As soon as June passes and July arrives, it means that the first half of 2022 is officially over. Despite the hot weather in July, with the average temperature above 30 degrees, many people still choose to move in July because they want to start a new second half of the year. Wha

html As soon as June passes and July arrives, it means that the first half of 2022 is officially over. Despite the hot weather in July, with the average temperature above 30 degrees, many people still choose to move in July because they want to start a new second half of the year. What are the auspicious dates for moving in July? What should you pay attention to when moving in July? Today, Xiaofeng will show you clearly.

1. Auspicious days for moving in July

html There are seven auspicious days for moving in July, and they have been marked in red on the calendar. Friends who need to move in July can refer to their own time schedule to choose the most suitable auspicious day for moving!

(Note: Customs vary from place to place, the auspicious date is for reference only!)

2. Precautions for moving in July

Good moving days Xiaofeng has carefully sorted them out. Let’s take a look at the precautions for moving in July with Xiaofeng. .

1. Avoid extreme hot weather

html July is different from other months. This month is often the hottest month of the year. As far as Xiaofeng knows, many provinces and cities have issued high temperature warnings, heavy rain and lightning warnings, and strong wind warnings. Therefore, when choosing a moving date, you should not just focus on the auspicious moving day, but also combine it with the actual weather conditions. Some time before moving, we can pay more attention to the weather forecast and remember to avoid hot weather, heavy rain, thunder and lightning, and strong winds. The above three situations are not only difficult to transport, but accidents may also occur if you are not careful.

2. Choose a moving company

html Moving in July is very hot, so Xiaofeng suggests that if you have a lot of things and a sufficient budget, it is best to choose a professional moving company to move. Professional moving will arrange the time and route reasonably, and the moving master will also make sufficient preparations to prevent heat stroke . We only need to select a moving company before moving. When choosing a moving company, you can refer to the following points:

(1) Whether it has formal business qualifications and relevant licenses

(2) Whether it has a relatively good reputation

(3) Whether it has standardized charging standards and service procedures

(4 ) Is there a professional and good-attitude operator

(5) Is there a formal and responsible after-sales department

3. Be prepared for moving in advance

html The weather in July will be hot, and people will become impetuous. Therefore, in order to avoid unexpected situations on the moving day, we need to make various moving preparations in advance. Xiaofeng summarized, mainly including the following aspects:

(1) Communicate with the moving company in advance about the specific moving time

(2) Prepare packing materials in advance

(3) Make a list of items, classify and pack them in advance

(4) Contact the new community property management in advance and determine the parking spot

Okay, the above is Xiaofeng's answer to "Auspicious days for moving in July | Precautions for moving in July". Xiaofeng reminds you that if you want to move smoothly in July, you can’t be careless and you need to make thorough preparations!