 6 to 8 kilometers in one hour , so it is actually very difficult to fight flies. Although

insecticides can kill flies, insecticides contain some toxic ingredients. Using too many insecticides may affect the quality of our indoor air and cause harm to the human body. certain influence.

Everyone is also troubled by flies, so you might as well try the above methods. The operation is simple and will not cause any harm to the body. If you find it practical, you can also share it with your friends.

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