Among the indoor pollutants accepted by people in daily life, radon is the only radioactive gas pollutant. Different from volatile gases such as ammonia, formaldehyde, and benzene, radon is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. The human body does not feel any obvious discomfort. I

Among the indoor pollutants accepted by people in their daily lives, radon is the only radioactive gas pollutant.

is different from ammonia , formaldehyde , benzene and other volatile gas substances. Because radon is colorless, tasteless and odorless, the human body has no obvious discomfort, and has a long incubation period and is difficult to eradicate. It can be said that radon is The most dangerous harmful substances indoors.

Image source: Visual China

According to research, radon pollution ranks second only to smoking among causes of lung cancer. If you live in an environment with an indoor radon concentration of 200 becq per cubic meter, it is equivalent to per person. Smoking fifteen cigarettes a day.

This terrible gas is actually hidden in many people’s homes, maybe even in their bedrooms! By doing these three things, you can reduce your risk of cancer by 5-15%!

What are the sources of indoor radon?

❶Gap in the foundation of the house!

High concentrations of radon can be found in soil and rocks containing uranium, radium, and thorium deep in the ground. These radons will spread into the room along the gaps in the foundation.

❷Building materials and decoration materials!

Certain building materials such as granite, brick sand, cement and gypsum, especially natural stones containing radioactive elements, can easily release radon. The radium-containing natural marble used in interior decoration may also release radon into the indoor air.

❸ water supply or heating equipment !

Radon is released from water supplies and natural gas used for heating and kitchen equipment. Harmful only occurs when water and natural gas contain relatively high radon levels, which is extremely rare.

The radon content is also related to the height of the floor. People who live on lower floors have higher radon content in their houses! Especially people living on the 1st to 3rd floors should pay close attention to whether there is excessive radon gas in their homes!

How to prevent radon gas in daily life?

1. Regular maintenance

Equipment pipes and containers containing radon gas should be maintained regularly to prevent radon gas from escaping, leaking, popping up and dripping.

2. Improve indoor ventilation

According to expert tests, in a room with a radon concentration of 151 becq/m3, if the window is opened for ventilation for one hour, the indoor radon concentration will be reduced to 48 becq/m3. If possible, an effective indoor air purifier can be equipped;

3. Seal the floor and walls

Cracks and holes in the wall need to be repaired in time; if there is a basement, pay special attention!

and prevent radon from entering the living room from the basement; when decorating the basement, try to use materials that are not easy to penetrate!

4. Frequently add water to the floor drain

water to prevent the rise of radon gas and play a protective role.