In recent years, many people have chosen not to install a coffee table when decorating and designing indoor spaces. Although the coffee table can increase indoor storage, after removing the coffee table, the living room will become more colorful. Let’s introduce it to you. Why do

In recent years, many people have chosen not to install a coffee table when decorating and designing indoor spaces. Although the coffee table can increase indoor storage, after removing the coffee table, the living room will become more colorful. Let’s introduce it to you. .

Why don’t many people install coffee tables in their living rooms?

1. It takes up space

At present, if many people’s houses are not large, placing a coffee table in the living room will make the living room look more crowded. If the coffee table is not installed, it will not only make the living room look more spacious, but it will also be very convenient for families with children. The children will have more space for activities and better safety.

2. Inconvenient cleaning

After placing the coffee table in the living room, it is inconvenient to move and prone to sanitary blind spots. Because the coffee table in the living room is mainly placed close to the floor. Over time, the bottom will be filled with dust and other small garbage, making it inconvenient to clean.

3. Single function

Many people do not install a coffee table because its function is relatively simple. Apart from being able to store items, it is purely for decoration. It is not as practical as an island or bar. Many people also choose a trolley to replace the coffee table. When needed, it can be used as a coffee table. When not needed, it can be pushed to the side of the sofa to serve as a side table, which is more flexible and convenient.

If there is no coffee table in the living room, how should we design it?

1. Install bookcases to turn the living room into a reading area.

If there is no coffee table in the living room, the original TV cabinet can be made into a bookcase on one wall, and then a desk or a small bench can be placed. Turn the living room into a reading area so that we can have a quiet environment for reading.

2. Place a long table and chairs to combine the living room and dining room.

Instead of placing a coffee table in the living room, a long table and chairs can be placed in the living room. In this way, we can not only work in the living room, but also eat in the living room, which is very flexible and convenient.

3, sofa carpet + projection, leisure and entertainment area

In the living room, instead of placing a coffee table, you can install a sofa carpet + projection, a long row of sofas, and a full floor of high-end carpets. The lighting and visual effects are also very good, allowing us to watch movies comfortably. .

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