Nowadays, many people like to raise some large potted green plants at home to embellish the environment, beautify the home, purify the air, and make the home appear vibrant, lively and interesting. Moreover, many flowers and plants also have beautiful meanings. For example, in th

Nowadays, many people like to raise some large potted green plants at home to embellish the environment, beautify the home, purify the air, and make the home appear vibrant, lively and interesting. Moreover, many flowers and plants also have beautiful meanings. For example, in the living room, most people like to keep some plants that symbolize wealth. For example, the money tree, money tree , fortune tree , happiness tree , etc. Most of these plants are mainly used for foliage viewing.

It's easy not to like blooming, but nothing is absolute, they will bloom under specific conditions. No wonder many old people say that some flowers and plants fail to bloom easily. If they bloom until they bloom, it will be a good sign. Do many people keep these plants at home, which symbolize wealth and prosperity, but they don’t bloom easily? Once they bloom, they are more joyful than those flowers and plants. The wealth of flowers blooming means that good luck is coming. Look at these flowers. Have you ever seen them bloom?

First, the money tree blooms

The money tree is a common potted green plant in the home. Because the leaves of the money tree are in bunches, just like ancient copper coins, the leaves are leathery and crystal clear, and they grow more vigorously. It has a potato-like tuber, and the above-ground part is its leaves. It is called dragon and Phoenix tree . The leaves that grow out are one long, one short, one thick and one thin, and because its leaves are strung together like ancient coins, it is known as the money tree.

Keeping a pot of money trees at home is a symbol of wealth and good fortune. It is a symbol of wealth and good fortune. No wonder so many people like to keep a pot of money trees at home. Moreover, it is a lazy flower that requires little management. Even if it is only watered once a month, it can grow vigorously and remain evergreen all year round. In our impression, money trees are mainly foliage plants and almost never bloom. Once it blooms, it is relatively rare. In fact, money trees can also bloom, but they have higher environmental requirements.

Although it can be evergreen all year round in a semi-shady environment at home, it can also bloom if its soil is properly configured, rich in nutrients, and with bright scattered light. Although its flowers are not beautiful, they are like pale yellow flames. The buds are green buds, inconspicuous at all, and open at the bottom. Of course, this is something that can only be encountered, because even if you keep it for more than ten years, it is difficult to see it blooming.

In fact, during the growth process of the money tree, you only need to maintain it according to its growth habits. And with proper light and some flower-promoting fertilizer, the money tree can bloom. It's just that most people follow the maintenance method of foliage plants . They use fertilizers mainly nitrogen fertilizer or never fertilize them. They simply cannot meet the conditions for flowering.

However, the money tree blooms like money flowers, which means abundant wealth and prosperity. No wonder many people are proud of it.

Secondly, money trees do not like to bloom

Money trees are also flowers and green plants that are often placed in living rooms, offices and when shopping malls are opened. The leaves of the money tree are green all year round, and the leaves are spread out on all sides like palms, as if to capture all the wealth from the east, west, south, and north into the home. Therefore, the money tree is a popular potted green plant, and its sales in flower shops have always been at the forefront. The money tree is a foliage plant in all seasons. Because most of the money trees we maintain are re-rooted in the south, the root system is relatively weak.

Therefore, it grows slowly and does not bloom easily. However, under specific maintenance conditions, some people can grow money trees until they bloom, which is indeed very novel. Although its flowers are not beautiful, just like fluffy Albizia julibrissin flowers, this novel phenomenon is talked about by people. In fact, in the family, its growth environment is not suitable for it to bloom, it is only suitable for it to grow leaves, so people think it is relatively novel to bloom.

In fact, the money tree is a big tree in the south. Money trees often planted in the south not only bloom but also bear fruit.Of course, before cutting or cutting, it can be exposed to the scorching sun outside. Its original name is Guali , which is not new at all outdoors in the south. But in the northern region, if the money tree maintained indoors blooms, it is a good sign, because nine times out of ten, it will not bloom.

The money tree usually likes a semi-shade or scattered light environment. It only needs to be watered when the pot soil is dry. Frequently spraying the leaves with moisture can keep them green all year round. It is also a very easy-to-grow flower. If you are unable to grow your money tree well, check to see if the potting soil is maintained with garden soil.

And don't water it too much. Its thick stems can store a lot of water and nutrients. Wait for the potting soil to dry out, water it thoroughly, and spray the leaves a little to moisturize, and they will grow well. If the money tree blooms, it means good luck will come to your family.

Thirdly, the fortune tree does not like to bloom

The fortune tree is also called the duck palm tree, and it is also a relatively large potted green plant common in the home. Because it is easy to maintain and has a very strong ability to purify the air, it can purify harmful gases such as second-hand smoke in the air. If you raise a pot at home, you almost don't need to care about it, and it can grow vigorously every year. The fortune tree means attracting wealth and bringing in treasures, and making money every day. Keeping a pot of it at home also has a particularly good meaning. But at home, it is only maintained as a foliage plant. If placed in a semi-shady place or a place with sufficient scattered light, it can stay green all year round.

However, there are also flower lovers who actually raise the duck palm tree until it blooms, which is really strange. Although the flowers of the duck palm tree are not beautiful, they are like strings of light green flowers. The petals are relatively small and densely packed in clusters. It also exudes bursts of fragrance, which is really strange. Because few people grow their fortune trees until they bloom, especially those grown indoors, such as duckweeds and fortune trees, which are rare but rare.

After the flowers have bloomed, there are still many small fruits left and a lot of seeds. It is really strange to grow them like this indoors. Because it is usually maintained as a foliage plant, its potting soil and flowerpots limit its growth. However, if you encounter the duck palm tree blooming, this is a rare thing. The duck palm tree is a plant native to the south because it grows very pungently.

are often used as small trees or shrubs in green belts in the south. It can grow to seventy or eighty centimeters under natural conditions. It has many branches and tight branches. It is also very common to bloom outdoors. However, it is very unusual for a fortune tree grown indoors to bloom. No wonder some people say that these flowers and plants don’t bloom easily. Blooming means good luck to the family, so they cherish them very much. I wonder if you have ever seen these foliage plants bloom?