Entering summer is a period of high incidence of fungal growth. Orchid lovers will be infected if they are not careful, so they must pay special attention to the growth status of their orchids to spend the summer safely. The orchid of Jianlan is Jianlan's Yihong Shuangjiao. It ha

Entering summer is a period of high incidence of fungal growth. Orchid lovers will be infected if they are not careful, so they must pay special attention to the growth status of their orchids to spend the summer safely.


This orchid is Jianlan's Yihong Shuangjiao. It has just finished blooming. Due to the recent continuous rainfall, all my orchids are in a state of waterlogging. Because they are grown outdoors, the pot soil is always wet. Yes. At the beginning, there was a little black fly, and it was cured after two days of spraying some jujube-based medicine. Today, I took a closer look at the soil in the pot and found that it was always wet in the pot, and the rotten roots on the surface were black. Because the flowers had just finished blooming, I simply took it out of the pot and took a look. There was a lot of white mycelium in the planting material. I thought it was over, it was infected with fungus, and I had to wait until it was discovered early, otherwise it would die.

Causes of fungal infection :

1. The potting soil and plant materials are not clean and have not been treated well. They contain bacteria and insect eggs, which are prone to occur when encountering high temperature and high humidity.

2. In addition, the fermented sheep manure in the basin is also unclean or incompletely fermented and brought into the soil of the basin to breed.

3. Long-term rainy weather, poor ventilation, and a dry environment can cause fungi to breed.

treatment method:

1. Remove the pot. This type of symptom often appears in the early stage of occurrence, the growth is slow, the pot is wet and cannot be dried, or there are insects. After removing the pot, the plant material is subjected to high-temperature sterilization and insecticide egg treatment, and then dried. Rinse the plants thoroughly, otherwise will infect again.

High temperature treated plant material

2. Use sterilizing drugs mixed with water to irrigate the roots. I usually prepare carbendazim at home. In the near future, the frequency of watering should be controlled and watered when the soil in the pot is dry. Effectively prevent infection.