Flowers play a vital role in our lives. As long as there is a pot of plants, it will appear full of vitality. There are countless varieties of flowers. The common ones include roses, camellias, osmanthus, orchids, etc. As we live The level is gradually improving, and growing flow

Flowers play a vital role in our lives. As long as there is a pot of plants, it will appear full of vitality. There are countless varieties of flowers. The common ones are rose, camellia, osmanthus, orchid, etc. , as our living standards gradually improve, growing flowers and grass has become an elegant hobby.

In the minds of our Chinese people, peony is the king of flowers, and the only flower that can rival peony is camellia. As the saying goes, "Everyone says peony is beautiful, but I think peony is not as good as tea." This shows that it is level of excellence.

Today I would like to introduce to you a camellia that is three-thirds more beautiful than peonies in terms of color, flower shape and fragrance. It has been popular for so many years and has not diminished in popularity to this day. It has also won the special award of World Horticultural Exposition many times. Gold Medal, known as the three treasures of gardening, has gradually replaced the rose in recent years.

It is - Cremo Big Peony , a camellia variety cultivated in California, USA. It is very similar to the famous Yunnan brand lion head , so it is known as nine hearts and eighteen petals. It is very popular whether it is a potted plant or a ground plant. It’s suitable, let’s enjoy it together.

The flowers of Cremo are extremely bright red without a trace of variegation. As time goes by, the color gradually deepens. This color gives people a very "positive" feeling, redder than the national flag. Most camellias are initially The flower color is relatively light when it blooms, and it needs to be painted slowly in the later stage, but the beauty of Cremo is at its peak when it first blooms.

Its flower shape is extremely huge, with a flower diameter of about 12-15 centimeters. It is a giant camellia. One flower is more than twice that of ordinary camellia. It is also the holder of the Guinness record. The flower is bigger than a plate. , with buds as big as eggs, it is currently the largest camellia variety. When the flowers are fully in full bloom, the golden stamens inside are revealed, which is the finishing touch.

The number of flowers in Cremo has also reached an astonishing level. As long as there are branches, there will be flowers, and there will basically be no empty branches. When it reaches the peak flowering period, dozens or hundreds of flowers can bloom at one time. It's truly spectacular. Its rapid growth period is from April to July every year, and the bud stage is from August to December. It begins to bloom in January, and the overall flowering period lasts for less than half a year.

The biggest advantage of Cremo is its fragrance. After blooming, you can smell bursts of rich and long-lasting fragrance. This fragrance makes people feel very comfortable. The more the sun shines, the stronger the fragrance. According to According to statistics, more than 90% of camellias are fragranceless, but Cremo is an exception and has become a "wonder" in the orchid world.

When Cremo first entered the country, its price reached an astonishing level. With its popularity now, its price has become more affordable. Its maintenance is famous for its simplicity and its ability to adapt to the environment. The requirements for water, fertilizer and plant materials are not strict. They will not go dormant when the temperature is above 45 degrees in summer, and will not suffer from frostbite when it is as low as minus 15 degrees in winter.

Give up the rose! Cremo has gradually entered the homes of ordinary people. Whether it is potted plants at home, garden landscaping, or villa beautification, it can be seen. It is known as the king of flowers, and flower friends call it " Flowers from the south are very popular in the north."

If you are still hesitating about which flowers to grow, then Cremo is definitely a good choice. If you put a pot at home, the neighbors will be jealous. The more you grow, the more valuable it will be. Plant a few now, and I guarantee you will not regret it. Because it is indeed a flower without any shortcomings and has extremely high ornamental value.