Diandi Mei is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant of the primula family, also known as throat grass, copper money grass, white flower grass and Qingming flower. Its flowers are small, shaped like plum blossoms. When in full bloom, they are like stars, all white and unique. The

Diandi Mei is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant of the Primrose family, also known as throat grass, copper money grass, white flower grass and Qingming flower. Its flowers are small, shaped like plum blossoms. When in full bloom, they are like stars, all white and unique. The plant is low. Distributed in Northeast my country, North China and provinces and regions south of the Qinling Mountains; North Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, India and other countries. Born in forest edges, grasslands, sparse forests or roadsides. Used as ground cover material for rock garden planting and shrubs.

Diandimei adopts tissue culture method, which can be reproduced quickly. The plum blossoms are generally propagated by sowing seeds. The plum blossoms that survive in the wild can also be propagated by self-sowing seeds. In addition, they are not picky about the growth environment, so the survival rate is still quite high.

Diandi Mei has strong adaptability. It likes a warmer and humid climate and sunshine. The more sunshine, the better it is for the growth of Diandi Mei. When the temperature is higher in summer, proper shading is needed. Plum blossoms usually grow in mountain grasslands or along roadsides. Providing it with fertile, loose and well-breathed soil will be more conducive to its growth.

On forest trails, beside streams and rivers, beside mountain roads, in the shade of shrubs, small white flowers bloom one after another in spring. Wouldn’t it be pleasing to the eye? The beautiful plum blossoms are not only eye-catching, they also have great medicinal value!