The first renovation of my home took two years, can you believe it? But here it is: a painful memory that I can’t even think about. To describe that renovation in one sentence, it would be: bad luck! I don’t know what’s going on, but I encountered so many obstacles during my firs

The first decoration of my house took two years, can you believe it?

But here it is: a painful memory that I can’t even think about. To describe that renovation in one sentence, it would be: bad luck!

I don’t know what’s going on. I encountered so many obstacles during my first decoration. Every time I was about to announce the completion, a new problem arose - finding a decorator, but he said it was all my responsibility. Before moving in, almost the entire house was renovated.

Today I will summarize the history of blood and tears during my first decoration, as a reminder to my friends who are about to decorate.

Ⅰ Water soaked in the floor

Before the decoration, I read a lot of popular science, and almost every popular science reminded me: During the decoration process, I must pay attention to the safety of water, electricity, gas, and fire. It's a pity that I just looked at it but didn't take it seriously.

So the water ran out when I was decorating, and it happened more than once:

The first time was when the floor heating pipes had just been laid and the water was tested under pressure. I originally planned to pressurize for 24 hours, but that night I received a call from the property management saying that the water was running out. When I arrived at the scene, I found that I connected the tap water pipe to the floor heating water distributor for pressurization, but the temporary connector collapsed. Fortunately, it was discovered in time and did not cause much damage.

The second time was that the plug of the water pipe cracked. There was a water point reserved for the washing machine on my balcony, but before I could install the faucet, it was only sealed with a plastic plug. The cracked that afternoon, and the water flowed into the bedroom next to the balcony, soaking my wooden floor completely.

I would like to remind everyone again: During the decoration process of , as long as people leave the site, the water, electricity and gas must be cut off. Many things used in the decoration process are temporary, the quality is not guaranteed, and they are easily damaged.

ⅡThe walls are dry and cracked

The hard decoration has just been completed, and the furniture has not been brought in. I took a good rest during those days and did not go to the venue to watch. I went back three to five days later and found that the latex paint wall was seriously cracked, like a spider web.

I was so angry that I called the decoration company directly to question their construction technology. But the decoration worker asked me: Have you left the windows open for several days?

I was stunned for a moment and said yes. The decoration worker told me that there was something wrong with my approach.

I just finished painting the wall, so I can't open the windows to the maximum. Just open a gap, or open the window and close the door, that's enough.

If the ventilation conditions are too good, the latex paint and the putty underneath will dry quickly. If the drying speed is too fast, this kind of cracking will easily occur.

The correct approach is not to open the windows after painting the latex paint, and then ventilate them after 72 hours. If you really want to open the windows, you can open them less and put a few basins of water in the room to ensure the air humidity.

ⅢThe waterproof layer is damaged

A few days before moving, I felt extremely happy. I didn’t want to come out of my new house. One night, I even took a shower in the new bathroom - and the next day my downstairs neighbor came to the door and said my bathroom was leaking.

I found the decoration company again, and they said it was my responsibility. According to them, I should protect the waterproof layer:

The waterproof layer is like a plastic film. After the waterproof layer is applied, it is very fragile. When is laying ceramic tiles later, if a piece of tile is dropped slightly, it may break the waterproof layer.

And if there are many people in the bathroom, a stone on the sole of the shoe may damage the waterproof layer.

Of course, I think their statement this time is a bit unreasonable: after all, I am not the one doing the construction, and it should be the workers' job to protect the waterproof layer. Of course, it is not that important who is responsible. What is important is the fact that after the waterproof layer is completed, you must pay attention to its protection.

Later I also heard that doing the second closed water test can reduce such disputes:

After brushing the waterproof layer, conduct the first closed water test to check whether the waterproof layer is done well. After the ceramic tiles are installed, conduct a second closed water test to check whether the waterproof layer is damaged.

The first closed water test is the responsibility of the waterproofing worker; the second closed water test is the responsibility of the tiler who laid the tiles.

took a step back and said: Even if no one is responsible, it would be better to discover the problem earlier than to discover the leak after the entire bathroom was installed.