Wanlian: After the seeds are broken, soak them in water to fully absorb water. They will germinate in 2-3 days. Gypsophila gypsophila: It germinates quickly, usually in 3 days, and the germination temperature should be around 25°C. Sunflowers: After sowing, the temperature should

Bowl Lotus : After the seeds are broken, soak them in water to fully absorb water. They will germinate in 2-3 days.

Gypsophila : Its germination speed is fast, usually it can germinate in 3 days, and the germination temperature should be around 25℃.

Sunflower : After sowing, the temperature should be between 21 and 24°C, and the soil must have a certain humidity.

Cosmos : It can be sown in spring and summer. Use high-quality seeds to sow, and the seedlings will emerge quickly.

Morning glory : Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked and germinated. If the temperature is suitable, the seeds will germinate in 2-3 days.

1. Bowl lotus

When planting bowl lotus, the germination speed is also very fast after germination. The seeds must be opened first and soaked in clean water to allow the seeds to fully absorb water, and then they will germinate in 2-3 days. Before planting, you should choose relatively plump seeds, so as not to damage the seeds when they break.

2. Baby's breath

Baby's breath is very common, and its germination speed is also very fast. It will sprout in about 3 days. When germinating, do not water it too much and keep the soil slightly moist, which will help the seeds germinate faster. The temperature should also be adjusted to a suitable range, just keep it between 25℃, and the temperature should not be lower than 10℃ at night.

3. Sunflowers

Sunflowers are very common ornamental plants . When the temperature reaches above 15℃, they can be sown. After sowing, adjust the temperature to between 21 and 24°C, and the seeds will sprout soon. Sunflowers mainly reproduce from seeds, and they also have strong self-sowing ability and can be sown in spring, summer or autumn.

4. Cosmos

Cosmos is mainly sown in spring and summer. The climate at this time is warm, which is more conducive to seed germination. Its growth rate is fast and it can bloom 2-3 months after sowing. When planting cosmos, you must choose high-quality seeds and the soil must be loose and fertile. Only in this way can the seedlings emerge faster.

5. Morning glory

Morning glory has tenacious vitality. Soak it in water for 2-3 hours before sowing, then put it on a moist paper towel, adjust the environment to about 25℃, and ensure that the humidity is appropriate. Seeds 2 -It will sprout in 3 days. Morning glory has a very hard shell. If germination is not carried out, the germination speed will be greatly slowed down.