Design / Quality / Life Temperature of Love. The owner is 26 years old, a typical post-90s generation. He has been live streaming as an Internet celebrity for more than three years. He has more than 20 million fans on Douyin and more than 50 million fans on the entire Internet. B

Design / Quality / Life

Temperature of Love. The owner of

is 26 years old, a typical post-90s generation. He has been live streaming as an Internet celebrity for more than 3 years. He has more than 20 million fans on Douyin and , and the total number of fans on the entire network is more than 50 million. But the house of this single woman needs to be unique in terms of functional layout and color.

In most domestic house designs, the focal point - such as a feature wall, painting or bookshelf - tends to be indoors. However, for JX, the female homeowner in this case, it is something outside her home - especially the view overlooking it. Wanting a home that complemented the greenery outside,

JX said she purchased the home last April. "To make the view stand out, the designers decided on a softer, earthier palette." "

jx communicated with the designer and preferred simple, comfortable things with softer and more natural colors. We used low-key pink and earthy tones mixed together, which made the green plants outside very coordinated.

Because the original house type is three bedrooms, The owner lives alone and occasionally shoots live broadcasts in the house, so he wants it to look as spacious as possible. I don't want a lot of storage cabinets, especially in the common area, because it will shrink the space.

Therefore, we chose movable free-standing furniture, which allows the owner to flexibly adjust the layout according to the scene.

Like the kitchen, there are many pull-out drawers and an extended cabinet for the owner's clothes. Display area that can be lit - Use this space to store smaller items, such as perfume bottles and jewelry.

Removed bedroom partitions and built wardrobe storage in their place

Most of the storage cabinets in the kitchen. Both have pull out drawers and jx prefers them to cabinets with hinged doors as they are more useful - they are easier to keep organized and they have more storage capacity and there are several open shelves that double as display areas.

In terms of design, apply curves instead of hard right angles as they look softer and more natural. Create a rounded entrance to create the look the homeowner wants. To match it, use a lot of round furniture such as sofas, mirrors and Dining table.

The color scheme of the kitchen is similar to that of the living room lounge area. To keep the look seamless, the refrigerator was placed opposite the kitchen sink.

jx I stumbled upon this house while looking for a house and fell in love almost immediately after seeing the view. Just fell in love with it. The view is stunning.

This house previously belonged to a homeowner who liked dark colors. The black and purple walls, black kitchen cabinets, and dark wood floors were not the look the homeowner wanted. Yes, because it is really too dark for the color that the homeowner likes. Then we do all the demolition.

Most people tend to put the refrigerator near the entrance of the kitchen so they can get to it quickly. to whatever ingredients they need - but for the homeowner in this case, who doesn't like to cook, that doesn't matter.

Design Features: A walk-in designer managed to fit into the walk-in closet, which the homeowner can. Free to convert the junior bedroom into a den. With the original door to the walkway removed, we created a newer, smaller doorway and a den by knocking down the wall between the den and master bedroom. This space has far more storage than the rest of the space, and a large number of storage units are purposely provided here because the homeowner will spend a lot of time in this room.

Everything from the drawers that span the entire back wall to the desk by the window provides ample space for the homeowners’ belongings. Meanwhile, clean lines keep the entire look sleek. Convert a hallway into a walk-in closet

dry bath area—and double as the owner's powder room. This is where you’ll find the WC, as well as storage for the homeowner’s makeup and skin care products.

For the bedroom design, loose furniture was chosen to keep it simple. But to add a bit of personality, a wall partition was added along with angled display shelves on the side.

A dark gray scheme. The bathroom walls are covered with 300*600 matte gray Dongpeng ceramic tiles . The walls are coated with textured paint, giving people a stone feeling. Other interior features

jx wanted included a study, walk-in wardrobe and bathtub - all of which were successfully fitted into her home's more than 100 square meters of space. The unique layout gives jx room for everything she wants!

owner feedback: I couldn't be happier. When some of my friends came here after the COVID-19 restrictions, they were surprised by the space - I think it's because it's quintessentially home in terms of colour, layout and decor.

I am really happy to choose Ahai Designer. I was surprised at how quickly he understood what I wanted - all I told him in the design questionnaire were my basic requirements. He got it all from the first meeting! The current look is exactly what he suggested in his first proposal, just with a change in color.

Additionally, he is practical and open to suggestions. He would tell me if my suggestion wouldn't work, which I appreciated because some designers would go along with it regardless of the actual requirements.

Overall, I would say it was a great collaboration. I'm not very good at complimenting some people or understanding the lingo used in renovations, but Ah Hai really understood my vision and made it a reality. I really appreciate his help!


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