#真知新ordinate# It’s better to watch it once than to hear it a hundred times, that’s why it’s hard to forget! It’s better to watch it once than to hear it a hundred times, that’s what’s hard to forget! In Hejiang, Luzhou, there are many people who farm their own land. There's berga

It is better to watch it once than to hear it a hundred times, so that it is not easy to forget! In our Luzhou Hejiang ,

many people have bergamot in their own fields.

Speaking of bergamot, I had only heard that there were many in Hejiang in our local area. What does it look like?

To be honest, I had never seen bergamot in person at first. Until one day I went to my old classmate's place,

I smelled a fresh fragrance as soon as I entered the door. I asked my old classmate what smells good? Then he asked me to go to the fields to have a look. Before I got close to the fields,

Just look at them bending the tree. The golden image is the golden bergamot from Hejiang in Luzhou, which is called bergamot!

Then take a closer look along each box and ditch, and you will see the bergamot from Luzhou. Oranges, some are like our intertwined fingers, some are like sea cucumbers in the sea, are uneven,

some are like the big clock hanging on the tower, and some are like the walking feet of chickens and ducks raised at home. , all kinds,

shapes are different, some are green, some are golden, some have a little bit of orange on the fruit stem,

some fruits have a thin layer of rose blush on their feet. The whole orchard has been vividly transformed, and it is particularly enchanting and eye-catching!

Our bergamot in Luzhou is a medium-to-high tree that is green all year round, usually about 4 meters high. Its leaves face each other and have the shape of

They are blunt and round, and some leaves have depressions and defects, and there are thorns between the leaf stalks.

If you are accidentally bitten by its thorns, you will be stifled and painful for a while.

And the fruit shapes of bergamot vary. In the fifth month of the lunar calendar, pink-orange, pockmarked, thin flowers bloom like butterflies. The flowers bloom like the colorful jade of nature, and the fragrance wafts into the heart and lungs! It is also used as a garden by our partners. One of the rare and precious flowers in the home!

Our Luzhou Hejiang bergamot, fragrant in the garden, is simple and elegant, and will always bring people a bold and warm feeling in early winter!

If you marry it to a rose, it is simply a The harmonious couple of precious flowers with the male leading the outside and the female leading the inside!

Just seeing them will ignite the passion of love in your heart! It is so beautiful in winter!

Bergamot is a precious traditional Chinese medicine for viewing flowers, fruits and leaves. The material was produced prematurely in the Asian hemisphere and is now cultivated in many provinces and regions in our country!

For example, it is distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangdong and Guangxi and other places. Our bergamot in Luzhou has two fears. One is that the ground is weak and cannot withstand drought in hot weather.

will slowly wither due to lack of water! The other is that it will freeze its roots if it is too cold in the winter and the temperature is low! Best! Use a greenhouse to keep them warm, burn some firewood in the greenhouse, or use

other methods to heat them, so that they can successfully survive the winter when the temperature is too low. If you make potted plants, it is the most comfortable and best choice.

Just move them directly into the greenhouse! I like to use bergamot for medicine.

Be sure to take it out of the tree when it is no longer mature. Use Cut it into thin slices with a knife.

If the weather is bad, you can slowly dry it over a slight fire. Never use a fire or the sun to dry it,

to prevent the smell from dissipating too much. ! When chewed in the mouth, bergamot will have a spicy, bitter and sour taste.

However, bergamot has a warm temperament. It has the effects of strengthening the stomach and opening the spleen, regulating qi and reducing adverse effects.

You can choose the cutting method, or you can choose the method of grafting directly on the tree for propagation. You need to give them enough base fertilizer at ordinary times. After the reproduction is successful,

you should trim the branches when you see the branches are about 20 centimeters. This will make it easier for them to bear fruit later! In one word, protect the seedlings in the early stage to make them stronger!

I don’t know if you have precious flowers like bergamot there! Friends are welcome to share and communicate in the comment area!