Coming out of the light, the sound coming in is like the echo of a vast valley, endless like an orchid, independent, and quiet. This project is located in Longwan District, Wenzhou. The owner hopes that the home will have clear windows and full of sunshine. So we opened up as man

Coming in the light, looking for sounds entering the house

Like the echo of a vast valley, endlessly

Like an orchid, independent and quiet

This case is located in Longwan District, Wenzhou. The owner hopes that the home will have bright and clean windows and full of sunshine. So we opened up as many partitions as possible, rebuilt the space framework, introduced light into the room, formed a bright and transparent visual experience, and gave the home the soul of light.

01 light painting space

Introducing light into the room is by no means as simple as opening a window. It is to lay out the invisible light in a tangible form. The light is like flowing water, taking advantage of the situation and ultimately forming a fusion and symbiosis of light and shadow, giving the space a sense of agility as art. and vitality.

▷All designs in the living room

are based on light as the soul, opening up to the south-facing balcony, with white as the base and light beige as the halo, creating a transparent and bright living room environment. Transparent glass serves as a partition between the living room and the study, forming a connection and dialogue between functional spaces, allowing light to flow in from all directions.

The warm texture of wood color and the coolness of soft white tone. The material texture of the object is retained, and the wood grain is zigzag and winding, like mountains and flowing water, vividly appearing on the paper.

02 Line geometry


The straight lines are simple and bright, and the curves are gentle and delicate. The use of several curves in the space creates a soft and flexible atmosphere. At the same time, the vertical and horizontal curves bring a sense of stretching like an architecture, making the space warm and tense.

▷The entrance bar

has a ceiling on the wooden floor, forming a visual soft partition and weakening the presence of the beams. After the space is opened, the bar area becomes the connecting area between the living room and the kitchen, serving as a simple dining function. The aroma of a cup of hot coffee fills the cold living room, adding a sense of warmth.


The five areas of the kitchen, dining room, bar, living room, and balcony are arranged in a straight line. After removing the partitions, a transparent pattern from north to south is created. The kitchen tabletop is made of glass, allowing light to fill the space without any obstruction.


If there is a balance between reality and reality, glass is an indispensable presence. The living room and the study are separated by glass, which seems to be broken but not broken, providing a strong communication atmosphere.

In this family, everyone does their own thing, but they accompany each other. This tacit understanding of not disturbing each other is the way to get along in normal life.

03 Suitable for movement

▷Master bedroom

The bedroom has a bay window along the window to make the most of the sunlight. There is almost no deliberate decoration in the interior. Sunlight is the natural decoration. Between the light and shadow, as the curtains are swayed by the wind, the dazzling brightness brings dynamic vitality to the static space.

The hotel-style layout connects the bathroom to the master bedroom through the bathtub and glass, bringing light and transparency to the originally dark and damp bathroom. The lifting and lowering of the blinds creates an open and closed relationship between the spaces, making it suitable for different uses. life scenes.

The grass is bearing its seeds

The wind is shaking its leaves

We are standing and not talking

It is very beautiful

- Gu Cheng " in front of the door "

⬇️ project floor plan

project name | Dongsheng Family Garden Flat-floor residential

design company | ADD space design

project location | Zhejiang·Wenzhou

main case design | Lin Xiansheng

project area | 165㎡

project photography | Chuangyi people

design time | 2020.12

completion time | 2021.12

main materials | Latex paint, woodwork, flooring

text/picture: Chengshe Media

picture adjustment editing/typesetting: Cunjiang

Cunjiang first release may not be reproduced without authorization


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