When it comes to the name hibiscus, it may sound unfamiliar to everyone, but hibiscus is a flower that is not difficult to grow and is suitable for most flower gardeners to plant. Hibiscus is a relatively common plant, but its petals are very large. , is an evergreen shrub with n

mentions the name hibiscus flower , which may sound unfamiliar to everyone, but hibiscus flower is a flower that is not difficult to grow and is suitable for most flower gardeners to plant. Hibiscus flower is a relatively common plant, but its It is an evergreen shrub with large petals. It blooms not only with single petals, but also with double petals, which is very beautiful.

The flowers of hibiscus flowers are also very rich in color, including bright red, yellow, pink, and even mixed colors. In fact, if it is raised well and the environmental conditions are good, it can bloom all year round, especially in the summer from June to September. It’s just that everyone doesn’t seem to know how to cultivate it, so let Xiaorui answer it for everyone today!

1, watering

When watering hibiscus flowers, should follow the principle of "seeing dryness and seeing wetness", that is, wait for the hibiscus soil to dry out before watering, water it thoroughly at once, and do not stop halfway. When the soil turns white, it means that the pot soil is dry and we can water it. Because hibiscus prefers to grow in a humid environment, you only need to water it once every 2-3 days. However, if you are in the long period of hibiscus, in order to ensure the moisture of the soil, it is best to water it once every 2-3 days. It's best to water it every day.

When watering in four seasons, you should also pay attention to various matters according to different weather conditions. For example, in spring, the temperature is not high in spring, so the water evaporates not quickly. You can just keep watering once a day , but you still need to pay attention to the pot soil. Water in dry conditions to avoid water accumulation. The weather in summer is hotter, the temperature is high, and the water evaporates quickly, so it needs to be watered more frequently, in the morning and in the evening.

If you find it is too dry, you can also spray some water around the plants to lower the surrounding temperature. The weather conditions in autumn are similar to those in spring, so the watering method can be similar, but you need to be careful not to overwater to avoid root rot. The temperature in winter is low, so everyone should control the amount of water, watering about once a week. If the temperature is too low, it is best to move hibiscus flowers indoors to avoid freezing damage.

If you accidentally water the hibiscus flower too much, you can loosen the soil to let the water evaporate, or move it outdoors and expose it to the sun to make the water evaporate faster.

2, light

Hibiscus flowers like light, are typical long-day plants , so they need long-term sun exposure to ensure that they can bloom normally. If you put hibiscus flowers in a place without light or move them directly indoors for maintenance, the hibiscus flowers will not be exposed to sunlight. For up to 15 days, the old leaves at the bottom of the hibiscus flowers will wither and turn yellow. If left for a long time, When maintained in a very dark environment, Foshan flowers may even grow leaves but no flowers.

Because hibiscus flowers cannot achieve photosynthesis , they cannot complete flower bud differentiation. Therefore, when you are caring for hibiscus flowers, you must remember that hibiscus flowers should receive no less than 8 hours of sunlight throughout the day. If the light is insufficient, the flower buds may fall off and the flower shape may shrink. Xiaorui suggests that you usually place hibiscus flowers on balconies, windowsills and other places where they are exposed to sufficient light, so as to help hibiscus flowers grow better.

If the hibiscus flower is in the flowering and growth stage, it should be ensured that it is exposed to at least 2 hours of light time every day, and it cannot be scattered light, it must be direct light . In this way, the hibiscus plant will be stronger, the flower color will be brighter, the flower shape will be pure, the flowers will be larger, and the flower buds will bloom smoothly. When the weather is hot in summer, you only need to provide proper shade at noon and avoid exposure to the sun.

3, propagation

Point 3 needs everyone to understand that the most commonly used method of propagating hibiscus flowers is cutting. Proper propagation of hibiscus flowers can promote it to bloom more flowers in the coming year. The method is also very simple. You may choose a healthy annual hibiscus flower plant as the mother plant, cut some healthy branches from the top as cuttings, and then remove the lower leaves. Keep the top two leaves to ensure the growth of the hibiscus flower . Then soak the bottom of the cuttings in rooting liquid for a period of time, and then insert them into the sand bed. However, it should be noted that during this period, the temperature and humidity of the surrounding environment must be kept a little higher than usual, about half a It will take root and sprout in a few months.

Of course, in addition to cuttings, there are other propagation methods. You can also choose grafting, but grafting is usually used to propagate hibiscus flower varieties with a relatively low cutting success rate. However, the method is as simple as cutting. You only need to use the branches as cuttings when grafting, and then get some rootstocks. The best choice for rootstocks is single-petal varieties, so that the cuttings and rootstocks will soon grow into a whole.

Hibiscus flowers are very ornamental and are especially suitable for planting in our home gardens. As long as we follow the few points shared by Xiaorui and take care of them carefully, we can make hibiscus flowers grow very vigorously and bloom non-stop!

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