A bunch of red, also known as firecracker red (firecracker red), Larvia, ivory red, magenta, and cypress, is a plant of the genus Salvia in the family Lamiaceae. A bunch of reds are native to Brazil and South America. Likes a warm and sunny environment. Not cold tolerant, toleran

A String of Red, also known as Firecracker Red (Firecracker Red), Lalvia, Ivory Red, Western Red, Polygonum , is a plant of the genus Salvia of the family Lamiaceae.

A string of red origin Brazil , South America. Likes a warm and sunny environment. Not cold tolerant, tolerant of semi-shade, avoid frost, snow and high temperatures, afraid of stagnant water and alkaline soil.

A bunch of red fruits are small nuts, oval in shape, containing black seeds, which are easy to fall off and can reproduce by self-sowing.

Yichuanhong likes sunshine and tolerates semi-shade. Yichuanhong requires loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam .

A String of Red is very sensitive to soil treated with methyl bromide and alkaline soil, and is suitable for growing in soil with a pH of 5.5-6.0.

A bunch of red has poor cold tolerance, and the suitable growth temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius. Growth stops below 15 degrees Celsius, and leaves turn yellow and fall off below 10 degrees Celsius.

A string of red commonly used red flower varieties. In the crisp autumn weather, the flowers are dense and colorful. It is often used as the main material of flower beds.

A bunch of red dwarf varieties are more suitable for flower beds. In addition to white flower varieties, they have better ornamental effects when combined with red flower varieties. Generally, the ornamental value of white and purple flower varieties is not as good as that of red flower varieties.

Abstract A string of red flowers means the heart of love. This is because the flowers are brightly colored when they bloom, which represents a couple in love. The flowers bloom for a long time, which represents long-term love.

can be given to lovers, symbolizing sincere and long-lasting love. You can also give a bunch of red flowers to family members. Its flowers are bright red. When they bloom, the flowers open in bunches. They are as festive as the firecrackers during the New Year, symbolizing happiness and peace.

A String of Red is suitable for soft, fertile soil. Because it cannot tolerate water accumulation, the soil must have good drainage. Too heavy soil can easily cause water accumulation and root rot.

During the growth period of a string of reds, water should be sufficient and there should be no stagnant water. Watering should be less in rainy weather. You can water according to the principle of seeing dry and wet.

A string of red is not poisonous. A bunch of red flowers are brightly colored, non-toxic and edible, and have sweet nectar at the base of the flowers.

You can use it after pulling out a bunch of red flowers. Just don't eat too much. In addition, a bunch of reds also have certain medicinal value.

I like a bunch of red flowers that can be planted at home. It has a very good meaning and is suitable for planting at home.

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